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12 hours ago, PeterS said:

I have problems with generational wealth and don't see how those who believe in 'hard work' support it. You think rich kids work hard? 

All I'd like to see is a system where your 'work' is fairly rewarded but opportunity is there for all and the best do rise to the top. Always remembering you're a day away from a really bad day and having a society that will be there for you if it happens to you is in your own best interests. 

There are rich freeloaders and poor.  Can't get away from it. Not having a good fair society that supports all always stuck me as dumb as you're ultimately hurting yourself as you're part of that society. There are reasons the social democratic countries lead the happiness indexes. 

Give me good roads , clean environment, education, safe society where I can go out alone at night with no worries , etc over some dog eat dog society any day. Probably why I like living in Germany so much. We do pretty well economically as well. 




So because someone worked their ass off and made bank, passed it down to their family, they are no longer entitled to it? I hate rich fucks more then anyone, and guess what? they burn out the fastest, look at our presidents son for instance, or any number of the Kennedy offspring, they are garbage human beings, but why should they not be able to have the money in their own family? you start pulling back that curtain and we will no longer be a capitalist society will we?


Capitalism doesn't put a block on the amount fireman, teachers, or police make, and they are grossly underpaid, but it's not cause their not taxing the citizens enough, it's certainly not from that, those professions are not capped by anything other then bureaucracy, and I'll be the first to admit the US government is bad to the bone, all sides, what is a better system then capitalism?


The idea of Capitalism I believe is the greatest driver there is, and people take advantage of every aspect in society, but I'd rather have people plowing forward to get ahead of each other, then not doing shit because they can get paid to do nothing, just my opinion, lots of gaps and mistakes in it, but capitalism is solid for what its designed to do, it's base principle,

Edited by Leykis101
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23 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Yes we have been there for 20 fucking years, built them a military, supplied them with all of our new age weapons, trained them, and they outnumbered the Taliban, they all put their dicks between their legs and gave up, their president skipped town, Trump aligned all of this but guess what? it doesnt make a fuck of difference cause Trump aint the president anymore, so you cannot blame him for shit, they knew damn well when trump was president not to fuck around with him, they know Biden is weak, and they took full advantage of that, Biden could have held down until all the civilians were withdrawn, how fucking long does someone need to build a military? the Taliban are just fighters not even based in a state, well now they are, I am brokenhearted to watch the citizens seeing their lives vanish before their eyes, and if I was President, there would be Carriers already dispatched and on there way over there, our Marines would be building up, and we would go in and just annihilate that place, reduce it to a parking lot, any taliban would be shot on the spot, but then what? do we just throw up a Walmart and some strip clubs and announce it's part of the US now forward? it's pretty apparent none of those military troops gave a fuck enough to die for their country, but my family did, whats your solution Glen?

no solution but don't blame Biden for this mess, it was going to play out this way no matter what bullshit Trump argues.


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Starting to see the first real blitz on Biden here. All about him not addressing America over the Afghanistan withdrawals and consequences. And that he is on holiday at for David etc

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5 hours ago, Glen said:

sorry mate disagree. Labour governments in the UK have a tendency to drive up business tax and taxes on the 'wealthy' - who actually aren't wealthy at all.  just hard working middle class families. 

its actually proven that lowering business tax generates more revenue as businesses boom. Also if you tax the wealth creators they have a tendency to bugger off elsewhere so again bad for the economy. 

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a global business tax rate that is the same for everyone....of course that is not apt to happen as tax rates are used for attracting business to the country....

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13 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Starting to see the first real blitz on Biden here. All about him not addressing America over the Afghanistan withdrawals and consequences. And that he is on holiday at for David etc

rathering than being on a golf course 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤔

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46 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Yes we have been there for 20 fucking years, built them a military, supplied them with all of our new age weapons, trained them, and they outnumbered the Taliban, they all put their dicks between their legs and gave up, their president skipped town, Trump aligned all of this but guess what? it doesnt make a fuck of difference cause Trump aint the president anymore, so you cannot blame him for shit, they knew damn well when trump was president not to fuck around with him, they know Biden is weak, and they took full advantage of that, Biden could have held down until all the civilians were withdrawn, how fucking long does someone need to build a military? the Taliban are just fighters not even based in a state, well now they are, I am brokenhearted to watch the citizens seeing their lives vanish before their eyes, and if I was President, there would be Carriers already dispatched and on there way over there, our Marines would be building up, and we would go in and just annihilate that place, reduce it to a parking lot, any taliban would be shot on the spot, but then what? do we just throw up a Walmart and some strip clubs and announce it's part of the US now forward? it's pretty apparent none of those military troops gave a fuck enough to die for their country, but my family did, whats your solution Glen?

