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After ski closed down for the season and all cover band gigs cancelled beacuse of the damn communist-dictatorship virus.

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My state in Australia (Victoria) goes into lockdown in a day.
Schools closed, borders shut, only essential businesses open.
The prime minister announced more restrictions to appy to the rest of the country, but we are breaking from them and going alone to a  degree.
Prime minister blamed younger people for not adhering to social distancinge tc - very much like a parent chastising a kid/

Which leads me to....

"The way mellenials feel about being blamed for the spread of coronavirus is how boomers feel about being blamed for global warming"

I'm noy a boomer, but jeez it's nice to be able to turn the tables on these pretentious little shits.

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Nova Scotia declared a state of emergency today....no groups over 5 people or you could face fines or arrest...this has come about mainly because of millenials ignoring the social distancing orders and congregating in large groups...Canada has closed the borders to everything but goods shipments...everything is closed except for drug stores, grocery stores, gas stations and some restaurants have take out....welcome to the future...:unsure:

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  • My Little Pony
30 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

Nova Scotia declared a state of emergency today....no groups over 5 people or you could face fines or arrest...this has come about mainly because of millenials ignoring the social distancing orders and congregating in large groups...Canada has closed the borders to everything but goods shipments...everything is closed except for drug stores, grocery stores, gas stations and some restaurants have take out....welcome to the future...:unsure:

Holy shit. I wonder if that is gonna make its way westward.

I was planning to have a house party next weekend, but I cancelled it, because I felt it would be insensitive to my neighbours. Was it actually directed at millennials? Out here, a lot of people are continuing on in ignorance. Regardless of age. 

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31 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Holy shit. I wonder if that is gonna make its way westward.

I was planning to have a house party next weekend, but I cancelled it, because I felt it would be insensitive to my neighbours. Was it actually directed at millennials? Out here, a lot of people are continuing on in ignorance. Regardless of age. 

Ignorance is no longer an excuse and yes the new rules were put in place because of young people ignoring the distancing rules....at least the majority of people ignoring the rules were young....

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I don't want to seem like an asshole child as well, but I haven't been out and about for fun since……… July or August and even then it wasn't much. I would ignore them too, but only because I'm not worried about it (I know the rest of you are and I understand why but you won't understand because you're too busy being worried) and because I never have any fun and this winter was hard. It's the meanest thing, this virus, and I don't find it scary, worrying, intimidating, or anything, and I'm going to continue my life as normal, and any chance to go outside and away from my house I'll take. Those kids though that are  ignoring the rules, they are worse than I am because they actually get to go out more and they don't have any respect. I have respect, I just need to get out and release something inside of myself that's been trapped since the start of winter. 

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Going outside is fine, as long as you're not coming in contact with other people. Go for a walk, bike ride, etc., but just don't go near other people. That's the point. Even though the risk to you personally is minimal due to your age, you could carry it to someone else who is more susceptible. That is the critical factor... all the people you might infect along the way without realizing it.

The videos of kids on Spring Break still partying it up even now, is horrific. The governor of Florida should be thrown in the slammer for incompetence. Sure, he's wanting to salvage the state's economy as much as he can, but he's oblivious to the fact that he's making it so much worse in the long run, and for the entire country once all those idiots return home.

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I know the restrictions may seem extreme to some, especially when Nova Scotia only has 28 cases so far. BUT if you want lessons in what not to do then just look at Italy where they did not take it seriously , did not act quick enough and now transmission of the virus is rampant through the country...800 dead yesterday alone...personally I think we need to take extreme measures now before the numbers get crazy, after all it's not much use trying to close the barn door after all the horses have bolted....most provinces in Canada have declared a state of emergency although the rules vary between them...

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Alpha and G-off, group sex is still on, I repeat, the 44 at 12 is still a go, don't be late

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36 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

Man this shit is getting REAL....I've got to stop watching the news!...it's fucking depressing....

