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On 8/4/2020 at 1:34 AM, Darkstone said:

I considered Metal T's joke about Hillary, not women. That's the problem. If I make a joke or comment about a particular woman who happens to be an arsehole, then I'm labeled sexist. If I make a joke or comment about a particular African/Asian or someone else from not my culture that happens to be an arsehole, then I'm labeled racist. The same with homosexuals/homophobia. Just because I think one particular person is an arsehole, doesn’t mean I'm any of those things (which I'm not). 

Also, the thing about political correctness that has always given me the shits is that it seem to be okay to be racist/sexist, etc as long as you don't let it show. Being politically correct doesn’t mean that you or your organization is not racist, it just means that you hide it. It's a bullshit, token, meaningless philosophy. 

Thats right, it also doesn't make it so, and if they can't tell the difference between that kind of talk, and a joke, then they can suck my cock, they can have a big old gulp of DEEZ!! cause their nobody I care to waste my time or energy on, im a complete racist, homophobic, trans-phobic, xenophobic bigot, and a white supremacist. and will change for nobody, Cody the Irish\Japanese Supremacist.

Edited by Leykis101
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  • My Little Pony
3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

they can suck my cock, they can have a big old gulp of DEEZ!! 

C'mon, big? Regular-sized gulp at best. 

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5 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

C'mon, big? Regular-sized gulp at best. 

Using chop stix

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So here's a question.

We have been in pretty much full lockdown for nearly 2 months.
5km travel limit from home, curfew, and many other restrictions.
What this has done has turned our second skike on its head and we are back down to double digits per day (21 cases today)
I always thought that having to go through this over winter was a positive.
I know viruses are spead more quciky in colder months, but in the end, people don't really want to go out to bars etc as much.
The result has been that the overall death rate hasn't changed much, because due to social distancinge tc, the flu has not been anything like it usually is, and basically corona deaths, just replaced what would have been flu deaths.


In the US, you guys went through this over summer.
Compared to what many call totalitarian measures imposed here, the containment over there has not been as strict, and expecially now, people everywhere are pretty much over it and prepared to try and get back to some kind of normality.
Which gets to my question.
How is the US (and Europe etc) going to handle both corona and the flu, especially if the flu takes hold and it becomes a double whammy.
Early on here, we were all told that contracting flu and corona at the same time was a recipie for some serious shit, so many people who don't normally get flu shots didn, but the isolation imposed restricted the flu anyway.

Starting to thins that if there is no vaccine coming in the next couple of months, shit is going to get REAL bad in some countries.

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4 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

So here's a question.

We have been in pretty much full lockdown for nearly 2 months.
5km travel limit from home, curfew, and many other restrictions.
What this has done has turned our second skike on its head and we are back down to double digits per day (21 cases today)
I always thought that having to go through this over winter was a positive.
I know viruses are spead more quciky in colder months, but in the end, people don't really want to go out to bars etc as much.
The result has been that the overall death rate hasn't changed much, because due to social distancinge tc, the flu has not been anything like it usually is, and basically corona deaths, just replaced what would have been flu deaths.


In the US, you guys went through this over summer.
Compared to what many call totalitarian measures imposed here, the containment over there has not been as strict, and expecially now, people everywhere are pretty much over it and prepared to try and get back to some kind of normality.
Which gets to my question.
How is the US (and Europe etc) going to handle both corona and the flu, especially if the flu takes hold and it becomes a double whammy.
Early on here, we were all told that contracting flu and corona at the same time was a recipie for some serious shit, so many people who don't normally get flu shots didn, but the isolation imposed restricted the flu anyway.

Starting to thins that if there is no vaccine coming in the next couple of months, shit is going to get REAL bad in some countries.

The containment in the UK was very strict (albeit a bit too late - I would have locked down 10 days earlier personally) and we are beginning to lockdown again.

can honestly see it coming in next 2 weeks although I do agree that another full lockdown is going to be v hard on our economy.

