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US Election 2020 predictions


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7 hours ago, PeterS said:


So Ive never heard of this dude before, but he just won 1 new fan over, I think his views aren't mine, but he presented an entire picture in an extremely logical manner, something you'll never find in the lame stream American media, the point he was making and never said, is the silent majority, I always harp on it, because it's what drives this country, normal working class people, who enjoy their lives, their family's, their neighborhoods, their jobs, and their money, they work their balls off, spending hours of overtime to provide, Biden wants to come along, as most Democrats do, take these people's hard earned money, and just give it to people who don't want to work, and that's fucking bullshit, I don't work to provide for people who can work themselves, I work to provide for me, and my daughter, and my friends, and my Ex's house, and her new boyfriends stuff, and probably his kids stuff, I'm all out of charity, I don't think everyone should just do whatever the fuck they want, no questions asked, as a Libertarian I'm extremely socially liberal, but not that liberal, everyone has to hold up their end of the bargain, or this whole thing doesn't work, and many don't want to work.

Donald Trump has never one time in his entire career given any hint or any kind of notion he is Conservative, NEVER! he is simply a republican, and most people don't stop to think about that, he was voted in because he didn't bullshit us, he said all the things we thought, and he said them in a crass demeaning manner, just the way we think them, we are sick of politicians, who give us the same tired ass line of bullshit every time(Biden) then get into office and do nothing, us real Americans don't give a fuck, we hate PC, we hate Woke, we hate a group of people who don't want to tow the line, and are willing to literally do just about anything to get out of what all the rest of us have to do on a daily basis, we hate being called racists, when we are not, and we hate being pushed into the feeling we are becoming racist because of this, Trump thinks, and acts, like most Americans, that's why he was voted in, and Clinton wasn't, that's why he will get a 2nd term, and Biden wont, we are simply sick of leftists and their bullshit, destroying our fucking city's, who the fuck do they think they are? well as soon as Trump gets back in, I believe your going to see him give the green light, to do what we should be doing all along, protecting our way of life, and what we love, our Country, proud and honorable people don't destroy their own shit, criminal deviants and traitors do, fuck them all, I will die for my country, when someone in office is trying to make it better for me.  TRUMP 2020

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Millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars spent on the Mueller Report and Impeachment...with evidence that would get laughed out of a court of law.Any voter who can throw the lever for Biden / Harris after that alone....IMO is beneath contempt.

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Well, I've got the day off tomorrow and I'm gonna plant myself in front of the TV and enjoy the festivities. 

I haven't been this excited about a contest since Tyson/Holyfield!

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24 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

I love The Apprentice.
I hope he loses and makes more series :)

Maybe, if he wins there will be a new season of "The Apprentice" starring Mike Pence. 

It wouldn't surprise me.

Perhaps in the final year of his second term, the Donald might put Mike Pence up against, I dunno, let's say Pauly Shore, Kanye West, Rosie O'Donnell or Joy Behar for the Vice Presidency. 


Edited by Darkstone
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lovely tweet from Trump inciting violence on the streets on Pennsylvania if mail in votes are allowed to be counted.

Says it undermines law and is VERY dangerous, when actually it is law 

how responsible of the president.

good on Twitter for slapping warnings and fact checks all over the tweet.

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3 hours ago, Glen said:

lovely tweet from Trump inciting violence on the streets on Pennsylvania if mail in votes are allowed to be counted.

Says it undermines law and is VERY dangerous, when actually it is law 

how responsible of the president.

good on Twitter for slapping warnings and fact checks all over the tweet.

Yeah Glen, it's Trump who's going to be behind the violence, Biden has turned a single head to any violence whatesover, who has people already camped out in pure black clothes and ski masks waiting to go? looks like their waiting in line for goddamn concert tickets or something, yep, that's Trump, but I know without question the PP and PB are ready to go head hunting those fucking Antifa faggot punks, they dont stand a chance in the face of real soldiers, theyll be put down before they even get started this time, regardless of who wins, It would make my day to see some snowflakes going to destroy my city get their skull crushed, or get de-brained by a blunt object as their going to burn down a building or terrorize a civilian, I wont lose a wink of sleep, their going to find out it's not nice to destroy things that dont belong to you, and their going to find out the hard way, with tough hate

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3 hours ago, Glen said:

lovely tweet from Trump inciting violence on the streets on Pennsylvania if mail in votes are allowed to be counted.

Says it undermines law and is VERY dangerous, when actually it is law 

how responsible of the president.

good on Twitter for slapping warnings and fact checks all over the tweet.

Meh. Please spare me the selective outrage. Oh, no, he TWEETED! The horror! Most of the same people feigning outrage over Trump's use of social media have sat silent condoning actual terrorist violence on the part of BLM and Antifa.

And as far as tweeting goes, what about the tweet from the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, the #1 ELECTION OFFICIAL in the state, proclaiming 2 days ago that once the votes are counted in PA, Trump will lose. The person in charge of that state's election pre-selecting the outcome... no, that's not an indicator of voting manipulation/suppression at all.

But no warnings or fact checks on that Tweet.

