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11 hours ago, Geoff said:

This is in the Flamefest section so I just want to revisit the hoarder / panic buyers. 

I've heard a lot of people kind of excusing them, making comments like "they're panic buying 'cause they're scared" and "we all react to this in our own way" etc.

I really take issue with this because, what, everyone else who goes to buy every day items and can't anymore aren't scared? Being scared means it's okay to metaphorically fuck your fellow human in the anus with a crowbar? 

I'll be honest. I don't give a fuck if they're scared. That's no excuse to act like a fucking moron cunt and take away from, and inconvenience everyone else. Because these cunts have taken and are still taking everything, people like my parents, who are in the vulnerable age group, now spend half their week going from shop to shop, potentially exposing themselves to this virus multiple more times over, just because people are fucking morons and can't get it through their stupid, moronic fucked up skulls that if we'd all been reasonable from the start, we wouldn't be short of anything. 

Fucking cunts.

Anyway, that's a bit delayed. But still relevant because of the shit you can't buy anymore. 

And okay, let's make some enemies. People will hate me for this, but fuck. People blaming the leader of their country for not getting this thing perfect. Fuck's sake. Yes, a lot of people have fucked up but what makes people so sure they'd have got it right if they were in their position? Or if the political opposition that they voted for would have a lower bodycount on their hands? 

It should never have been all of our problem anyway. If you need to blame someone for the state of the fucking place right now, look where it came from and how it got out to the rest of the world. There's a reasonable place to aim your anger. Are people as brutal towards the leaders in Italy and Spain and France as they are towards Trump? I don't know, maybe they are. I wouldn't know because all you ever hear is Trump bashing. 

For the record, I don't give a flying fuck about US politics and don't have strong opinions on Trump... but fuck. A lot of people got their response to this thing wrong and we're all paying for it now in some way. Donald Trump isn't the only human on earth who got it wrong.

Anyway, I don't know enough or care enough about world politics to get tied up in it all, but it's just my observation as an outsider. 

China and the way they let this take over the entire world are the issue here. The leaders of our countries have not faced something like this any more than we have and I just not a fan of people being crucified by heroes with the wisdom of hindsight. For the record, I've had thoughts on how I thought things should have been done here and there, but never once been critical personally of what Scott Morrison (Aussie PM) is doing, even if I don't understand some of it. But whatever he's doing, and whatever bits he gets right of wrong, the guy's just doing what he can in a situation that's immeasurably fucked up. These guys don't want to see their people dying anymore than we do, and it'd be a decent touch to see people - christ forbid - show a bit of patriotism and do their bit to help their country get through this shit, rather than constantly bashing their president/leader. Jesus Christ and God n' stuff, the creator of all things (thank you for this one, Jesus), knows this thing's going to drag out for a hell of a long time. :( 

And that's my rant for the evening. 

I agree with most of that.

No so sure about China. They were the origin and had less of an idea about how to handle this than anyone, and given the circumstnces, probably handled it as well as possible.
Communism helped them get a handle on it.
The Land Of The Free didn't entertain most of what China did for too long for fear of being labeled as totalitarian.
But again, hard to blame any actions in this.

Reminds me of a bunch of people who come out and cried on Facebook that we should have done more earlier.
my simple responce was "post a screenshot of your comments calling for it back then" Hindsight is king.

My daughter was at the shops yesterday (she works in a retail shop still open) and went to the supermarket and saw hand wash pump soaps.
Limit of 2 per customer.
So she bought 1.
because there wasn't much and wanted to leave more for others.
Problem is that we are pretty much out, and to get more will have to venture out to possibly infected people contact to find more.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a homebody anyway, and I'm able to work from home, so personally it doesn't impact me that much. I'm very lucky in that regard.

One of the reasons for the (not very prudent but understandable) public protests is that these state and local lockdowns have allowed governors, mayors, and other local officials to use the coronavirus as opportunity to implement their visions of social policy without pushback or public vote. The policies vary dramatically from state to state. Shutting down skate parks, gun stores, etc., making determinations as to whether you can buy gardening supplies, implements, shutting down churches, etc. and all without due process since the legal system is shut down.