It comes down to commitment...the only way the US wins the war against the taliban is if they bomb the shit out of the country....basically show no mercy just like the taliban....if you are unable to take that path then you are eventually going to lose because the taliban aren't stupid , they realized early on that if they kept fighting that their opponents would eventually lose the will to continue fighting .....you could have stayed there another 20 years and the outcome would have been the same....lessons were not learned from Vietnam.....the US went in for the right reasons (unlike Iraq) and failed to do the job because they were concerned about optics....war should never be about optics and bullshit politics...it should be about destroying the enemy...

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54 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

So because someone worked their ass off and made bank, passed it down to their family, they are no longer entitled to it? I hate rich fucks more then anyone, and guess what? they burn out the fastest, look at our presidents son for instance, or any number of the Kennedy offspring, they are garbage human beings, but why should they not be able to have the money in their own family? you start pulling back that curtain and we will no longer be a capitalist society will we? capitalism doesn't put a block on the amount fireman, teachers, or police make, and they are grossly underpaid, but it's not cause their not taxing the citizens enough, it's certainly not from that, those professions are not capped by anything other then bureaucracy, and I'll be the first to admit the US government is bad to the bone, all sides, but what is a better line to tow? there was a reason that the US blew up when it came to be, the entire idea was to explore capitalism under a promise of freedom to explore it, people flocked from every corner of the world, good immigrants, who couldnt carry out their ideas and dreams in their own country's, here they would be able to not only make their dreams come true, but to be paid for doing it, peope choose to do what they do for their living, I hated wearing a suit and tie to work for a marketing company, I dreaded every day I had to do it, I hated it so much I said fuck it I will go make less money doing something I truly love, then I worked my ass off until I made good money doing what I loved, my brothers chose to be Police Officers, knowing damn well what the pay was, the idea of Capitalism I believe is the greatest driver there is, and people take advantage of every aspect in society, but i'd rather have people plowing forward to get ahead of each other, then not doing shit because they can get paid to do nothing, just my opinion, lots of gaps and mistakes in it, but capitalism is solid for what its designed to do, it's base principle,

Dude, learn how paragraphs work. :-) TLDNR as it stands. 

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Jesus what a mess in Afghanistan....while I don't believe the Reps would have done any better, the fact is that the Dems are in power and have to take responsibility....Biden has to wear this whether he likes it or not....we will see if he actually takes responsibility or if he tries to spin it like most politicians do... that will tell me a lot about who he really is....

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11 hours ago, PeterS said:

I have problems with generational wealth and don't see how those who believe in 'hard work' support it. You think rich kids work hard? 

All I'd like to see is a system where your 'work' is fairly rewarded but opportunity is there for all and the best do rise to the top. Always remembering you're a day away from a really bad day and having a society that will be there for you if it happens to you is in your own best interests. 

There are rich freeloaders and poor.  Can't get away from it. Not having a good fair society that supports all always stuck me as dumb as you're ultimately hurting yourself as you're part of that society. There are reasons the social democratic countries lead the happiness indexes. 

Give me good roads , clean environment, education, safe society where I can go out alone at night with no worries , etc over some dog eat dog society any day. Probably why I like living in Germany so much. We do pretty well economically as well. 





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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

It comes down to commitment...the only way the US wins the war against the taliban is if they bomb the shit out of the country....basically show no mercy just like the taliban....if you are unable to take that path then you are eventually going to lose because the taliban aren't stupid , they realized early on that if they kept fighting that their opponents would eventually lose the will to continue fighting .....you could have stayed there another 20 years and the outcome would have been the same....lessons were not learned from Vietnam.....the US went in for the right reasons (unlike Iraq) and failed to do the job because they were concerned about optics....war should never be about optics and bullshit politics...it should be about destroying the enemy...

And that is how it will always be. These people and I will say NOT all of Islam is like they are. But the ones we have been fighting since or before the crusades and who have fought each other longer will Never stop. NEVER!! We have all heard it, the objective of these people Is world domination. And as long as one of them remains they want to enslave or kill all others. The Only way to stop it is total eradication. And that will never happen. The world will not allow Genocide. So I would say never get involved in any war again and build an America that will withstand Any type of attack. But LOL that wont work either, too much hate in the world and too many like the business of war. ;) 

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8 hours ago, PeterS said:

Dude, learn how paragraphs work. :-) TLDNR as it stands. 

Bullshit, that wasnt that long, it's really tricky to use the one hand option on the phone, cant you just respond to what I said and not be my english teacher? dont act like you cant read what i wrote, you can, this isnt an english class, does it have to be in perfect structure for you to be able to respond with a cogent answer? Whatever, OK i'll go fix it for you to read.

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9 hours ago, Glen said:

no solution but don't blame Biden for this mess, it was going to play out this way no matter what bullshit Trump argues.


