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50 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Out of curiosity, is this over for everyone else, or is it just a common acceptance that the misery is permanent? 

I actually want to slice people's throats when I hear people say that everything is back to normal, which to me just means they've accepted everything that is not at all "back to normal" because they're already so conditioned to it that it just seems normal now. 

It is June 2022 and from the moment I arrive at the train station in the morning, it is mandatory that I must wear a face mask for the next nine and a half hours of my day, in June 2022. For what reason the maggots are still trying to press, I will leave up to you. I honestly believe they don't even need a reason anymore and their reason honestly is, "well they're all just fucking idiots so they'll just do it anyway, so why change anything?" It's the only way I can see how this continues. 

To me, as someone with half a mind, I look at Australia and to me it looks like covid was the best time in Australian history, and most mindless maggots want to keep it alive as much as possible because it was such a good time. Where masks are not mandatory, the braindead idiots of Australia have made them mandatory. I still see people checking into places. People recoiling when I am near them without my stupid fucking mask. Countless pieces of shit driving alone in their car with a mask, or walking alone on empty streets with one on. 

Is it like this elsewhere... are there actually places on earth that have moved on from this, properly, or is everywhere still like this shithole of a country? 

At least around me here in the USA, I'd say most everybody I see just doesn't care anymore.

I mean, everybody is either vaccinated and knows they've done what they can do and most likely this Covid thing will amount to nothing more than a cold for them even if they do get it.  Or they're unvaccinated and still don't care and just want to go about their business and let the chips fall where they may.

It all adds up to basically a bunch of we've had enough.  Personally, my feelings are that I'll get my annual booster or whatever I need to try and protect myself but otherwise I want to live my life free of restrictions and cancellations for something now that doesn't feel much different than a common cold or annual flu.

If you ask me, there are much bigger problems here in the US than Covid.  There's social unrest with senseless violence everywhere you look and the economy is in shambles.  Gas prices are killing people's disposable income and we've watched our savings and retirement accounts plummet in the past 6 months or so with the downturn in the economy.  Basically, everybody I talk to is just unhappy and complaining and it's downright depressing.


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  • 2023 Gold Donors
9 minutes ago, tts42572 said:

Basically, everybody I talk to is just unhappy and complaining and it's downright depressing.

Well you've come to the right place to get away from people complaining.

I'm living the dream ! Just about all those 20 million jobs that were gone when Covid started are back.

It was only 2 years ago when the stock market plummeted 40 % and bounced back so I'm not worried.

The people who are complaining about gas prices , inflation , etc... need to look around because I'm seeing people traveling and spending money on buying things.Inflation hasn't slowed anyone down.

Some people like to have a pity party- me,I'd rather go out there and enjoy life !

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2 minutes ago, nyoilers said:

Well you've come to the right place to get away from people complaining.

I'm living the dream ! Just about all those 20 million jobs that were gone when Covid started are back.

It was only 2 years ago when the stock market plummeted 40 % and bounced back so I'm not worried.

The people who are complaining about gas prices , inflation , etc... need to look around because I'm seeing people traveling and spending money on buying things.Inflation hasn't slowed anyone down.

Some people like to have a pity party- me,I'd rather go out there and enjoy life !

I really can't tell whether you're trolling, stupid, or simply being a partisan douchebag... perhaps all three.

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16 minutes ago, auslander said:

Geez I haven't worn a mask for months, Geoff. The woman who operates the corner store in my town still wears a mask and everyone thinks she's a dickhead. I occasionally see a few losers wearing them when I visit a nearby bigger town for groceries, but it's rare. One good thing about the non-mandatory mask wearers is it makes it easy to tell who the lunatics are who are best avoided.

Yeah mate, I've never worn a mask, bar a couple of places, such as hospitals, where I am required to wear it for work. Even during the height of it, some doctor surgeries were hardcore about it. Every single one still has the signs on their doors that they're mandatory, but I've never worn one and they're used to me now, I guess, in spite of their scornful glares, lol. 