In many cases it's overreaching and is antithetical to the American way of life. We don't passively kowtow to authority; we rebel.

The shakeout of civil lawsuits and adjustments to law and policy due to behavior/enforcement during this pandemic will last for decades.

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32 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

I'm a homebody anyway, and I'm able to work from home, so personally it doesn't impact me that much. I'm very lucky in that regard.

One of the reasons for the (not very prudent but understandable) public protests is that these state and local lockdowns have allowed governors, mayors, and other local officials to use the coronavirus as opportunity to implement their visions of social policy without pushback or public vote. The policies vary dramatically from state to state. Shutting down skate parks, gun stores, etc., making determinations as to whether you can buy gardening supplies, implements, shutting down churches, etc. and all without due process since the legal system is shut down.

In many cases it's overreaching and is antithetical to the American way of life. We don't passively kowtow to authority; we rebel.

The shakeout of civil lawsuits and adjustments to law and policy due to behavior/enforcement during this pandemic will last for decades.

I'm a stay at home kind of person as well and the situation hasn't bothered me much either....I can understand people being concerned and even angry about the restrictions to their freedom but it really comes down to common sense stuff like .... your money or your life...your freedom or someone elses life....your selfish concerns being more important than anything or anyone else....have politicians gone overboard, maybe but I suspect that question will be argued about for years to come, personally I think the majority are doing what they believe is best for everyones well being and yes some of their actions are probably influenced by their political beliefs but does anyone except the conservative right believe that freedom should come at the expense of everything else....

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17 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

I'm a homebody anyway, and I'm able to work from home, so personally it doesn't impact me that much. I'm very lucky in that regard.

One of the reasons for the (not very prudent but understandable) public protests is that these state and local lockdowns have allowed governors, mayors, and other local officials to use the coronavirus as opportunity to implement their visions of social policy without pushback or public vote. The policies vary dramatically from state to state. Shutting down skate parks, gun stores, etc., making determinations as to whether you can buy gardening supplies, implements, shutting down churches, etc. and all without due process since the legal system is shut down.

In many cases it's overreaching and is antithetical to the American way of life. We don't passively kowtow to authority; we rebel.

The shakeout of civil lawsuits and adjustments to law and policy due to behavior/enforcement during this pandemic will last for decades.


I feel the same.  I'm honestly kinda enjoying having my weekends free and just getting to relax for a bit.  

However, I'm also starting to get irritated because I feel like many businesses could get back in operation as long as they keep being smart and keep doing common sense stuff like keeping social distance, maybe wearing masks if dealing with people in closer than 6 feet distances, etc.  I mean, my father passed away in February and I've been waiting for 2 months for a local judge to sign off on giving me administrator powers for his Estate but it can't happen because the local courts are closed except for "essential" business and apparently this isn't "essential".  In the meantime I also have somebody who wants to buy his house and I'm left having to pay bills personally for it while I wait.  So that part of it is getting frustrating as I feel like this court could be operating in some fashion like many other businesses that are working from home or whatever. 

I guess I just question the blanket approach most of our government officials are taking.  I mean, I'm in NYS which is basically the worst place to be for this disease.  But I'm in Upstate NY and there are less than 100 cases of this disease in my County of about 60,000 people.   And it's similar for many of the Counties surrounding me.  So many people here are starting to get frustrated and are left struggling financially because we have to continue sitting idle and pay for what's going on in New York City.  And late last week the Governor just extended our lockdown 2 more weeks.  So many people are understandably starting to get frustrated, especially if this virus isn't overwhelming their local area.  

Now don't get me wrong....I think the approaches taken have probably saved a lot of lives and probably should've been done sooner than they were.  But I also feel like we need to start slowly getting back to life in areas that aren't hard hit and trying to figure out how to do it smartly so that we keep this virus under control.