Big tech is in the pocket of the DNC. The way they blocked the NY Post account and articles about the Biden Family corruption while at the SAME time doing nothing when Trump's leaked tax returns and illegal recordings of Melania were allowed to be spread far and wide unchecked, shows their one-sided bias.

If the same rules can't apply to all, then there are no rules and it's game on.

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apologies guys but who is Trump actually referring to in his tweet?

if the concern is the counting of mail in votes I assume that democrats or the left will not be rioting as this supposedly favours them doesn't it.

so I assume trump is referring to the right creating violence in streets 

or does he just use violence on the streets to push his agenda.

either way it's not a tweet I would expect from a president 

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3 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Meh. Please spare me the selective outrage. Oh, no, he TWEETED! The horror! Most of the same people feigning outrage over Trump's use of social media have sat silent condoning actual terrorist violence on the part of BLM and Antifa.

And as far as tweeting goes, what about the tweet from the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, the #1 ELECTION OFFICIAL in the state, proclaiming 2 days ago that once the votes are counted in PA, Trump will lose. The person in charge of that state's election pre-selecting the outcome... no, that's not an indicator of voting manipulation/suppression at all.

But no warnings or fact checks on that Tweet.


pre selection and prediction based on poles are v different.

bit of an over reaction I think 

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I can’t believe how divided the States are. I still think a 3rd party might make things more balanced. Too much power on one side or the other when there are only 2 choices. 

I’m fearful of tonight’s results...if a result is had. 

The States don’t seem very United at this time. 

Stay safe!

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  • My Little Pony
4 minutes ago, zacharyamelie said:

I can’t believe how divided the States are. I still think a 3rd party might make things more balanced. Too much power on one side or the other when there are only 2 choices. 

I’m fearful of tonight’s results...if a result is had. 

The States don’t seem very United at this time. 

Stay safe!

Yeah, Canadian politics are fucked, too, but at least we have three viable parties to choose from. It makes a huge difference. 

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Despite complaints of late mail in votes not being counted and voter suppression in some areas, the bottom line is that the American people will make their choice today and considering the amazing amount of votes that have already been cast (100 million or so) I expect a fair and reasonable outcome...so whether it is Trump or Biden, there should be no reason for anyone to lose their shit....

I agree with a previous post about the US needing a third party ... a centrist party that takes the best from both the Dems and Reps ... I think such a party would have a good chance at power and the end result would be more common sense from the other 2 parties as they would hemorrhage votes to a centrist party.....

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1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

Despite complaints of late mail in votes not being counted and voter suppression in some areas, the bottom line is that the American people will make their choice today and considering the amazing amount of votes that have already been cast (100 million or so) I expect a fair and reasonable outcome...so whether it is Trump or Biden, there should be no reason for anyone to lose their shit....

I agree with a previous post about the US needing a third party ... a centrist party that takes the best from both the Dems and Reps ... I think such a party would have a good chance at power and the end result would be more common sense from the other 2 parties as they would hemorrhage votes to a centrist party.....


When I moved to Germany I was totally confused by the political system here but it does something the UK and US don't. You have to gather consensus and make reasonable compromises. 

The idea that a whole population's views are fairly covered by two parties is ridiculous but we continue to live with them because the parties in power don't want to lose that power. It's really not about the 'will of the people'. 


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Folks, there is an awesome 3rd party, to which I belong, who ran an incredibly capable set of candidates this year in the lesbian pro gun, tough on crime bad ass Jo Jorgensen, and the even more promising up and comer Spike Cohen, the Libertarian Party are very sensible, finding an unimaginable medium for most Americans, but you see, it breaks the ever crooked system that corrupt politicians established years ago, the typical American has zero idea there are other party's, let alone know who the candidates are, and they receive zero coverage on any of the fake left wing news outlets, because they are a detriment to Biden, because they fall more on the liberal side of many issues which robs votes away from the Dumbocrates, so they stifle them, Jorgensen was featured on Fox, and OAN, as well as Joe Rogan, and many other prominent podcasts, but the typical "Independent" American, is not Independent by strategy, but by ignorance, ask your typical dude walking down a street in say, Omaha what party's are running a presidential candidate, I'd bet my Jeep you would get most confused what you even meant, I cant even say I know them all, I know Libertarian, Green Party, Tea Party, the Union Party, but without any major media exposure, there's genuinely absolutely NO!! reason for these people to even run, they should just save their time and money, until our entire system is restructured, it's as meaningful as pissing in the wind.

Edited by Leykis101
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You're soooo close but still have your right wing chip on the shoulder. 

The problem isn't left wing media. It's all media and the politics being buyable. Politics is not about what the people want. It's all about what corporate interests want. And the way it's set up that's no surprise. The politicians have to go out and raise funds. Corporates aren't giving money for a warm fuzzy feeling. 


