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If anyone ever wonders why the 2nd Amendment was sealed into Americas constitution, I think this meme says it all, the founding fathers knew damn well how communist regimes went about changing shit, it always starts with media propaganda then unarming the community, for people without weapons are defenseless and easier to control. Sorry you people in Countrys where you cant own guns are fucked, you dont gotta hate on smart countrys, because the left wing media sensationalizes all the shit that fits their narrative, doesnt make it a fact, and thats a fact. 


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12 hours ago, Glen said:

there is nothing wrong with astrazeneca. you have more chance of getting a blotclot sitting on a plane for 5 hours. Fact. 

I agree.
However this was not the reason for me preferring Pfizer.
I was happy to risk the blood clots, no real risk at all, certainly less than many other day top day activities.

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5 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Okay, I now understand why you lost interest.  If I was a Hawks supporter, I would have also.  ;)

haha, how many Hawks supporters named their dogs (and even kids) after Franklin before he ditched them for the mighty Swans?


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19 hours ago, auslander said:

I used to be a huge AFL fan but it got to the point where unless you were woke it's not for you - with theme rounds every week, social justice causes and people always getting offended. It wasn't an escape anymore from real life, so I stopped watching. 

I agree on the theme rounds.
A different discussion, but I see it as more decisive and counter productive to what they are trying to achieve with things like the Indigenous round

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49 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

When a cop shoots somebody its the cops fault, when anyone else shoots somebody it's the gun, the bullets, the NRA, the Republicans, the 2nd amendments, the people who sold the gun,, the people who sold the bullets, the people who made the gun, Trumps fault, Bush's fault, just like all you left wing wingnuts, it's anybodys fault but the person who pulled the trigger, the left have zero clue what self accountability is, they refuse to ever place blame on the person, but when you look at the statistics the number of murders performed with other weapons, arent that far behind, and also the bulk of murders are carried out with handguns, yet they for some odd reason are fixated on Ar-15's, which only account for 2% of homicides carried out with firearms, nothing ever makes sense, but hey it's still the cops fault he had to shoot somebody right? not the person who put the cops life in danger, i'd imagine the way the piece of shit media works people in other countrys probably think cops in the US are just driving around hunting down people, black people, ridiculous, all of it.

So 578 mass shootings aren't something that you think needs to be addressed in some fashion....how many would be a problem for you....1 an hour....maybe when everyone is so fearful that they don't leave the house without a gun and bulletproof vest....

I know the right wingers love to scream that 'they' will take away our guns but that is a ridiculous conservative/NRA talking point....there is no way that could happen, a few million armed gun owners would descend on Washington to shoot as many politicians as possible if it was even considered...lol.... the Texas governor just signed a bill that will allow Texans to carry a concealed handgun without training or a permit...I'm sure that will end well....

Surely there is some common sense middle ground between the 2 extremes....or maybe Americans won't accept a compromise until every single American loses a loved one to gun violence...

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11 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

So 578 mass shootings aren't something that you think needs to be addressed in some fashion....how many would be a problem for you....1 an hour....maybe when everyone is so fearful that they don't leave the house without a gun and bulletproof vest....

I know the right wingers love to scream that 'they' will take away our guns but that is a ridiculous conservative/NRA talking point....there is no way that could happen, a few million armed gun owners would descend on Washington to shoot as many politicians as possible if it was even considered...lol.... the Texas governor just signed a bill that will allow Texans to carry a concealed handgun without training or a permit...I'm sure that will end well....

Surely there is some common sense middle ground between the 2 extremes....or maybe Americans won't accept a compromise until every single American loses a loved one to gun violence...

why even bother commenting.

Let the US keep their guns, and their mass shootings, and their 2nd amendment and their belief that they need guns, and a secret militia blah blah blah. and their thoughts and prayers. No other country cares anymore. 

meanwhile virtually every other western civilisation that has NEVER really had guns will just continue on living normal lives scratching their heads trying to figure out why the US is this terribly unsafe place that everyone feels the need to go around packing a piece.

its laughable. 

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Actually, the only time the 2nd amendment would be useful would be in a zombie apocalypse.

I often watch The Walking Dead and wonder at how boring the programme would be if it was set in the UK and you couldn't just break into every building and find a mini armoury :lol:

we'd all be facing down the zombies with scissors and carving knives in the UK and most of Europe. 

But folks that is the ONLY advantage I can think of for the 2nd amendment. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, Glen said:

why even bother commenting.

