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About heavyharmonies

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    Freezing my ass off in The Peoples Republic of Illinois

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  • Favorite Band
    Within Temptation
  • Favorite CD
    The Unforgiving

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  1. Releases October on Girder Records. John Elefante sings on 6 tracks. Preorder currently is US$11.50. https://girdermusic.com/collections/pre-orders/products/perfect-vision-frank-boxberger-special-guest-john-elefante-cd
  2. Listening to it now... I hate it. It reminds me of the new Bon Jovi album: grandma's version of the band in question, complete with speak-singing. Instrumentally it's not bad, but vocally it's a hot mess.
  3. Necroing this thread as I recently stumbled across the CD-R I made from the vinyl of "Warriors of Love" a zillion years ago, and wanted to see if it had ever been released on CD, and so it was... and now OOP. Picked it up from Amazon UK and a used copy of Grace from eBay. Classic stuff! The recording/mix is primitive by today's standards, but the music is wonderful.
  4. Love me some Tommy Johansson, especially his upper-register vox. Not surprisingly the backing vox have a very Sabaton sound.
  5. It's not bad, but a little primitive for my tastes.
  6. I've given it one full listen through, but I need to give it more. As with many progressive concept albums,I sometimes have a harder time getting into them due to all of the different vocalists. For me personally, I find the cohesiveness suffers somewhat. That said, the tracks with D.C. Cooper doing vox I particularly enjoy.
  7. Yeah the doom and gloom pronouncement was hella premature. There are a number of excellent releases thus far in 2024.
  8. I'm overhauling some of the back-end functionality over on the main site, but I need some help with raw data to provide enough scenarios to test. If there are any CDs that you see missing in the main site database, please add them here: https://heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/submission87.cgi (Please keep it to on-site genres; let's not push boundaries at the moment.) Thanks! -Dan
  9. We are at a tipping point IMO, with respect to what AI can do for... or TO... our society. As with many things, it can be a great timesaving tool... or it could literally destroy society as we know it (only slighly hyperbolic). As the algorithms get better and better, and it becomes harder and harder to distinguish AI-generated from human-created, entire processes that were once manual could now be almost 100% automated. We're already seeing the impact on music, art, pr0n, but the high-profile media-focused clickbaits are just the tip of the iceberg. 1. Entire industries could see mass layoffs as AI takes over major functions; cumulatively this could be disastrous. 2. We already have a hard time telling deep fakes from reality with respect to news fabrication and manipulation; it's poised to become even worse during election cycles... the term "fake news" was never more accurate. 3. Lawyers are chomping at the bit: the legal and ethical entanglements are ginormous. Copyright and intellectual property transgressions loom all over the place, not just in the arts. Schools, colleges, and universities are struggling with how to deal with AI "tools" when it comes to assignments, research papers, theses, and published articles. If you can prompt an AI tool to spit out a term paper for you and you just tweak it, have you actually done any research? Is being published actually proof of accomplishment or intelligence anymore? The biggest problem right now is the vetting of what any given AI tool spits out vs. trusting it blindly; we've seen this recently with some high-profile Google AI gaffs... this has the potential to be quite dangerous. It may not actually be SkyNet 2.0, but there are aspects that are VERY concerning...
  10. Color me impressed. Not your typical cookie cutter stuff IMO.
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