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8 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

And he pulled troops out of Germany! how could you forget that, thought youd be delighted.

That one I'm not sure on. 

I'm not a fan of military bases in other countries. And I know as a Brit we're all over the world as well. 

That said with Putin clearly trying to weaken the west it's probably not the right time for this move.


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On 3/10/2020 at 7:49 AM, simo said:

WTF is this, the whole world grinding to a halt because of it?? Very annoying, 4'000 dead against a world population of 8+ billion....... shows you the power of media / internet and the human psyche...

this was the first post in this thread. amazing how far we've come. 

potentially still more to come as well with second waves hitting parts of Europe :(


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Anywhere restrictions are lifted the figures will rise. Now holiday season and a general drop in discipline it will happen everywhere. 

UK figures also climbing but really important to precede any comment  about UK figures with an inference it might be johnny foreigners fault. 

The reality is the dance between trying to keep things as open as possible but not overwhelming health services is pretty well impossible. 


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Second wave in my city was brought on by lax/inexperienced/rent a guard security are hotels isolating returning travellers, and frim BLM protests.
The community was also lax due to poor/weak leadership.
Second time there was far more community transmission.
Also, even with new higher figures apparently 1 in 4 people with covid, were found not to be in isolation as they were supposed to be and are being investigated.
25% of people with covid going back to work and staying out in the community.
That means we're kinda fucked.

And there are pockets developing in other states now, even with borders closed.

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I know BLM are getting a lot of blame for the violence and property destruction during the anti-racism protests but to be clear most of them are there to protest peacefully and it is a very small percentage who are causing trouble...many of the troublemakers are white kids who don't care about racism and are just out to stir shit up and of course there are those from the right who just want to make BLM look bad and cause interracial trouble like the umbrella man....


Whether Trump wins or loses I expect the protests to continue as BLM will not stop until they see some serious progress and the right will protest as they will believe Trump BS about having the election stolen from him if he loses....

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BLM, the organization (as opposed to BLM the concept) has done nothing to distance themselves from Antifa and other interlopers. They are perfectly content to rake in the dough and funnel it to the Democratic National Committee (if you donate on the BLM website, the money is collected by "ActBlue Charities").

As far as "peaceful protesters"...


The Left is going to continue to somehow believe the violence is all being instigated by "alt-right white supremecist nazis", which utterly defies logic. Are there isolated such as the umbrella man? Sure. But the overwhelming majority of the violence and destruction is being perpetrated by those on the Left. Period.

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I was referring to BLM protests in my country, which were totally peaceful.
But 10,000 to 30,000 people gathering together during a pandemic, just when you're starting to get on top of it, was a fucking poor move by those who protested.

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

BLM, the organization (as opposed to BLM the concept) has done nothing to distance themselves from Antifa and other interlopers. They are perfectly content to rake in the dough and funnel it to the Democratic National Committee (if you donate on the BLM website, the money is collected by "ActBlue Charities").

As far as "peaceful protesters"...


The Left is going to continue to somehow believe the violence is all being instigated by "alt-right white supremecist nazis", which utterly defies logic. Are there isolated such as the umbrella man? Sure. But the overwhelming majority of the violence and destruction is being perpetrated by those on the Left. Period.

If you are right the left is to blame, if you are left the right is to blame ;)


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The right believes BLM is evil....it is what they want to believe therefore it must be true....and there are plenty of idiots online that are feeding this silliness with their BS and conspiarcy theories, you just have to look at facebook for that ....

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10 hours ago, Glen said:

If you are right the left is to blame, if you are left the right is to blame ;)


Exactly. I've decided that whenever I post a comment in one of these "Political" threads, that I'll at least try to post an appropriate track as well. This is a great mash-up of a classic that somes up our current situation. The sad part is, it's always been this way and it always will.

...and the band played on.



Edited by Darkstone
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Left, right, means nothing to me.
I just say what I think, I'd hope that some of it falls into both camps.
nothing worse than people who follow their political line without waveringa nd allow this to change how they miht genuinely feel.
This is what I've touched on with the Trump stuff.
Cool, hate him, think he's a tool, or a comedy act, but if you're not going to conceed that he's done anything good (ie: if you are blinded to it) then for me, your opinion is completely worthless....

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6 hours ago, Mr.AOR said:

Agree with this 100%...



Let me address this fucking knobs points

1. More testing - more cases. People claim this in my country as well, but our figures show testing increased by only a small margin, while there were massive amounts of new cases. Need to look at the actual stats. Regardless, what she's saying is that infections are actually HIGHER than figures presented, but they were undetected due to lack of testing. So shit is even worse than she thinks it is...

2. Somebody has lukemia. They are alive and being treated. They get covid and die. Guess what? It was corona that killed them. If they didn't get the virus they would likely still be alive. For how long who knows, but it was the virus that caused their death.

3. Who cares is people with existing antibodies are considered new cases? They are new detections and go to the figures of total cases. It seems she doesn't want to account for these people in total infections.

4. Face masks are useless and only for training for a vaccine, to make you feel safe to encourage taking a vaccine. She's an anti vaxxer. Enough said, lol. If they are useless, why do doctors, nurses, testers, etc wear them when assessing covid cases? They aren't perfect, but they are a hell of a lot better than nothing.