Let the US keep their guns, and their mass shootings, and their 2nd amendment and their belief that they need guns, and a secret militia blah blah blah. and their thoughts and prayers. No other country cares anymore. 

meanwhile virtually every other western civilisation that has NEVER really had guns will just continue on living normal lives scratching their heads trying to figure out why the US is this terribly unsafe place that everyone feels the need to go around packing a piece.

its laughable. 

Spoken like a true leftist UK moron

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24 minutes ago, Glen said:

why even bother commenting.

Let the US keep their guns, and their mass shootings, and their 2nd amendment and their belief that they need guns, and a secret militia blah blah blah. and their thoughts and prayers. No other country cares anymore. 

meanwhile virtually every other western civilisation that has NEVER really had guns will just continue on living normal lives scratching their heads trying to figure out why the US is this terribly unsafe place that everyone feels the need to go around packing a piece.

its laughable. 

Maybe I shouldn't care....but I do, the Sandy Hook massacre was the most horrific thing that I could ever imagine, it shocked me more than 9/11, at least I could understand 9/11 even if it was terrible but killing children ffs....

Maybe once it becomes normal and the media stops covering it so that I don't hear about it anymore...then I will be able to forget about it...

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

So 578 mass shootings aren't something that you think needs to be addressed in some fashion....how many would be a problem for you....1 an hour....maybe when everyone is so fearful that they don't leave the house without a gun and bulletproof vest....

I know the right wingers love to scream that 'they' will take away our guns but that is a ridiculous conservative/NRA talking point....there is no way that could happen, a few million armed gun owners would descend on Washington to shoot as many politicians as possible if it was even considered...lol.... the Texas governor just signed a bill that will allow Texans to carry a concealed handgun without training or a permit...I'm sure that will end well....

Surely there is some common sense middle ground between the 2 extremes....or maybe Americans won't accept a compromise until every single American loses a loved one to gun violence...

The government is supposed to fear the people,not the other way around.


The people always screaming about 'the guns' have zero issues sucking 800k people a year down a medical sink...go figure.

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  • My Little Pony
1 hour ago, Glen said:

Actually, the only time the 2nd amendment would be useful would be in a zombie apocalypse.

I often watch The Walking Dead and wonder at how boring the programme would be if it was set in the UK and you couldn't just break into every building and find a mini armoury :lol:

we'd all be facing down the zombies with scissors and carving knives in the UK and most of Europe. 

But folks that is the ONLY advantage I can think of for the 2nd amendment. 

You often watch the Walking Dead? Why??

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9 hours ago, Glen said:

when have I dismissed other causes of death?

Again you seem to be missing my point which is simply who has dealt with COVID better, the US/UK or Australia.

You seem to be pretty against everything your country has done (very effectively) to contain this virus and seem to wish your borders were open and you didn't have to wear a mask and there were no lockdowns. 

so I can only assume you would be perfectly happy with 45000 of your fellow citizens needlessly having been snuffed out by governmental cock ups. Because that is mainly what has caused such large numbers in the US & the UK. Governmental cock ups. Failure to lock down fast enough and close off borders. Its pretty much accepted even by the UK government that they could have acted differently to save more lives.

So tbh I wish our government had acted like your government and we had a few thousand deaths rather than the 150K.

But you don't seem able to see this, you are just pissed off by the terrible draconian measures that your evil government have imposed on you. 

I wonder if your thinking would be different if the Australian government had been totally lax and a member of your family had passed away as a result? 

But hey let's not concern ourselves with that cos they would have probably died anyway ;)

Just take a step back and look at what you are saying. 


I've spent a while trying to figure why it is so painful trying to discuss anything with you, and I think I've figured it out. You don't have the ability to think outside of what you're told. I feel like I'm talking to an artificial intelligence robot when I speak to you. You don't acknowledge, or I think even read, any different thought that gets sent your way. And because of that I question whether you've had an original or unique thought before. Your commentary sounds like you just switched off the 6pm news and typed out everything you just heard on it. 

I told myself I wasn't going to bother replying to you again because it is truly in every sense of the word completely futile. 

I just want to confirm - you think that 600,000 people have died in the US, that would not have died otherwise, because of covid? Through your eyes, 3.94m people around the world have died in the last 18 months, and they'd all still be living now if not for covid? Covid alone has taken 3.94m people from this world that otherwise would still be here? You're comfortable just reading those numbers and accepting that? Nothing more to it - nothing else to think about. Covid alone has wiped out 3.94m people, with no extenuating circumstance whatsoever. 

And what is this shit about if a member of my family had passed from covid? It'd be every bit as sad as if someone passed from cancer, or heart disease... which is infinitely more likely. 

