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About Jimbo

  • Birthday 01/26/1967

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  • Location
    Ohio's North Coast
  • Interests
    Finding CDs of 70s and 80s hard rock bands, noodling around with my guitar, reading, watching horror and SF B-movies a la MST3K and playing with my kids.

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  1. Roadmaster (I think this thread might outlive me.)
  2. Grim Reaper - See You In Hell
  3. TIGERTAILZ... The singer sounds like a weasel in labor, the guitar player is a solo waiting to be f**ked up, and the bass player apparently knows only four notes of which two are wrong. Other than that, they're awesome.
  4. Well, I'm sure I'd feel much worse if I weren't under such heavy sedation.

  5. I'm really sorry to hear that, man. I hope things pick up for you. And don't worry. As a rhythm guitarist who is probably twice your age, I can tell you things always look a lot less dramatic when seen in twenty-years hindsight. As for all the other comments, I guess everyone's having very different summers (and winters) but I'm glad everyone seems to be hanging in there. I'll still be peeking in every once in awhile, so hopefully we can chat more later. PM me anytime. See ya, -Jimbo
  6. You may be playing with Dokken, but I'M running through the SPRINKLER this weekend! (Now who's jealous?) Anyway, that's really cool! And I can't wait for the next FarCry masterpiece.
  7. Hey gang! I haven't been around much for the past several weeks. Summer's been crazy for me this year! I can't believe it's almost over already! (And neither can my bummed out kids.) Work's been hectic, but at least I still have a job (it was pretty touch-and-go for awhile). I've gotten a lot of things done around the house (except for purchasing a new grill, which literally blew up in May). I haven't purchased many CDs lately, but have updated my want list. And the family and I have taken several "one-tank trips" to Greenfield Village, some zoos and other places. It's been fun. Anyway, I just wanted to touch base with everyone here and say "hi" and see what everyone else did this summer and what major news I may have missed (like did Geoff finally come out of the closet?). PM me or comment here. Talk to you all soon... -Jim
  8. Anvil - Metal On Metal
  9. I love this cassette! WILD CHILD, fer shure!
  10. It's not the House of Pancakes then? If only............ I had a house of pancakes once, but whenever it would rain I had to rebuild it. Now THAT'S not interesting. (Move over Tom. And change the channel. Footie's on.)
  11. Tattoos used to be "dangerous" until housewives started getting them. I swear, there are more tats at my church today than at a county fair ten years ago. Then piercings were considered "exotic" until every sixteen year old behind the counter of Wendy's got one. What's going to be the "cool but naughty" body art of the future? Amputation. I can hear the discussion now: "I think a missing pinky finger on a chick is really sexy, but lopping off the whole arm? Not so much."
  12. My Ass Needs Its Colonic. r i c h z
  13. I have heard excellent things about Heavy Load and I love their cover art, but have never heard anything by them. Do they have anything on CD, George? Or is everything vinyl only?
  14. I'm pretty sure their home base was actually Columbus, but still and all an excellent band. I can't wait for these releases!
  15. Ace Frehley will always be at the top of my list regardless of his technical prowess or lack thereof. A completely overlooked rhythm player, he also can create a tasty lick and has plenty of memorable solos. Kim Mitchell is the best Canadian guitarist ever (sorry Alex and Ric) and may be the most eclectic rock player of all time. Yngwie J. Malmsteen is a guy most people either love or hate to listen to. Put me in the love camp.
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