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OK I get it now


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We have protests on Saturday for Aboriginal inequity.

Stupid timing, they are just feeding off the sentiment of what is happening in the US.
We are doing so well with covid, and this can really fuck it all up.
They are claiming it as an 'essential service' even though public gatherings are still banned.

Our state leader is too shit scared to hand out fines, which would help to the tune of 50 million if the claimed 30,000 turn up :)
Would be interesting to see if fines started coming out if people would get violent. Probably.
Anyway, fuckheads. If this causes a big second spike, then I'll be pissed.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors

If what we've been told is true about covid transmission, then these worldwide gatherings will have to lead to another Global surge. It's inevitable. That's of course, if what we've been told is true.

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  • My Little Pony
9 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

If what we've been told is true about covid transmission, then these worldwide gatherings will have to lead to another Global surge. It's inevitable. That's of course, if what we've been told is true.

In Canada, our number of new cases has been steadily declining. And here in BC the number of total cases is the lowest it's been since the emergency was declared. And this is a few days after thousands of people gathered to protest. So... is this social/physical distancing really the answer?

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16 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

In Canada, our number of new cases has been steadily declining. And here in BC the number of total cases is the lowest it's been since the emergency was declared. And this is a few days after thousands of people gathered to protest. So... is this social/physical distancing really the answer?

You need to keep in mind that the results of gatherings do not show up in an increase in cases for several weeks after the event....hopefully there won't be any increases as all of Canada is now reopening the economy...it will really suck if we have to close down again....

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They have charged the other 3 cops in the Floyd case and here is my prediction....Chauvin will be found guilty of manslaughter not 2nd degree murder and the other 3 will walk....the increase in charges and the charges for the 3 are just political optics...meaningless once you get into court and have to convict beyond a reasonable doubt...

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You know what's the most hypocritical thing of all?

When other countries,join in so called "protests".

For example,UK.

Where Emily Jones,7 year old girl,had her throat cut by black female migrant,in an public park,in the middle of the day.

I never saw any single riot or even peaceful protest for this truly innocent girl.

No headline either,guess it's because she was white kid.

Also David Dorn,black police officer killed by black lives matter supporters while protecting an store from looting.

Again,no headline here.

If you want equality,you must show EVERYTHING.




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Crazy times right now.  Just feel like there is a lack of respect for other people all over the place and nothing will improve until that changes.

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7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

We have protests on Saturday for Aboriginal inequity.

Stupid timing, they are just feeding off the sentiment of what is happening in the US.
We are doing so well with covid, and this can really fuck it all up.
They are claiming it as an 'essential service' even though public gatherings are still banned.

Our state leader is too shit scared to hand out fines, which would help to the tune of 50 million if the claimed 30,000 turn up :)
Would be interesting to see if fines started coming out if people would get violent. Probably.
Anyway, fuckheads. If this causes a big second spike, then I'll be pissed.

This story is infuriating anyone with half a brain. Even a quarter. Imagine these mindless moronic cunts were the gateway to a second wave of Covid. Just imagine that actually happened. They should all be shot on the spot for even trying to fuck up what we've tried so hard to avoid. 

Regardless of covid-19 , they should be shot on the spot for being braindead worthless pieces of shit. Fucking maggots. 

7 hours ago, Darkstone said:

If what we've been told is true about covid transmission, then these worldwide gatherings will have to lead to another Global surge. It's inevitable. That's of course, if what we've been told is true.

If it just affected the protesters I'd welcome it. Sadly, it's most likely gong to affect their older relatives, who probably think they're all fucking idiots too, like the rest of us. 

6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

They have charged the other 3 cops in the Floyd case and here is my prediction....Chauvin will be found guilty of manslaughter not 2nd degree murder and the other 3 will walk....the increase in charges and the charges for the 3 are just political optics...meaningless once you get into court and have to convict beyond a reasonable doubt...

And lets be honest. The other three guys don't deserve to be crucified too. 100% agree that they needed to stop what was happening and they should have. I could have sworn I heard that one of them did try (limply, obviously). But yeah, they deserve some kind of disciplinary action, but not criminal charges. IMO. 

