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3 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

No bro, didn't you just read what I said, there were literally like 3 or 4 females who were overly qualified, Tulsi Gabbar is more qualified then Biden, yes it's personal, I cant stand affirmative action, I cant stand anyone getting their job on color and not qualifications, you go search the internet, you come back here and tell me what she's done, cause I keep up on this shit, and im seriously scratching my head, if you can find something she's done, doesn't even have to be important, just something in general, anything, I'll give you a ticket for one free rim job at G-Offs house of guilty pleasures and tickling tongues, deal.

BTW. Trump is the first republican I voted for in my 25 years of voting, the very first, I look at republicans with the same distrust and disgust as I do the dumbocrats, I just think the dumbocrats arent even real dumbocrats and they are far more disgusting, I'll take Jo Jorgensen in 2024 jorgensen\cohen, thats the ticket right there

did I mention JORGENSEN\COHEN 2024?

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6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Ahem...cough...lol....the previous president had considerably less qualifications and he is okay as far as you are concerned so once again this sounds personal ....I suspect if she was Republican most of the complaints would go away... and maybe she would make a terrible president but I don't have a crystal ball so who knows for sure... I expect a very interesting 2024 if she ends up running against Trump...

You keep bringing up the former president, OK, DEAD PLANET, I REALLY WISH YOUD TELL ME YOUR NAME SO I DONT HAVE TO KEEP ADDRESSING YOU BY MR. PLANET, CAN YOU SIT THERE AND TELL ME IN ALL HONESTY WITH A STRAIGHT FACE THAT THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENT WAS WORSE THEN THE CURRENT PRESIDENT??? go on, lay it out there just say it so I know where to begin the climb from, say it, say Donald Trump was a worse president then Joe Biden, then you give me examples of anything trump did that even remotely comes close to what Biden has done, OK, btw you brought Trump up again,,ya see that, Trump had qualifications in Business, and that's how he ran the country, something that needed to be done, and I dont think had since maybe bill clinton, trumps whole platform was business, it was nice not having a politician as president and I think you'll find thats what most people will tell you, instead of a suit up there telling everyone what they want to hear, then disappearing, Trump actually did what he said he'd do, now that may not be a foreign concept to presidents in your country, but in this country it's almost like a fairy tale, even if you hate his guts, nobody whos honest can say he lied to get into power, he stuck to everything he promised he'd do when he was running, and to me thats a breath of fresh air.

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8 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

You keep bringing up the former president, OK, DEAD PLANET, I REALLY WISH YOUD TELL ME YOUR NAME SO I DONT HAVE TO KEEP ADDRESSING YOU BY MR. PLANET, CAN YOU SIT THERE AND TELL ME IN ALL HONESTY WITH A STRAIGHT FACE THAT THE PREVIOUS PRESIDENT WAS WORSE THEN THE CURRENT PRESIDENT??? go on, lay it out there just say it so I know where to begin the climb from, say it, say Donald Trump was a worse president then Joe Biden, then you give me examples of anything trump did that even remotely comes close to what Biden has done, OK, btw you brought Trump up again,,ya see that, Trump had qualifications in Business, and that's how he ran the country, something that needed to be done, and I dont think had since maybe bill clinton, trumps whole platform was business, it was nice not having a politician as president and I think you'll find thats what most people will tell you, instead of a suit up there telling everyone what they want to hear, then disappearing, Trump actually did what he said he'd do, now that may not be a foreign concept to presidents in your country, but in this country it's almost like a fairy tale, even if you hate his guts, nobody whos honest can say he lied to get into power, he stuck to everything he promised he'd do when he was running, and to me thats a breath of fresh air.