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D-Day for us here.
Today we hear what we will be allowed to do as the virus new cases have been in the 20's every day for the last week or so.
I'm predicting compusory face masks still
No change to the 5km radius
Mabe a few more business types will be allowed to open
Curfew will be lifted (as it was illegal in the first place) although I actually agree with the curfew - where the fuck are we gonna go anyway? 5km limited travel radius, shopping centres and pubs closed and not allowe to visit anyone lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update to the above post.
Today the government announced some MASSIVE (sarcasm) changes to our lockdown.
Our 5km radius has been extended to 25km!!!

But still, what is the fucking point of that?
Can't do anything.
We still cannot vsit anyone, family, friends, etc
Still no retail open, excet essential services, food etc.
Oh, as from tomorrow hairdresses also allowed open,and mobile dog groomers.
we are allowed to play golf, swim, and a couple of otehr sports ander heavy restrictions.

So the longest and harshest lockdown in teh world continues, and I'll let you be the judge as to whether it is necessary.
Our state has a population of nearly 6.5 million.
Yesterday we had 2 fresh covid caes, today 1.
rolling 14 day average of new cases is 7.5
Total active covid cases 137.

Not only are our state borders shut (can't leave the state) but there is also a regional border around metro Melbourne, which you aslo cannot breach.
Face masks still compulsory unless in your house or car.

I would love to see shit like this fly in any city n the US, or pretty much any other country for that matter.
I'm all for doing the right thing, but only to a limit, and we have well and truely reached that limit.
we've been under full lockdown for nearly 3 months now...
We are simps for our governement. :(

They are throwing around the possibility for more businesses to open in 2 weeks, but only if numbers don't increase.
They are doing this under the guise of 'health before commerce'
But the toll of folding businesses and mental strain on many pepole not being able to see family etc is going to do far more damage than covid could at this point.


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That is insane.. 3rd Reich levels of totalitarianism. I had read some stories about the restrictions, fines, and penalties being over the top in Australia, but YIKES. We have more cases per day just on the university campus where I work, let alone the town as a whole. It's fine. People self-quarantine when diagnosed and life goes on.

In my county:

Population: 210,000

Confirmed COVID-19 cases since March: 5,603

Tests performed: 682,978

Deaths: 28 (most of which were in a nursing home in a small town about 20 miles away)

Current active cases: 340

Currently hospitalized: 5

There has been nowhere near the strain on the local hospital system that was anticipated. There was a brief spike in August when students returned to campus, due mostly to freshmen who insisted upon socializing as part of "that campus life", but the university quickly put a lockdown on that and started expelling repeat offenders of ordinances, so that got nipped in the bud.

All on-campus students are required to be tested for COVID twice a week. All faculty and staff once a week. The university developed a saliva test and a mobile app that feeds into all of the local hospitals; results are posted within 6-12 hours. Testing is free. All university buildings are locked with the exception of monitored entrances. To gain entry into a university building you have to show your clear status in the app.

Given the correlation between either fatality or hospitalization required and comorbidities/high risk groups, this is now starting to look very similar to typical seasonal flu curves; it's just that COVID-19 is more threatening at the serious end of the spectrum... but not by much. What goes unreported is just how many people are hospitalized or die from the flu or complications every year... and no one even notices.

Here in the U.S. there have been those on the Left that have excoriated Trump for "not instituting a national lockdown" like Biden claims he would do... never mind that the President CAN'T implement a national lockdown. Those powers are reserved to the individual states, and thank goodness. At least here in the U.S., the pandemic has revealed who the real power grabbers are in a way that most people would not have realized otherwise. From state governors, to mayors, to attorneys general, to police chiefs, the pandemic has forced politicians to reveal their true colors, and the mask has slipped ever so much, so people have been able to get a glimpse into the real agendas in play.

While I live in an overwhelmingly blue state, I'm lucky to not live in an urban area, so other than having to wear a mask when I go into a store, life is pretty much normal here. Admittedly I'm a bit of a social hermit, so prohibitions on social gatherings really haven't impacted me much. I've been working from home since March and have adjusted to that model, and due to circumstances surrounding the need for office space in our building, our unit is planning to continue to work remotely until the summer of 2021. At that point I hope to be retired, so with any luck I'll never be going back to the office ever again.

