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6 minutes ago, Glen said:

yeah on the flipside of all this I see today that the delightful UK is back up to 25000 cases a day cos our piece of shit government didn't lockdown fast enough following this shitty Delta variant popping up in the UK. 

it pisses me off tbh. 

Every extra death is on their hands.

and to think 2 weeks ago we were in the hundreds.



You know, we get the news as well that the UK with their conservative (boo hiss) government has made the country a basket case. Yeah, ok. Never hear about any socialist governments and how they are going. Maybe I will look up the stats. Yep pretty much the same deaths per head of population. 

The government has very little to do with it really. But I know, politics is the be all and end all, so everything bad is cause of a conservative government and anything good is cause of the socialist government. The numbers look the same, but it is how they are reported to the masses.

I can just imagine how the US would be reported if Trump was still there lol. Right now that there is an acceptable government in place in the US for our media, we hear nothing! It's so funny to this centrist (me).

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Just now, auslander said:

You know, we get the news as well that the UK with their conservative (boo hiss) government has made the country a basket case. Yeah, ok. Never hear about any socialist governments and how they are going. Maybe I will look up the stats. Yep pretty much the same deaths per head of population. 

The government has very little to do with it really. But I know, politics is the be all and end all, so everything bad is cause of a conservative government and anything good is cause of the socialist government. The numbers look the same, but it is how they are reported to the masses.

I can just imagine how the US would be reported if Trump was still there lol. Right now that there is an acceptable government in place in the US for our media, we hear nothing! It's so funny to this centrist (me).

nothing to do with the government policies. I vote Conservative. But their handling of the pandemic has been poor.

Vaccination roll out has been great - thankfully we may soon get through this. 


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12 hours ago, Glen said:

50% take up is madness. What a bunch of morons. Main reason why this keeps dragging on. Just get vaccinated ffs 

You do understand that getting the vaccine won't prevent you from getting covid, nor will it prevent you from spreading it? At some point surely we just have to let people make up their own minds and if they'd prefer not to be vaccinated it's their call. I don't see people who don't want to get vaccinated calling vaccinated people morons and saying no one should get vaccinated. Why can't it just be everyone's individual choice? The reason this keeps dragging on is because no one can just accept the fucking thing is not going anywhere, whether we like it or not. It's part of every day life now, so let's get on with it. 


For anyone green with envy about how good we have it here in Australia, this story popped up today. And it was upon reading this I re-ignited my hard ban on myself ever looking at the news again. I faltered in the last few days because I was curious how the restrictions would affect my time away, but I definitely quit again. My levels of rage are just dangerous from a quick glance at the news or a few seconds of talkback radio. Anyway, here's the story from our awesome country-


In a nutshell if you don't want to bother reading, a prominent political figure was fined $200 for not wearing a face mask in a regional petrol station. The main things to take away from this story are that police acted upon someone dobbing him in, and went to the petrol station, looked over CCTV footage to check that it actually happened, and then tracked him down to fine him. That's what the police do in this great country. He was in the shop for "less than 30 seconds" paying for petrol. Armidale is about 482km away from the nearest covid case in Australia. What a great fucking country. 

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12 minutes ago, Geoff said:

You do understand that getting the vaccine won't prevent you from getting covid, nor will it prevent you from spreading it? At some point surely we just have to let people make up their own minds and if they'd prefer not to be vaccinated it's their call. I don't see people who don't want to get vaccinated calling vaccinated people morons and saying no one should get vaccinated. Why can't it just be everyone's individual choice? The reason this keeps dragging on is because no one can just accept the fucking thing is not going anywhere, whether we like it or not. It's part of every day life now, so let's get on with it. 


For anyone green with envy about how good we have it here in Australia, this story popped up today. And it was upon reading this I re-ignited my hard ban on myself ever looking at the news again. I faltered in the last few days because I was curious how the restrictions would affect my time away, but I definitely quit again. My levels of rage are just dangerous from a quick glance at the news or a few seconds of talkback radio. Anyway, here's the story from our awesome country-


In a nutshell if you don't want to bother reading, a prominent political figure was fined $200 for not wearing a face mask in a regional petrol station. The main things to take away from this story are that police acted upon someone dobbing him in, and went to the petrol station, looked over CCTV footage to check that it actually happened, and then tracked him down to fine him. That's what the police do in this great country. He was in the shop for "less than 30 seconds" paying for petrol. Armidale is about 482km away from the nearest covid case in Australia. What a great fucking country. 