How do you not blame Biden? who is the President? you don't have any problem blaming Trump for shit, well this time Biden fucked up, and it's a fuck up of monumental proportions, the amount of lives that are about to be lost at the hands of those rag heads will be mind blowing, and if you want to believe it or not, Trump hasn't been in power for 8 months now, he has no say in anything that goes on anymore, and there's no one  else to blame, this could have been executed a hundred different ways, and it's now being reported that Biden was given many scenarios, briefed on how devastating this could be, and he completely blew it all off, Harris will not stand behind him on this, Jenn Sucki his appointed mouthpiece is suddenly gone for a week, and has no comment and Biden is sitting isolated in Camp David with nobody around him, see my other thread, its all about to implode stay tuned.

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I mean didn't Trump initiate the withdrawal?
I'm guessing that Biden could have changed that decision, but didn't?

imagine if Trump was in office what a reaming he'd be getting now lol

Anyway, I've seen people starting to him Talibiden :) 

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2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I mean didn't Trump initiate the withdrawal?
I'm guessing that Biden could have changed that decision, but didn't?

imagine if Trump was in office what a reaming he'd be getting now lol

Anyway, I've seen people starting to him Talibiden :) 

Gradual withdrawal. Not let's everybody leave at once and hope that the Afgany military can hold their own.

He got intel from all his top military leaders and went against every one of their advice.

This is truly a colossal fuck up by old senile dumbass Biden.




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Not a Biden fan at all, but even a hardcore Biden fan would have to concede the Afghan situation is a complete and utter abysmal failure of a magnitude not seen since Saigon. And how the girls of that country have been left to their awful fate... it is on this administration's head.

Anyone ever see the film Charlie Wilson's War which had Democrat fanboys make a film bragging about how the democrats funded, trained and armed Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan to fight the Russians? Ring any bells? Guess who those fundamentalists became? So, the Democrats have succeeded in fucking over Afghanistan in two generations. A once Westernised place now a hotbed for terrorism funded and set up by Democrats, leading to 9/11 and now left again to take over after a 20 year war. Nice job Democrats. Maybe make a movie about that too.

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3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

So Biden fans, do you hold the same view?
Did he fuck up?

Would be good if it wouldn't be down to party sniping. Huge mistakes from day one and this hot potato has been thrown back and forth for 20 years. Ultimately the US , and allies ,  fucked up. To the rest of the world it's the US not any president. 

Let's not forget who started this. Was left and right parties from the US and UK. 

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15 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

So because someone worked their ass off and made bank, passed it down to their family, they are no longer entitled to it? I hate rich fucks more then anyone, and guess what? they burn out the fastest, look at our presidents son for instance, or any number of the Kennedy offspring, they are garbage human beings, but why should they not be able to have the money in their own family? you start pulling back that curtain and we will no longer be a capitalist society will we?


Capitalism doesn't put a block on the amount fireman, teachers, or police make, and they are grossly underpaid, but it's not cause their not taxing the citizens enough, it's certainly not from that, those professions are not capped by anything other then bureaucracy, and I'll be the first to admit the US government is bad to the bone, all sides, what is a better system then capitalism?


The idea of Capitalism I believe is the greatest driver there is, and people take advantage of every aspect in society, but I'd rather have people plowing forward to get ahead of each other, then not doing shit because they can get paid to do nothing, just my opinion, lots of gaps and mistakes in it, but capitalism is solid for what its designed to do, it's base principle,

All for Capitalism. Just with some regulation to try and control the excesses. 

Still don't get the generational money arguments if you believe in 'hard work' bringing rewards. Tax inheritance high. Make them also work and if they are good the rewards come, right? 

The reality is the greatest indication of how successful you'll be in life is the income of your father. That seems wrong to me. 

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Political differences aside.

I saw the footage today of the chaos at Kabul airport including that poor bastard falling from the cargo plane.

I heard that there were six deaths during the take off of that plane.

Fuck me. How completely terrified must you be to even think about holding on to a departing plane?

It really puts it all in perspective. 

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11 minutes ago, PeterS said:

Would be good if it wouldn't be down to party sniping. Huge mistakes from day one and this hot potato has been thrown back and forth for 20 years. Ultimately the US , and allies ,  fucked up. To the rest of the world it's the US not any president. 

To the informed ones yes but to the average person who don't follow politics, it's Biden (and his administration) who fucked it up. Not US. 

I still think the withdrawal was the right move, the way it was executed wasn't. 

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11 minutes ago, Stefan said:

To the informed ones yes but to the average person who don't follow politics, it's Biden (and his administration) who fucked it up. Not US. 

I still think the withdrawal was the right move, the way it was executed wasn't. 

Seems everybody surprised by the speed of the collapse. 

Got to be devastating if you're a soldier injured in the conflict, or lost a loved one, and now see it worth absolutely nothing. 

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