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This is why I don't really trust the shots. Too fast to shove in everyone's arms.

From the FDA's website:

Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.

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10 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

This is why I don't really trust the shots. Too fast to shove in everyone's arms.

From the FDA's website:

Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.

There are far worse things I've put in my body I'm sure. :) 

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1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:

This is why I don't really trust the shots. Too fast to shove in everyone's arms.

From the FDA's website:

Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.

Ive said that a million times and certain people on here have assured me it's all safe and Im much ado about nothing, and I should just go ahead and get the poke, it's just a little prick, that can be Bidens new shit, Dont be a prick, just get a little prick! I dont trust it because they are just way to hell bent and going to way to extreme scenarios trying to make us get it, any smart person would know that ordering these on societys gonna cause a large backlash, instead he couldve just appealed to Trumpers by saying, Trump got us the vax and he took it himself, thats how a smart boy would play ball, the more he pushes the less and less effective hes gonna be and the less people are gonna be vaxed, I just dont buy any of it, I had covid, and they still want me to get vaxed, if I got it a second time and it took me out, well i had a killer run, but somehow I really dont think thats gonna happen, so sure i'll stake my fake life on not getting the fake vax

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

There are far worse things I've put in my body I'm sure. :) 

Ive never seen you over at G-Offs house?

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2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

There are far worse things I've put in my body I'm sure. :) 

Absolutely, I'm the same, but VOLUNTARILY. 

That's the point.

It's not really about the vaccine at all TBH.

It's more about what Governments have the right to force us to do. These vaccine mandates are testing the water for whatever else is down the track.

They set a very dangerous precedent. 

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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Hey their on top of that here, firing nurses and frontline medical workers left and right if they dont get the jab, how productive is that when supposedly the hospitals are bulging at the seams, fucking brilliant i tell ya

yeah but don't you think it's unbelievable that nurses and medical workers haven't been vaccinated? You can't fix stupid 

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3 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

This is why I don't really trust the shots. Too fast to shove in everyone's arms.

From the FDA's website:

Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.

its already been discussed over and over both in society and on here. All that red tape and waiting was removed. And the whole world made the collective effort to manufacture the doses. 

Living under a rock obviously 

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1 hour ago, Leykis101 said:

, any smart person would know that ordering these on societys gonna cause a large backlash, instead he couldve just appealed to Trumpers by saying, Trump got us the vax and he took it himself, thats how a smart boy would play ball

yeah Trump told his supporters to get the vax at a recent rally and they all booed him. Remember? 

Cant fix stupid ;)


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2 hours ago, Glen said:

yeah Trump told his supporters to get the vax at a recent rally and they all booed him. Remember? 

Cant fix stupid ;)



2 hours ago, Glen said:

yeah but don't you think it's unbelievable that nurses and medical workers haven't been vaccinated? You can't fix stupid 

No cause there are some smart nurses out their and I think they might no a little bit more then you and I, and they think for themselves, I'm gonna start calling you Dr. Glen, like Phil only Glen, and you dont fix family issues, you fix covid issues

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Just now, Leykis101 said:

its already been discussed over and over both in society and on here. All that red tape and waiting was removed. And the whole world made the collective effort to manufacture the doses. 

Living under a rock obviously 


Dr. Glen knows they could see into the future to know what will happen after 10 years, the effects the vax might have down the line, 5 to 10 years down the road what will those effects of the corona vax be? Dr. Glen, Oh well they have this way of knowing exactly what will happen even though this vax isnt even 2 yrs old, Hell you figure if they got it like that, they could cure cancer, hell my kidneys would have a way to stop failing, why dont they just come out with vax's that dont have a main virus yet? I mean they know that 10 yrs from now whats gonna happen, they shoudlve already had this vax out b4 the corona hit the world, I love this logic, but you cant fix stupid right?