That's exactly what my friend said! 😆

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45 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

Man this shit is getting REAL....I've got to stop watching the news!...it's fucking depressing....

One of the first pieces of official advice we got at work was to avoid overexposure to social media and the news. I have the radio on from 9:30am to 12pm at work Monday to Friday and that's the only time I let this depress me. You'll be suicidal if you surrender to the news' view of the world. 

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Yep. I've had one or two days where I realised the only way forward was to avoid the news. 

My girlfriend's also learned not to read the news just before trying to go to sleep.

For a lot of us the really hard times not hit yet. Hospitals here in south Bavaria reaching limits so hard days coming up for those in the caring professions. 

I really hope at the end of this the value of medical staff is finally respected. 


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It's best to stay away from all social media and mainstream media right now. They are both being driven by extremes at the two ends of the political spectrum. There is no middle ground, especially this being an election year in the U.S.

Remember: The modern day media makes it's money by inducing clicks and reaction, so *EVERYTHING* is bigger or worse than the day before, no matter the situation. Their knobs go to 11 every day, all day long. They use inflammatory, hyperbolic language, e.g., "SKYROCKETING... from 15 to 17".

On Fox News, the Trump administration can do no wrong, and on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the Trump Administration can do no right.

What I find I amusing is when Joe Biden or Andrew Cuomo make statements that agree with Trump, the same media sources will extol Biden and Cuomo as "stunning and brave" and rip Trump to shreds... for saying the exact... same... thing.

It's all rage bait... and it makes it almost impossible to find where the truth is regarding the coronavirus, the medical tests and treatments, the economy... everything.

It really is best to just hunker down, tune out the real world (if you can) and just listen to music.

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2 hours ago, PeterS said:

Yep. I've had one or two days where I realised the only way forward was to avoid the news. 

My girlfriend's also learned not to read the news just before trying to go to sleep.

For a lot of us the really hard times not hit yet. Hospitals here in south Bavaria reaching limits so hard days coming up for those in the caring professions. 

I really hope at the end of this the value of medical staff is finally respected. 


Doing the same.  You can drive your self nuts watching the news.  

Here in the USA I'm absolutely in disbelief at how unprepared for this we were given the notice we had that this was out there and very likely coming our way.  I'm in New York State and it blows my mind that this state alone is well on it's way to passing China in cases when it's 19 million people versus 1.4 billion. 

I'm not a political person at all and not gonna point fingers....But there is no doubt this was handled very poorly from the start and that even as laws finally got put into place people still ignored them thinking it wasn't a big deal.  We're clearly having a tough time with the whole social distancing concept.  

Still a long road ahead as we only have about 3% of our cases recovered and new cases daily keep far outweighing recoveries.

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The biggest problem is that we are fighting an invisible enemy that isn't subject to laws, regulations, or other restrictions... you can't simply "outlaw coronavirus" and it's done. It's spread cannot be legislated either, as the spread is controlled by group behavior, not that of individuals, and with all the reports of parties, people ignoring social distancing, the herd is not operating in its own best interests. People are still traveling on nonessential business, going to religious services, social gatherings, etc.

That's why (thus far) the greatest success has come from countries who have implemented draconian enforcement and loss of liberties... things that we would never stand for in this country. It could very well be that marshall law is the most effective way to minimize the impact of the virus versus the polite requests for self-quarantine and shelter-in-place that we have... but if a government (state or federal) were to ever institute total lockdown, all hell would break loose here.

We're just not adjusted to that thought; it's antithetical to our way of life... and it will likely protract the situation.

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46 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

The biggest problem is that we are fighting an invisible enemy that isn't subject to laws, regulations, or other restrictions... you can't simply "outlaw coronavirus" and it's done. It's spread cannot be legislated either, as the spread is controlled by group behavior, not that of individuals, and with all the reports of parties, people ignoring social distancing, the herd is not operating in its own best interests. People are still traveling on nonessential business, going to religious services, social gatherings, etc.