The sad thing though is that people probably can't handle it.  I mean, look at what happened in Florida when restrictions were lifted and one of the beaches opened last weekend.  People flocked there like they've never been to a beach before like a bunch of idiots.  I guess it's why we need to just keep blanket lockdowns because we just can't trust people to be socially responsible and this virus would probably just explode again because people will travel all over and just start being stupid. 

Sorry for the long winded rant :)

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Character Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) said it best in Men in Black:

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

If people could follow instructions and be relied upon to act in everyone's best interests, you could have a staged return to quasi-normalcy, depending on (1) population density, and (2) positive cases in the county/region. But because of herd stupidity that can't work.

My county in Illinois has a population of just over 209,000. As of yesterday, our county had a total of 95 positive cases, of which 30 were still active and  61 recovered, and 4 dead (all 4 over the age of 70 with underlying health conditions). Currently of the 30 active cases, 6 are severe enough to require hospitalization.

Very small numbers, so presumably some businesses *could* return to operation with social distancing protocols in place... but you couldn't extrapolate that same response or criteria to a major urban area... and that presents a big problem: "Why do THEY get to go back to work and WE don't?!! I'm not gunna follow these stupid rules!"

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Nothing has changed for me at all,Im still out working in it,cleaning up masks,gloves,tissues and anything else the witless wreckless people of our town choose to dump when they venture out to shop,exercise etc...I can't complain though compared to my wife i'm getting it easy so to speak,she works in a covid ward that they've set up in our local hospital  :(

Just getting our days in and unlike those that can stay at home but cry about it,we can't wait to get home safe,shut the doors and spend time with our sons...then gear up and prepare at night for back to porridge in the morning.


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I think at least in America, there's way to many entitled people, oh everybody else needs to stay put, but not me, that type mentality, I wanted to touch on a point of irony, as most of you know what the famous state I live in is famous for??? so I find it Ironic that the Chilies, and Michael's by my house are either closed, or close at 5pm, but located directly between the 2 establishments, the Utah State Liquor store is lit up like a Xmas tree and wide open for business, until midnight, on Monday, LOL! and Dr. Johns, the sex shop down the street, still open 24 hrs, gotta love the Mormons, always operating on their own time and on their own agenda, im personally ready to drive up the canyon, and do some rock climbing, because im about to go out of my fucking mind, keep thinking what if I lived with people, would I have killed them by now? cause Im getting on my own nerves, can't even begin to wonder if I was around people.

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I'm doing OK.
My wife joked that shit hasn't really changed for me.
As a general rule, I fucking hate people. They can't drive abd they can't walk in shopping centres etc.
I've travelled a lot and find that here in Australia people generally have a serious lack of awareness or care for other people around them.
Walking down a shopping centre aisle? Sure, just stop in your tracks to make a phone call, I'll walk around you, you fuck....

Anyway, rant over, but that's one of the reasons I don't go out much during the day.
Although lately trips out have been much more enjoyable with less idiots around.
We run our own business, which is wholesale, so whoile business has dropped off, we have taken the time to catch up on much needed work that has been set aside,

Before all this happened we were about to book a week in Bali. Couple of days work to make part of it a tax deduction, and the rest of the time taking a break because we;d been so busy that we had earnt it.
instead we got a corona-break.

Business is starting to pick up now which is good.

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Just on the US protests etc.
What the actual fuck?
Seriously, this shit just confirms what people think about America.
I said at the start that the US would be screwed because 

1. the health care system there (or lack thereof)
2. that people wouldn't allow their 'rights' to be taken away.

The right to freedom
Ther right to bear arms
The right to work
The right to assemble
The right to protest
The right to form militia
The 'obligation' to rebel against any law they see as being unjust.

It just comes off that American citizens live in constant anarchy.
Anything less is living in communism.
Nobody trusts the elected leader.

America will be corona free in a couple of years. Will be at a massive cost (in lives) but most people will have had the virus.


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17 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

As a general rule, I fucking hate people. 

Can I get a hell yeah? Word.

