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15 hours ago, jondavis said:

Isn't most toilet paper made in china?

Looks like everyone around here is buying out china TP.

Hope that paper is safe. :)

I think that was the initial fear. Or at least one of the fears of the dumb fucks; that toilet paper would stop coming into Australia from China because of the virus. 

I then heard that 11 of the 14 main distributors of toilet paper onto Australian buttocks are actually Australian companies in Australia. 11. Of 14. 

Well done, you stupid lemming cunts. 

Anyway, these aren't numbers I can confirm or deny - just what I heard out on the streets. 

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  • My Little Pony
4 hours ago, Geoff said:

I think that was the initial fear. Or at least one of the fears of the dumb fucks; that toilet paper would stop coming into Australia from China because of the virus. 

I then heard that 11 of the 14 main distributors of toilet paper onto Australian buttocks are actually Australian companies in Australia. 11. Of 14. 

Well done, you stupid lemming cunts. 

Anyway, these aren't numbers I can confirm or deny - just what I heard out on the streets. 

Yeah, we have a major paper products manufacturer in my town. That didn't stop folks from losing their figurative shit buying up all the toilet paper in order to wipe their literal shit. 

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This is just fuckin great, ive waited since Nov, to go see Skold this friday, now their gonna call that shit off, fuck that, this is so ridiculous, so what, are they just gonna make everybody everywhere stay in there house? ok for how long? till it goes away, so like a year, its a fucking joke, and im going to Skolds concert, i just hope he shows up

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Well well well.
Big day in Australia.

Forula 1 grand prix cancelled, along with the Robbie williams concert that was at the same event that I had great seats for :(
AFL football to be played in from of no crowd, same with cricket and Rugby next week because....
...all events with crowds over 500 people are banmned.
Download Festival, Miley Cyrus, etc are all out. Not sure about Maiden in May yet.
pretty much all sporting events will pretty much be canned.
Read somewhere that US golf is all on hold as well.

Businesses have started to respond. Flight Centre closing 100 stores.
All overseas travel supposed to be urgent only.
Inbound tourism plummeting, which is a big kick in the nuts for Australia who relies on it a lot.
Stimulus package released from the government to offset pay taz to help businesses retail staff.

People will lose jobs = can't pay mortgage = housing market slump and property values drop.
Aussie dollar was 62c of teh USD earlier on today, a few months ago was low at 68 - 70c
Today I put a hold on my orders from Brazil who operate on the USD, because it isn't urgent.

Bright side is that I heard from some business contact in China and things are well on the improve there, which is a great sign.

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Absolute fucking madness today. You mention the sporting events that will be played to no crowds, but that's only until some of the players inevitably contract the virus and then I reckon they'll just can the whole thing. I can't see the NRL going past round two or three this year (we're currently amidst round one).  

My wife does marathons and such and they're all being cancelled too as there are more than 500 participants. Just every thing people can do is going to be outlawed.  

That Flight Centre thing is massive too. Not unexpected as who the fuck is going to book an overseas holiday at the moment, but wow. That is a big organisation going under. 

I just can't stop asking myself what the endgame is here. My wife and you say China is good now so it looks like the plan is to shut the country down for a couple of weeks and hope everything goes back to normal. Excuse my pessimism, but I can't see that happening at all. They shut the whole country down and think that the virus disappears in a few weeks? Is that the aim? I just am not seeing the end goal here. 

Kind of goes without saying, but obviously the craziest shit I've seen in my lifetime. I keep hoping some logic and common sense comes into play somewhere, but I don't think it will. The place has gone ridiculous. 

And I still can't find a fucking toilet roll anywhere.   

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  • My Little Pony

Out here it's gatherings of 250 that are being cancelled. I'm guessing schools will be shutdown after Spring Break. They urging is not to travel outside of BC, which, at first, I was like, "Jog on!" But then they said if you do leave the country, you must be quarantined for two weeks upon return. And my travel buddy is a teacher, so even more serious for him. So there goes my travel plans for Spring Break. I'm just hoping Sebastian Bach isn't cancelled at the end of March. 

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37 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Absolute fucking madness today. You mention the sporting events that will be played to no crowds, but that's only until some of the players inevitably contract the virus and then I reckon they'll just can the whole thing. I can't see the NRL going past round two or three this year (we're currently amidst round one).  