Edited by Leykis101
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17 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Dr. Glen knows they could see into the future to know what will happen after 10 years, the effects the vax might have down the line, 5 to 10 years down the road what will those effects of the corona vax be? Dr. Glen, Oh well they have this way of knowing exactly what will happen even though this vax isnt even 2 yrs old, Hell you figure if they got it like that, they could cure cancer, hell my kidneys would have a way to stop failing, why dont they just come out with vax's that dont have a main virus yet? I mean they know that 10 yrs from now whats gonna happen, they shoudlve already had this vax out b4 the corona hit the world, I love this logic, but you cant fix stupid right?

in your words, I think they know a bit more than you or I 

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20 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:


No cause there are some smart nurses out their and I think they might no a little bit more then you and I, and they think for themselves, I'm gonna start calling you Dr. Glen, like Phil only Glen, and you dont fix family issues, you fix covid issues

you can call me whatever you want. Can I start calling you Dr Conspiracy Theorist ;)


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18 hours ago, Glen said:

you sure? I thought Oz was still about 50%? Not that I know. I've switched off about COVID tbh. Was only saying that UK route out was quite long. tis all. 

I think you dudes were getting your wires crossed. CTS is saying these "freedoms" come into effect when we hit 70-80% double vaxxed, which we are not at yet, but are expected to reach in coming months. 

18 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

100% sure.
Everything I mentioned before was 70 and 80% DOUBLE vaxxed.
Not only that, the 'freedoms' we are getting are only for those who can prove that they have been double jabbed.
We have a shitload of Pfizer and Moderna arriving and recently hit our shores.

Everyone here is desperate to get a needle in their arm as the only way to realise some sort of freedom.

Victoria is now at 70% single jab, and we got an extra hour exercise outside of the home.
At 80% single jab rate, we get to go out and play tennis or gold, but must be masked. Can travel up to 15km from home (not sure what you'd be travelling for, everything still shut and can't visit friends or family)
70% double jab (around 26 October) , all retail still closed, masks mandated everywhere, 10 people allowed in pubs, more in restaurants but only if outside. Curfew gone, 50 people at weddings  and funerals, but only if outside and filly vaxxed, cannot visit friends and family, can only meet in a park.
80% double jab (around 5th November) - must wear masks everywhere indoors, retail open under restrictions, public gatherings outside 30 people, only if fully vaxxed, etc 

I tell you the minor technicality that's really starting to get to me in this whole thing. And I noticed it abundantly when my wife had the news on last night... but why are these things even being called "freedoms?" It's absolutely fucking ridiculous terminology. If someone in prison moves from solitary confinement to standard incarceration, they're still imprisoned. Which is exactly what is happening in Australia. 

Make absolutely no mistake about it, there is nothing one would mistake for freedom to look forward to when we hit 70-80% vaccination. But you turn on the news and reporters are smiling and happily reporting people sitting there in masks with 2-3 other people on a picnic rug, gleefully reporting on our new "freedoms." It's absolutely fucking pathetic. I am so embarrassed on a daily basis as to what this country has become. 

But I wish they'd stop calling it "freedoms" and call it for what it is. One or two restrictions are being removed, but we are are still living in a pathetic, scared state of heavy restriction. Restrictions we'd never have imagined in our wildest dreams two years ago. No one anywhere in Australia is free to do as they wish and there's no roadmap anywhere for when that could possibly happen. 

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What are referred to as "freedoms" down under, are what many of us in the U.S. consider "rights"... which is one of the major reasons this entire situation rankles many people. It's often framed by contrarians as "you are so selfish that you won't give up some minor privileges for the benefit of society"... uh hunh... as we see in Australia (and in certain cities/states in the U.S.), once certain entities have taken those rights, they are VERY reluctant to ever give them back. Some feel that the best course of action is to not give them up in the first place. Government loooooves control, despite the lip service it may give to the contrary; at it's core "the government" regardless of the form, doesn't want individuals to have rights... they're harder to control/subjugate.

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3 hours ago, Glen said:

you can call me whatever you want. Can I start calling you Dr Conspiracy Theorist ;)


Well you can but those would all be theories, I wouldnt be claiming any of them are true or fact, and I certainly wouldnt be ushering people into following them, plus conspiracy theories are what seem to be really just right answers after all the lemmings are done following the head sheep off the clif

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3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Well you can but those would all be theories, I wouldnt be claiming any of them are true or fact, and I certainly wouldnt be ushering people into following them, plus conspiracy theories are what seem to be really just right answers after all the lemmings are done following the head sheep off the clif

ok Doc, whatever 🤣🤣👍

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I heard from my boss last night that the Victorian construction industry is being shutdown for 2 weeks.