I fucking hate the things too and as I say to my brothers, I've spent my entire lifetime making a point to avoid people. Which is coming in really handy at the moment. Unlike a lot of you guys above, I absolutely can't stand being inside. Hate it. Even if I have to spend the day at home I spend the whole day picking out every weed outside in the garden. But thankfully we live very close to the beach and surfing is my most genuine form of exercise, so I have been able to keep that up on weekends - unfortunately there's a lot more people in the water these days, but it's always easy enough to find a place with enough space to yourself.

But my wife and I are both still working, so not massive amounts of change for us. Just not seeing family is the big thing.  

I just had a week of with the kids for the first week of school "holidays" and we actually ended up having a great week. Like I said above, I've spent my whole life avoiding humans so it's not hard to find some near-deserted/secluded places to enjoy nature whilst exercising. 

Some of the positives, like CTS said is just that people aren't around. I get an amazing parking spot at the train station, no one on the platforms or the trains - I have full carriages to myself. Then I get to work and drive around all day and there's no fuckers on the road and the difference is immeasurable. Sure, I want this thing to end more than anything, but there's positives regarding everyday life. 

As for the US. Who knows? Like I said above, it still remains to be seen who's going to be "better off" at the end of all of this. But regarding my rant a few pages back - I just don't get the Trump hate at all. I don't mean to be harsh but it just seems to me like some folk in the US (and I acknowledge there'd be millions of exceptions) think the rest of the world is actually enjoying this self isolation / world shut down shit (which, ironically, I just pointed out the positives to it) and they're the only ones being inconvenienced by it. I don't get it. No one likes this fucking shit. Everyone hates it. The reason we're doing the shit we're doing in Australia is so that masses of people don't die. We like our freedom every single bit as much as anyone else, but we also understand that some really drastic shit seems to be the only way to make a dent in this thing. 

Again, I've had issues with a lot of things in this whole thing, but obviously the greater the restrictions the better the results. 

Anyway, who knows? I assume the people protesting in the streets aren't the same people criticising Trump, but jeez it's a weird look. I truly hope for America's sake that this approach means it's over in the US sooner than later, but at the moment that is a pretty huge death toll by anyone's standards and as far as I know it's not slowing down. 

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I'm not Trump worshipper, but I am able to look at him without the hate or love that others have.
I guess I really don't give too much of a crap as I don't live in the US.
I see the good that he does (which the Trump haters are either blinded by or find reasons to belittle)
I laugh at the comments he makes.
I disregaurd most of the comments the crazily biased Trump haters make.

From an outsiders POV, I'd say he's been a fairly average leader, not much better or worse than those before him.
He is everything I expected him to be having watched every episode of The Apprentice.
Did everyone think he was going to be different to how he was on that show?

Anyway, harsh call on anyone in the way they handles corona virus.
Everyone slamming him for his actions, or inactions, only have any credibility if they can show that they were critical WHEN IT WAS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.
Hindsight is great (for everyone and also for leaders)

As for the virus, Australia is looking at a tracking app for your phone to help control any spread.
They say we need an uptake of at least 40% of people for it to be effective.
Naturally there is a cry of privacy issues. Many will refuse to ever get it, but I will.
I have no issues with that.

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No, he's a pimp, and here it doesn't really matter what he does, the libs are so hateful, they see red, nothing he does will ever cut it, I just enjoy the fuck out of his press conferences, I don't know if the Aussies are hip to this, but if not go on YouTube and watch any of them, there's always some idiot from CNN or MSNBC who trys to insert some bullshit, he just eviscerates them, it's great, I think that's my fav part of the presidency, the fucking circus

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On ‎4‎/‎20‎/‎2020 at 1:14 PM, tts42572 said:


I feel the same.  I'm honestly kinda enjoying having my weekends free and just getting to relax for a bit.  

However, I'm also starting to get irritated because I feel like many businesses could get back in operation as long as they keep being smart and keep doing common sense stuff like keeping social distance, maybe wearing masks if dealing with people in closer than 6 feet distances, etc.  I mean, my father passed away in February and I've been waiting for 2 months for a local judge to sign off on giving me administrator powers for his Estate but it can't happen because the local courts are closed except for "essential" business and apparently this isn't "essential".  In the meantime I also have somebody who wants to buy his house and I'm left having to pay bills personally for it while I wait.  So that part of it is getting frustrating as I feel like this court could be operating in some fashion like many other businesses that are working from home or whatever. 