I feel for those who don't have the option of working remotely yet are in industries not deemed "essential" by the powers that be. I think some of this is a political ploy; at least one Congressman was caught on tape saying that "COVID restrictions will loosen up after the election". Oh really? Why is that a magical date? You mean these restrictions have been a part of election meddling and in places could have opened up sooner? They're diabolical.

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Sounds like Australia is going overboard with the restrictions but then again it is only outrageous until you lose a friend or relative to covid.... Canada is dealing with the 2nd wave these days but they are not closing everything down although restrictions vary from province to province...I'm fortunate to live in the Atlantic province bubble (Nova Scotia, P.E.I., New Brunswick and Newfoundland) where we have few cases right now and everything is open and you just have to wear a mask in indoor public places....there have been 85 new cases in the Atlantic bubble in the last 7 days....

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
14 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

That is insane.. 3rd Reich levels of totalitarianism. 

You're not wrong there mate. I live in a rural area of Victoria and every day on my way home from work, I have to pass through a checkpoint manned by Police Officers and Soldiers. I then have to produce my "papers" (Drivers license/work permit). It's surreal.

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cause it's a sham

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Well, D-Day again here tomorrow.
Been pretty good this week with 1 to 3 cases most days, was all looking bringt and sunny for the announcements on Sunday...


HOLY SHIT!!!!! 7 cases today in my state of 6 million people!!!!!

I mean, how do we ease restrictions with such high number?

lol, it's fucked.
Retail was all getting ready to open, even some resturants were looking at opening under restrictions.
But now ourdictatorial state leader has come out advising us not to expect too much with such huge numbers happening.
It has the potential to 'blow up' if we aren't careful.

If only he cared to any degree about the livelihoods he is destroying, and the mental health issues he is causing.

But then I turned on the news and saw the huge numbers in teh US and Europe, so whatever happens, I count us very lucky, even if it sucks and seems stupid.
Then I saw the Colorado bushfires
Then I saw murder hornets are back.
What next?

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6 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Well, D-Day again here tomorrow.
Been pretty good this week with 1 to 3 cases most days, was all looking bringt and sunny for the announcements on Sunday...


HOLY SHIT!!!!! 7 cases today in my state of 6 million people!!!!!

I mean, how do we ease restrictions with such high number?

lol, it's fucked.
Retail was all getting ready to open, even some resturants were looking at opening under restrictions.
But now ourdictatorial state leader has come out advising us not to expect too much with such huge numbers happening.
It has the potential to 'blow up' if we aren't careful.

If only he cared to any degree about the livelihoods he is destroying, and the mental health issues he is causing.

But then I turned on the news and saw the huge numbers in teh US and Europe, so whatever happens, I count us very lucky, even if it sucks and seems stupid.
Then I saw the Colorado bushfires
Then I saw murder hornets are back.
What next?

6 today. Next will be after all this rain we had pass  few days, flooding.


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  • 2024 Gold Donors
7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

But then I turned on the news and saw the huge numbers in teh US and Europe, so whatever happens, I count us very lucky, even if it sucks and seems stupid.
Then I saw the Colorado bushfires
Then I saw murder hornets are back.
What next?

Well, there is a possible asteroid strike in the US the day before the election. That would be the icing on the cake.

As for Melbourne. After just hearing the press conference, I think there's gonna be a huge surge in businesses opening up in defiance this week.

Edited by Darkstone
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Yep, nothing changed.
Just another dangled carrot.
Now it's supposed to be a couple more days.
Shit starting to get real, and the press really nailing him now.
The uprising will start if he doesn't announce reopening within the next couple of days.

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On 9/20/2020 at 2:34 PM, Darkstone said:




Don't know why I'm getting myself back involved in this, but just thought I'd take a peek. The best thing about this "pandemic" for me is that I have completely stopped watching or listening to any news or radio, which I am loving. So many wasted moments of life on what has been a daily re-run of the previous day's news for almost an entire year. Fucking ridiculous. 