6 hours ago, DorrianWolf said:

You know what's the most hypocritical thing of all?

When other countries,join in so called "protests".

For example,UK.

Where Emily Jones,7 year old girl,had her throat cut by black female migrant,in an public park,in the middle of the day.

I never saw any single riot or even peaceful protest for this truly innocent girl.

No headline either,guess it's because she was white kid.

Also David Dorn,black police officer killed by black lives matter supporters while protecting an store from looting.

Again,no headline here.

If you want equality,you must show EVERYTHING.




Hypocritical / moronic. Every time you think you've seen the dumbest side of the human race you'll ever see, they'll manage to outdo it. Guaranteed. 

Justine Damond was an Australian woman (Caucasian) living in the US who actually called the police, reporting an alleged assault in an alley behind her home in 2017. Somehow, she is shot dead by police. Really sad story, but I don't remember the riots following that one. The officer will now serve 12.5 years in jail, just like the guy who killed George Floyd will serve time. 

The pathetic prison sentences in the US and even more so here are surely the bigger issue. 

But yes, we have a bunch of protests planned here in Australia on the weekend, over what is happening to the US. The braindead fucks will be out in force.  

Edited by Geoff
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I never think that protesting against the oppression of black people is a stupid thing as unbelievably it is still rife in many parts of the world.

We still have a huge problem in the UK in football, where black players are continually racially abused from the stands. It also happens in many other European countries as well. Totally unacceptable.

I think it's very easy sometimes to sit back and call these protests mindless when you are white and have never been on the receiving end 

however I do agree that the timing is poor as we emerge from a pandemic and I would be very reluctant to join a protest at the present time 


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  • 2024 Gold Donors
17 hours ago, Geoff said:

If it just affected the protesters I'd welcome it. Sadly, it's most likely gong to affect their older relatives, who probably think they're all fucking idiots too, like the rest of us. 

Not just their older relatives. Think about it, if (and again that's IF) this thing is as widespread and contagious as it is, then it's only gonna take ONE infected A symptomatic person to attend a rally and transmit it to countless others from countless areas. We'll see.


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I just want to propose a question to anyone on here who would like to answer it, honestly, NO Cody answers, honest serious, and cogent answers are what i'd like to read, and of course as I'm the board racist, it will appear to be a racist question, but after reading you guys from other parts of the worlds remarks above, I suddenly had 1 question that blew my mind, I never really knew this, thanks for enlightening me.



I realize I'm coming off racist here, but I don't give a fuck, it's a legitimate question I have, I'm going to pose it on FB as well, because I am watching my country being destroyed, over something I don't believe is happening, I live here, I don't know any oppressed blacks, the ones I know, work, and make money, and take care of their family's, and really there is no difference between them and the whites, outside of their skin color, so I think this is bullshit, and the silent white majority is starting to come unhinged, just wait, eventually the quiet and true Americans are going to be pushed into a corner, and have no choice but to react, then there will be next level violence, and there are about 60% more of those fuckers then there are of the Thugs, I hope it doesn't have to get to that point, but a good majority of the American middle class love their 2nd Amendment Rights, and practice them religiously, and love their Country, it might be a great time to see if G-Off has that extra bedroom available.

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  • My Little Pony

We are aware the Transatlantic Slave Trade did happen, right? 400 years of dehumanising Africans has lasting, widespread effects. Many people, across most countries, still view people with darker skin as less than human. It will take many more generations to undue the brainwashing we received for hundreds of years. It's not good enough to be passive about the issue, because the only way to end it is to be actively working towards equality. 

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It's a delicate issue.
Not one I'm overly prepared to be involved in an open discussion about.
Types words are easily misinterpreted and I don't want to go through having to defend my comments for how I meant them rather than how they were interpreted.

What I will say, if that KROF hit the nail on the head with the word generations.
Gradually things are changing. My kids and their friends are very different to me and mine at the same ages.
Much more tolerant, more accepting, less passive racism/sexism/homophobia/etc
Growing up, if something was lame, we said it was 'gay'
If things like that ever slipped out to my kids growing up they'd be horrified and us older people learnt that times were changing and we needed to as well.

