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45 minutes ago, tts42572 said:

Couldn't agree more.  At least in terms of here in the USA where there is vaccine for everyone who wants it and they're literally begging people to go get it.

I mean, I like my odds.  I've got a vaccine that by all accounts is 90-95%% effective.  So that gives me a 5-10% chance of even coming down with COVID to begin with.  And most reports/studies so far seem to say that even if you are among the unlucky ones to get COVID after being vaccinated, your symptoms are likely reduced significantly.

And on top of that, we have a disease that 99% will survive and treatments have improved significantly over the past year.

My odds are probably way worse that I'll die in my car on commute to work than from COVID.

Now, unless the facts change like the vaccine isn't working as we thought or hospitals get so crowded they can't treat people anymore, it should be business as usual.  We bought enough time to formulate plans to combat this thing and solutions exist.  Let people move forward with the choices they've made.

But stop trying to protect people that don't want to be protected.  I mean, if they really want protection, they'll get vaccinated.  Otherwise, they're basically saying they're willing to roll the dice.  So let them.

I have a feeling when unvaccinated people see a friend or family member either die or struggle badly with COVID they might change their tune like a family I know who was anti-vaccine until somebody came down with a bad COVID case and the rest all ran out to get vaccinated when the other was in the hospital.



the point is mate, at your next gig you wind up next to some dick who's not vaccinated and you get it. 

anyway I'm done discussing this - original points have been so diluted over pages of endless arguments that I can't be bothered anymore.

Geoff seems to think only 1% of people die because he's an ill informed idiot. The mortality rate for over 80s is about 15% and most of those are folk with underlying conditions- one of the main ones is high blood pressure, so yes if my parents got it their chances sadly would not be great.

You hope that the vaccine would mean a lesser chance of them dying, but still 100 people died yesterday and if its not the supposed invincible young ones who is it? 

After all this bullshit discussion I somehow morbidly wish that Australia threw caution to the wind and there were a massive spike of cases and deaths just so Geoff knew what it was like to live in a country where deaths had been bad. 

he'd soon be complaining what the hell his country was doing thats for sure.

Anyway, I'm outta here. Done. Dusted.

enjoy lockdowns y'all.

and masks ;)

Cos they'll be with us for a long time yet unless people wake up and get vaccinated. 

bye bye 👋 





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All good points.  I think we mostly agree on one thing....that this won't end anytime soon without more vaccinated people...plain and simple.

To be honest, if it were up to me, at most businesses and/or at big events like a concert, sporting event or whatever, I'd be making people prove vaccination before being allowed in so odds are I wouldn't be standing next to somebody with COVID.  There's been a lot of backlash here in the US with places that have tried that because everybody here starts screaming about their rights anytime stuff like this is mentioned.  Yeah, people have the right not to get vaccinated and I do respect that.  But as a business or event organizer, I should also have the right to keep unvaccinated people out if I so choose and have a safer environment for patrons and workers.  But businesses are too afraid to lose profits and customers so they just let people do what they want.  

I mean....we've basically done that with smoking.  When I was younger, people could smoke basically anywhere.  Now, most places I go in the US don't allow smoking inside even though everyone still has the right to smoke.  But we finally determined that people who don't smoke shouldn't have to be subjected to the perils of smoking.  Should be the same with this....Not vaccinated, then stay out or in some designated area and don't subject me to possible COVID.

For me, that's the big problem here in the US.  All these unvaccinated people are running around with no issues piling into stadiums and wherever else so they don't care.  To take it farther, they're supposed to wear masks if they're not vaccinated but nobody does.  I honestly can't even tell you the last time I went somewhere and saw somebody with a mask on.  And we know only about 1/2 the people here are vaccinated.  I attended a weekend festival in June with a couple thousand people....Think I might've seen 1 mask all weekend.  I actually think it might be the last time I saw a mask somewhere.

So it's pretty easy to see why cases are increasing.  Just a bunch of selfless idiots that don't care enough about people around them to do the right thing.   

