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4 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

I've had covid so I'm supposedly good. Better than the vaccine. Why am I considered unvaccinated? 

I was told I didn't need the vax. 

That seems odd. If you've been told (by medical authorities) that you don't need to be vaccinated because you've already had COVID-19, then with respect to restrictions/requirements you should be classified as vaccinated.

I recall early on that someone who had already contracted COVID was considered equivalent to vaccinated, but that was only for a finite window, e.g., for N days after having the disease; it wasn't a permanent classification... but that may have changed.

Because yeah, if they're telling you not to get the vaccintation, but you have to act as if unvaccinated, that's a complete bullshit of a no-mans-land to be stuck in.

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2 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

I've had covid so I'm supposedly good. Better than the vaccine. Why am I considered unvaccinated? 

I was told I didn't need the vax. 


It's a good question and I'd be interested in a good answer. I have heard that naturally developed antibodies aren't necessarily long term effective, but I could be wrong. I can't remember the specifics. 

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P.S. The advice recommendations and classifications may have changed dramatically in the wake of the new variants and boosters. Originally-held opinions re: having already had COVID may be completely different now.

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Even if you have already had COVID-19, you should be vaccinated when it is offered to you. The protection that someone gains from having COVID-19 will vary greatly from person to person. The immunity people get from being vaccinated after having a natural infection is consistently very strong. Getting vaccinated even if you have had COVID-19 means you are more likely to be protected for longer.

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Well, I got a killer job and found me a great girl. She's got health issues so if I want to be with her, I have to get the shot. She has Lupus and asthma.

So I'm going with J&J. One and done.

At least until the first booster.

Edited by AlphaMale
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2 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

Well, I got a killer job and found me a great girl. She's got health issues so if I want to be with her, I have to get the shot. She has Lupus and asthma.

So I'm going with J&J. One and done.

At least until the first booster.

Congrats man, that's good news. About the girl of course. Glad you're enjoying the job too. 

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9 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Ehh? Nobody ever said that getting vaccinated prevents you from getting the disease. It doesn't make you immune.

It lowers your chances of contracting it and passing it on, and more importantly greatly lowers the effect of COVID-19 *IF* you get it. Just like a flu shot doesn't prevent you from getting the flu.

Cumulatively across the population, the fewer non-active hosts the virus has a chance to spread to, the lesser the chance it continues on. While it may not die out entirely, having a fully immunized population means that any flare-ups will be much smaller in size and severity.

agree 👍

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I don't know.  From what I've seen there are a handful of studies released over the last 5 months showing that natural immunity is as good or better than the vaccines.  I believe the study in Israel included the Delta variant.  And keep in mind the original vaccines were made prior to the variants.  With that said the boosters may change things.  But I for one haven't seen any studies showing large numbers of people who had covid previously getting it a second time.  And I especially haven't heard of someone having a severe case when contracting the virus a second time.  I'm not saying it doesn't happen but that data would better support the argument for the vaccines and boosters for those who have already had confirmed cases.



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As the Delta variant became the dominant strain of coronavirus across the United States, all three COVID-19 vaccines available to Americans lost some of their protective power, with vaccine efficacy among a large group of veterans dropping between 35% and 85%, according to a new study.

Researchers who scoured the records of nearly 800,000 U.S. veterans found that in early March, just as the Delta variant was gaining a toehold across American communities, the three vaccines were roughly equal in their ability to prevent infections.

But over the next six months, that changed dramatically.

By the end of September, Moderna’s two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, measured as 89% effective in March, was only 58% effective.

The effectiveness of shots made by Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, which also employed two doses, fell from 87% to 45% in the same period.

And most strikingly, the protective power of Johnson & Johnson's single-dose vaccine plunged from 86% to just 13% over those six months.

The findings were published Thursday in the journal Science.

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Seems Astra was the better of the bunch after all.
Ironically it was able to be manufactured in my state, which us why Australia committed to it so heavily.

Just recently they shut down production lol

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Seems Astra was the better of the bunch after all.
Ironically it was able to be manufactured in my state, which us why Australia committed to it so heavily.

Just recently they shut down production lol

was never anything wrong with Astra.

That was biggest panic over nothing. 😕 

I think in 20 million doses in the UK there were 80 cases and 19 deaths.

So 1 in a million chance 

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I've said many times before, my decision to go for Pfizer  was based solely on what was likely to be the most accepted vaccine required for travel.

Never had an issue with the blood clot thing. Anyone who thought that was an issue should buy a lottery ticket, because you have better odds.

Apparently Canadians have been taking doubling up with Astra and one of the RNA vaccines. I'd be ok with that

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Next, the Covid pill

Pfizer released clinical trial data for its Covid-19 pill, and it was a report card any helicopter parent would be proud of: The treatment reduced hospitalizations and deaths in the most vulnerable patients by 89%, a result so good Pfizer halted clinical trials early.

Antiviral pills like Pfizer’s and Merck’s (which was just granted authorization in the UK) are crucial tools in the fight to turn Covid-19 from a pandemic to an endemic virus. When taken at home within days of discovering Covid symptoms, these pills are much more accessible than current treatments, which require a visit to a medical office.

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10 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Next, the Covid pill

Pfizer released clinical trial data for its Covid-19 pill, and it was a report card any helicopter parent would be proud of: The treatment reduced hospitalizations and deaths in the most vulnerable patients by 89%, a result so good Pfizer halted clinical trials early.

Antiviral pills like Pfizer’s and Merck’s (which was just granted authorization in the UK) are crucial tools in the fight to turn Covid-19 from a pandemic to an endemic virus. When taken at home within days of discovering Covid symptoms, these pills are much more accessible than current treatments, which require a visit to a medical office.