My fathers generation is stll very racist/homophobic/etc, mine has adapted somewhat, and my childrens childred will be on a new level of acceptance and equality.
it will all happen in time.
We will see if it can be forced I guess.

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

It's a delicate issue.
Not one I'm overly prepared to be involved in an open discussion about.
Types words are easily misinterpreted and I don't want to go through having to defend my comments for how I meant them rather than how they were interpreted.

What I will say, if that KROF hit the nail on the head with the word generations.
Gradually things are changing. My kids and their friends are very different to me and mine at the same ages.
Much more tolerant, more accepting, less passive racism/sexism/homophobia/etc
Growing up, if something was lame, we said it was 'gay'
If things like that ever slipped out to my kids growing up they'd be horrified and us older people learnt that times were changing and we needed to as well.

My fathers generation is stll very racist/homophobic/etc, mine has adapted somewhat, and my childrens childred will be on a new level of acceptance and equality.
it will all happen in time.
We will see if it can be forced I guess.

I agree, each new generation is more open minded and tolerant and eventually the majority of this crap will mostly go away .... however if you are a minority today that time can't come soon enough...if I was being looked upon and treated as a criminal every time I left my house I would be pissed and want immediate change as well....

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On 6/4/2020 at 11:37 AM, Dead Planet said:

They have charged the other 3 cops in the Floyd case and here is my prediction....Chauvin will be found guilty of manslaughter not 2nd degree murder and the other 3 will walk....the increase in charges and the charges for the 3 are just political optics...meaningless once you get into court and have to convict beyond a reasonable doubt...

Exactly. It's all to appease the blacks. Black Lives Matter? More than 350 blacks kill other blacks in my city every year. It only matters when a white is involved.

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13 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

We are aware the Transatlantic Slave Trade did happen, right? 400 years of dehumanising Africans has lasting, widespread effects. Many people, across most countries, still view people with darker skin as less than human. It will take many more generations to undue the brainwashing we received for hundreds of years. It's not good enough to be passive about the issue, because the only way to end it is to be actively working towards equality. 

I live around lots of black people, many, I live in a middle class area, tell me why 40% of my neighborhood, are black family's?? they don't claim oppression, they don't holler racism, they don't talk about the evil white man, they act no different from the white family's in this neighborhood, I am the oddity, because i live by myself in a neighborhood of family's, and their are Mexican family's here as well, guess what? they act like the black and white family's, so black people who show up and do the job, do well, correct? so whats their excuse? they had goals, and motivation, and succeeded? Oh! so it's poor black people that were talking about, there are many poor whites and Mexicans here, many, people are judged by the content of their character, just like MLK said, this is all a fucking sham, I propose, just don't let cops go into black neighborhoods anymore, problem solved. Black people have every single advantage white people do, maybe more, it's just easier to complain, and not do shit, then it is to go succeed, and build a life for yourself, we just had a black fucking president for god sake, that could have never gotten it without the White vote, after that im not hearing this anymore,

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On 6/6/2020 at 1:19 AM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

We are aware the Transatlantic Slave Trade did happen, right? 400 years of dehumanising Africans has lasting, widespread effects. Many people, across most countries, still view people with darker skin as less than human. It will take many more generations to undue the brainwashing we received for hundreds of years. It's not good enough to be passive about the issue, because the only way to end it is to be actively working towards equality. 

Jeez I hated this post. I wish Dan had Thumbs Down things in the Like symbol thing menu. All these years I thought you could not be gayer, but you did it. I hope you have personally taken responsibility and apologised for every act of racism that a white man has inflicted throughout all of history. Because it's all your fault. 

Just one (or three) question for you and all your protest buddies. What do you want to happen now? What's the thing that can fix what you believe are such pressing issues? What is the thing that needs to change so desperately?  

Actually, another question. How many people do you personally know that are actually actively racist? In your everyday life, have you personally seen racism in motion? I'm not suggesting it doesn't happen but I'd like to know genuinely if it's something you often have to deal with in your life... or know personally of people who deal often with it. 

