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US Election 2020 predictions


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  • My Little Pony
1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

Nothing is obvious with you brotha.

That's the truest statement in this entire thread. 

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I watched some of this unfolding today and it was and is a head shaking shame, but not a lot different than what I have watched out west in Oregon and Seattle for the last year as the trolls try and burn down every crosswalk sign, court house and politicians private residence.


I hate to say it, have said it before months ago, things will get worse, so much worse until something or things TRULY calamitous transpires and then maybe things MIGHT calm down.


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5 hours ago, Darkstone said:

This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. 70 MILLION people voted for this guy!

We're gonna see this shit all over the country. A lot of misinformation from both sides. Nobody's gonna what to believe. Bigger Empires than the US have come and gone.

Are we witnessing the fall of Rome?






Do you like Iced Earth? 



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12 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

Why people from other countries are so obsessed with our politics is beyond me. You don't see or live this firsthand everyday if you aren't in the USA..

My advice would be to simply butt out. I don't come criticizing Brexit because I know nothing about the circumstances or how things work over there.

You don't know how our media is the enemy. The are so far left, it's unwatchable. As bad as the propaganda in North Korea. The media are the enemy of the people.


don't be an idiot. What happens in the US reverberates around the whole world. 

Also huge implications for the UK and what any future trade deal looks like 

Also what place the US has going forward on the world stage 

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the speeches before those riots were shameful.

RG asking for trial by combat. Trump telling them to go to capitol hill - WTF did they think would happen

4 people are now dead 

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Well, I clicked on the news, and to be honest was expecting a lot more.
I guess it was pretty significant, because they took over whatever building it is.
But the BLM rioting seemed far far worse.

I find it fascinating that there are completely different takes on the aggression of the two events, for a few minutes, then I go back to my life.

When I was watching the news, some reporter in the US was being interviewed and she said in passing during that, that "America has the greatest democracy in the world"
Got me wondering as to why the US is considered by so many thins way.
is it just Americans who think this?
What are the reasons that a thought like that is based on?
Genuine question, not trying to start shit...

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7 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Well, I clicked on the news, and to be honest was expecting a lot more.
I guess it was pretty significant, because they took over whatever building it is.
But the BLM rioting seemed far far worse.

I find it fascinating that there are completely different takes on the aggression of the two events, for a few minutes, then I go back to my life.

When I was watching the news, some reporter in the US was being interviewed and she said in passing during that, that "America has the greatest democracy in the world"
Got me wondering as to why the US is considered by so many thins way.
is it just Americans who think this?
What are the reasons that a thought like that is based on?
Genuine question, not trying to start shit...

 Without getting too technical :P, you mean that you are not moved by  Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (... that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth...)  

or Declaration of Independence ( We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...)?



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30 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Well, I clicked on the news, and to be honest was expecting a lot more.
I guess it was pretty significant, because they took over whatever building it is.
But the BLM rioting seemed far far worse.

I find it fascinating that there are completely different takes on the aggression of the two events, for a few minutes, then I go back to my life.

When I was watching the news, some reporter in the US was being interviewed and she said in passing during that, that "America has the greatest democracy in the world"
Got me wondering as to why the US is considered by so many thins way.
is it just Americans who think this?
What are the reasons that a thought like that is based on?
Genuine question, not trying to start shit...

BLM rioted stores and gas stations at night...yesterday Trumpsters rioted in the middle of the day time the political shrine of the USA. 

Not exactly on the same level to my foreigner eyes.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
4 hours ago, Glen said:

don't be an idiot. What happens in the US reverberates around the whole world. 

Also huge implications for the UK and what any future trade deal looks like 

Also what place the US has going forward on the world stage 

You're just a big mouth who lips off too much about things that don't concern you...everything he stated was correct.


I'd like the congress and senate to apologise for f**king the American citizen over for decades while propping up foreign trash w/our tax dollars..The poor polticians boo hoo! They take take an oath to protect this country and then leave the borders wide open among other damnable acts...and looking at that latest insane Covid / Stimulus bill these wunderkinds in D.C.just passed last week its a wonder the entire joint wasn't razed.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, zacharyamelie said:

BLM rioted stores and gas stations at night...yesterday Trumpsters rioted in the middle of the day time the political shrine of the USA. 

Not exactly on the same level to my foreigner eyes.

You might also want to note that Trump supporters were able to do this in the middle of the day because most of them don't have jobs;)

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2 hours ago, Metal T said:

You're just a big mouth who lips off too much about things that don't concern you...everything he stated was correct.



everything he stated was bollocks sorry.

If you are too stupid to realise who sits in your white house affects the whole world then you are beyond help.