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52 minutes ago, Glen said:


Anyway, I'm outta here. Done. Dusted.

enjoy lockdowns y'all.

and masks ;)

Cos they'll be with us for a long time yet unless people wake up and get vaccinated. 

bye bye 👋 





We all know this is bullshit. You can't help yourself. You'll be posting in this thread by the end of the week. 

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Just now, AlphaMale said:

We all know this is bullshit. You can't help yourself. You'll be posting in this thread by the end of the week. 

I am only replying to your antagonistic post.

As you know this is NOT bullshit as I never posted again in the Trump thread after I promised to leave. 

So now. Good bye 👋 

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2 minutes ago, Glen said:

I am only replying to your antagonistic post.

As you know this is NOT bullshit as I never posted again in the Trump thread after I promised to leave. 

So now. Good bye 👋 

I knew you couldn't resist. LOL

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So I've done a bity of my own research on these vaccines.

COVID is CO (corona) VI (virus) D (disease)
coronaviruses have been around since 8000 BC and are thought to originate in birds and bats.

A reaction to a vaccine is a good sign, it means your body is reacting to the antivirus and adapting to be able to prevent the actual virus infection. I guess this means be careful if you have minimal reaction (sore arm, fatigue, headache, etc)

Firstly, it seems one jab offers very minimal protection.

Two jabs basically means you are very unlikely to end up dead or on a ventilator, but can still get sick enough to end up in hospital, although that risk is hugely minimised.

Being able to contract the virus, means many people who are fully vaccinated with carry and transmit the virus without knowing they have it.

You need around 3 weeks after your second jab to build immunity, so extra caution needs to be taken after immunisation.

AstraZeneca is less effective on all forms of covid, but particularly on the Beta strain, where it isn't very effective at all.

All vaccines appear to work equally well on the Delta strain, although this strain more frequently evades vaccines. New styrains could throw some spanners in the works and new vaccines may be required to combat the evolving virus. Thios should be a lot quicker given that base vaccines exist.

RNA vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, etc, are the future not just with this virus, but also many other vaccines moving forward.

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9 hours ago, Glen said:

the point is mate, at your next gig you wind up next to some dick who's not vaccinated and you get it. 

anyway I'm done discussing this - original points have been so diluted over pages of endless arguments that I can't be bothered anymore.

Geoff seems to think only 1% of people die because he's an ill informed idiot. The mortality rate for over 80s is about 15% and most of those are folk with underlying conditions- one of the main ones is high blood pressure, so yes if my parents got it their chances sadly would not be great.

You hope that the vaccine would mean a lesser chance of them dying, but still 100 people died yesterday and if its not the supposed invincible young ones who is it? 

After all this bullshit discussion I somehow morbidly wish that Australia threw caution to the wind and there were a massive spike of cases and deaths just so Geoff knew what it was like to live in a country where deaths had been bad. 

he'd soon be complaining what the hell his country was doing thats for sure.

Anyway, I'm outta here. Done. Dusted.

enjoy lockdowns y'all.

and masks ;)

Cos they'll be with us for a long time yet unless people wake up and get vaccinated. 

bye bye 👋 

But it'd be okay if you went to a gig and picked it up from someone who is vaccinated? And if you and those you mingle with are vaccinated, why does it matter if you get it? How can you possibly think a world where there is no longer any chance of catching covid is a possibility? 

Just to be clear, I'm an ill-informed idiot because I'm not waving my hands hysterically in the air screaming "we're all going to die!" like a certain member of the forum? 

Do you have the mortality rates for over 80s with dementia, heart disease, even influenza, cancer etc? I know we've established that in Glen's world covid is now the only way anyone dies and we no longer care about anything else, but just a gentle reminder. Also, does your 15% factor in the vaccination, or does that lower your number too much?