? maybe it won't prevent you from getting it  completely but Oxford is at least 85% effective against all variants and drastically reduces your chance of getting seriously ill if you do catch it. 

so I'd say that in the UK this has nearly irradiated it as over 70% of the population has now had a first jab. its mainly the younger generation who are now spreading the Delta variant and foolish Indian communities in inner cities who are reluctant to get vaccinated. However I don't blame the younger generation as they are only being rolled out now and actually the take up rate is amazing.

And you know why? There are now estimated to be 2 million people in the UK with long COVID. Everyone dismissed this as nothing to be concerned about but its a nightmare. My boys PE teacher has not been able to taste or smell for 6 months. A mate of mine has had fatigue problems for months after having it. Literally everyone I know knows someone still suffering weeks after it.

The problem with long COVID is it mainly affects younger people. The symptoms are not so severe but they just drag on and don't leave you. This is why the take up rate here is so high as people are educated about this.

My advice - get your jab - protect yrself as best possible and let's get back to normality.




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If you, you're loved ones and vulnerable members of your family and social circle are vaccinated, then why should you give a fuck whether or not I'm vaccinated? You're vaccinated, so don't worry about it.


Is that too simplistic? 



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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

If you, you're loved ones and vulnerable members of your family and social circle are vaccinated, then why should you give a fuck whether or not I'm vaccinated? You're vaccinated, so don't worry about it.


Is that too simplistic? 



because those not vaccinated are causing it to keep on spreading which leads the governments of the world to keep locking down, which seems to piss people off. 

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1 hour ago, Glen said:

because those not vaccinated are causing it to keep on spreading which leads the governments of the world to keep locking down, which seems to piss people off. 

But you can still get and pass on covid if you're vaccinated. 

I remember saying this a year or so ago, but as much as I don't want the vaccine, I'd take it a million times over these stupid fucking masks. They're the things I have the real issue with, and there is such a push to get us all used to wearing them as part of every day life, even though, from the very start, "the experts" persisted for months that masks don't do anything. And I'd bet they only became a necessity when somehow somewhere the profits from their sales reached the right people. 

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The other issue I see is that people now know here that even if you get vaccinated you still have to get locked down. Getting vaccinated doesn't seem to matter whether or not you still get to have liberty. 

Unlike other countries in Europe or the US where you can get a vaccination passport which means you can attend live sport or music concerts. Here in Oz, being vaccinated means shit all. No benefit except maybe you do or don't get covid as bad as some other schmuck. 

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22 minutes ago, auslander said:

The other issue I see is that people now know here that even if you get vaccinated you still have to get locked down. Getting vaccinated doesn't seem to matter whether or not you still get to have liberty. 

Unlike other countries in Europe or the US where you can get a vaccination passport which means you can attend live sport or music concerts. Here in Oz, being vaccinated means shit all. No benefit except maybe you do or don't get covid as bad as some other schmuck. 

I'm not sure which state you're in, but did you happen to see the front cover of the Daily Telegraph in NSW today? Seemed very out of place to me that a media outlet was seemingly going against the narrative, but there was a big front cover spread about how cruel the current situation is, highlighting a fully vaccinated young lady, who also had her negative covid test result, and she was not able to see her dying father. I just can't put myself in her position and think how I would react, but I find that absolutely criminal. Imagine the reality of being unable to see your dad before he passed, based on the current hysterical over-reaction in Australia at the moment. 

On one hand we have police checking CCTV footage in a town 482km from any covid case in Australia, in order to fine a guy buying petrol for 30 seconds without a mask, whilst a fully vaccinated young lady can't see her dying father (and of course she's not alone). How does anyone muster up the words to try and justify what is happening in this cesspool at the moment? Something like 100-150 active cases of a virus that hasn't claimed a life in Australia in what must be a year by now, in a nation of 25 million people, and this is what we've become. 