I don't know what would have happened here if the government had taken a more proportionate stance, but just assuming we'd have 45,000 deaths because it's a similar percentage to the US is absolutely and completely moronic. I doubt everyone has been against every single thing that has happened here in Australia (although for the most part, many would still argue it's been too excessive from day one), and in the early days I think there was a bit of pride in what our prime minister was doing. It's only been from about 6 months after the fact, which has now stretched out to 18 months later, when people all over the country are still having their lives ruined when one or two cases pop up in big cities. The response here is so incredibly disproportionate and that's what get's people offside.  You seem to have this mad passion for a world where we live in face masks and lockdowns for the rest of our lives, but most of us don't want that. You can fear monger and panic all you want, but if you had an ounce of common sense you'd look at the big picture and at least ask yourself if everything that's happened and is happening is really proportionate to what the virus has done. You wouldn't have to run with it... but at least let the thought enter your mind for a moment. But I guess robots don't do that. 

Anyway, I apologise as I was going to let your reply be the end but then I just wanted to put down that initial thought in this reply and now it's this long and I'm even sadder than I was before. I hope you just let it end here so we can be done with this pointless "discussion." 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
6 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

haha, how many Hawks supporters named their dogs (and even kids) after Franklin before he ditched them for the mighty Swans?


This forum now has four regular posters from Victoria and we all barrack for different teams.


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10 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I agree on the theme rounds.
A different discussion, but I see it as more decisive and counter productive to what they are trying to achieve with things like the Indigenous round

Should have kept the indigenous and Anzac rounds and left it at that. I loved both of those, they were special. Not so much now.

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9 hours ago, Glen said:

Actually, the only time the 2nd amendment would be useful would be in a zombie apocalypse.

I often watch The Walking Dead and wonder at how boring the programme would be if it was set in the UK and you couldn't just break into every building and find a mini armoury :lol:

we'd all be facing down the zombies with scissors and carving knives in the UK and most of Europe. 

But folks that is the ONLY advantage I can think of for the 2nd amendment. 

Look I watch the odd zombie movie bit it is ridiculous.

1. How do zombies not start rotting and falling apart? Why aren't flies entering their wounds and then being consumed by maggots from within? 

2. Zombies eat a lot of raw meat but I have never seen one taking a shit. So, there are kilos of waste in their guts brewing away. Eventually the gas build up would be extreme and they would literally start exploding.

Someone should be brave enough to make a realistic portrayal of zombies and what would happen. They'd all be disintegrated within a few months, especially in warm climates.

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7 hours ago, Geoff said:

I've spent a while trying to figure why it is so painful trying to discuss anything with you, and I think I've figured it out. You don't have the ability to think outside of what you're told. I feel like I'm talking to an artificial intelligence robot when I speak to you. You don't acknowledge, or I think even read, any different thought that gets sent your way. And because of that I question whether you've had an original or unique thought before. Your commentary sounds like you just switched off the 6pm news and typed out everything you just heard on it. 

I told myself I wasn't going to bother replying to you again because it is truly in every sense of the word completely futile. 

I just want to confirm - you think that 600,000 people have died in the US, that would not have died otherwise, because of covid? Through your eyes, 3.94m people around the world have died in the last 18 months, and they'd all still be living now if not for covid? Covid alone has taken 3.94m people from this world that otherwise would still be here? You're comfortable just reading those numbers and accepting that? Nothing more to it - nothing else to think about. Covid alone has wiped out 3.94m people, with no extenuating circumstance whatsoever. 

And what is this shit about if a member of my family had passed from covid? It'd be every bit as sad as if someone passed from cancer, or heart disease... which is infinitely more likely. 

I don't know what would have happened here if the government had taken a more proportionate stance, but just assuming we'd have 45,000 deaths because it's a similar percentage to the US is absolutely and completely moronic. I doubt everyone has been against every single thing that has happened here in Australia (although for the most part, many would still argue it's been too excessive from day one), and in the early days I think there was a bit of pride in what our prime minister was doing. It's only been from about 6 months after the fact, which has now stretched out to 18 months later, when people all over the country are still having their lives ruined when one or two cases pop up in big cities. The response here is so incredibly disproportionate and that's what get's people offside.  You seem to have this mad passion for a world where we live in face masks and lockdowns for the rest of our lives, but most of us don't want that. You can fear monger and panic all you want, but if you had an ounce of common sense you'd look at the big picture and at least ask yourself if everything that's happened and is happening is really proportionate to what the virus has done. You wouldn't have to run with it... but at least let the thought enter your mind for a moment. But I guess robots don't do that. 