100 people died with covid yesterday, and how many other people died from everything else? And you have stats to confirm it was all young folk? Not older unvaccinated folk? I don't know... but it doesn't sound like you do either. And what do you want done about the 100 deaths? Lockdown 66 million people and do the cycle all over again so no one ever dies from covid again? One of my favourite posts of yours in this thread was when you said something like I don't like hard truths, or something like that. The hard truth is people will die from covid today, and probably until the end of humanity now. I don't know. But they'll also die from a million other things we cannot control. 

lol. You want - by your THE WORLD IS ENDING prediction - thousands of people in Australia to die to prove a point to some idiot on the internet? Way to go, Tiger. Just further proof, though, that you and yours with your mindset don't give the vaguest of fucks about what actually happens to people as long as your covid panic and fear keeps alive and well. 

The thing that has amazed me about you from page one is you that say you want out of this thing but I think it's the opposite. You are resistant to everything that could realistically see this thing behind us. Your only solution is for everyone to be vaccinated and there's no space in your little mind to acknowledge the reality that this will never happen. But you have no plan B. Which is why I said earlier that I don't get the sense from you at all that you want to leave a world of lockdowns and masks. For you, it seems there's two options. 100% vaccination, or continue living this terrible existence. As option A isn't a realistic option, why do you think it's so dumb to conclude that you see that living a life of restrictions and misery is the only other option? 

Random question. If you were 90 years old, would you want your children and grandchildren to have their lives ruined so that you may not get a virus which may or may not have any affect on you at all? If your answer is different to mine then I pity you more than I already do. 

But, I have to admit... we've done a great job protecting our elderly through all this. I particularly love the part where millions have been unable to say a final goodbye to people they've shared their entire lives with. I think it's beautiful for governments to step in and say no! We forbid you from seeing your mother one last time before she dies. It's that level of compassion that really makes me know that what the government is enforcing upon us is so right.  

Anyway, I lost the point of this reply a few paragraphs back - I just hope you keep your word and end this here. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

I really wish that everybody on this forum could put all their differences aside and collectively, as a community............

focus on trying to bait Glen into responding to this thread.

BTW Glen, I love ya brother, but I think sending a "reaction" to a comment is still technically responding to the thread.

Edited by Darkstone
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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

I really wish that everybody on this forum could put all their differences aside and collectively, as a community............

focus on trying to bait Glen into responding to this thread.

BTW Glen, I love ya brother, but I think sending a "reaction" to a comment is still technically responding to the thread.

All I can say is AstraZeneca is the poor man's crappy UK vaccine, only fit for those who can't afford Pfizer or have little clue. It is like saying Little Angels are as good as The Scorpions. It's just not true, Glen, and that is why 6 people have died from AstraZeneca in Australia (including two people in their 40s today) and none from Pfizer.

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3 hours ago, auslander said:

All I can say is AstraZeneca is the poor man's crappy UK vaccine, only fit for those who can't afford Pfizer or have little clue. It is like saying Little Angels are as good as The Scorpions. It's just not true, Glen, and that is why 6 people have died from AstraZeneca in Australia (including two people in their 40s today) and none from Pfizer.

Wow, that is incredible. So what are we up to in Australia in 2021 now? Six deaths from the vaccine and four deaths from covid? Can't even comprehend that - getting vaccinated for something that for all you know you might not get any symptoms at all from, and that's it. Lights out. Sad stuff. 

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12 hours ago, Geoff said:

Wow, that is incredible. So what are we up to in Australia in 2021 now? Six deaths from the vaccine and four deaths from covid? Can't even comprehend that - getting vaccinated for something that for all you know you might not get any symptoms at all from, and that's it. Lights out. Sad stuff. 

Mate, I get where you're coming from.
I agree with a lot of it.
But addressing your post, I have to say its pretty silly.

Scenario 1 - everyone gets vaccinated with AstraZeneca, the whole population.
125 die based on a population of 25 million, based on the mortality rate with blood clots

Scenario 2 - nobody gets vaccinated at all.
550,000 die based on worldometer stats (% of total deaths vs infections is around 2.2%)
***note - worldometer stats include infections of those who have been vaccinated and do not die, so the percentage of deaths of only unvaccinated people would be closer to 4 or 4%

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4 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Mate, I get where you're coming from.
I agree with a lot of it.
But addressing your post, I have to say its pretty silly.