And I'll comment on whatever I f like thank you very much

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3 hours ago, zacharyamelie said:

BLM rioted stores and gas stations at night...yesterday Trumpsters rioted in the middle of the day time the political shrine of the USA. 

Not exactly on the same level to my foreigner eyes.

more to the point they rioted following specific speeches from the president. 

For which he has still not apologised.

no wonder Pence was pissed. Trump sends off an angry mob to the building where he's just screamed that he's not doing his job properly.

rep party should move to remove him 

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
1 minute ago, AlphaMale said:

If you think this is the first time an angry mob marched to the capitol, you're even dumber than you sound.

Apparently it is the first time it's been breached since the War of 1812 though. 

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9 hours ago, kourosofsteel3 said:

 Without getting too technical :P, you mean that you are not moved by  Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (... that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth...)  

or Declaration of Independence ( We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...)?



I mean that's a speech made by one person, that may have inspired a democratic way of thinking or whatever, and the democracy in the US is what it is at the moment.
Forgetting about all the BLM, Trump etc bullshit, and thinking about the democratic way of living that the US has, how is it far better than any other democratic society?

Most democratic countries live by the same content of that speech.
As an outsider I seee many flaws in the US system. I also see flaws in ours and other countries systems.
Is it just a pride theng that has US citizens saying it is the best in the world?
Or is there a tangible merit in taht ongoiing statement?

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Yeah, there's definitely serious double standards in play. If you read CNN's website, it is full of the following terms today:

  • Terrorists
  • Rioters
  • Sedition
  • Assault
  • Domestic terror
  • Insurrection
  • Coup

That's based on ONE day of activity.

When BLM and Antifa rioted and looted for weeks, and even took over an area of downtown Seattle and held it hostage for almost a month, those words were nowhere to be found. It was all framed as "peaceful protest" even though people lost their lives and livelihoods.

It's a blatant double standard tilted on behalf of the Left.

The mainstream media is what is ultimately responsible for all of this, then and now.

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both as bad as each other 

BUT with one serious indefensible difference.

Yesterdays riot was instigated and spurred on by the POTUS 

no one can deny that and no one can defend it. 

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Not as different as one would think. What Trump did was wrong, no denying it. What you're forgetting is all of the Dems and media excusing and justifying the BLM/Antifa criminal activity for a large part of the year. Shouldn't they have been held to the same standard?

IMO you can't be upset at one and support the other... in either direction. The kowtowing to BLM and refusal to condemn them in the name of political correctness by politicians on the Left was every bit as reprehensible as Trump's actions yesterday.

If you gave the Dems a pass all year long, to now be outraged at Trump rings more than a bit hollow.

P.S. Trump will be out of office in 2 weeks, so all of this "REMOVE TRUMP NOW!!!" business is all bullshit and posturing. Biden CLAIMS he wants to "heal the country" but all of his minions and confederates are doing everything but.

Hypocritical assholes, every fucking one of them, whether McConnell, Graham, Pelosi, Schumer. A pox on all their houses.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

We've had 4-5 years of mind-blowing antics from the left...from floating the idea of impeachment before Trump even took office in 2016,to the feminist-from-hell marches and protests that followed the next day.To democrats blatantly telling their supporters to 'get in the face of republicans'..harrass them in restaraunts and openly condoning rioting and looting that destroyed personal property and businesses ...to overreach Covid restrictions by state and local (D) to tearing up speeches on national tv during the state of the union etc etc...24/7 365 assaults on logic....


Leftists oppose logic and champion emotion because the former refutes their views while the latter deceives them into feeling right about their wrongs.

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A study by the U.S. based Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project found that of the more than 7,750 BLM protests across the country last summer, 93 per cent were peaceful.....I can't help but wonder how many would have died if the majority of people invading the Capitol bldg had been black BLM people.....heck some of the security people were even taking selfies with the rioters....and lets not forget that a few people brought pipe bombs to this event....

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You do realize that according to your own math, that's saying that "only" 542 BLM protests were violent.


24 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

I can't help but wonder how many would have died if the majority of people invading the Capitol bldg had been black BLM people

That's a strawman argument and you know it. Every situation is different, and no one will ever know how anyone (either police OR protestors) would have reacted had the demographics, date, place, or purpose been different. To claim otherwise is just pushing an agenda.

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6 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

You do realize that according to your own math, that's saying that "only" 542 BLM protests were violent.

Considering how many protests there were 7% with violence is not that bad especially when the right speaks about it, they say every BLM protest ended up with cities burning.....I wonder what percentage of Trump rioters will end up with violence....

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