Anyway, I apologise as I was going to let your reply be the end but then I just wanted to put down that initial thought in this reply and now it's this long and I'm even sadder than I was before. I hope you just let it end here so we can be done with this pointless "discussion." 

it is pointless . goodbye

each of us is clearly missing the others point.

back to music (again)

jeez I wish this was just a music site without having to have these moronic threads 

I honestly think most people reading my post get what I am trying to say but hey ho

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2 minutes ago, auslander said:

Look I watch the odd zombie movie bit it is ridiculous.

1. How do zombies not start rotting and falling apart? Why aren't flies entering their wounds and then being consumed by maggots from within? 

2. Zombies eat a lot of raw meat but I have never seen one taking a shit. So, there are kilos of waste in their guts brewing away. Eventually the gas build up would be extreme and they would literally start exploding.

Someone should be brave enough to make a realistic portrayal of zombies and what would happen. They'd all be disintegrated within a few months, especially in warm climates.


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10 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

haha, how many Hawks supporters named their dogs (and even kids) after Franklin before he ditched them for the mighty Swans?


My wife would not let me change his name to Cyril when he left. True story.

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13 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

So 578 mass shootings aren't something that you think needs to be addressed in some fashion....how many would be a problem for you....1 an hour....maybe when everyone is so fearful that they don't leave the house without a gun and bulletproof vest....

I know the right wingers love to scream that 'they' will take away our guns but that is a ridiculous conservative/NRA talking point....there is no way that could happen, a few million armed gun owners would descend on Washington to shoot as many politicians as possible if it was even considered...lol.... the Texas governor just signed a bill that will allow Texans to carry a concealed handgun without training or a permit...I'm sure that will end well....

Surely there is some common sense middle ground between the 2 extremes....or maybe Americans won't accept a compromise until every single American loses a loved one to gun violence...

Chicago has the strictest gun control out of anywhere in the country, hows that working out? what citys have the highest murder rates, the highest crime rates, property and personal, and violent? which citys have police leaving by the hundreds? let me give you a hint, not 1 republican ran city is in the top 10, or even close to the numbers, not even Texas, how is defunding the police working out? lets hear your retort or defense of the left over this, seriously, just give it to me, because it's inexcusable, it's so inexcusable the democrats went on tv the other day and actually tried to blame Trump for defunding the police, how fucking pathetic and weak is that???

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20 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Chicago has the strictest gun control out of anywhere in the country, hows that working out? what citys have the highest murder rates, the highest crime rates, property and personal, and violent? which citys have police leaving by the hundreds? let me give you a hint, not 1 republican ran city is in the top 10, or even close to the numbers, not even Texas, how is defunding the police working out? lets hear your retort or defense of the left over this, seriously, just give it to me, because it's inexcusable, it's so inexcusable the democrats went on tv the other day and actually tried to blame Trump for defunding the police, how fucking pathetic and weak is that???

UK has no guns (or near to) and no mass shootings since 1996. argue that. 

UK has 5 guns per 100 population, US has 120 guns per 100 population 

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1 hour ago, Leykis101 said:

Chicago has the strictest gun control out of anywhere in the country, hows that working out? what citys have the highest murder rates, the highest crime rates, property and personal, and violent? which citys have police leaving by the hundreds? let me give you a hint, not 1 republican ran city is in the top 10, or even close to the numbers, not even Texas, how is defunding the police working out? lets hear your retort or defense of the left over this, seriously, just give it to me, because it's inexcusable, it's so inexcusable the democrats went on tv the other day and actually tried to blame Trump for defunding the police, how fucking pathetic and weak is that???

I have never supported defunding the police....I do support doing something about preventing mass shootings which the right wing refuses to even consider ....you will never completely eradicate gun violence , even in countries with strict gun controls, criminals find ways to get guns and use them....blaming the Dems is not going to fix the problem but if it makes you feel better so be it....

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I have never supported defunding the police....I do support doing something about preventing mass shootings which the right wing refuses to even consider ....you will never completely eradicate gun violence , even in countries with strict gun controls, criminals find ways to get guns and use them....blaming the Dems is not going to fix the problem but if it makes you feel better so be it....

More than half of the guns seized by the cops in Chicago are from states other than Illinois.

And as you mentioned before,Texas has a nice new bill so you can carry a concealed gun easier but don't turn on your air conditioner in the summer because the grid can't handle it.And don't forget drinking toilet water in the winter when your pipes were frozen

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