That's why (thus far) the greatest success has come from countries who have implemented draconian enforcement and loss of liberties... things that we would never stand for in this country. It could very well be that marshall law is the most effective way to minimize the impact of the virus versus the polite requests for self-quarantine and shelter-in-place that we have... but if a government (state or federal) were to ever institute total lockdown, all hell would break loose here.

We're just not adjusted to that thought; it's antithetical to our way of life... and it will likely protract the situation.

An interesting point there, one kind of not thought about much here.
We all know how you guys are with your rights to everything.
We are the same to a large degree - mini America if you like.
But we are also far more open to iur liberties being taken away.

Right now, in my state, Victoria, we can only leave the house for 4 reasons - medical attention, food, exercise and work.
People are being stopped on the roads and turned around and sent home.

Gatherings of more than 2 (TWO) people are subject to $1600 fines.
Likely that fines are coming for those out and about for no reason, and the army is being prepared to be called into action.

And this shit is working. Our graph is looking pretty good in Australia.

Like pretty much every other country, other than a few - Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong, etc, the public have been critical of how everything has been handled.
There is no easy way through this, and every countries leaders are learning on the fly and some are making better decisions in better ways than others, but there are a lot of people around complaining that actionw asn't taken earlier.
Love to see ecidence of them saying this at the time. Hindsight is great.

Chances are that this will be the downfall of Trump, and many other leaders, because traditionally these types of challenging events don't fare well for them.
but every government will learn from this. It will be a templaye for how to handle this type of thing again if it happens.
In China they still wear masks etc because of bird flu and sars etc

Doubt anyone will easily travel outside their countries again this year.

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The beginning of the end of this will see a lot of walls between countries going up and a lot of distrust. 

I agree, not much travelling likely to happen this year.  Best get used to holidaying close to home for a while. 

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  • My Little Pony
2 minutes ago, PeterS said:

I agree, not much travelling likely to happen this year.  Best get used to holidaying close to home for a while. 

I'm already looking at day trips, hikes, and adventures to do around me. My province is larger than a lot of y'all's countries, so there's much to explore. 

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The latest Canadian numbers are 7414 cases and 92 deaths which while not great is a lot better than what is happening in the U.S.....the main reason it has not exploded here is that social distancing seems to be working , of course there are fines and possible arrest for groups of more than 5 to make people think responsibly .... of course we still haven't reached the peak yet so it will get worse...the biggest issue here is that we still need to ramp up testing to find out who is actually carrying the virus, we won't get a grip on it until we can isolate everyone who has it....

Australia seems to be doing a better job at dealing with the virus than Canada, their numbers are lower and they have tested more people per capita than almost anyone exept South Korea.....

Two things that are irritating me at the moment....

1. People who went on vacation while this pandemic was ongoing and now are stuck everywhere all over the world especially those on cruises....they are all crying for Canada to come and rescue them and I can't turn on the news without at least one of these idiots whining about being abandoned....fucking morons...

2. All the info in the West about how we don't need and shouldn't be using face masks to avoid getting the virus...what a load of bullshit!...of course we should all be wearing masks to slow the spread...its common sense....Asian countries have been doing this for years whenever their was an issue, heck they need them for pollution in some areas.....the problem here in the West is we weren't prepared for this outbreak despite the fact that is was obviously coming our way since the middle of January and we don't have enough masks for the front line medical staff let alone everyone...so we have to listen to the outright lie that we don't need masks....

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  • My Little Pony
1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

...the main reason it has not exploded here is that social distancing seems to be working , of course there are fines and possible arrest for groups of more than 5 to make people think responsibly .... 

That's not the case in every province. Some provinces, like BC, are still allowing gatherings of up to 50, while NWT has asked all gatherings, regardless of size, be cancelled. Hell, Yukon only declared a state of emergency on the 27th. Each one is dealing with it differently. 

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