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  • My Little Pony
8 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Folks, there is an awesome 3rd party, to which I belong, who ran an incredibly capable set of candidates this year in the lesbian pro gun, tough on crime bad ass Jo Jorgensen, and the even more promising up and comer Spike Cohen, the Libertarian Party are very sensible, finding an unimaginable medium for most Americans, but you see, it breaks the ever crooked system that corrupt politicians established years ago, the typical American has zero idea there are other party's, let alone know who the candidates are, and they receive zero coverage on any of the fake left wing news outlets, because they are a detriment to Biden, because they fall more on the liberal side of many issues which robs votes away from the Dumbocrates, so they stifle them, Jorgensen was featured on Fox, and OAN, as well as Joe Rogan, and many other prominent podcasts, but the typical "Independent" American, is not Independent by strategy, but by ignorance, ask your typical dude walking down a street in say, Omaha what party's are running a presidential candidate, I'd bet my Jeep you would get most confused what you even meant, I cant even say I know them all, I know Libertarian, Green Party, Tea Party, the Union Party, but without any major media exposure, there's genuinely absolutely NO!! reason for these people to even run, they should just save their time and money, until our entire system is restructured, it's as meaningful as pissing in the wind.

Yeah, we all know there are more than two parties. What I'm saying is you need another party, like the Libertarians, to actually gain traction and become an real competitive option. 

In Canada, we have many parties. At a provincial level--in my province, anyway--there are always three viable options: Green, Liberal, and NDP. And at the federal level there are also three equally competing parties: Conservative, Liberal, and NDP. 

Having three likely options means you can vote for who you actually want, or vote "strategically" so you don't get the one you don't want. 

It's not perfect in any way, but at least you know it's not just gonna be Democrats or Republicans. Every. Fucking. Time. 

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Blue states were called immediately. Red states were called on a much more delayed basis and battleground states actually stopped voting last night. Now this morning remaining ballots to be counted are magically showing up in ratios favoring Biden that are statistically impossible. I get that mail-in and absentee ballots typically favor the democratic candidate, but not like this.

There actually was a ballot dump in Michigan this morning of over 138,000 votes for Biden and ZERO for Donald Trump. Not possible.

If you can't win an election, steal it.

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

Blue states were called immediately. Red states were called on a much more delayed basis and battleground states actually stopped voting last night. Now this morning remaining ballots to be counted are magically showing up in ratios favoring Biden that are statistically impossible. I get that mail-in and absentee ballots typically favor the democratic candidate, but not like this.

There actually was a ballot dump in Michigan this morning of over 138,000 votes for Biden and ZERO for Donald Trump. Not possible.

If you can't win an election, steal it.

Well Dan, lets take an open look at everything they have done in 2020 to make sure Trump didnt get back in, did you actually believe it would go all the way down to the election and not have all sorts of hanky shit go on? I mean I think it's par for the course, they have gotten so nonchalant aboujt all the bullshit that they dont even give a fuck how obvious they are, they are just going to ram it down our throats then accuse us of everything under the sun the second we say something about it, see people, this is the shit thats taken a fairly easy going semi liberal man, and pushed him into almost ultra right winging beliefs, the stupidity of the left to believe the American population are idiots has truly grown me hateful of them and their motives, fuck them, the biggest sorry losers of all time, I hope they are busted, and thrown into an investigation that runs the majority out the door, and maybe their are some true democrats waiting in the wings.

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12 hours ago, PeterS said:

You're soooo close but still have your right wing chip on the shoulder. 

The problem isn't left wing media. It's all media and the politics being buyable. Politics is not about what the people want. It's all about what corporate interests want. And the way it's set up that's no surprise. The politicians have to go out and raise funds. Corporates aren't giving money for a warm fuzzy feeling. 


I really don't believe I have a right wing chip on my shoulder sir, I think what it is, is an anti left wing chip on my shoulder, I saw the Libertarian candidates on OAN and Fox News,, I believe I heard Jorgensens name mentioned 1 time on MSNBC, but have never seen any attempt at interviewing her, or doing a segment on her, on any of the left wing news stations, so unless you know other wise, that really had nothing to do with the side it was on, other then I guess its a coincidence that it was only conservative news stations who featured them, I guess it was my false observation, my bad

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

Blue states were called immediately. Red states were called on a much more delayed basis and battleground states actually stopped voting last night. Now this morning remaining ballots to be counted are magically showing up in ratios favoring Biden that are statistically impossible. I get that mail-in and absentee ballots typically favor the democratic candidate, but not like this.

There actually was a ballot dump in Michigan this morning of over 138,000 votes for Biden and ZERO for Donald Trump. Not possible.

If you can't win an election, steal it.

I don't believe for a second that there is massive voter fraud going on.... for that to happen there would have to be a ton of people involved and it would soon be out in the open....the complaints of fraud from the republicans are just sour grapes...

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    • Good safe and well with the footage I've seen on news here in Australia it must be scary.
    • I can tell you that at the very least, there are people from FEMA working with some of the local businesses (my employer included) as far as looking at what aid is available to them. On the flip side, I've heard that one of the FEMA directors "got an attitude" with a few folks in the Asheville area and got popped in the mouth. I can't confirm that, just a story that's making the rounds. 
    • Glad you and yours are ok Mike. There's been a lot of buzz on social media about the LACK of response from FEMA and the current admin. Have you seen or heard anything on the ground one way or the other?
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