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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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I noticed on another thread that has to do with another label that was always under

scrutiny that Lonnie was qick to defend them...maybe they are in cahoots together


By that same logic, wouldn't all of the people who defended Lonnie recently be held to that same standard?


Conspiracy theories........people just love 'em.......

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The One who started the whole lying game...who else??




I don't think he's been banned at all. In fact, I think there a few people here who are wanting him to come here and do some explaining. However, I think that that will never happen....

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The One who started the whole lying game...who else??




I don't think he's been banned at all. In fact, I think there a few people here who are wanting him to come here and do some explaining. However, I think that that will never happen....

Yeah I think you right...

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Egads, talk about high maintenance.


An entire string of posts deleted for dragging the thread off-topic. No, Lonnie has not been banned. I did give Sam 30 days for repeatedly ignoring my requests to not make this thread about him or his label. If Glockose makes another post like he has been, he will get 30 days as well.



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Egads, talk about high maintenance.


An entire string of posts deleted for dragging the thread off-topic. No, Lonnie has not been banned. I did give Sam 30 days for repeatedly ignoring my requests to not make this thread about him or his label. If Glockose makes another post like he has been, he will get 30 days as well.




I swear, it's like kindergarden all over again..."Young man, you go sit in time-out & don't get up until you can behave"...sheesh! :blink:

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The One who started the whole lying game...who else??




I don't think he's been banned at all. In fact, I think there a few people here who are wanting him to come here and do some explaining. However, I think that that will never happen....

I hope he does step up to the plate and tell the TRUTH! Could we believe him after everything that has came out? One lie after anthor. What would be next? How about the freindships that have been affected by this? How do you perform damage control on something as sacred as that? Could he have cared about the friends he has made here? These are questions that each one of us has to ask ourselves. He gave me the run around and dumped on me and like I stated before, I kept it to myself but folks I'm here to tell ya to stab the WHOLE community is something else(let alone one person)! I didn't buy any of his pre-order stuff and cut my business ties with him back in December. However I feel for ALL of you and hope you ALL get reimbersed fully.I wish everyone here my best and the best of luck in this MESS!Money is one thing people but what PRICE is friendship?

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Maybe Delbert could answer this one, since he is an ex cop.


Can charges be brought up against Lon for faking the accident or only for the money stealing part?


In other words what are all the laws that he broke? I'm thinking a few, but if a judge or court speaker or whatever read off all the charges, what would or could they be?


As for Sam not being around, we all know who Recordjnky is and for some odd reason he will be logged in on this story 24|7. It's always got to be about him.

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The One who started the whole lying game...who else??




I don't think he's been banned at all. In fact, I think there a few people here who are wanting him to come here and do some explaining. However, I think that that will never happen....

I hope he does step up to the plate and tell the TRUTH! Could we believe him after everything that has came out? One lie after anthor. What would be next? How about the freindships that have been affected by this? How do you perform damage control on something as sacred as that? Could he have cared about the friends he has made here? These are questions that each one of us has to ask ourselves. He gave me the run around and dumped on me and like I stated before, I kept it to myself but folks I'm here to tell ya to stab the WHOLE community is something else(let alone one person)! I didn't buy any of his pre-order stuff and cut my business ties with him back in December. However I feel for ALL of you and hope you ALL get reimbersed fully.I wish everyone here my best and the best of luck in this MESS!Money is one thing people but what PRICE is friendship?


:agree: Amen! You put it perfectly! And although an explanation would be good and/or help for some, I doubt if it will for other's. Even tho I didn't have many dealings with him, it would be extremely unlikely that I will in the future, explanation or no. Some people may not view friendships as other's, whether putting themselves above other's, or money and/or ego's come into play. That's a tough one. Hopefully some good, in various ways, will come out of this. I, for one, sure will be much more careful when anyone has "reissues" for sale. Best wishes!

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Well, I got my refund. I just still can't believe a "friend" would rip us all off. :lame:


I am VERY happy for you! Hope everyone gets their REFUNDS! Yes Christine it hurts when a friend does something like this. MONEY and GREED for some overides any frendships or relationships. To me they are the SAD ONES! Congrats again on your refund!!!

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For the sake of the relationship Lon once had with us all here, I do hope that once this is all done and (hopefully) every cent has been refunded he does come back here and let us know 100% the true story. Because I am so intrigued and if he is to leave the board/scene forever, he’ll have nothing to lose… but feeding our curiosity would be hugely appreciated.