Scenario 1 - everyone gets vaccinated with AstraZeneca, the whole population.
125 die based on a population of 25 million, based on the mortality rate with blood clots

Scenario 2 - nobody gets vaccinated at all.
550,000 die based on worldometer stats (% of total deaths vs infections is around 2.2%)
***note - worldometer stats include infections of those who have been vaccinated and do not die, so the percentage of deaths of only unvaccinated people would be closer to 4 or 4%

Not sure what you mean, mate. I merely said 6 people have died from covid vaccines in Australia in 2021 and 4 from covid. Suggested nothing else at all and did not even remotely indicate that I think people should not get vaccinated, or that this is a reflection of anything else. Just an interesting pair of numbers considering the state of this place. Obviously millions of people have been vaccinated without incident compared to thousands that have had covid for the amount of deaths there are (in Australia). So don't get carried away, mate... just stating two numbers and nothing more than that. 

I will say, for the record, that I completely disagree with your take on the numbers - ie. 4% death rate. That's madness, cob. Remember there were not vaccines for a year or so and the number never even crept up close to 4%. I also think it's madness to believe that everyone who has had covid has a test result to show for it. We honestly believe every asymptomatic or person with mild symptoms went out and got tested? Especially in less developed nations. And I also think it is reckless to suggest that covid alone is just going around cutting people down. I posted a link to a graph a few pages back which outlined the underlying conditions associated with covid deaths in the US which I found very interesting. In conclusion, I would guess the actual death rate for covid would be far less than 2%. But that's my personal opinion and I don't mind at all if people disagree. 

Anyway, just to re-iterate, I didn't make any statement about not getting vaccinated because it's more likely to kill you than covid and I'm sad that you assumed that's what I was trying to suggest. Sad face. 

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23 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Not sure what you mean, mate. I merely said 6 people have died from covid vaccines in Australia in 2021 and 4 from covid. Suggested nothing else at all and did not even remotely indicate that I think people should not get vaccinated, or that this is a reflection of anything else. Just an interesting pair of numbers considering the state of this place. Obviously millions of people have been vaccinated without incident compared to thousands that have had covid for the amount of deaths there are (in Australia). So don't get carried away, mate... just stating two numbers and nothing more than that. 

I will say, for the record, that I completely disagree with your take on the numbers - ie. 4% death rate. That's madness, cob. Remember there were not vaccines for a year or so and the number never even crept up close to 4%. I also think it's madness to believe that everyone who has had covid has a test result to show for it. We honestly believe every asymptomatic or person with mild symptoms went out and got tested? Especially in less developed nations. And I also think it is reckless to suggest that covid alone is just going around cutting people down. I posted a link to a graph a few pages back which outlined the underlying conditions associated with covid deaths in the US which I found very interesting. In conclusion, I would guess the actual death rate for covid would be far less than 2%. But that's my personal opinion and I don't mind at all if people disagree. 

Anyway, just to re-iterate, I didn't make any statement about not getting vaccinated because it's more likely to kill you than covid and I'm sad that you assumed that's what I was trying to suggest. Sad face. 

Not my intention to misrepresent you, and if You got your point wrong, then I apologize.
Stats are wonderful things and can be turned and twisted any way.
my point is, if they lock down everything until everyone has their Astra Zeneca shots, then nobody will die from covid because we will all be unable to get it having been locked down.
But people will still die from the clots and naturally the death rate percentage will be higher than in any other situation.

Likewise, if they release everyone and left life go on as it was pre covid, people will all get covid, and many many will die from it, and no-one will die from Astra Zeneca because nobody will have had it.

the only real stats that matter are either historic stats or what we can see when it's all been said and done.