I guess I just question the blanket approach most of our government officials are taking.  I mean, I'm in NYS which is basically the worst place to be for this disease.  But I'm in Upstate NY and there are less than 100 cases of this disease in my County of about 60,000 people.   And it's similar for many of the Counties surrounding me.  So many people here are starting to get frustrated and are left struggling financially because we have to continue sitting idle and pay for what's going on in New York City.  And late last week the Governor just extended our lockdown 2 more weeks.  So many people are understandably starting to get frustrated, especially if this virus isn't overwhelming their local area.  

Now don't get me wrong....I think the approaches taken have probably saved a lot of lives and probably should've been done sooner than they were.  But I also feel like we need to start slowly getting back to life in areas that aren't hard hit and trying to figure out how to do it smartly so that we keep this virus under control.

The sad thing though is that people probably can't handle it.  I mean, look at what happened in Florida when restrictions were lifted and one of the beaches opened last weekend.  People flocked there like they've never been to a beach before like a bunch of idiots.  I guess it's why we need to just keep blanket lockdowns because we just can't trust people to be socially responsible and this virus would probably just explode again because people will travel all over and just start being stupid. 

Sorry for the long winded rant :)

I also live in upstate NY and I think on May 1 things are slightly going to start opening up.Not in NYC but other areas of NY.Probably by May 15 we'll have a better idea if the stay at home orders will continue.I work part time in a school district so I've been collecting unenjoyment.Until the school year is officially ended or if school restarts I'm basically in limbo because it makes no sense to get a job that I would quit if the schools reopen.

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14 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

No, he's a pimp, and here it doesn't really matter what he does, the libs are so hateful, they see red, nothing he does will ever cut it, I just enjoy the fuck out of his press conferences, I don't know if the Aussies are hip to this, but if not go on YouTube and watch any of them, there's always some idiot from CNN or MSNBC who trys to insert some bullshit, he just eviscerates them, it's great, I think that's my fav part of the presidency, the fucking circus

Yeah, we see most of them, I mean if you watch the news, which I generally don't.
If news is important enough, someone will post it on Facebook. :)
Anyway, it's fun to watch him tear into reporters, and then the reporters do heir loittle slot where they say what they want without him tehre to defend himself, which is very lame.
Every country have their attacks on their leaders.
our copped it pretty bad when he left for Hawaii during the start of the bushfires.
But I think he has earnt a fair amount of corona redemption now though.
Last time I looed today we had 2 new cases
last week or so we've been around only 20 per day, and only 1800 active cases out of our total 6500 total infections.
But Aussies are stll sooking, I mean not like the US is, just more behind the scenes.
People having parties are resulting in $20K woth of fines - $1600 per person lol
Giid that some people are paying back the debt we will have a bit early :)

