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My outsider gut feeling is that Trupm will get back in and with a bigger vote.
As I've said, I don't live there and the only real concern I have with who is the US president is how it will affect my country.
So I don't really give a crap who that is, they don't go into an election witha  run down of what their relationship will be with Australia :)

To be honest I kind of want Trump to lose, just so I don't have to hear about him day in day out.
But I reckon he has some balls in his court and the way he is starting to play underdog with unfair voting etc smacks of a smart ploy to call oto action everyone to vote for him, to ensure he gets all the votes he can.

I think there will be a lot of people who love him who didn't vote at all last election as they thought he had no hope of winning - they will be voting this round.
Likewise, there will be a lot of people who support for opposition supporters who thought Clinton was a show-in last time and didn't bother voting.

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

My outsider gut feeling is that Trupm will get back in and with a bigger vote.
As I've said, I don't live there and the only real concern I have with who is the US president is how it will affect my country.
So I don't really give a crap who that is, they don't go into an election witha  run down of what their relationship will be with Australia :)

To be honest I kind of want Trump to lose, just so I don't have to hear about him day in day out.
But I reckon he has some balls in his court and the way he is starting to play underdog with unfair voting etc smacks of a smart ploy to call oto action everyone to vote for him, to ensure he gets all the votes he can.

I think there will be a lot of people who love him who didn't vote at all last election as they thought he had no hope of winning - they will be voting this round.
Likewise, there will be a lot of people who support for opposition supporters who thought Clinton was a show-in last time and didn't bother voting.

Yeah bro, as far as your first point goes, there's a select few, maybe 3 or 4, country's that I don't believe will ever have to even contemplate the question, Brits, Aussies, Japanese, and maybe Canada, hard to tell with Trudeau, dude doesn't really give me a great vibe, as we saw with Obama, Israel is not even safe, I'm so wound up worrying about it, I may even do the unspeakable, I am pro Jo Jorgensen, and have never voted outside the Libertarian Party, this election is so important, I might have to vote for someone else, for the reason of she really doesn't have a chance, need all the votes to go towards a different person.

Ya know after they dropped the whole mail ballots bullshit, I cannot pretend or act anymore, act like conspiracy theory's or not, shit just seems to be timed way to conveniently for me to excuse it as a coincidence any longer, It seems like way to grand of a scheme to seriously considered, but the fact one thing after another just keeps falling into place, I'm starting to think, why doesn't everyone feel this way? so maybe it's me, but 2020 has just been way to chaotic, and just seems way to deliberate, for me to feel that it's all just coincidence at work, believe me, I'm not remotely comfortable with this feeling, I just have it, and everything in my common sense is just telling me, If I believe this anymore, I'm gonna be a fool.

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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

I'm not concerned, I believe in climate change, it's like Corona, anybody who doesn't believe it's an actual thing, is high on crack and PCP, those are the same people who think if they sail to far they'll fall off the side of the planet, of course the climate changes, the earth cycles through heating up, then freezing, it has since it was formed, now if you want to tell me that man is the reason it's heating up, then you've lost me completely, I tend to file that into the falling off the side of the earth crowd, what complete arrogance and ego, the level condescension behind that remark, just boggles my mind.

ice ages happen about every 100,000 years. generally with a long period of colder conditions and a shorter period of warming (around 10% of that time)

CO2 levels are now higher than for the last 5 million years. Fact.


Trump thinks this is all fake news though. 

but don't worry it wont affect you too badly. just your kids kids and further generations to come. 

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3 hours ago, Mafisen said:

Hello Trump supporter. Misogynistic jokes aren't really funny. 

No need to go there.
These types of discussions have generally been done in a resonably civil way here to date, with minimal personal attacks.

That said, I really don't have anything more to say about Trump.
Or the USA.

Today in Victoria, Australia, we entered into Stage 4 restrictions.
We now have a curfew between 8pm and 5am, only retail allowed open is related to food or essential services.
Can only leave home once a day for only 1 hour to get food shopping, and can only be done alone.
Only one person allowed in a car at once.
Not allowed outside a 5km (around 3 mile) perimeter of your home unless travelling to work.
Exercise outside allowed only for 1 hour per day, no more than 5km away from your home.

Sucks, but will be interesting to see if it works and we can be one of the very few countries that has been able to control this thing for the second time.

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2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

No need to go there.
These types of discussions have generally been done in a resonably civil way here to date, with minimal personal attacks.

That said, I really don't have anything more to say about Trump.
Or the USA.

Today in Victoria, Australia, we entered into Stage 4 restrictions.
We now have a curfew between 8pm and 5am, only retail allowed open is related to food or essential services.
Can only leave home once a day for only 1 hour to get food shopping, and can only be done alone.
Only one person allowed in a car at once.
Not allowed outside a 5km (around 3 mile) perimeter of your home unless travelling to work.
Exercise outside allowed only for 1 hour per day, no more than 5km away from your home.