I live an hour out of Sydney and it's not too bad here, kind of - still at least 30-40% of idiots still in masks around the place. But in Sydney, it's still around 80%+ pretty much everywhere I look, in the areas I frequent for work. 

I was saying that to my brother on the weekend - that the masks are the most glaringly obvious sign of complete fucking idiots there's ever been. It used to be you just walked around and you knew the fucking idiots were everywhere, but it was hard to pick who and where. Now, they're just wearing a big sign on the front of their face saying "I'm a complete zombie fucking moron who has never had a thought for myself ever." 

If only a virus was created tomorrow that wiped out every mask wearer in a nano-second. 

23 minutes ago, nyoilers said:

What's most annoying to me are people who aren't vaccinated but either sneeze or cough and feel the need to loudly announce " It's not Covid , I don't have Covid, not everything's Covid, etc... Just shut up already !

What I hate more than this, which I do hate, is why they feel compelled to say this. Just remember you guys created the belief that these idiots need to announce this. ;)

17 minutes ago, tts42572 said:

At least around me here in the USA, I'd say most everybody I see just doesn't care anymore.

I mean, everybody is either vaccinated and knows they've done what they can do and most likely this Covid thing will amount to nothing more than a cold for them even if they do get it.  Or they're unvaccinated and still don't care and just want to go about their business and let the chips fall where they may.

It all adds up to basically a bunch of we've had enough.  Personally, my feelings are that I'll get my annual booster or whatever I need to try and protect myself but otherwise I want to live my life free of restrictions and cancellations for something now that doesn't feel much different than a common cold or annual flu.

If you ask me, there are much bigger problems here in the US than Covid.  There's social unrest with senseless violence everywhere you look and the economy is in shambles.  Gas prices are killing people's disposable income and we've watched our savings and retirement accounts plummet in the past 6 months or so with the downturn in the economy.  Basically, everybody I talk to is just unhappy and complaining and it's downright depressing.


And this is the simple problem, my good man. It is nothing more than a common cold - hasn't been anything more than that for well over a year now to most, and arguably, for three years now. And that's what I just can't compute. By now, everyone has either had it, or they know 2400 people that have had it, and it's been nothing more than a common cold. Yet I'm surrounded by fuckwits that still want it to be the end of human existence. What is the desire to keep it alive and kicking? We know the desire for those who profit from it, but what of the rest of these idiot foot soldiers?  

In Australia at the moment, there is a good, solid flu doing the rounds. Both my kids just had it, and now my wife. Hit them a heck of a lot harder than covid did, but as always, it's just part of life. We haven't needed vaccinations and lockdowns and masks and QR codes for this strain of the flu, which is by all accounts, is much heavier than covid, so why does the charade continue? It's just embarrassing, assisting stupid people to look even stupider than we thought previously possible. 

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4 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

I really can't tell whether you're trolling, stupid, or simply being a partisan douchebag... perhaps all three.

I hate saying it about someone I don't even know and have dealt with so little on the forum, but the middle one seems to be the glaringly obvious one. 

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Just now, Geoff said:

I hate saying it about someone I don't even know and have dealt with so little on the forum, but the middle one seems to be the glaringly obvious one. 

Thinking about it further there's a fourth option: completely out of touch with modern reality for most people.

If you are rich/well-to-do, the doubling of gasoline prices and hyperinflation since Biden took office and the corresponding rise in costs of food and other basics means little to you. It's a very regressive problem in that it hurts the low- and middle-classes the hardest. If you already have a shit ton of discretionary income, it's merely an inconvenience.

I have coworkers with larger families (2-6 kids) that prior to the current inflation were doing ok, but are now panicking as their commuting and grocery costs are wiping out any "cushion" they had from paycheck to paycheck. We've crossed $5 a gallon here and some are saying we may hit $6-7 by the end of the summer.

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28 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Thinking about it further there's a fourth option: completely out of touch with modern reality for most people.

If you are rich/well-to-do, the doubling of gasoline prices and hyperinflation since Biden took office and the corresponding rise in costs of food and other basics means little to you. It's a very regressive problem in that it hurts the low- and middle-classes the hardest. If you already have a shit ton of discretionary income, it's merely an inconvenience.

