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It's Official... Jobless


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Not getting into too many details, but I neded up becoming the "scapegoat" for a fuckup at work that involved 5 people. Notified the supervisor of his fuckup, but he failed to report himself thus making the 5 officers look like they tried to cover it up. Of the 5 officers, I ended up being the suspended one and then terminated one due to the other 4 statements made by the other guys. Lots of Hear-say.


The union is fighting, but to no avail... They filed 2 grievances. One for me being suspended before the investigation was even done, and the other because the company doesn't want to share info regarding the matter and the investigation that would be helpful to my side of the case. They said that the union is not entitled to it. So... BOTH grievances were turned down because there wasn't enough info to support them. Oddly enough, the second was because they couldn't get the info...


So... They're taking it to the National Labor Relations Board. If it goes through, the company will be brought up on charges. Not sure where that all goes and how it will effect me, but oh well...


Looking into going to school for IT, Networking and PC related schtuff :beerbang: I just hope financial aid comes through for me

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That sucks bro. Sorry to hear it. My brother and my wife have both been laid off from their jobs recently. Scary stuff.

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Holy shit mate, sorry to hear it. Good luck with the IT stuff... there is some big coin there, I hear. :)

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Wow, sorry to hear that. Good luck with everything.


(I'd love to see you win the suit, but get rolling with the IT thing and then say "screw off!" and go make more money.)

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Not getting into too many details, but I neded up becoming the "scapegoat" for a fuckup at work that involved 5 people. Notified the supervisor of his fuckup, but he failed to report himself thus making the 5 officers look like they tried to cover it up. Of the 5 officers, I ended up being the suspended one and then terminated one due to the other 4 statements made by the other guys. Lots of Hear-say.


The union is fighting, but to no avail... They filed 2 grievances. One for me being suspended before the investigation was even done, and the other because the company doesn't want to share info regarding the matter and the investigation that would be helpful to my side of the case. They said that the union is not entitled to it. So... BOTH grievances were turned down because there wasn't enough info to support them. Oddly enough, the second was because they couldn't get the info...


So... They're taking it to the National Labor Relations Board. If it goes through, the company will be brought up on charges. Not sure where that all goes and how it will effect me, but oh well...


Looking into going to school for IT, Networking and PC related schtuff :beerbang: I just hope financial aid comes through for me


Well T-Bone, Ive got plenty of work lined up, and lining up, it's kind of like IT, Tech, and Comp Programing, it's cement coatings, and resurfacing, basically rich people that want their shower to look like it's made of rock, or rich people that want their driveway textured, or rich people that want Cobblestone borders around their swimming pools, they want it before the summer starts, for the pool parties, or shower parties, or whatever rich people do! so, not much electronics involved, aside from the 10' Solo Barics in the back of my jeep, but I thought id offer as I havent had time to find help yet, and frankly id rather rock all day, then have to flip it over to circus music to keep the help happy! just fyi. It's pretty cool work, nothing hard about it, don't let the "Cement" fool you, Ive got hundreds of pictures, to prove it, no flat work in this job.

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Sorry to hear about the job, I hope they get fucked over in the investigation and have to pay out plenty of compensation to ya!

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Sorry to hear your not so good news Mate. Hopefully everything will pick up for you soon. Chin up!

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Yikes! Sorry to hear that. I'm glad I'm no longer part of the whole blue-collar/union/grievance scene. It was an utterly demoralizing work environment. Hey, who knows, you hopefully will end up with something 5x better! :)

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God T, that totally sucks!! With the way things are here in the U.S. and the way the government is running things Im suprised more of us here on the board arent out of work. Its scary. Shit can hit the fan without any warning too. I hope you get to go to school. That would be cool. Doing something you want to do. ;)

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Yeah, that sucks ! :( I hope things will turn out for the better again for you. It will eventually. Just hang tight ! Good luck !

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Sorry about the downturn, T. If you need anything at all just PM me. Good luck with the IT thing.

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Sorry to hear that mate. I know if you were in the UK (I work in HR and have done a million grievances/court cases) that you would win the case if you took it to court, as here - no matter what the issue that occurred - if the company fails to follow the process (something which happened as they found you guilty before the end of the investigation) you would automatically win the case. IMO you're better off arguing that as I've seen so many occasions where people have been guilty of very serious company breaches (gross misconduct) but have received seriously huge payouts as the company didn't follow the right process...

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I wish that were the case here, but it's not. Not sure what the union can accomplish with the National Labor Relations Board, but have at it! If the NLRB finds there's significant cause to pursue this, they can bring the company on charges. What that consists of... I don't know. If somehow I get a settlement out of all this... I don't know.


I'm moving forward with school.

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Sorry to hear that bro. I once got fired for almost the same situation. Union did squat for me so I wish you luck there. IT seems the way to go. I hope it works out for you. Again sorry to hear that...Sucks.

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I'm still worried about financial aid... After looking at both ITT Tech and National American University, their credits are over $300 each... OUCH!!!! Seems to me that the local TECH colleges are the cheaper ways to go and have the same diplomas. They'll run appx $8,000-$12,000 versus $30,000 at the TV advertised colleges.

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I'm still worried about financial aid... After looking at both ITT Tech and National American University, their credits are over $300 each... OUCH!!!! Seems to me that the local TECH colleges are the cheaper ways to go and have the same diplomas. They'll run appx $8,000-$12,000 versus $30,000 at the TV advertised colleges.


Hey Ty, sorry to hear about your situation that sounds like a pile of shit.

That's great that you're having a great attitude about and are looking forward to school.

I hope it all works out for you and for the better. :headbanger:

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