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6 hours ago, Geoff said:

Jeez I hated this post. I wish Dan had Thumbs Down things in the Like symbol thing menu. All these years I thought you could not be gayer, but you did it. I hope you have personally taken responsibility and apologised for every act of racism that a white man has inflicted throughout all of history. Because it's all your fault. 

Just one (or three) question for you and all your protest buddies. What do you want to happen now? What's the thing that can fix what you believe are such pressing issues? What is the thing that needs to change so desperately?  

Actually, another question. How many people do you personally know that are actually actively racist? In your everyday life, have you personally seen racism in motion? I'm not suggesting it doesn't happen but I'd like to know genuinely if it's something you often have to deal with in your life... or know personally of people who deal often with it. 

jeez I hated this post - I wish there was a thumbs down ;)

I'll just leave this here for you to ponder. All facts. 


And what needs to change is there needs to be equality in this world...not just in US - but across the world in every walk of life - jobs, education, justice, healthcare.

And this needs to be embraced at every level - government, sport, general public. 

Right across the world. 

Peace out.

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9 hours ago, Glen said:

jeez I hated this post - I wish there was a thumbs down ;)

I'll just leave this here for you to ponder. All facts. 


And what needs to change is there needs to be equality in this world...not just in US - but across the world in every walk of life - jobs, education, justice, healthcare.

And this needs to be embraced at every level - government, sport, general public. 

Right across the world. 

Peace out.

I agree.
Men and women should compete against each other in the Olympics, and all sports. :)
There should be one worldwide ruling justice system.
One awesome worldwide healthcare system that allows full care for everyone.
I could go one sarcastically, but people want easy and quick andswers and THEY JUST AREN'T THERE

For every issue that exists, there are reasons, excuses, etc
Women are syill the only sex who can carry a baby. They generally need 4 weeks at least after it is born to recover/care for the baby. Some choose to stay at home longer.
Nothing wrong with this, but it doesn't hel;p them in the workplace, where some employers want/need consistency.
Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate for equal pay and responsibilities, but everything is not as cut and dry as some would like it to me.

When you mention healthcare, I presume you are including the starving and sick in third world countries?
I mean, sure, we all want that eutopia. No famine, no poverty. Just won't happen.

Some things can be changed, and mindsets can be altered.
Some people will give more respect to blacks now, just like they did after Rodney King, but mark my words, in a month or so, all these protesters will go back to their lives, no longer active and caught up in the movement and oit will all peter out, just like it did 20 years ago.
In the wake of this, some people will improve and be better, Some.

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3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I agree.
Men and women should compete against each other in the Olympics, and all sports. :)
There should be one worldwide ruling justice system.
One awesome worldwide healthcare system that allows full care for everyone.
I could go one sarcastically, but people want easy and quick andswers and THEY JUST AREN'T THERE

For every issue that exists, there are reasons, excuses, etc
Women are syill the only sex who can carry a baby. They generally need 4 weeks at least after it is born to recover/care for the baby. Some choose to stay at home longer.
Nothing wrong with this, but it doesn't hel;p them in the workplace, where some employers want/need consistency.
Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate for equal pay and responsibilities, but everything is not as cut and dry as some would like it to me.

When you mention healthcare, I presume you are including the starving and sick in third world countries?
I mean, sure, we all want that eutopia. No famine, no poverty. Just won't happen.

Some things can be changed, and mindsets can be altered.
Some people will give more respect to blacks now, just like they did after Rodney King, but mark my words, in a month or so, all these protesters will go back to their lives, no longer active and caught up in the movement and oit will all peter out, just like it did 20 years ago.
In the wake of this, some people will improve and be better, Some.

that's the problem - change needs to be permanent.

I'm not talking about solving world poverty but at least a step change to solve some of the issues that are highlighted in that link would be a start.

I mean some of those stats are worrying and just plain wrong in this day and age.

anyone can sit on this forum arguing they are not racist and do you know anyone who's racist but stats don't lie and they are from reliable sources as well. 

And this is not just a US thing either. my brother in law is a copper and he said last night on a zoom chat that racism is still rife in the UK police force. it needs to be stamped out. permanently. 