I have coworkers with larger families (2-6 kids) that prior to the current inflation were doing ok, but are now panicking as their commuting and grocery costs are wiping out any "cushion" they had from paycheck to paycheck. We've crossed $5 a gallon here and some are saying we may hit $6-7 by the end of the summer.

And the US still has some of the cheapest gasoline prices in the world.....inflation is bad all over the planet and not a single politician or government has figured out a way to stop it.....eventually it will slow down and things will get back to normal but I figure that will take a few years.....

As for covid, it is still killing people every day and will probably forever so most people have gotten used to it like influenza....masks are required here at hospitals and doctor's offices but that is it...I still see a few people wearing masks in stores but it is usually the elderly... as far as I'm concerned it is an individual's choice as to whether they wear a mask today and I do not condemn anyone who does wear one as I have no idea what their health status is like and therefore it is none of my business if they wish to take precautions...

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I have avoided this thread for an entire year, but I decided to click on it today because I thought, "They can't seriously still be talking about the covids, can they?"

Restrictions have been lifted for a while now. Nobody is required to wear masks, but I'm surprised by how many still choose to. The fear is real. 

Anyway, it's all about the monkeypox, now. Which is what I thought you guys would be discussing. Although, I guess the only ones at risk of contracting that are Cody, Geoff, and Russ. 

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  • My Little Pony
1 hour ago, Metal T said:

Parts of California are already paying $8.00 currently...

Better be a price to pay in November for the agony that's purposely being inflicted on this country.

Fuck. Add it to the increasing list of reasons not to live in Cali. I loved my time in San Diego, but fuck that state. 

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  • My Little Pony
4 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Thinking about it further there's a fourth option: completely out of touch with modern reality for most people.

If you are rich/well-to-do, the doubling of gasoline prices and hyperinflation since Biden took office and the corresponding rise in costs of food and other basics means little to you. It's a very regressive problem in that it hurts the low- and middle-classes the hardest. If you already have a shit ton of discretionary income, it's merely an inconvenience.

I have coworkers with larger families (2-6 kids) that prior to the current inflation were doing ok, but are now panicking as their commuting and grocery costs are wiping out any "cushion" they had from paycheck to paycheck. We've crossed $5 a gallon here and some are saying we may hit $6-7 by the end of the summer.

Your $5/gallon is still cheaper than my $2.10/litre. It's crazy that if I just hop across the border I'm saving nearly $0.50/litre. Just five minutes away! And we refine our own oil only 40 minutes away! Makes no sense. 

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3 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Your $5/gallon is still cheaper than my $2.10/litre. It's crazy that if I just hop across the border I'm saving nearly $0.50/litre. Just five minutes away! And we refine our own oil only 40 minutes away! Makes no sense. 

It's called fucking taxes....

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What I haven't figured out is why some people think the Reps are going to be able to fix inflation.....toss the Dems out and something magical will happen...not....

As for all the complaining about sending tax payer dollars to Ukraine....that doesn't happen without full Republican support....heck Biden asked for 33 billion and they gave him 40 billion...every time Biden hesitates about how much and what to send to Ukraine the Reps freak out and call him soft forcing him to do more....personally I believe every democratic country should be doing everything they can to help Ukraine and I have no problem with them spending my tax dollars on something honorable for a change....

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56 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

What I haven't figured out is why some people think the Reps are going to be able to fix inflation.....toss the Dems out and something magical will happen...not....

As for all the complaining about sending tax payer dollars to Ukraine....that doesn't happen without full Republican support....heck Biden asked for 33 billion and they gave him 40 billion...every time Biden hesitates about how much and what to send to Ukraine the Reps freak out and call him soft forcing him to do more....personally I believe every democratic country should be doing everything they can to help Ukraine and I have no problem with them spending my tax dollars on something honorable for a change....