Sucks, but will be interesting to see if it works and we can be one of the very few countries that has been able to control this thing for the second time.

Go where? It was a crude joke about a woman's appearance. There's plenty to criticise Clinton for other than her appearance. 

Jokes and comments about women's appearance is what Trump does and it says a lot about a person's view on women. Jokes like that are signs of misogyny. 

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2 hours ago, Mafisen said:

Go where? It was a crude joke about a woman's appearance. There's plenty to criticise Clinton for other than her appearance. 

Jokes and comments about women's appearance is what Trump does and it says a lot about a person's view on women. Jokes like that are signs of misogyny. 

Cool.... just waiting for you to call out the misandry against Trump in this thread or on other posts on this boarAside from that, you used the word incorrectly.

You also called Metal T a misogynist, and you'd want to have a pretty robust amount of examples to make that stick.
Calling him that is actually very offensive to him, based on one comment, that is acyually him repeating a meme that has been around for over 20 years (minus the addition of the last bit ... with one left wing)
Your implication that anyone who posted that comment is an act of mysogyny is also potentially incorrect.
Misogyny is a general term for hatred or dislike of women.
I certainly did not see Metal T as having a hatred or dislike of women.

I'd say you actually owe him an apology.

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Ok, this is where I step in.

I absolutely will not tolerate politically correct outrage here. Jokes about men, women, Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, gay, straight, short, tall, skinny, fat, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, atheist, black, latino, asian, white, etc. are ALL welcome here.

If you find someone or something "offensive" then don't read their content or the thread in question, or feel free to go elsewhere.

Your being personally offended doesn't mean others have to change their behavior. You have the choice to go somewhere else.

I will NOT see HH fall victim to the outrage mob mentality so prevalent today.

My house. My rules.

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19 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Ok, this is where I step in.

I absolutely will not tolerate politically correct outrage here. Jokes about men, women, Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, gay, straight, short, tall, skinny, fat, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, atheist, black, latino, asian, white, etc. are ALL welcome here.

If you find someone or something "offensive" then don't read their content or the thread in question, or feel free to go elsewhere.

Your being personally offended doesn't mean others have to change their behavior. You have the choice to go somewhere else.

I will NOT see HH fall victim to the outrage mob mentality so prevalent today.

My house. My rules.

I'm Ok with all of that.
I don't agree with open slater on homophobia, racism, etc, etc, but I'm not going to get updet about it.
The tolerance shown on this board has actually been really impressive considering the topics.
But it's your board and as you say, your rules.

That said, I'm going to try and create some music topic over the next few days.
I don't care if they have been done before, or are kinda lame, would be nice to not have to think so hard when I'm here :)

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Let me clarify: I don't mean to imply that it's open season or a free-for-all when it comes to posting racist, sexist, or homophobic comments. Rather I mean that I'm not about to ban someone or censor their posts because they make a joke about women, white people, black people, etc.

Some self-restraint is expected, and if I see things getting out of hand, I reserve the right to prune content accordingly.

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  • My Little Pony

I always refer back to Bernie Mac's line from the Kings of Comedy tour: "Jokes is jokes."

We can't get too offended over comedy. Comedy has always been critical. It's always meant to make us feel uncomfortable in certain ways. It's always meant to challenge our way of thinking. 


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2 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Let me clarify: I don't mean to imply that it's open season or a free-for-all when it comes to posting racist, sexist, or homophobic comments. Rather I mean that I'm not about to ban someone or censor their posts because they make a joke about women, white people, black people, etc.

Some self-restraint is expected, and if I see things getting out of hand, I reserve the right to prune content accordingly.

"Your being personally offended doesn't mean others have to change their behavior. You have the choice to go somewhere else."

This statement had me slightly worried before your clarification above as it sounded as if it was fine for anyone to personally attack another member on this board for their skin tone, sexual preferences, nationality etc. and they could either like it, lump it or leave.

 I always make a point to read your posts HH as they are consistently very well thought out and always well written. I trust that you will  regulate accordingly and your follow up statement above should make it perfectly clear to everyone here now.

One of the few things co-vid can't touch is our music collections. ROWYCO, people!!!

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  • My Little Pony
24 minutes ago, shamus said:

"Your being personally offended doesn't mean others have to change their behavior. You have the choice to go somewhere else."

This statement had me slightly worried before your clarification above as it sounded as if it was fine for anyone to personally attack another member on this board for their skin tone, sexual preferences, nationality etc. and they could either like it, lump it or leave.

 I always make a point to read your posts HH as they are consistently very well thought out and always well written. I trust that you will  regulate accordingly and your follow up statement above should make it perfectly clear to everyone here now.

One of the few things co-vid can't touch is our music collections. ROWYCO, people!!!

My C is always O. 

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4 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Cool.... just waiting for you to call out the misandry against Trump in this thread or on other posts on this boarAside from that, you used the word incorrectly.