My wife does marathons and such and they're all being cancelled too as there are more than 500 participants. Just every thing people can do is going to be outlawed.  

That Flight Centre thing is massive too. Not unexpected as who the fuck is going to book an overseas holiday at the moment, but wow. That is a big organisation going under. 

I just can't stop asking myself what the endgame is here. My wife and you say China is good now so it looks like the plan is to shut the country down for a couple of weeks and hope everything goes back to normal. Excuse my pessimism, but I can't see that happening at all. They shut the whole country down and think that the virus disappears in a few weeks? Is that the aim? I just am not seeing the end goal here. 

Kind of goes without saying, but obviously the craziest shit I've seen in my lifetime. I keep hoping some logic and common sense comes into play somewhere, but I don't think it will. The place has gone ridiculous. 

And I still can't find a fucking toilet roll anywhere.   

that's not gonna happen. it will come back. UK is even suggesting this could become a seasonal thing.

They are expecting at least 70% of the country to get it to create a herd type immunity.

Crazy times and I fear for the older population especially in my family :(


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I'd say schools and universities will be shut down early next week.

Wouldn't be surprised if Australia bans travel to and from the US.

TBH I'd be worried if I live in the States. Health care system there is very average and there have been issues with the correct testing for the virus.
Like pretyy much every other country in the world, testing for the virus was done way to thoughtlessly and now the world faces a shortage of testing kits.

My son was all over this early on, when myself and others were teasing him about worrying too much etc, but damn, he was spot on.
What is happening is unprecedented, and once it happens once, it is much more likely to happen the next time there is a new significant virus. 
Interesting taht China was slammed about the way they handled Wuhan and Hubei lockdowns.
Lookes like those extreme measures worked fairly well.

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It's official, Skold is cancelled, and so is the Issues concert in 2 weeks, now baseball is cancelled, u know what I think? I think are good buddies in China have been dicking around with bio weapons, for population control or something, and it either got away from them, or else something more sinister, either way I'm not buying this shit, a week and a half ago there was only a few cases of it in the US, 10 days later and half the NBA has it, every other civilian has it, nobody can go anywhere, all the functions are being cancelled, school being shut down, it could be for pure precautionary reasons, or is it a government,or government's scrambling to try and get out in front of shit that they lost control over? I'm sincerely no conspiracy theorist, but how many of these fucked up obscure diseases have to originate in China before it's ok to answer your common sense, and say something's a little suspect about this whole scenario, say I'm crazy, or paranoid, but look at it and ask yourself, does this all seem straight up to you? If yes, then I'm a fucking retard.

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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

It's official, Skold is cancelled, and so is the Issues concert in 2 weeks, now baseball is cancelled, u know what I think? I think are good buddies in China have been dicking around with bio weapons, for population control or something, and it either got away from them, or else something more sinister, either way I'm not buying this shit, a week and a half ago there was only a few cases of it in the US, 10 days later and half the NBA has it, every other civilian has it, nobody can go anywhere, all the functions are being cancelled, school being shut down, it could be for pure precautionary reasons, or is it a government,or government's scrambling to try and get out in front of shit that they lost control over? I'm sincerely no conspiracy theorist, but how many of these fucked up obscure diseases have to originate in China before it's ok to answer your common sense, and say something's a little suspect about this whole scenario, say I'm crazy, or paranoid, but look at it and ask yourself, does this all seem straight up to you? If yes, then I'm a fucking retard.

I'm with you. I think China is up to some sneaky shit. Weaken us, partner with Russia, and ATTACK!!

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Trump said it would all go away soon and everything is beautiful....wish I was on the same drugs as he is....also China is trying to spin this and is saying that the American military planted the virus in Wuhan...like anyone will believe that shit....

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Oh my friend, I think more people then you could imagine will happily believe that, and we all know who I'm talking about, don't we?

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On ‎3‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 1:05 AM, Geoff said:

Absolute fucking madness today. You mention the sporting events that will be played to no crowds, but that's only until some of the players inevitably contract the virus and then I reckon they'll just can the whole thing. I can't see the NRL going past round two or three this year (we're currently amidst round one).  

My wife does marathons and such and they're all being cancelled too as there are more than 500 participants. Just every thing people can do is going to be outlawed.  

That Flight Centre thing is massive too. Not unexpected as who the fuck is going to book an overseas holiday at the moment, but wow. That is a big organisation going under. 