Questioning my 4% is fair, it was a random figure that I threw out.
I should have said 2.5 to 3% which I would believe is possible.
here is the link to worldometer.
193,429,183 covid cases, 4,151,7299 deaths
Happy for you to work out what percentage that is, let me know if my 2.2% was way off.
Like I said, that site reports CASES of covid, and these days, many of those cases reported are from people who have been fully vaccinated and won't die from it, so that will skew the figures and the death rate for people with no vaccination will be higher....
Also, this new Delta strain is supposed to be  more inclined to cause death than the older strains, so again, figures possibly don't accurately reflect what is happening.

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14 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Not my intention to misrepresent you, and if You got your point wrong, then I apologize.
Stats are wonderful things and can be turned and twisted any way.
my point is, if they lock down everything until everyone has their Astra Zeneca shots, then nobody will die from covid because we will all be unable to get it having been locked down.
But people will still die from the clots and naturally the death rate percentage will be higher than in any other situation.

Likewise, if they release everyone and left life go on as it was pre covid, people will all get covid, and many many will die from it, and no-one will die from Astra Zeneca because nobody will have had it.

the only real stats that matter are either historic stats or what we can see when it's all been said and done.

Questioning my 4% is fair, it was a random figure that I threw out.
I should have said 2.5 to 3% which I would believe is possible.
here is the link to worldometer.
193,429,183 covid cases, 4,151,7299 deaths
Happy for you to work out what percentage that is, let me know if my 2.2% was way off.
Like I said, that site reports CASES of covid, and these days, many of those cases reported are from people who have been fully vaccinated and won't die from it, so that will skew the figures and the death rate for people with no vaccination will be higher....
Also, this new Delta strain is supposed to be  more inclined to cause death than the older strains, so again, figures possibly don't accurately reflect what is happening.

Yeah mate, I have seen that site and according to those numbers, the 2% is about right, but like I say above, there's a lot more extenuating circumstances to those numbers that just what's on that site. I don't think the pre-existing health conditions should ever be ignored. 

Funny you say that about the Delta strain as I've only ever heard it's far more transmissible, but also far less deadly. I thought that was the common consensus. Who's saying it's more deadly?   

Hold strong and don't let them get you with their panic too, mate. Christ knows they're trying their hardest. 

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My new celebrity crush;


Even if you don't watch the whole video, at least make sure you stay on long enough (it's in the first few mins) to see the comments from the chief health advisor in NSW, Kerry Chant. And keep in mind this woman is running our state now. Like I say absolute, fucking morons. Did everyone hear NSW was declared a state of national emergency today? If it wasn't ruining so many people's lives, I'd find this garbage comical. 

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

My new celebrity crush;


Even if you don't watch the whole video, at least make sure you stay on long enough (it's in the first few mins) to see the comments from the chief health advisor in NSW, Kerry Chant. And keep in mind this woman is running our state now. Like I say absolute, fucking morons. Did everyone hear NSW was declared a state of national emergency today? If it wasn't ruining so many people's lives, I'd find this garbage comical. 

Stop being anti-science Geoff lest you be tarred and feathered me lad!

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27 minutes ago, auslander said:

Stop being anti-science Geoff lest you be tarred and feathered me lad!

I know, I know. I feel bad for acknowledging common sense in 2021. I know it was outlawed and forbidden from 2020 onwards, but I struggle with letting go of the past, probably hence why I find myself on an 80's music site. 

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9 hours ago, Geoff said:

Yeah mate, I have seen that site and according to those numbers, the 2% is about right, but like I say above, there's a lot more extenuating circumstances to those numbers that just what's on that site. I don't think the pre-existing health conditions should ever be ignored. 

Funny you say that about the Delta strain as I've only ever heard it's far more transmissible, but also far less deadly. I thought that was the common consensus. Who's saying it's more deadly?   

Hold strong and don't let them get you with their panic too, mate. Christ knows they're trying their hardest. 

I know you're not stupid, and I get your hesitation with vaccines.