The last few days have seen construction workers protesting mandatory vaccines on all building sites in Victoria.

The industry union (CFMEU) has sided with the Government on this mandate and it has enraged members.

As a result, our cunt of a Premier has turned around and said, okay, if you're gonna protest then fuck you, ill shut the industry down.

I now miss out on 2 weeks wages because of a lockdown fueled by spite.

Aussies are very easy going. We go with the flow. That's why we've tolerated being the most "lockdowned" country in the world, but we've all just about had it with these bullshit political power games by cunts that were voted in by the people, to serve the people, not to serve their own vindictive power plays. Enough is enough! and I'm sensing that everybody is feeling the same way down here.




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58 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

I heard from my boss last night that the Victorian construction industry is being shutdown for 2 weeks.

The last few days have seen construction workers protesting mandatory vaccines on all building sites in Victoria.

The industry union (CFMEU) has sided with the Government on this mandate and it has enraged members.

As a result, our cunt of a Premier has turned around and said, okay, if you're gonna protest then fuck you, ill shut the industry down.

I now miss out on 2 weeks wages because of a lockdown fueled by spite.

Aussies are very easy going. We go with the flow. That's why we've tolerated being the most "lockdowned" country in the world, but we've all just about had it with these bullshit political power games by cunts that were voted in by the people, to serve the people, not to serve their own vindictive power plays. Enough is enough! and I'm sensing that everybody is feeling the same way down here.




sorry to hear that mate, sounds rough 😞 

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2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

I heard from my boss last night that the Victorian construction industry is being shutdown for 2 weeks.

The last few days have seen construction workers protesting mandatory vaccines on all building sites in Victoria.

The industry union (CFMEU) has sided with the Government on this mandate and it has enraged members.

As a result, our cunt of a Premier has turned around and said, okay, if you're gonna protest then fuck you, ill shut the industry down.

I now miss out on 2 weeks wages because of a lockdown fueled by spite.

Aussies are very easy going. We go with the flow. That's why we've tolerated being the most "lockdowned" country in the world, but we've all just about had it with these bullshit political power games by cunts that were voted in by the people, to serve the people, not to serve their own vindictive power plays. Enough is enough! and I'm sensing that everybody is feeling the same way down here.




John Setka has shown his true colours. Labor party comes first, members rights be damned.

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3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

I heard from my boss last night that the Victorian construction industry is being shutdown for 2 weeks.

The last few days have seen construction workers protesting mandatory vaccines on all building sites in Victoria.

The industry union (CFMEU) has sided with the Government on this mandate and it has enraged members.

As a result, our cunt of a Premier has turned around and said, okay, if you're gonna protest then fuck you, ill shut the industry down.

I now miss out on 2 weeks wages because of a lockdown fueled by spite.

Aussies are very easy going. We go with the flow. That's why we've tolerated being the most "lockdowned" country in the world, but we've all just about had it with these bullshit political power games by cunts that were voted in by the people, to serve the people, not to serve their own vindictive power plays. Enough is enough! and I'm sensing that everybody is feeling the same way down here.




Saw that, mate, and couldn't believe it. When does our prime minister step in and say hold on, what the fuck? You can't shut down a whole industry because a few people made you sad. Absolutely outrageous. How can such a petty, spiteful action possibly be legally okay? 

As Anastacia in Queensland repeatedly shows, there is absolutely no compassion in these cunts. Doesn't consider for one second the ramifications a decision like this will have on so many people, in what is already the hardest time of their lives. 

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38 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Saw that, mate, and couldn't believe it. When does our prime minister step in and say hold on, what the fuck? You can't shut down a whole industry because a few people made you sad. Absolutely outrageous. How can such a petty, spiteful action possibly be legally okay? 

As Anastacia in Queensland repeatedly shows, there is absolutely no compassion in these cunts. Doesn't consider for one second the ramifications a decision like this will have on so many people, in what is already the hardest time of their lives. 

We already know that the Federal government has no influence over health matters. I used to be a States rights man but now I feel the opposite after seeing the abuse of power from State governments in Victoria, Queensland and WA. Would happily vote to give more powers to a federal government over States in Australia now.

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