You also called Metal T a misogynist, and you'd want to have a pretty robust amount of examples to make that stick.
Calling him that is actually very offensive to him, based on one comment, that is acyually him repeating a meme that has been around for over 20 years (minus the addition of the last bit ... with one left wing)
Your implication that anyone who posted that comment is an act of mysogyny is also potentially incorrect.
Misogyny is a general term for hatred or dislike of women.
I certainly did not see Metal T as having a hatred or dislike of women.

I'd say you actually owe him an apology.

I did not call him a misogynist. I said the joke was, and I do believe that one can tell such jokes without being one. It's perfectly possible to slip up and tell a joke and not consider what roots it might have. I'm no stranger to putting my foot in it myself from time to time. 

That said, I'll keep out if these threads from now on and stick to the music part. It's clear that folks are pretty entrenched in their stands (I'm no different in this case) and it will only be one endless circular discussion where no-one moves an inches. Pointless. 

Edit: I don't believe I owe him anything as I don't think I did what you claim. 

Edited by Mafisen
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4 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Ok, this is where I step in.

I absolutely will not tolerate politically correct outrage here. Jokes about men, women, Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, gay, straight, short, tall, skinny, fat, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, atheist, black, latino, asian, white, etc. are ALL welcome here.

If you find someone or something "offensive" then don't read their content or the thread in question, or feel free to go elsewhere.

Your being personally offended doesn't mean others have to change their behavior. You have the choice to go somewhere else.

I will NOT see HH fall victim to the outrage mob mentality so prevalent today.

My house. My rules.

No-one is offended. But if you are so tolerant, surely you must accept that people can call out things they don't agree with? 

It's everyone's absolute freedom to make any kind of joke they want, but then it must also be everyone's absolute freedom to speak against it?

Edited by Mafisen
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Good morning Darky, what level you fall under 3 or 4 ?

Hoping you and Crue surviving

The store you connecting  me at, has had a few good weeks, it's only falling off the past week.

And recycle store has been  open right through/ Been worried jumping on train to go down there, you never know what other passengers are carrying

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We are able to carry on our business.
Fortunately we supply businesses that are allowed to operate under the restrictions (we supply people who do online retail sales)
But it was a grey area last night and for a while I thought that we were not able to operate.
during that time I was pretty pissed, thinking we had to shut down for 6 weeks.
Income gone, don't qualify for any government assistance.
fortunately it turned out ok for me, but for a brief while I got a really good understanding at the hurt and anger out there.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
7 hours ago, Doggy said:

Good morning Darky, what level you fall under 3 or 4 ?

Hoping you and Crue surviving

The store you connecting  me at, has had a few good weeks, it's only falling off the past week.

And recycle store has been  open right through/ Been worried jumping on train to go down there, you never know what other passengers are carrying

Yeah, I'm all good mate. I hope you're keeping safe. We're still at 3 up here but all wearing masks of course. I don't mind the masks. Anything to hide my rough head is a good thing. It might just enhance my chances with the ladies. 😆

  • Haha 1
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  • 2024 Gold Donors
22 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

No need to go there.
These types of discussions have generally been done in a resonably civil way here to date, with minimal personal attacks.

That said, I really don't have anything more to say about Trump.
Or the USA.

Today in Victoria, Australia, we entered into Stage 4 restrictions.
We now have a curfew between 8pm and 5am, only retail allowed open is related to food or essential services.
Can only leave home once a day for only 1 hour to get food shopping, and can only be done alone.
Only one person allowed in a car at once.
Not allowed outside a 5km (around 3 mile) perimeter of your home unless travelling to work.
Exercise outside allowed only for 1 hour per day, no more than 5km away from your home.

Sucks, but will be interesting to see if it works and we can be one of the very few countries that has been able to control this thing for the second time.

It's gonna be hard to enforce this curfew if it's still around when "daylight savings" starts.

Hope you and yours are well and safe BTW mate.

Edited by Darkstone
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  • 2024 Gold Donors

I considered Metal T's joke about Hillary, not women. That's the problem. If I make a joke or comment about a particular woman who happens to be an arsehole, then I'm labeled sexist. If I make a joke or comment about a particular African/Asian or someone else from not my culture that happens to be an arsehole, then I'm labeled racist. The same with homosexuals/homophobia. Just because I think one particular person is an arsehole, doesn’t mean I'm any of those things (which I'm not). 

Also, the thing about political correctness that has always given me the shits is that it seem to be okay to be racist/sexist, etc as long as you don't let it show. Being politically correct doesn’t mean that you or your organization is not racist, it just means that you hide it. It's a bullshit, token, meaningless philosophy. 

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15 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Yeah, I'm all good mate. I hope you're keeping safe. We're still at 3 up here but all wearing masks of course. I don't mind the masks. Anything to hide my rough head is a good thing. It might just enhance my chances with the ladies. 😆

Slipknot would be making a lot of money if they selling their masks. :rofl2:

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  • 1 month later...

that leykis guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, he must be some blow hard right wing bigot, conspiracy theorist! yep must be.



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