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But who actually took a vaccine to be protected from the big bad scary virus anyway? Everyone I know took it because they'd be a social outcast now if they didn't. It's the same story with the masks. The majority of people are wearing them because we get fined if we don't. No one level headed is wearing them to protect themselves against covid-19. Said it before, but if we truly wanted to end this pandemic we can end it tomorrow. The constant fuss over it tells me there is no desire to ever let it go for some people, and as long as these people exist we've all got to live like cowering pieces of horse shit to satisfy their unreasonable fear. 

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It's like getting the flu vaxx with just a bit more dumbfuckery added for good measure. Oh, and smug self-righteousness, we can't forget that ingredient.

The other side of the debate is just as dumb though. Injecting Magnets and Bill Gates and a whole heap of stupid shit.

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

But who actually took a vaccine to be protected from the big bad scary virus anyway? Everyone I know took it because they'd be a social outcast now if they didn't. It's the same story with the masks. The majority of people are wearing them because we get fined if we don't. No one level headed is wearing them to protect themselves against covid-19. Said it before, but if we truly wanted to end this pandemic we can end it tomorrow. The constant fuss over it tells me there is no desire to ever let it go for some people, and as long as these people exist we've all got to live like cowering pieces of horse shit to satisfy their unreasonable fear. 

Well everyone over 70 for a start as the mortality rate for that age group pre vaccine was over 10% - not great odds

And I'm sure that last dying wish of the 150-200 people still dying a day in the UK is that they'd taken the vaccine as 9/10 people dying now are the unvaccinated. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What is the new Covid variant and why is it a concern?

Scientists have detected a new Covid-19 variant called B.1.1.529 and are working to understand its potential implications. About 100 confirmed cases have been identified in South Africa, Hong Kong, Israel and Botswana.


B.1.1.529 has a very unusual constellation of mutations, which are worrying because they could help it evade the body’s immune response and make it more transmissible, scientists have said. Any new variant that is able to evade vaccines or spread faster than the now-dominant Delta variant may pose a significant threat as the world emerges from the pandemic.

Dr Susan Hopkins, the chief medical adviser to the UK Health Security Agency, said the R value, or effective reproduction number, of the B.1.1.529 variant in the South African province of Gauteng, where it was first found, was now 2 – a level of transmission not recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, before restrictions began to be imposed. For an R of anything above 1, an epidemic will grow exponentially.

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My wife had the news on this afternoon and I saw this mind numbing horseshit panic-splashed across the headlines. I thought wow, this sounds alarming. But I heard B.1.1.530 is going to hit even harder. To be honest, though, they called it something else on Aussie news, though - Cock Makers variant, or something like that. I seriously can't remember, but they actually had a name for it rather than this morse code version of it. 

Anyway, 95% vaccinated in NSW and we still have to walk around like moron beatshit brains with our face masks on - mandatory - in all indoor settings. Mask rules weren't even this harsh for the majority of the pre-vaccine pandemic. Fuck me I love this cuntry. 

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3 hours ago, Geoff said:

My wife had the news on this afternoon and I saw this mind numbing horseshit panic-splashed across the headlines. I thought wow, this sounds alarming. But I heard B.1.1.530 is going to hit even harder. To be honest, though, they called it something else on Aussie news, though - Cock Makers variant, or something like that. I seriously can't remember, but they actually had a name for it rather than this morse code version of it. 

Anyway, 95% vaccinated in NSW and we still have to walk around like moron beatshit brains with our face masks on - mandatory - in all indoor settings. Mask rules weren't even this harsh for the majority of the pre-vaccine pandemic. Fuck me I love this cuntry. 

omicron..... sounds like a failed metal band. LOL

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World races to contain new COVID threat, the omicron variant

NOVEMBER 26, 2021 — 8:00PM

People lined up Friday to get on an Air France flight to Paris at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa, as a slew of nations moved to stop air travel from southern Africa.


BRUSSELS — Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the world raced Friday to contain a new coronavirus variant potentially more dangerous than the one that has fueled relentless waves of infection on nearly every continent.

A World Health Organization panel named the variant "omicron" and classified it as a highly transmissible virus of concern, the same category that includes the predominant delta variant, which is still a scourge driving higher cases of sickness and death in Europe and parts of the United States.

"It seems to spread rapidly," U.S. President Joe Biden said of the new variant, only a day after celebrating the resumption of Thanksgiving gatherings for millions of American families and the sense that normal life was coming back at least for the vaccinated. In announcing new travel restrictions, he told reporters, "I've decided that we're going to be cautious."

Omicron's actual risks are not understood. But early evidence suggests it carries an increased risk of reinfection compared with other highly transmissible variants, the WHO said. That means people who contracted COVID-19 and recovered could be subject to catching it again. It could take weeks to know if current vaccines are less effective against it.

In response to the variant's discovery in southern Africa, the United States, Canada, Russia and a host of other countries joined the European Union in restricting travel for visitors from that region, where the variant brought on a fresh surge of infections.

The White House said the U.S. will restrict travel from South Africa and seven other countries in the region beginning Monday. Biden issued a declaration later Friday making the travel prohibition official, with exceptions for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and for several other categories, including spouses and other close family.

Medical experts, including the WHO, warned against any overreaction before the variant was thoroughly studied. But a jittery world feared the worst after the tenacious virus triggered a pandemic that has killed more than 5 million people around the globe.

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There will be new variants every few months for the foreseeable future since we are unable to eradicate the virus and some of them will be worse than others...hopefully there won't be a variant that kills 10-20 percent of those who catch it or even worse a variant that kills the young and healthy....there's a good chance that our 'miracle' vaccines will meet a variant that they have no effectiveness against so keep your hazmat suit handy....

Edited by Dead Planet
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