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Osama Bin Laden has been killed!

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Turn to any news channel for more info... story just broke a little bit ago.


'bout time the cocksucker got his....






While it certainly won't bring them back, hopefully some of the folks who lost friends, relatives, and loved ones on 9-11 (or at any of the other attacks he orchestrated) can gain some small measure of closure. -_-

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While I'm thrilled that the bastard finally got his just reward, hopefully we can now start to pull back some of our presence in the Middle East and stop bleeding billions and billions of dollars over there that could do a lot of good at home.


I'm sure the folks in Alabama and North Carolina could use some assistance.



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Don't forget us guys here in Tennessee...we got hit hard, too (as did Georgia).


Funniest comment posted on MSN regarding this report:


"Satan, your 11 o'clock is here."



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Although, this is Great news, I doubt it will be the last of the terrorists.. They will just make him look like a martyr.


I hope you rot in hell Bin Laden..


Consider this being me dancing on your grave.. :banana:

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Yeah, great to see. First thing I said also (in jest, of course), was: does this mean they'll pull the troops out now?


Of course it's a wonderful thing, but sadly I don't think it really changes anything does it? Either way, I hope it was painful for him.

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Although, this is Great news, I doubt it will be the last of the terrorists.. They will just make him look like a martyr.


I hope you rot in hell Bin Laden..


Consider this being me dancing on your grave.. :banana:



:masturbanana: <~~~ Me standing next to you on his grave.

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I'm still interested to find out if they really got his body or if it's another impersonator considering there have been stories that he died 5-7 years ago. As long as he's dead, thats all that matters...

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I'm still interested to find out if they really got his body or if it's another impersonator considering there have been stories that he died 5-7 years ago. As long as he's dead, thats all that matters...


According to what was said on the radio this morning, the body was in possession of U.S. forces, and then once positively identified, was buried at sea.


That seems odd to me, given the tendency of Muslim media/governments/groups to deny things that actually occurred... I hope there was video documentation, otherwise we'll be back to "He's not really dead, the American infidels are liars."



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Yeah, great to see. First thing I said also (in jest, of course), was: does this mean they'll pull the troops out now?


Of course it's a wonderful thing, but sadly I don't think it really changes anything does it? Either way, I hope it was painful for him.


Not painful enough...he was shot in the head. That's what the goverment says anyway. I would have strung him up and plucked his testicles off one at a time. That would just be the beginning...


While it will not end terrorism, it's a huge victory. He was the one funding the whole thing. Now he's dead and his son also (killed last night too).


Ding dong the dick is dead!

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How about this irony!! :eek:


When the news broke out at the Phillies/Mets game it was in the 9th inning with the score 1-1.


Pennsylvania and New York teams and 9th inning 1-1


Ironic to say the least!

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No 72 virgins for him... he'll spend eternity tonguing the scrotums of a bunch of unwashed, sweaty fat guys....good ridn'z

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How about this irony!! :eek:


When the news broke out at the Phillies/Mets game it was in the 9th inning with the score 1-1.


Pennsylvania and New York teams and 9th inning 1-1


Ironic to say the least!


No shit!Now that is ironic.



I am so surprised by what I am reading around the net today. So many detractors to those of us that are happy that a day of reconing has come for not only 9/11. by remember when this douche bombed the trade centers in 1993?


I hope that aside from Bin and his kin that we don't stop and take the whole flippin' clan out.


Again, I'm doing a happy dance in my head, just saddened by the number of folks that can't be supportive of one small victory for justice and man/woman kind.

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How about this irony!! :eek:


When the news broke out at the Phillies/Mets game it was in the 9th inning with the score 1-1.


Pennsylvania and New York teams and 9th inning 1-1


Ironic to say the least!


No shit!Now that is ironic.



I am so surprised by what I am reading around the net today. So many detractors to those of us that are happy that a day of reconing has come for not only 9/11. by remember when this douche bombed the trade centers in 1993?


I hope that aside from Bin and his kin that we don't stop and take the whole flippin' clan out.


Again, I'm doing a happy dance in my head, just saddened by the number of folks that can't be supportive of one small victory for justice and man/woman kind.

I was watching that game and I don't watch baseball. Just felt like I had to. Don't know why. And yes it was the 9th inning and the score was 1-1. I didn't even think of it when I saw the news. Freaky.

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Why did they give him a "proper muslim burial?" Surely the best he deserved was to be thrown in an incinerator somewhere and let him rest with the ashes of other garbage.


As for conspiracy theories, I don't know who's sillier. Cospiracy theorists or us who just take the word of Obama. I also thought he was supposed to have died a few years back, but hey, if they say they got him now with concrete proof, I'm happy enough to just believe it rather than get all silly and make up sad theories. There are better ways to roll than that, imo.

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While I'm thrilled that the bastard finally got his just reward, hopefully we can now start to pull back some of our presence in the Middle East and stop bleeding billions and billions of dollars over there that could do a lot of good at home.


I'm sure the folks in Alabama and North Carolina could use some assistance.





That and alot of the infrastructure in the U.S. is falling apart.The feds keep printing $ we don't have and these

a-holes keep adding to our debt.Though we need a prescence in certain parts of the world,our days of playing policeman

are over.

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Why did they give him a "proper muslim burial?" Surely the best he deserved was to be thrown in an incinerator somewhere and let him rest with the ashes of other garbage.


As for conspiracy theories, I don't know who's sillier. Cospiracy theorists or us who just take the word of Obama. I also thought he was supposed to have died a few years back, but hey, if they say they got him now with concrete proof, I'm happy enough to just believe it rather than get all silly and make up sad theories. There are better ways to roll than that, imo.



I look at it this way...the fish are nibbling on his ballz right now so we're all good :)

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