I just can't stop asking myself what the endgame is here. My wife and you say China is good now so it looks like the plan is to shut the country down for a couple of weeks and hope everything goes back to normal. Excuse my pessimism, but I can't see that happening at all. They shut the whole country down and think that the virus disappears in a few weeks? Is that the aim? I just am not seeing the end goal here. 

Kind of goes without saying, but obviously the craziest shit I've seen in my lifetime. I keep hoping some logic and common sense comes into play somewhere, but I don't think it will. The place has gone ridiculous. 

And I still can't find a fucking toilet roll anywhere.   

Try Ebay for dunny paper.

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On 3/10/2020 at 6:17 AM, Leykis101 said:

I got genital corona-virus!!! these fucking pussy millennial's are such bitches, whats this world going to do? their all soft, and why does fucking China seem to be where this shit always starts? its cause they eat dog head, and bats, and cats and all sorts of rank shit, or they are testing new shit out they have been cooking up top secret, swine flu, SARS, I barely got rid of genital SARS, that was scary

No but for real, it's just made up, I wouldn't be surprised if it was concocted somehow to spread across the world on purpose. All the toilet paper is gone in Minnesota too 😒 

My mom says it's to distract us from the government issues and that it's not important, really. She says it's orchestrated and I think so too. I don't know anything about politics but I do know that certain countries are gonna start a world war |||, probably. Anyway, I'm so damn sick of it already I'm not worried nor do I care about it, it's silly to live in fear of it, don't you think? And I can't stand the thought of being quarantined, because if I have to be stuck inside any more I'm gonna blow up! All winter and lots of siblings plus my mom has other people's kids she watches so they're here 4/5 days a week, and there's nothing to do in my town so I've got a case of cabin fever worse than the virus! :explode:Who's with me on bombing china for announcing the stupid virus? 😂

Edited by PetraGirl86
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Australia now 'impose' self quarantine for 14 days anyone arriving to Australia.
Not sure about how that will work.
Many overseas touists will arrive, spend 2 weeks sitting around, then it's time to go home lol

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20 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Australia now 'impose' self quarantine for 14 days anyone arriving to Australia.
Not sure about how that will work.
Many overseas touists will arrive, spend 2 weeks sitting around, then it's time to go home lol

many tourists will not arrive because they can't get there. Flights to Spain from the UK were turned around mid flight. 

my wife has postponed her trip to Portugal until October.

this will have far reaching consequences for every countries tourism industry 

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9 hours ago, PetraGirl86 said:

No but for real, it's just made up, I wouldn't be surprised if it was concocted somehow to spread across the world on purpose. All the toilet paper is gone in Minnesota too 😒 

My mom says it's to distract us from the government issues and that it's not important, really. She says it's orchestrated and I think so too. I don't know anything about politics but I do know that certain countries are gonna start a world war |||, probably. Anyway, I'm so damn sick of it already I'm not worried nor do I care about it, it's silly to live in fear of it, don't you think? And I can't stand the thought of being quarantined, because if I have to be stuck inside any more I'm gonna blow up! All winter and lots of siblings plus my mom has other people's kids she watches so they're here 4/5 days a week, and there's nothing to do in my town so I've got a case of cabin fever worse than the virus! :explode:Who's with me on bombing china for announcing the stupid virus? 😂

silly to live in fear of it if you're like 15 yeah.

What about if you're 70-90 and not in great health....then you'd be well worried.

I'm 50 and have mixed feelings. No real underlying issues so you'd hope there would be no complications but I would not want my parents or my wife's parents catching it. We also have 1 uncle and 1 aunt with Parkinson and 1 with a respiratory issue - I dread to think. 

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4 hours ago, Glen said:

silly to live in fear of it if you're like 15 yeah.

What about if you're 70-90 and not in great health....then you'd be well worried.

I'm 50 and have mixed feelings. No real underlying issues so you'd hope there would be no complications but I would not want my parents or my wife's parents catching it. We also have 1 uncle and 1 aunt with Parkinson and 1 with a respiratory issue - I dread to think. 

Ohhh right, well yes, I suppose so. Gosh I hope your family stays ok , man. 

I still think this is fishy… 

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  • My Little Pony
2 hours ago, PetraGirl86 said:

Ohhh right, well yes, I suppose so. Gosh I hope your family stays ok , man. 

I still think this is fishy… 

It has nothing to do with fish. It comes from bats. 

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