The balls it took to attempt this scam (What a bluff!!!), the cold-hearted nature of it all, the betrayal, the lies and most of all the thinking they could get away with it. I am blown away by the whole thing. It’s so sweet he passes the last story off as the truth but the holes everyone pointed out are surely obvious to anyone with any common sense. The post that still sticks out the most for me, I think from ‘Hardrock80srule’ (sorry if I didn’t get that right mate) is him asking Lon if he was us, would he believe the story we were fed? Of course not. Although I may not be in this bracket myself, some respect for the intelligence of most people here would be a nice touch.

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For the sake of the relationship Lon once had with us all here, I do hope that once this is all done and (hopefully) every cent has been refunded he does come back here and let us know 100% the true story. Because I am so intrigued and if he is to leave the board/scene forever, he’ll have nothing to lose… but feeding our curiosity would be hugely appreciated.


The balls it took to attempt this scam (What a bluff!!!), the cold-hearted nature of it all, the betrayal, the lies and most of all the thinking they could get away with it. I am blown away by the whole thing. It’s so sweet he passes the last story off as the truth but the holes everyone pointed out are surely obvious to anyone with any common sense. The post that still sticks out the most for me, I think from ‘Hardrock80srule’ (sorry if I didn’t get that right mate) is him asking Lon if he was us, would he believe the story we were fed? Of course not. Although I may not be in this bracket myself, some respect for the intelligence of most people here would be a nice touch.


The only true story I'll take would be "sorry guys, I tried to rip you off and get away with it" - short and simple!


In truth, I dont care much really why he did it or whatnot - greedy little people do stupid things all the time. When such thing happen you can only try to distance yourself as farther as you can from such people and carry on.


The ONE thing, however, I'm not going to forgive Lovid for, is the huge negative impact this scam will have on the trading society, and speciffically on the small honest indy labels which do work with the bands and try to pull legit re-issues at their own cost. For this alone he deserves a crushed kneecaps with a bat. Nuff said

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Well, I got my refund. I just still can't believe a "friend" would rip us all off. :lame:


I haven't got mine yet....


I got a refund pending but it hasn't officially been put back in my Paypal account yet.

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It makes me wonder why his Hurricane pre orders thread is still posted ? You'd think it would have been taken down by now since it's official, no such reissues being made.


His "official" reply seems like even more BS than the first "unofficial" accident statement. What a sad effort. Only a person with NO merit, values, goodness, self respect, heart, and independence & determination for himself to make an HONEST living would do something like this. It is not right. The world would be a better place if people like this did not exist.


I don't know him or care to but I do know that I ordered ONE and very thankfully, only ONE preorder Hurricane CD - Take What You Want and wait..........SIGNED BY EVERY MEMBER OF THE BAND!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :rofl2:


I feel very sorry for everyone who got burned, especially those who spent big $$$$. No one should have to deal or put up with such a thing. He said everyone would get a refund. I haven't gotten one yet and I'm not sure I want to wait for that to happen. I think the best bet is for me to file a paypal dispute and issue a claim right away for the refund, which hopefully will get approved. I hope everyone does get their hard earned money back.

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Jeez...10,000 views...I have never seen that in so little time...or ever for that matter!




Yeah 10,000 views in like 2 or 3 days. A lot of people stopped by here to get the news on this one. Does this mean that if Hurricane *DID* indeed actually get their stuff reissued they'd sell 10,000+ units??!! :banana:


There was a similar topic/thread back when we started the Surrender mystery lol, and when we were getting closer that got a ton of hits too...and look how well the Surrender reissue has done!!! :banger:

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Maybe, maybe not. Remember, many people here have viewed this thread a 100 times each just to try and keep up on the ongoing saga

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Jeez...10,000 views...I have never seen that in so little time...or ever for that matter!




Yeah 10,000 views in like 2 or 3 days. A lot of people stopped by here to get the news on this one. Does this mean that if Hurricane *DID* indeed actually get their stuff reissued they'd sell 10,000+ units??!! :banana:


There was a similar topic/thread back when we started the Surrender mystery lol, and when we were getting closer that got a ton of hits too...and look how well the Surrender reissue has done!!! :banger:




I wonder how many cds Surrender has sold with the re-issue?

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Man Go away for a couple of days and the world of rock is ROCKED LIKE A HURRICANE.

I never pre-order so I was lucky. I hate it all happened. I was all set to buy all of his releases. I do hope that Hurricane and Valentine do get to be released at some point. If you look around there is still an great intrest in 80's metal , if not why are bootleg labels making a killing? I have never bought from Retrospect because I don't want cd-rs but at least I respect his efforts. I will be getting his silver pressed discs. I think that all the press about this (on MR and here) shows that there is a demand. Why don't the labels who own the rights feed the demand? I know that I am naive about how the industry works but it only seems logical that even a limited pressing of older discs would be profitible to the labels and the artists. My 2 cents worth!


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