Monday - "Today's headlines - three new cases of covid-19 in NSW"

Tuesday - "Today's headlines - six new cases of covid-19 in NSW"

Wednesday - "Today's headlines - four new cases of covid-19 in NSW"

Thursday - "Today's headlines - five new cases of covid-19 in NSW"

Friday - "Today's headlines - two new cases of covid-19 in NSW"

It's an absolute fucking joke. Report on how many people die of cancer every day and in a week or two you can start calling cancer a pandemic. Yes, I know that's stupid, to the panickers, but I just had enough and packed it in. The news is banned from my ears and I'll just fill it with useful music and/or photography vlogs. 

Anyway, a lot of stuff in this video I've been saying from the start. I can't help wondering what his old buddy and ex radio partner, Ray Hadley, thinks of all this talk. From what I've heard of him from the start, he's one of the biggest covid panickers on the radio at the moment. I wonder if the timing of Alan Jones' retirement had anything to do with his views on covid, as the rest of his old 2GB cohorts all seem to be - as far as I last heard - in a mad panic about the virus too. I wonder what it's done to some relationships within the scene. 

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Well my daughter and her mom caught the Corons, they are more pissed they have to Quarantine,

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30 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Well my daughter and her mom caught the Corons, they are more pissed they have to Quarantine,

they should be thankful they are not seriously ill. many others aren't so lucky unfortunately 

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    • Good safe and well with the footage I've seen on news here in Australia it must be scary.
    • I can tell you that at the very least, there are people from FEMA working with some of the local businesses (my employer included) as far as looking at what aid is available to them. On the flip side, I've heard that one of the FEMA directors "got an attitude" with a few folks in the Asheville area and got popped in the mouth. I can't confirm that, just a story that's making the rounds. 
    • Glad you and yours are ok Mike. There's been a lot of buzz on social media about the LACK of response from FEMA and the current admin. Have you seen or heard anything on the ground one way or the other?
    • Not sure if anyone has noticed my absence over the last 10 days, but I've only been able to sign in a few times from work over the course of that period. As some of you may know, on Friday, September 27th, Hurricane Helene slammed into western North Carolina and absolutely devastated this area, leveling entire towns in its path. In my 52 years on this planet, I've never seen destruction like this with my own eyes.  While my home and property were spared any major problems, our road looked like a damn warzone with all the trees and powerlines down. We were literally trapped like rats in a maze for several days, as even though some good samaritans were able to cut their way through the downed trees so we could leave the neighborhood, all roads leading out of this area were closed off, either due to trees and lines down, or due to flooding.   I was out of work for six days, as my employer had no power. We had no power here at the house for 9 days, with it being restored late yesterday evening. We lost several hundred dollars worth of food that thawed out from our fridge and freezers. No hot water after day one, no cell signal for several days, no stores or restaurants open for several days... If it sounds like I'm complaining, I assure you, I am not. I am grateful. My family and friends are blessed, as we're all pretty much back up and running now. While there was some severe flooding here in Morganton just around two miles from my house, overall, it was MILD around here. Once you drive a mere 20 miles up the road to a little town called Old Fort in McDowell County, and everything west from there, it is exponentially worse. Huge chunks of Asheville under water, Chimney Rock literally wiped off the map, Spruce Pine damn near wiped away, small towns with no communication to the outside world with people struggling. It is BAD here in Western NC, and it's going to take a LONG time for things to get back to some semblance of normal for ALOT of people.  I just felt the need to post and let anyone who might have noticed I was MIA that I am fine, but that alot of good people are not. Please keep western North Carolina in your thoughts and prayers, and if that's not your thing, drink one for all of us tonight. Here are a few links that I've shared over the last week on FB that show the devastation around here... https://fb.watch/v331QebVRJ/ https://www.facebook.com/100067755911039/videos/1069274148086583/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ER9b6tv8oj84QuWb/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9MpnKZUAx4m5oy3y/ All these aerial shots are from around 1-2 miles from my house: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/vux5WpAqeMDcNMhS/ https://fb.watch/v33x13dnTf/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/V6RPz7HiiMhrBsfn/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/vvEuMCm7We6fitZ9/ https://www.facebook.com/share/v/jE1utxkfNLeKEM9S/ Park Rangers in Chimney Rock managed to get the flag raised up again...  
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