5. Why weren't masks mandated when it all started? Because they were needed for health professionals to pretect the most valuable people.

6. Death is terrifying? lmao. Yeah, fuck death, just live your life, go out and if you get the virus and die, no biggie, was always gonna happen to you at some point. While you're at it, stop wearing seat belts, do as many drugs as you like, do some untethered rock climbing. What the hell is she talking about as if this is using up 'half of your life, if you only get a really short life? Suuuuurrre, it's the media who make dying terrifying..... or maybe people just don't want to fucking risk an early death due to some avoidable virus?

That has to be the stupidest clip I've ever seen. Surely it's a joke?





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2 hours ago, Leykis101 said:


Jesus, that's an hour long clip.
If the stupid bitch in the last post I made allowed me to realise anything, it's that life is shory, to short to waste on that.
I watched the first few minutes and it was clear where it was going.
Perhaps the kind of thing I may watch when there are actual facts rather than speculation, guesswork, blame games and conspiracy theories feeding it.
Right now, there is no real evidence that it is a man made virus, no conclusive evidence that China purposefully or even mistakenly decided not to tell the extent of the virus for whatever reasons.
personally I believe that there is a storng chance that Chona could have opened up about the shitstorm much earlier and significanly contributed to allowing the spread.
That's just me and my comment is only as valid as the whole video, in that it's just guessing.
I hope some truths come out and any wrongdoings are punnished.

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There are so many lunatics online these days that it is scary...even scarier is that many people believe this shit and get most of their 'facts' and news from them....as for a second wave, the US will not notice a second wave because the first wave has never stopped....much of the rest of the world where the curve has flattened will most likely see increased virus numbers throughout the Fall and Winter and they will have a hard time telling the difference between covid and influenza...could be a long bad Winter....

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13 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Left, right, means nothing to me.
I just say what I think, I'd hope that some of it falls into both camps.
nothing worse than people who follow their political line without waveringa nd allow this to change how they miht genuinely feel.
This is what I've touched on with the Trump stuff.
Cool, hate him, think he's a tool, or a comedy act, but if you're not going to conceed that he's done anything good (ie: if you are blinded to it) then for me, your opinion is completely worthless....

I freely admit to disliking him as I prefer politicians to at least try to appear honest something Trump is unable/unwilling to do...as for the positive things he has done over 4 years, they are few and are heavily outweighed by the negative IMO....

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Had Trump not banned all Chinese air travel when he did,you'd likely be looking at double the deaths in this country.Schumer,Pelosi,Biden,Cortez etc all called him a xenophobe and racist for doing so....it could not be any more clear who deserves to be in that office another 4 years.Trump ain't perfect but what the guy has been able to do against unbelievable odds: 95% negative press coverage,impeachment,activist federal judges and all the endless,unbridled propaganda has been nothing short of stellar.

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Banning Chinese air travel was a good decision despite the silly opposition to it....he should have gone farther and banned everyone with a Chinese passport as all they did was fly to Europe and then come to the US...he just delayed the spread in the end....I suspect the numbers of dead were lessened by that delay....

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2 hours ago, Metal T said:

Had Trump not banned all Chinese air travel when he did,you'd likely be looking at double the deaths in this country.Schumer,Pelosi,Biden,Cortez etc all called him a xenophobe and racist for doing so....it could not be any more clear who deserves to be in that office another 4 years.Trump ain't perfect but what the guy has been able to do against unbelievable odds: 95% negative press coverage,impeachment,activist federal judges and all the endless,unbridled propaganda has been nothing short of stellar.

Your not gonna convince any bro, some people just cant keep an open mind, their hatred blinds them to anything, I am not talfking about anyone on here, Im just talking in general, when it comes to this stuff,  I can name some great stuff he's done, just as I could Obama, Bush, Clinton, unless you actually read about it, you will never know anything good Trump has done, because the american media will never cover it, at least not honestly, remember, it's about making him look so bad they can get rid of him, how about these, and i'm sure you'll nit pick them, but hey, you would be disingenuous to say he hasnt done anything positive, maybe even lying, and these are things I can prove he did, unlike the shit you say he's done wrong, these are not debatable, I cant think of some more, but i know there are more.

Space Force

completely overhauled the tax code

The First Step Act

Brought back the Glass-Seagull Regulation

Started building the wall between the US and Mexico

Brought alot of business and jobs back to the US

cut taxes for small business owners,

he negotiated the USMCA,

Set a new trading deal with Japan

Didnt like the Iran deal, so he changed it,

;Made Euro countrys start pulling their share financially with NATO









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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

There are so many lunatics online these days that it is scary...even scarier is that many people believe this shit and get most of their 'facts' and news from them....as for a second wave, the US will not notice a second wave because the first wave has never stopped....much of the rest of the world where the curve has flattened will most likely see increased virus numbers throughout the Fall and Winter and they will have a hard time telling the difference between covid and influenza...could be a long bad Winter....

Much like the American News Media, is that what you meant by this post?

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