Unfortunately, I believe that when things open up again (the world is watching the UK) maybe when 70 to 80% of people have been jabbed, and after vaccines have been easily available to the public for a while, you will find yourself in a bit of a quandry.

People will be running around either with mild covid symptoms, or none at all, because they have been vaccinated. But they can still pass it on to unvaccinated people.

Still a lot of time before that happens. I'm guessing very early next year. Will be interesting to see how it develops.


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6 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

I know you're not stupid, and I get your hesitation with vaccines.

Unfortunately, I believe that when things open up again (the world is watching the UK) maybe when 70 to 80% of people have been jabbed, and after vaccines have been easily available to the public for a while, you will find yourself in a bit of a quandry.

People will be running around either with mild covid symptoms, or none at all, because they have been vaccinated. But they can still pass it on to unvaccinated people.

Still a lot of time before that happens. I'm guessing very early next year. Will be interesting to see how it develops.


Yeah mate, that's not the part I'm worried about. For the record, I get my second jab in a month. I didn't get it because I wanted to, but because there's no point putting off the inevitable, especially with $50 incentive from my workplace, lol. 

International, or even nationwide travel seems actual years away down here in this cesspool, but I know that neither will ever be possible again without proof of vaccination. And either will most things, far as I can tell, the way this thing is going. 

We even got told this week that going forward it would be hard to maintain our current employment without being vaccinated. 

So as much as I despise this mandatory non-mandarory vaccine, I also understand there's no getting around it. 

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That's what people don't get. It's not even about the vaccine. I'm booked in for my jab too in a week. It's about the government control, the stifling of free speech, the over-reaction of media and bureaucrats, the trampling of individual liberties in the name of supposed "better for all", the destruction of precious childhood years, the virtue signalling of celebrities, the rise of Stasi-style "dob in your neighbour" schemes, etc. 

That is what the problem is, and what is most disappointing and disturbing is how easily and willingly people seem to have surrendered all this for this illusion of safety. 

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July 11, 2021

Robin-Spring-Saunders-196x300.png Ms. Robin Spring Saunders.

BALTIMORE — A 45-year-old mother achieved her goal of employment at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. But she never made it to her first day of work.

Ms. Robin Spring Saunders received her first injection of experimental mRNA on June 21, according to her Facebook page. It’s unclear if it was Pfizer or Moderna. But at this point, it doesn’t really matter. She apparently was not thrilled about receiving the shot. But she did it as a condition of employment at Johns Hopkins University, which mandates the experimental shots for all faculty and staff.


The adverse effects were almost immediate. Her cousin, Crystal Grainger, wrote on Sunday morning, June 27 that Ms. Saunders was experiencing life-threatening reactions. She was on a ventilator and suffered from brain and heart issues.


Ms. Grainger, as some others have reported, said the reaction came after the second injection. But that would mean Ms. Saunders received two shots in less than a week, which is highly unlikely and very dangerous. Several family members and friends confirmed it was the first shot.

The damage was too severe to overcome. Ms. Autumn Harvey, Robin’s daughter, confirmed that her mother passed away later that afternoon. Several others confirmed her death thereafter.




From dream to nightmare

It appears Ms. Saunders wanted to work with autistic children and earned credentials to do so. Her Facebook page indicates that she bootstrapped her way to the Johns Hopkins opportunity. She was working several jobs at the time, including Home Depot, Lowe’s and Amazon. She was hired at Johns Hopkins University to fulfill her midlife goal.

Several friends and family members talked about filing a lawsuit against Johns Hopkins. It will be interesting to see if they follow through. Ms. Saunders is survived by her mother and daughter.

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

Yeah mate, that's not the part I'm worried about. For the record, I get my second jab in a month. I didn't get it because I wanted to, but because there's no point putting off the inevitable, especially with $50 incentive from my workplace, lol. 

International, or even nationwide travel seems actual years away down here in this cesspool, but I know that neither will ever be possible again without proof of vaccination. And either will most things, far as I can tell, the way this thing is going. 