But to your point, and like I said above, there is no incentive to get a vaccination in this country. Every vaccinated person here is in lockdown, wearing masks, like the rest of us. They can't see dying relatives and they can't do anything. If I could travel overseas again I'd get vaccinated tomorrow, but there is no indication whatsoever that being vaccinated in Australia will change anything at all. As soon as a covid case pops up anywhere it's panic, hysteria, masks, lockdowns and borders shut. That's just what we do and vaccines haven't altered it one bit. And the fucking morons wonder why there's been such a hesitance towards vaccine rollouts... 

Edited by Geoff
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15 hours ago, Glen said:

yeah on the flipside of all this I see today that the delightful UK is back up to 25000 cases a day cos our piece of shit government didn't lockdown fast enough following this shitty Delta variant popping up in the UK. 

it pisses me off tbh. 

Every extra death is on their hands.

and to think 2 weeks ago we were in the hundreds.



Genuinely curious, cob, as I'm just sitting here about to head off to sleep, looking at Wimbledon footage on the TV screen. You paint a picture of nothing but sheer death and darkness throughout the UK in your posts, but I look at the TV screen and I watch my dozen UK photographers a day on their daily vlogs on youtube, and I never get any sense of the death upon death horror that you say the UK is currently blanketed with. What am I missing? 

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16 hours ago, Geoff said:

It's funny seeing outsiders tell us how lucky we have it without understanding what is actually happening here. 100% agree with your take on the government and media. It is full blown hysteria and panic for every single case and you can see what it's done to people. I know people personally, hanging on every word the media says, and it's heartbreaking. They are just petrified to be alive at the moment. Seeing people in cars or walking empty streets in masks is just part of the scenery now. So many people have been turned into panic-stricken idiots just waiting for the next government directive.

The government say how they're trying to keep us safe with absolutely zero consideration of what this is actually doing to everyone. Remember before all this covid garbage that "mental health" used to be worldwide buzzword?  

lol, I was there months ago.
I dared to complain about the totalitarian government and what the unfair lockdowns were doing to our people and businesses, and was pretty much shut down with "ha, Australia - you have barely any cases, shut up and move on, don't you fucking dare comment on covid again"

the main issue we face is the crazy reactions and restrictions that get put in place.
Geoff, what you're dealing with in NSW, we've faced 4 times, one time for over 4 months straight.

As I said before, no way would citizens of a country like the US put up with this shit, we are simps for our rulers...

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My question goes out to other countries wher ethe vaccination rate is high.
Has it changed life for those who have got the jab?
Are there proposed different rules for those who have had it?

Surely there have to be incentives for those who decide to get jabbed?

Personally, I was only eligible for AstraZeneca, until a couple of weeks ago, they decided that it wasn't recommended for me either, so now I can get Pfizer, which is what I was holding out for.
So now I'll get it as soon as I am allowed.
I won't judge others who decide not to, so long as their inactions don't hold back my freedoms.
Other than that, people are well educated, if they wanna risk covid and the ongoing shit that comes with that, be my guest.

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17 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

My question goes out to other countries wher ethe vaccination rate is high.
Has it changed life for those who have got the jab?
Are there proposed different rules for those who have had it?

Surely there have to be incentives for those who decide to get jabbed?

Personally, I was only eligible for AstraZeneca, until a couple of weeks ago, they decided that it wasn't recommended for me either, so now I can get Pfizer, which is what I was holding out for.
So now I'll get it as soon as I am allowed.
I won't judge others who decide not to, so long as their inactions don't hold back my freedoms.
Other than that, people are well educated, if they wanna risk covid and the ongoing shit that comes with that, be my guest.

Here in The Peoples Republic of Illinois, USA, things are actually somewhat back to abnormal. No mask mandates other than on federal property still (post offices for example) if you are fully vaccinated. Of course no one is actually checking; it's on the honor system.