The sending money to Ukraine isn't a left vs. right issue. Both parties are full of warmongers, and the military industrial complex must be fed. Not to mention that neither party will ever overlook an opportunity to grandstand and pander... after all the next election cycle is always looming, so you gotta have some good press!

I'm not opposed to military spending when it's used to protect OUR borders; it's when we spend all that money and ordinance (that cannot be replenished) overseas in other peoples' wars that it's a problem IMO. Meanwhile there are mllions of illegals flooding across our southern border unchecked that we seemingly don't have the resources (or the will) to combat.

Then there's the billions of dollars in equipment we left behind in Afghanistan when Biden decided to run away overnight. Idiocy. You want to get our troops out of Afghanistan, GREAT! I'm all for it!... but a coordinated phased withdrawal, not an escape in the middle of the night leaving all our equipment and American citizens at the mercy of the opposition. That is just cowardice and utter incompetence.

As much as I loathed Obama, Biden makes him look like Grand Master of the Universe in comparison. Incompetence on a scale the world has never seen, including the central/south American puppet dictators.

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2 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

The sending money to Ukraine isn't a left vs. right issue. Both parties are full of warmongers, and the military industrial complex must be fed. Not to mention that neither party will ever overlook an opportunity to grandstand and pander... after all the next election cycle is always looming, so you gotta have some good press!

I'm not opposed to military spending when it's used to protect OUR borders; it's when we spend all that money and ordinance (that cannot be replenished) overseas in other peoples' wars that it's a problem IMO. Meanwhile there are mllions of illegals flooding across our southern border unchecked that we seemingly don't have the resources (or the will) to combat.

Then there's the billions of dollars in equipment we left behind in Afghanistan when Biden decided to run away overnight. Idiocy. You want to get our troops out of Afghanistan, GREAT! I'm all for it!... but a coordinated phased withdrawal, not an escape in the middle of the night leaving all our equipment and American citizens at the mercy of the opposition. That is just cowardice and utter incompetence.

As much as I loathed Obama, Biden makes him look like Grand Master of the Universe in comparison. Incompetence on a scale the world has never seen, including the central/south American puppet dictators.

The problem with just defending your own borders and to hell with everyone else is that eventually you'll find that you are surrounded by people and countries that don't give a shit about you, your country or your values....so helping out other countries that reflect the same values as you is the way to go imo...

Afghanistan is not something that can be defended as it was a royal fuckup period...

Also I see a big difference between defending Ukraine and getting involved with places like the Middle East where they do not reflect the same values that we have and we should stay away and let them figure their own shit out....

I do agree that the military industry has too much power....but I feel the same way about most lobby groups whether it is guns, drugs, tech or whatever....lobbying should be banned.....

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8 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

The problem with just defending your own borders and to hell with everyone else is that eventually you'll find that you are surrounded by people and countries that don't give a shit about you, your country or your values....so helping out other countries that reflect the same values as you is the way to go imo...

Other countries already have a negative opinion of the U.S. as we're always meddling/dictating in other countries' affairs. The only time most countries *really* want us involved is when we're paying the check... which has been all fine and dandy when we were flush, but given the state of our economy and inflation, that time is coming to a close. The bill is coming due, both here and abroad. At some point other countries are on their own to solve their own problems... Uncle Sam is tapped out.

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23 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Other countries already have a negative opinion of the U.S. as we're always meddling/dictating in other countries' affairs. The only time most countries *really* want us involved is when we're paying the check... which has been all fine and dandy when we were flush, but given the state of our economy and inflation, that time is coming to a close. The bill is coming due, both here and abroad. At some point other countries are on their own to solve their own problems... Uncle Sam is tapped out.

I hope that day does not come because if the US turns inward and away from the rest of the world then China , Russia and dictatorships in general will be happy to take up the slack and that may be the death knell of democracy....one day China may decide to take over Taiwan, Japan, Australia or New Zealand  and I hope the rest of the democratic world stands up for those democracies rather than letting them fall....

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
4 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Your $5/gallon is still cheaper than my $2.10/litre. It's crazy that if I just hop across the border I'm saving nearly $0.50/litre. Just five minutes away! And we refine our own oil only 40 minutes away! Makes no sense. 

