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Picking out names for your children



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Here's a random question I was thinking about the other day.


If you had a child's name in your mind since the dawn of time, were married and you then had a kid... but in the meantime you'd met someone with the same name you always had in your mind and got pretty close to them... would it then be weird to still use that same name for your kid?


Even if you'd had it in your mind forever would it look like you were a creep naming your kid after this new person you knew?


Here's the deal - when we were naming our kids all names associated with family, friends & work colleagues were out - just the way we did it.


I mean it's a bit weird if someone in your office names their daughter say 'Grace' and then you have a daughter and they say - well, what did you name her - oh, Grace.....just weird.


We ended up with Lily, Thomas & Samuel - fairly traditional, but that's what we liked & it seems perfect now :-))


Sensible approach mate, we did the same. We went for Emma and Luke as they are classic, quite sensible and were only names we could both defintely agree on. We were never tempted by what I would call modern, pretentious, "trying too hard" names. As T-BONE rightly says, the kids are stuck with the names, so why make them suffer? In my opinion, Jamie Oliver and his wife are complete bellends for calling their kids Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela, Petal Blossom Rainbow and Buddy Bear Maurice. I reckon if they have any sense, at least one of them will grow up hating their parents. Luke may get the odd 'Luke Skywalker' comment, but I think he'll quite enjoy it (tbh, he's 5 and already loves Star Wars).

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Well to be honest I was always kinda partial to the name Cody! if I have to respond, really for a name I believe to take it's effect, you have to tell me the last name, if it rings with the first name it is all good, like, Jimi Jamison, Brian Brady, Devin Darwin, or Rick Robinson, gettin my flow im going with here? but outside of that I like Elias.

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  • 2 years later...

So we're at it again, newest member of the family is due March 2015, this time no poll, we've already decided to name our third boy Taylor.

It took some time to convince my wife to go along with the name, as all she could think of was Taylor Swift when she heard it. To me it's just a guitar brand, and actually a rather masculin name if you ask me.

My wife though think it's more of a girls name. Officially it's unisex, so it's not really important, but out of curiosity what do you guys think? Girl name or boy name?

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This is likely a topic still way off for me to think about seriously. When the time comes I do have a few names. For a girl I would say Ariel (for a girl I once knew) or Winry (from Fullmetal Alchemist). For a boy I would say Vegeta (DBZ) or a name associated with the Confederacy (such as John S. Mosby).

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I've got four kids (two boys, two girls), and we just went with names that we liked (although their middle names are for our maternal grandparents, all of whom have shuffled off this mortal coil.)


The only female Taylor I can think of is Taylor Swift, but my eldest daughter knows two 'boy' Taylors - one from school and one from Scouts - so I'd say it's fine as a boy's name :)

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Dont know any girls called taylor,play darts with two guys called taylor,its a nice name and one that my wife and I had discussed using for the birth of our three sons,in the end up my first born got Billy(not william) cause we like it,my second son got Adam....cause we liked it and when he was born he just looked like an Adam :) and our third son got Ethan,don't know anyone anywhere where I live(town & country) called that and its nice so we went with it,they all suit their names and Im sure that your son will suit his name also when he arrives in march :) congrats btw

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  • 5 months later...

When we were naming our little one we made a short list of names we liked and had heard in passing. For example if I was listening to a cd I would think of what all the band members names were and then if something jumped out, it would go on the list. Not that we were naming the child after the musician, but used him for the inspiration of the name.


From about 10-12 names on the shortlist we ended up with 'Oscar', which... for the record was added to the list after listening to the Hell City Glamours.


We now have another one on the way which means the process has started again.

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Life is good, our boy Taylor arrived today, safe and sound.

My wife is a total pro at this giving birth thing, I can't even begin to explain how proud I am of her. :bowdown:


Haha, great name, and good choice!!!


My little baby boy (who is now a big 2 year old - even if he is still very small) also goes by the name of Taylor.


To be honest, when we named him I never once thought of Taylor Swift or the fact that in recent years Taylor seems to have become a pretty popular girl's name. It was only when I started telling other people that it came up that a lot of them assumed it was a girl's name. :lol:


For some reason, I always thought of Tool Time and thought it was a really "blokey" name, even though I later realised that was a surname.


Anyway, congrats, and yeah, like I say, nice choice with the name. From my experience, my little Taylor is a ridiculously handsome and seriously hilarious little boy, so you're on the right track. ;)

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All great names. Well done and congrats. My eldest Jacob just started school this year and has a few elements in his class - Rayne & Store. He also has a few that end in O like Orlando & Leonardo.

So hard to pick names, especially for boys. My twins are Erik & Ava.

I really like Oscar and Taylor.. for a boy!

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Store? Someone named their child Store??


I don't mind Rayne. Very 80's metal. :lol:


Yeah, I like Taylor too. My little bub just started pointing to himself this very night saying his own version of "Taylor." Cute little thing...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Logan and Hunter are my boys. I was so tired of the old names (John, Mike,Joe,etc.) and I hate jr's, give your boy his own first name and identity! lol

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  • My Little Pony

Logan and Hunter are my boys. I was so tired of the old names (John, Mike,Joe,etc.) and I hate jr's, give your boy his own first name and identity! lol

Hunter is...


My niece's name. Yeah, the whole family is thinking, "Whaaat??"

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My neice just had a little gal and she named her London Rose.


Worked with these folks


Imma Darling

Cubby Davis

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  • 2 weeks later...

My little girl is Asha. Loved that name right from the start. Her initials turned out to be ACDC and I promise that wasn't intentional.


Looking for boy names now as bub #2 will be here in around 8 weeks.

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