A problem here is the inconsistency of the vaccination documentation cards from state to state or entity to entity. I went to upload my CDC card into the university's system (if you upload your proof of vaccination, you no longer have to get COVID tests to enter university buildings), but they denied it, as the health worker for my second shot filled out the card incorrectly. So I'm now waiting to receive my formal immunization records by postal mail... maybe by December if I'm lucky.

As much as I am not a fan of national ID cards in general, if proof of vaccination is going to be required moving forward, there needs to be a national standard, not all these different state/hospital cards. As long as it ONLY verifies COVID vaccination status, i.e., no microchip with other health records, I'm fine with it.

Some states/cities have offered chances to get into million-dollar lotteries if you get vaccinated.

In pro sports, the difference in protocols between vaccinated and unvaccinated athletes is HUGE. See NFL for example.

The Australia governmental overreaction is puzzling. For a country with COVID rates so low to go to such great extremes in locking down the populace makes me think there's more going on there... a totalitarian attempt to control everyone and strip personal liberties for the sake of control.

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43 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

My question goes out to other countries wher ethe vaccination rate is high.
Has it changed life for those who have got the jab?
Are there proposed different rules for those who have had it?

Surely there have to be incentives for those who decide to get jabbed?

Personally, I was only eligible for AstraZeneca, until a couple of weeks ago, they decided that it wasn't recommended for me either, so now I can get Pfizer, which is what I was holding out for.
So now I'll get it as soon as I am allowed.
I won't judge others who decide not to, so long as their inactions don't hold back my freedoms.
Other than that, people are well educated, if they wanna risk covid and the ongoing shit that comes with that, be my guest.

Here in my neck of the US there are different rules for those that have had it....Basically, free to do as you please if you've been vaccinated but your supposed to still wear a mask if you're not vaccinated. 

Trouble is, most places aren't checking people either way so in reality, I see very few people wearing masks.  I was at a music festival a few weeks ago with probably a couple thousand people there and think I saw one mask all weekend.  And I'm sure not everybody was vaccinated as they didn't check vaccination cards or anything

Frankly, it seems clear to me that the vaccine is working and doing what it's supposed to.  I've read numerous reports here in the US that almost everybody showing up in hospitals now from COVID are unvaccinated people.  Unless that's more fake news lol. 

But to each their own.  I feel like I've done a good service to myself, my friends/family and to others by getting vaccinated.

As a small aside, I just have to chuckle at one friend of mine.  He's anti-vaccine and refuses to get it.  But this same dude is an Army veteran and is always preaching about virtues of military, service, America the great, etc, etc.  I'm like....So you would go to war and die for your Country but you're unwilling to get a vaccine that will protect you and those around you?  Something about that just seems a bit off to me...  

Edited by tts42572
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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

But you can still get and pass on covid if you're vaccinated. 

I remember saying this a year or so ago, but as much as I don't want the vaccine, I'd take it a million times over these stupid fucking masks. They're the things I have the real issue with, and there is such a push to get us all used to wearing them as part of every day life, even though, from the very start, "the experts" persisted for months that masks don't do anything. And I'd bet they only became a necessity when somehow somewhere the profits from their sales reached the right people. 

well yeah 5-10% chance rather than 100% chance ;)


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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

I'm not sure which state you're in, but did you happen to see the front cover of the Daily Telegraph in NSW today? Seemed very out of place to me that a media outlet was seemingly going against the narrative, but there was a big front cover spread about how cruel the current situation is, highlighting a fully vaccinated young lady, who also had her negative covid test result, and she was not able to see her dying father. I just can't put myself in her position and think how I would react, but I find that absolutely criminal. Imagine the reality of being unable to see your dad before he passed, based on the current hysterical over-reaction in Australia at the moment. 

On one hand we have police checking CCTV footage in a town 482km from any covid case in Australia, in order to fine a guy buying petrol for 30 seconds without a mask, whilst a fully vaccinated young lady can't see her dying father (and of course she's not alone). How does anyone muster up the words to try and justify what is happening in this cesspool at the moment? Something like 100-150 active cases of a virus that hasn't claimed a life in Australia in what must be a year by now, in a nation of 25 million people, and this is what we've become. 