It makes a lot of sense.Just follow the money.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
8 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Thinking about it further there's a fourth option: completely out of touch with modern reality for most people.

If you are rich/well-to-do, the doubling of gasoline prices and hyperinflation since Biden took office and the corresponding rise in costs of food and other basics means little to you. It's a very regressive problem in that it hurts the low- and middle-classes the hardest. If you already have a shit ton of discretionary income, it's merely an inconvenience.

I have coworkers with larger families (2-6 kids) that prior to the current inflation were doing ok, but are now panicking as their commuting and grocery costs are wiping out any "cushion" they had from paycheck to paycheck. We've crossed $5 a gallon here and some are saying we may hit $6-7 by the end of the summer.

As I've stated before, my main priority is my family.My pension is the main source of income for my family and Trump's last budget wanted to cut my pension, eliminate and/or reduce my cost of living increase(if any) and screw up my health insurance.Biden's budget leaves me alone and that's what I want.

But at least acknowledge this -even a little bit if possible.Workers have their employers by the balls. Pretty much everyone I know has gotten a pay raise this past year (2021 ) with a few people quitting their job and going somewhere else because they pay more money.Does it cover the increase in inflation ? Probably not but remember when prices go down you won't be getting a pay cut 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

What I haven't figured out is why some people think the Reps are going to be able to fix inflation.....toss the Dems out and something magical will happen...not....

As for all the complaining about sending tax payer dollars to Ukraine....that doesn't happen without full Republican support....heck Biden asked for 33 billion and they gave him 40 billion...every time Biden hesitates about how much and what to send to Ukraine the Reps freak out and call him soft forcing him to do more....personally I believe every democratic country should be doing everything they can to help Ukraine and I have no problem with them spending my tax dollars on something honorable for a change....

People who like Trump hate Biden. people who liked Obama hate Trump and so on and so forth.

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12 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

What I haven't figured out is why some people think the Reps are going to be able to fix inflation.....toss the Dems out and something magical will happen...not....

As for all the complaining about sending tax payer dollars to Ukraine....that doesn't happen without full Republican support....heck Biden asked for 33 billion and they gave him 40 billion...every time Biden hesitates about how much and what to send to Ukraine the Reps freak out and call him soft forcing him to do more....personally I believe every democratic country should be doing everything they can to help Ukraine and I have no problem with them spending my tax dollars on something honorable for a change....

mate, not worth arguing in this thread. 

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16 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

I thought, "They can't seriously still be talking about the covids, can they?"

Restrictions have been lifted for a while now. Nobody is required to wear masks

Shitballs, really? Clear a space in your basement my good man, 'cause I'm coming to stay. And them I'm coming to stay at your place. 

Seriously, though, I thought Canada was almost as bad as Australia / New Zealand. So masks are no longer required on any public transport, and planes? Not in hospitals or doctor's surgeries? No more quarantine for positive cases? No more covid tests anymore? What did you guys do with them all? Where'd the end up? So obviously there's no tests required for outgoing or incoming travellers now? All travel restrictions completely wiped? Nice, my man. And your government just called off all the chasing up of people either involved in, or donating to the truckers convoy? That's all been dropped too? Hectic. No one's being denied a job because of their vaccines status anymore and children across the entire country are allowed to participate in any and all sports they wish to, without any vaccination required whatsover? I'm genuinely surprised this all changed so "quick," but lucky you guys. Well done. 

So basically, 2019 has been restored to Canada? I feel a bit stupid (I say that like it's something new, different or fresh, lol) because I thought Canada was still shithouse, but I'll take your word for it that all restrictions have been lifted completely. I thought only a few select countries in Europe had taken this stance, but well done Canada. An ounce of my respect has been restored. Well, not really. I refuse to be one of these cunts that just ignore what happened over the last few years. The restrictions in Canada were as criminal as the worst of any country on the planet over the past few years, but full current respect for dropping all covid restrictions completely. Well done, Canada. 

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