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Yeah, I am not complaining primarily because the majority of the 50 states are on mandatory lock downs, meaning it's illegal for them to leave, don't know how they could possibly enforce that, but I believe there's like 5 states who haven't made it mandatory, the one im in one of them, still you'd really never know that there was something going on here sometimes, sometimes you don't even remember whats going on because you go out, and it is just like normal, other times I'm driving to work at 7am, and I haven't woke up yet, and I get all fucked and tripped out, cause like last Tuesday morning, me and a Motorcycle and a pig were literally the only 3 automobiles on the entire freeway, during morning commute, it didn't register right away and I started tripping thinking it was Sunday morning, cause that is absolutely the ONLY! time Ive ever seen it remotely close to that empty, the Mormons are completely on their own page, I bitch and complain all the time, but that's just out of habit, they really are pretty independent in their operations, they figure everyone within the church(which is a good majority of the state)other then the city I live, they all are educated and told what to do, or should i say suggested to do, so they keep business as usual, and depend on the membership to do what they know they should, and it is like this regardless the potential scenario, I mean really, I'm interested to know how many others went and bought a bottle of Absolute the other night, simply out of boredom, and  because the booze store and the sex shop were literally the only thing open, and I was fucking  shoot myself in the face bored, so I scored a bottle then mozied on over and picked up some Ben-Wahs and a 18 inch black dong(with balls) and just went home and got drunk and gave it a good stretch, gotta be in top shape when G-Off calls me for the new shoot, can't be getting caught off guard, but seriously, wonder if anyone else who doesn't usually drink, was so bored, they just did for something to do? the irony is how against drinking the Mormons are, or are publicly vocal about it, probably a trick to throw everyone off their real hobbies, getting bombed and playing reverse gender sex games. those dirty fucking bastards, all I know is they trip me the fuck out, and im off dope, perhaps that's why I trip so hard watching them, they are in a class of their own, and do not ever realize it, pretty amusing. but yeah, my situations not nearly as bad as like my cousins in Phoenix, or my cousins in Naples, or Santa Rosa, so you wont catch me bitching, except about the protesters, that hit a nerve bad, and I was thinking, how just completely horrible and sad it would be if every single one of those protesters, found out they had the Corons, yep if it came back they all caught the 19 out protesting, It would just be the single most horrific thing to go on during this epidemic, it would truly be life altering, and I don't know if I could live knowing it happened, god, I cant think about it anymore, it's just to much!

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2 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Yeah, I am not complaining primarily because the majority of the 50 states are on mandatory lock downs, meaning it's illegal for them to leave, don't know how they could possibly enforce that, but I believe there's like 5 states who haven't made it mandatory, the one im in one of them, still you'd really never know that there was something going on here sometimes, sometimes you don't even remember whats going on because you go out, and it is just like normal, other times I'm driving to work at 7am, and I haven't woke up yet, and I get all fucked and tripped out, cause like last Tuesday morning, me and a Motorcycle and a pig were literally the only 3 automobiles on the entire freeway, during morning commute, it didn't register right away and I started tripping thinking it was Sunday morning, cause that is absolutely the ONLY! time Ive ever seen it remotely close to that empty, the Mormons are completely on their own page, I bitch and complain all the time, but that's just out of habit, they really are pretty independent in their operations, they figure everyone within the church(which is a good majority of the state)other then the city I live, they all are educated and told what to do, or should i say suggested to do, so they keep business as usual, and depend on the membership to do what they know they should, and it is like this regardless the potential scenario, I mean really, I'm interested to know how many others went and bought a bottle of Absolute the other night, simply out of boredom, and  because the booze store and the sex shop were literally the only thing open, and I was fucking  shoot myself in the face bored, so I scored a bottle then mozied on over and picked up some Ben-Wahs and a 18 inch black dong(with balls) and just went home and got drunk and gave it a good stretch, gotta be in top shape when G-Off calls me for the new shoot, can't be getting caught off guard, but seriously, wonder if anyone else who doesn't usually drink, was so bored, they just did for something to do? the irony is how against drinking the Mormons are, or are publicly vocal about it, probably a trick to throw everyone off their real hobbies, getting bombed and playing reverse gender sex games. those dirty fucking bastards, all I know is they trip me the fuck out, and im off dope, perhaps that's why I trip so hard watching them, they are in a class of their own, and do not ever realize it, pretty amusing. but yeah, my situations not nearly as bad as like my cousins in Phoenix, or my cousins in Naples, or Santa Rosa, so you wont catch me bitching, except about the protesters, that hit a nerve bad, and I was thinking, how just completely horrible and sad it would be if every single one of those protesters, found out they had the Corons, yep if it came back they all caught the 19 out protesting, It would just be the single most horrific thing to go on during this epidemic, it would truly be life altering, and I don't know if I could live knowing it happened, god, I cant think about it anymore, it's just to much!

Quite possibly the longest sentence I've ever read...

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12 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Quite possibly the longest sentence I've ever read...