We even got told this week that going forward it would be hard to maintain our current employment without being vaccinated. 

So as much as I despise this mandatory non-mandarory vaccine, I also understand there's no getting around it. 

Agree with all that.
Glad you got a shot, even if it was not ideal for you to do so.

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1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:


July 11, 2021

Robin-Spring-Saunders-196x300.png Ms. Robin Spring Saunders.

BALTIMORE — A 45-year-old mother achieved her goal of employment at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. But she never made it to her first day of work.

Ms. Robin Spring Saunders received her first injection of experimental mRNA on June 21, according to her Facebook page. It’s unclear if it was Pfizer or Moderna. But at this point, it doesn’t really matter. She apparently was not thrilled about receiving the shot. But she did it as a condition of employment at Johns Hopkins University, which mandates the experimental shots for all faculty and staff.


The adverse effects were almost immediate. Her cousin, Crystal Grainger, wrote on Sunday morning, June 27 that Ms. Saunders was experiencing life-threatening reactions. She was on a ventilator and suffered from brain and heart issues.


Ms. Grainger, as some others have reported, said the reaction came after the second injection. But that would mean Ms. Saunders received two shots in less than a week, which is highly unlikely and very dangerous. Several family members and friends confirmed it was the first shot.

The damage was too severe to overcome. Ms. Autumn Harvey, Robin’s daughter, confirmed that her mother passed away later that afternoon. Several others confirmed her death thereafter.




From dream to nightmare

It appears Ms. Saunders wanted to work with autistic children and earned credentials to do so. Her Facebook page indicates that she bootstrapped her way to the Johns Hopkins opportunity. She was working several jobs at the time, including Home Depot, Lowe’s and Amazon. She was hired at Johns Hopkins University to fulfill her midlife goal.

Several friends and family members talked about filing a lawsuit against Johns Hopkins. It will be interesting to see if they follow through. Ms. Saunders is survived by her mother and daughter.

side effects suck, and can be fatal.
Sad, but real life, and extremely rare.
More chance of dying from a coconut landing on your head than from a shark attack etc

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2 hours ago, AlphaMale said:


July 11, 2021

Robin-Spring-Saunders-196x300.png Ms. Robin Spring Saunders.

BALTIMORE — A 45-year-old mother achieved her goal of employment at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. But she never made it to her first day of work.

Ms. Robin Spring Saunders received her first injection of experimental mRNA on June 21, according to her Facebook page. It’s unclear if it was Pfizer or Moderna. But at this point, it doesn’t really matter. She apparently was not thrilled about receiving the shot. But she did it as a condition of employment at Johns Hopkins University, which mandates the experimental shots for all faculty and staff.


The adverse effects were almost immediate. Her cousin, Crystal Grainger, wrote on Sunday morning, June 27 that Ms. Saunders was experiencing life-threatening reactions. She was on a ventilator and suffered from brain and heart issues.


Ms. Grainger, as some others have reported, said the reaction came after the second injection. But that would mean Ms. Saunders received two shots in less than a week, which is highly unlikely and very dangerous. Several family members and friends confirmed it was the first shot.

The damage was too severe to overcome. Ms. Autumn Harvey, Robin’s daughter, confirmed that her mother passed away later that afternoon. Several others confirmed her death thereafter.




From dream to nightmare

It appears Ms. Saunders wanted to work with autistic children and earned credentials to do so. Her Facebook page indicates that she bootstrapped her way to the Johns Hopkins opportunity. She was working several jobs at the time, including Home Depot, Lowe’s and Amazon. She was hired at Johns Hopkins University to fulfill her midlife goal.

Several friends and family members talked about filing a lawsuit against Johns Hopkins. It will be interesting to see if they follow through. Ms. Saunders is survived by her mother and daughter.

There has to be some form of responsibility attributed to the employer since they mandated the form of vaccine. A lawsuit seems appropriate in those circumstances.

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