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14 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

Expect more worrisome variants after omicron, scientists say (msn.com)

Get ready to learn more Greek letters. Scientists warn that omicron’s whirlwind advance practically ensures it won’t be the last version of the coronavirus to worry the world.

Every infection provides a chance for the virus to mutate, and omicron has an edge over its predecessors: It spreads way faster despite emerging on a planet with a stronger patchwork of immunity from vaccines and prior illness.

That means more people in whom the virus can further evolve. Experts don’t know what the next variants will look like or how they might shape the pandemic, but they say there’s no guarantee the sequels of omicron will cause milder illness or that existing vaccines will work against them.


What? Well that came from left field. Surely no one saw that coming. 

Sarcastic Sarcasm GIF

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Viruses are strang things.

But in the end, they want to live.
They see that if they are too aggressive, they kill their host, which is not good for them.
Tghey now know that vaccines are around that hinder their spreading.

So they find a way to spread more easily without killing their host (and themselves)
It will be more like a flu soon enough, when they find a way to keep on perpetuating they virus and efectively living with human, just like the flu.

Omicron about to downturn now.
I'm hoping I don't regret not getting this mild one.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors

Okay, so most of us here who were against the vaccine have capitulated and been jabbed in order to maintain some sort of "normal" lifestyle, but what if you were mandated to be micro chipped in order to function normally in society?

Of course, I would say "No Fucking Way", but I said that about the vaccine.

We're at the mercy of morons.

I'm sure many will say, "C'mon, micro chips are just conspiracy theorist bullshit", but just look at the last two years. 

Anything goes baby!



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2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Okay, so most of us here who were against the vaccine have capitulated and been jabbed in order to maintain some sort of "normal" lifestyle, but what if you were mandated to be micro chipped in order to function normally in society?

Of course, I would say "No Fucking Way", but I said that about the vaccine.

We're at the mercy of morons.

I'm sure many will say, "C'mon micro chips are just conspiracy theorist bullshit", but just look at the last two years. 

Anything goes baby!



I watched that too. How fucking stupid are people. 

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Nah, people will draw the line.
I've stopped checking in at shops etc when the health minister came out and said that there was no legal protection for our collected date being released.
Fuck 'em. OK, they never said it was legally protected, but they also indictaed that there were safeguards in place.

Anyway, I really don't give a shit who has my data, but I don't like being lied to.
So I stopped checking in for that reason
had they said, "we wanna collect your data and we'll do our best to protect it, but no guarantees", I'd still be checking in and be ok with it.

But microchips, nobody will accpt that big brother shit.
Backlash will start soon, and hopefully will start with pronoun use and gender confusion...

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30 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

Moderna is aiming to launch a single booster vaccination that will protect against both Covid-19 and flu within two years, its chief executive has said.

Sounds great, but realistically, it's more likely that this is well supported by governments to enable covid/flu combo vaccines to be paid for by the person rather than just free covid shots and paid flu shots.

Which is actually how it should be, but people won't like it.

Kind like when they extend a freeway with a new tollway extension, but in the process of doing so 'improve' part of the existing freeway to allow that part to be tolled as well.

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2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Sounds great, but realistically, it's more likely that this is well supported by governments to enable covid/flu combo vaccines to be paid for by the person rather than just free covid shots and paid flu shots.

Which is actually how it should be, but people won't like it.

Kind like when they extend a freeway with a new tollway extension, but in the process of doing so 'improve' part of the existing freeway to allow that part to be tolled as well.

Not sure how it works in Australia but flu shots have always been free in Canada.....

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3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Not sure how it works in Australia but flu shots have always been free in Canada.....

We have a pretty good health care system.
I know you guys do as well, and you're one-upping us here.
There could be an argument for the cost of loss of productivity to the economy from sick people vs cost of a jab making it worthwhile and of course protecting more people in society.
Pretty sure Scandinavians have it the best with things like health care and being looked after, but it also costs the most to live there

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Reality is the USA has the best health care in the world. It's why people from everywhere else in the world, including Canada and Australia, fly to the US to get the procedures no one else can do. The only difference is that it costs money. Whereas we, with our Medicare do have a better safety net, but if you want to rely on that safety net, prepare to wait many, many years on a waiting list for elective surgery.

Also, if you have a chronic health condition (as I do) the flu shot has always been free in Australia. Even then, most workplaces of a certain size offer to reimburse all staff for flu shots as it is good business having vaccinated staff who don't get sick for weeks and/or infect heaps of other staff as well. 


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I'd probably say you're fairly right with the quality of medical proceedures in the US, but not all. Some are leading the way in other countries in some area, including Australia.
Ironically people source some of these proceedures overseas because there are less strimgent oversights involved (see debate on covid testing)
But I'd say if you talk to make US citizens, they wouldn't agree that US health care overall is a good thing.
Many would say it suits the rich.
As to us an elective surgeries, well, people love to complain about that, but they are elective, they key there is in the wording.
Anything serious enough is dealt with as a metter of urgency, and if you have NO public health insurance, it's free.
Private health insurance only covers part of the cost, with the main benefit being more choice (surgeon etc)

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7 hours ago, auslander said:

Reality is the USA has the best health care in the world. It's why people from everywhere else in the world, including Canada and Australia, fly to the US to get the procedures no one else can do. The only difference is that it costs money. Whereas we, with our Medicare do have a better safety net, but if you want to rely on that safety net, prepare to wait many, many years on a waiting list for elective surgery.