No that's incorrect, I'm sure my trusty pal Nolan can whip up at least 8 in about 2 minutes that make this look like a church leaflet, you see buddy, it's called trying to not let boredom do me in, typing and typing and typing, while I am at cut scenes in Call Of Duty, and trying to ignore the 2 people who decided to visit last night, i always think if I just completely blow them off, an not even acknowledge their presence, they would get the hint and bounce, but of course, it could never be that easy, I eventually have to go into douche bag mode every fucking time, I gotta be a fucking prick, then sit and be aggravated they made me go there, and promising I'll never open the door for them again, and next time im just gonna kick him the fuck out and let his old lady stay, if that doesn't send the message, I guess i'll just always do that from now on, might as well get something out of the constant anger, so I just type and type, point of this story is at the time the indexing and spacing in what i was typing was pretty much not on the list of things I was worried about,


So you'll just have to probably not read them when they are structured like that, cause that's a pretty solid indicator that I'm typing what I would rather just be saying, but for whatever reason thats not an option, ya see, get it, did it, ya here.

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    • I've got a solid top 3 at this point.  At least for me, these 3 are heads and shoulders above everything else: 1.  Kissin' Dynamite 2.  Eclipse 3.  Maverick After that, it's really a hodgepodge of stuff.  New Roses, Daughtry (Only an EP but digging it), Collateral, Sebastian Bach, Judas Priest, Nestor, End Machine.  I'd probably put them in about that order at the moment.  
    • So I was just looking at the new releases I bought from this year, and while there are some new additions to expand from the top 5 I posted earlier this year, to a top 10, all the stuff in my original list are still in the top 10 (although obvs with three months to go, the ones near the bottom could be usurped). Anyway as of now, this is where I am at: 1.       Judas Priest 2.       The Warning 3.       Nek! 4.       Rolling Quartz 5.       Band Maid 6.       April Art 7.       Lipz 8.       Sebastian Bach 9.       Mick Mars 10.   Durbin
    • I to used see them a few times at the Middle as well. With local chapter of the Hells Angels at front bar. Not much a Screaming Jets fan, so I didn't watch them with Gleeson' The guy in front now, was their recent drummer before they put out in front Those first five albums are classics
    • My brother was playing some of this guy's stuff a few months ago. I only now got around to checking it out for myself. Pretty fuckin' good!
    • Seems these guys are no more   https://sleazeroxx.com/r-i-p-cobrakill-lead-guitarist-randy-white-announces-band-no-longer-exists/
    • I grew up listening to Cuntry, and have kinda wanted to get back into it. But not the typical New Cuntry shit. So I'll give this a try. 
    • I always forget about this band, and then I listen to them and am like, "Oh, yeah, they're good!" And then forget about them for another year. 
    • I was a pretty big fan. Nature Of The Beast is a killer song. Saw them with Dave Gleeson from the Screaming Jets singing and he did an amazing job, but pretty sure they have a new singer now  I recently went through the two most recent albums before this one and there were a couple of ok tracks, but mostly mid. Fun fact: I saw the Angels a couple of years before Doc died at the Middle hotel in Ferntree Gully and they seemed to hate each other. Pretty sure Doc said nothing to the crowd all night. Fun fact 2: when they were building the transit bar in Melbourne, a mate and I found a service elevator that went to the roof, which was under construction. After peeing off the roof, which is always fun, we realised that we could clearly hear the music 5 or 6 floors below from a DJ I think. He was playing Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again. We started yelling down the No Way Get Fucked, Fuck Off bit thinking we were hilarious. Then soon we noticed people looking up, and for some reason they seemed to be clearly hearing us. Another mate then called us to tell us security were on the way up the stairs so we took the service elevator down and managed to laugh it off. Stoopid drunk story I guess, but fun days.
    • Cheeky, getting your artwork in there. I wonder how you did that.  I like the vocal track on #1 and that'd be my pick. I personally don't dig the female versions of songs, because I'm not a female (yet?) and as these are songs written by ourselves I personally feel the best interpretation is an AI dude voice taking the place of your dude voice. 
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