But to your point, and like I said above, there is no incentive to get a vaccination in this country. Every vaccinated person here is in lockdown, wearing masks, like the rest of us. They can't see dying relatives and they can't do anything. If I could travel overseas again I'd get vaccinated tomorrow, but there is no indication whatsoever that being vaccinated in Australia will change anything at all. As soon as a covid case pops up anywhere it's panic, hysteria, masks, lockdowns and borders shut. That's just what we do and vaccines haven't altered it one bit. And the fucking morons wonder why there's been such a hesitance towards vaccine rollouts... 

It does sound like the authorities have gone overboard with the restrictions and penalties in Australia....here in Canada we certainly have had restrictions and lockdowns but the cops only went after large parties where there was a lot of people usually drinking and raising hell....otherwise they only bothered with people refusing to mask up when entering a store.... although there were instances of people not being able to see a dying loved one or get to their funeral....usually that loved one was dying of Covid....

One advantage to wearing masks that no one talks about is that influenza has nearly disappeared because of masks , hand washing and sanitizing....it kills a lot of people every year but not last year....I suspect for this reason alone some people will continue to wear masks and because of the fact that even with vaccines the virus isn't going away as it will continue to mutate and we will need a shot every year....of course wearing masks will no longer be required by law, it will be a choice...

Restrictions have been lifted for the most part here although you still have to mask up when entering an indoor public area...of course we have 65% of people with at least 1 jab and close to 30% with both jabs and the instances of covid have dropped down to reasonable levels....I believe once 75% of people are fully vaccinated, wearing masks will no longer be required... however there are different levels and restrictions happening across the country ....

I know some Australians are unhappy with the current situation in their country but I find it hard to believe that you would really want to be in the same situation that most countries have had to deal with and I mean many thousands of deaths where many people feel fortunate if they did not lose a loved one...it does sound however that your politicians do not have a proper plan on how to deal with Covid and move into the future or at least they have not properly communicated that plan so I can understand the frustration....

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Genuinely curious, cob, as I'm just sitting here about to head off to sleep, looking at Wimbledon footage on the TV screen. You paint a picture of nothing but sheer death and darkness throughout the UK in your posts, but I look at the TV screen and I watch my dozen UK photographers a day on their daily vlogs on youtube, and I never get any sense of the death upon death horror that you say the UK is currently blanketed with. What am I missing? 

not painting a picture of sheer death.

well 125K people have died sadly.

just that poor decisions keep this thing rolling on. general consensus of opinion is that they were at least 10 days late in locking the borders (again) and hence this delta variant gets a grip again.

Look,  apparently July 19th everything opens no going back - we'll see. 

vaccination roll out is the only thing which has made this possible. 

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19 hours ago, auslander said:

I can just imagine how the US would be reported if Trump was still there lol

I'm just thankful that the asshole is not president.

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Biden admin continues to allow illegals w/ corona into the country unvetted and they are using millions of American tax dollars to house  many of them in motels.Just because useless CNN doesn't report it doesn't mean it ain't happening.

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All I can say is I'd sacrifice this enforced "safety" for liberty. I may live in the safest country in the world but man it can be stifling. This is why the US is the greatest nation on earth, the greatest in history. They are the Free, the least regulated. I hope it never changes for them.

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9 hours ago, Geoff said:

I'm not sure which state you're in, but did you happen to see the front cover of the Daily Telegraph in NSW today?  

I'm in Victoria so have had my share of lockdowns EVEN THOUGH I live regionally and not in a city and there has not been a SINGLE CASE within 200kms of where I live for the entire 18 months of this pandemic. 

Nah sorry Geoff,  missed that article. I avoid most mainstream media these days, just rely on my Google feed and those articles are all about hard rock, cars, retiring and soccer (must be my main interests) 😀

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Good to hear some positive news from other regarding how vaccinations are affecting life.
Australia will eventually have no option to follow suit.
Our low vaccination rate is due to the govt heavily investing in AstraZeneca as it can be produced here locally.
And is was produced here, millions of doses of a dodgy vaccine.
Say what you will about Trump, but the deal he did for vaccines saved the US
He made the correct calls and we didn't, and we have 4% vaccinated and it's all on pause at the moment due to lack of supply....

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