Also, if you have a chronic health condition (as I do) the flu shot has always been free in Australia. Even then, most workplaces of a certain size offer to reimburse all staff for flu shots as it is good business having vaccinated staff who don't get sick for weeks and/or infect heaps of other staff as well. 


I guess it depends on your definition of 'best' as most people around the world can't afford the best of anything....only the rich can expect and demand the best....

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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I guess it depends on your definition of 'best' as most people around the world can't afford the best of anything....only the rich can expect and demand the best....

Yep, that's how life works

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Y'all down under continue to be taking this shit to crazy levels... and from what I see in the vid, the police are full on board with it. After arrest she was fined $1300 for not providing information. Holy hell. This shit is stright out of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia.

Get out while you still are allowed to leave the country... it may not be for long...


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  • 2024 Gold Donors
50 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Y'all down under continue to be taking this shit to crazy levels... and from what I see in the vid, the police are full on board with it. After arrest she was fined $1300 for not providing information. Holy hell. This shit is stright out of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia.

Get out while you still are allowed to leave the country... it may not be for long...


I don't know what the fuck is going on.

Australia was the very last Country I would've expected to go down this Authoritarian road.

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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

I don't know what the fuck is going on.

Australia was the very last Country I would've expected to go down this Authoritarian road.

Maybe before the 90s yes. But, since then we have had regulations shoved down our throats to such an extent that we are a nanny state now. It started with WHS and spread everywhere. Now everyone feels like a hero if they can find something that may present the smallest risk, and they lobby and the media push until there is a new regulation legislated. Even before covid, you needed a safety vest as soon as you entered our country. Conformity is our national religion. Threaten this conformity and "safety" and expect the full weight of the State to come down on you. 

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One of the biggest liberals in media, anyone else see where this is going?



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You know you fucked up when you piss the Canadians off, much love to my Canadian brothers who are red pilled and finished with the Covid bullshit!

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I honestly don't understand. Today my wife and kids had to go to school (term starts next Tuesday) to pick up a bag of four RAT tests each, and apparently my children now need to do these tests twice a week. For how long, I have no fucking idea. But are we serious? This is the level of complete and utter fucking idiocy we're at now? Is it like this in all y'all other countries, or is this honestly the worst place on the planet to live right now? 

I can't get in a headspace where I can even begin to understand what is going through people's minds. There is obviously an intense desire by some group of fuckwits (no doubt those profiting most from all of this) to keep this thing going for as long as humanly possible, but how is everyone just falling in line with all this? How can there not be anyone in a position of influence that can at least propose and end to it all? Is everyone in such a position really benefitting so much from this that they must just join the queue and keep this thing going? 

As far as I know, masks are now permanently mandatory in Australia, by punishment of a $500 fine. I guess this is just permanent now? How is a civilised thinker honestly meant to piece this all together? Just one horrendous, incredibly un-amusing joke, is what the whole thing is. They're so bold now they're clearly taking the piss but no one cares anymore. They just go along with it all, eagerly awaiting the new variant to kickstart it all again if there's a slight lull in the fucking relentless idiocy. 

Not even remotely kidding when I say I want a bullet in the head of every cunt who is pushing this fucking garbage onto our kids too.  

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Yeah, it's some top tier fuckery. We're starting to see more pushback here in the U.S. and in Canada (see trucker protests in Canada that the mainstream media is refusing to cover), and the courts here are striking down some of the overreach.

What the current administration is doing is some insidious level of bullshit though. They (The Department of HHS) stealthily revised the hospital data reporting requirements on January 6, 2022, to go into effect in February: Hospitals are no longer to report COVID deaths, just COVID cases.

They know that Omicron is less deadly but more communicable, so an ever-increasing number of deaths would counter their narrative, whereas they can spin high case counts however they want. Solution: Just don't report COVID deaths anymore. Then they can claim whatever the fuck they want.

People are tired of this shit. The difference is that over here we still have guns.

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Sigh....I know one thing for certain, I'm sick and tired of both the pro and anti vaccine and masks fanatics.....by now everyone should have realized that this virus is endemic and never going away... omicron is the least dangerous variant because it is a lot like the flu virus and it is impossible to stop omicron from spreading so we have to deal with it, either take precautions against it or don't...hopefully soon omicron will have spread as far and wide as it can and hospitalizations will drop (they actually have in many places) and we can start treating covid like the flu...

Closing the Canadian side of the border to unvaccinated truckers when there are supply issues is just the latest stupidity from Trudeau and his band of morons....of course having a shitload of trucks driving across the country blocking highways and wasting gas, time , energy and intelligence isn't very impressive either....

And then there is the decision of the Biden idiots of warning Americans about travelling to Canada...one high risk country warning about another high risk country....the general lack of common sense and intelligence being displayed by almost all politicians is as depressing as covid itself...

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so I've not posted in this thread for over 2 months now, but these last few posts are gobsmackingly unbelievable. 

I'm amazed that these restrictions are still so harsh.

In the UK we now have zero restrictions. No masks, no limits on numbers, nothing.

Isolation time is currently 5 days but that will be reduced to 0 days from 24.03 at the absolute latest - ie if you test positive you don't have to isolate. 

Can't believe the restrictions in other countries. 

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