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16 hours ago, Glen said:

jeez I hated this post - I wish there was a thumbs down ;)

I'll just leave this here for you to ponder. All facts. 


And what needs to change is there needs to be equality in this world...not just in US - but across the world in every walk of life - jobs, education, justice, healthcare.

And this needs to be embraced at every level - government, sport, general public. 

Right across the world. 

Peace out.

Just curious, what makes them facts? Some of them are just stupid. Who decided number 4? Number 5 is our fault? Fuck me, what isn't now? Number 6 - so black criminals should not be arrested? Let them do what they want? Number 8 - well at least someone's getting a sentence they deserve. BUT! That sounds like garbage to me. 9 - I guess they earn less like women earn less than men in the same role. Never, in 40 years have I ever, ever seen an example of that. 

And did you know that recent studies found that if you dive face first off a cliff you'll probably die? Didn't surveys show Hilary Clinton was going to be the next president of the US? They definitely showed, by a landslide, that the guy who lost the last election in Australia was going to be our new prime minister.

You disappoint me, young man. I never took you for the petal caressing hard left type. Karpetface too. I hope you guys both apologise to yourselves daily for being white. It's obviously something about yourself that you are ashamed of.

So you want equality across the world. Grandly noble. Now, how do we get it? What are we going to do? Lead the charge.

I'd love it if children would no longer be raped by adults. I'd love it if estranged parents didn't burn their wife and three children to death in a car in broad daylight. I'd love it if criminals actually got punished for their crimes rather than endlessly being set free to do it all over again. I'd love it if victims of crime actually mattered and the focus was not so heavily levelled at how bad the perpetrator might feel and ensuring that he is not inconvenienced. 

In a nutshell, I am saying there a lot of really, really fucked up things about the world. Massive issues. But riots don't fix any of this. Humans are humans and for the most part they're pretty "normal." You're going to get fucked up parts in every single part of humanity, but rioting in the streets isn't going to stop this. 

Most people are not racist and your riots and protests are not going to change those that are.   

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Just curious, what makes them facts? Some of them are just stupid. Who decided number 4? Number 5 is our fault? Fuck me, what isn't now? Number 6 - so black criminals should not be arrested? Let them do what they want? Number 8 - well at least someone's getting a sentence they deserve. BUT! That sounds like garbage to me. 9 - I guess they earn less like women earn less than men in the same role. Never, in 40 years have I ever, ever seen an example of that. 

And did you know that recent studies found that if you dive face first off a cliff you'll probably die? Didn't surveys show Hilary Clinton was going to be the next president of the US? They definitely showed, by a landslide, that the guy who lost the last election in Australia was going to be our new prime minister.

You disappoint me, young man. I never took you for the petal caressing hard left type. Karpetface too. I hope you guys both apologise to yourselves daily for being white. It's obviously something about yourself that you are ashamed of.

So you want equality across the world. Grandly noble. Now, how do we get it? What are we going to do? Lead the charge.

I'd love it if children would no longer be raped by adults. I'd love it if estranged parents didn't burn their wife and three children to death in a car in broad daylight. I'd love it if criminals actually got punished for their crimes rather than endlessly being set free to do it all over again. I'd love it if victims of crime actually mattered and the focus was not so heavily levelled at how bad the perpetrator might feel and ensuring that he is not inconvenienced. 

In a nutshell, I am saying there a lot of really, really fucked up things about the world. Massive issues. But riots don't fix any of this. Humans are humans and for the most part they're pretty "normal." You're going to get fucked up parts in every single part of humanity, but rioting in the streets isn't going to stop this. 

Most people are not racist and your riots and protests are not going to change those that are.   

all official stats - sources are at the bottom. I just thought you might like some real evidence that this is still an issue as you seem to think it's not.

whatever you might say this level of discrimination is still rife in the world and it's up to governments to drive real change.

at no point did I say riots were the answer - they are not. But people have the legal right to peaceful protest.

also at no point did I say I was socialist or left. Your political bias should have no influence over whether you want equality in the world

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