Yeah quite the business man, he has only filed for business bankruptcy at least 4 times.....very impressive...and I keep bringing him up because if you are going to criticize Democrat leaders then it makes perfect sense to compare them to the Republican leader which is still Trump even if many people would like to forget that salient point....some people seem to think Trump disappeared down some deep dark hole after leaving the White House (we could only wish...lol) but he is still in charge of the Reps so enough with the whining about bringing up the Rep leader unless you are going to stop the criticism of the Dem leaders...ffs

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On 8/27/2021 at 7:40 PM, Dead Planet said:

Yeah quite the business man, he has only filed for business bankruptcy at least 4 times.....very impressive...and I keep bringing him up because if you are going to criticize Democrat leaders then it makes perfect sense to compare them to the Republican leader which is still Trump even if many people would like to forget that salient point....some people seem to think Trump disappeared down some deep dark hole after leaving the White House (we could only wish...lol) but he is still in charge of the Reps so enough with the whining about bringing up the Rep leader unless you are going to stop the criticism of the Dem leaders...ffs

But the Republicans arent in power, they have no control over anything, so it looks really petty to keep harping on someone who cant do anything plus way to sidestep the question, didnt even answer it , didnt even attempt to, wonder why that is????

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11 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

But the Republicans arent in power, they have no control over anything, so it looks really petty to keep harping on someone who cant do anything plus way to sidestep the question, didnt even answer it , didnt even attempt to, wonder why that is????

Because of filibuster rules the Reps in the Senate have plenty of say in what legislation gets passed and what doesn't and these days with Trump demanding that Biden and the Dems get no legislation passed and McConnell saying that they will block everything that means very little gets done...so yes the Reps have plenty of power... 

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6 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Because of filibuster rules the Reps in the Senate have plenty of say in what legislation gets passed and what doesn't and these days with Trump demanding that Biden and the Dems get no legislation passed and McConnell saying that they will block everything that means very little gets done...so yes the Reps have plenty of power... 

And it didnt go the other way when trump was in office? thank god for that fillibuster, BTW, I just learned a little info that I missed the first time around, Trumps deal with the Taliban had a small little insignificant detail to it that Biden seemed to have written off, the day after he made that deal, we carried out 2 air strikes on the Taliban, and in the deal he signed, he had the side note that all of our civilians and troops would be evacuated and if so much as a shot was fired towards them the US air force would light those fuckers up, the next day they were shooting at us and the Afghan army and the US air force launched 2 airstrikes against them, our media was to worried about wearing masks and calling chicks with dicks the right pro nouns, I dont have time to post all the shit I read but you can go read it yourself on Reuters.

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7 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

But the Republicans arent in power, they have no control over anything, so it looks really petty to keep harping on someone who cant do anything plus way to sidestep the question, didnt even answer it , didnt even attempt to, wonder why that is????

whats the point? Nothing DP says will ever change your opinion of democrats and nothing you say will change his opinion of reps/Trump. 

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4 hours ago, Glen said:

whats the point? Nothing DP says will ever change your opinion of democrats and nothing you say will change his opinion of reps/Trump. 

True, no ones opinion gets changed here as most people are set in their opinions....I could have mentioned a ton of shit that I think Trump screwed up but it would all be defended as great by his supporters so not worth the time....

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13 hours ago, Leykis101 said:





I've been reading up on the Libertarian policies and they are quite good although the foreign policy of isolationism doesn't work for me, the rest is better than anything from the Dems or Reps....too bad they are not considered as a real option by Americans as I believe at the very least their political positions would force the other parties into a more moderate line if they were considered a threat...

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The political tides are turning against the Biden presidency (msn.com)

The political tides are turning against the Biden presidency

Douglas E. Schoen and Carly Cooperman, opinion contributors  6 hrs ago
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The recent decline in support for President Joe Biden and his administration likely means that the Democratic party will lose control of the House and potentially the Senate in 2022 - and also makes it increasingly likely that Biden will be a one-term president.

Just 41 percent of registered voters now approve of Biden, while 55 percent disapprove, according to a USA Today/Suffolk County survey released last week.


President Biden's approval rating has markedly deteriorated, having dropped 16 points since this Spring.

In early May, Biden's approval rating stood at 57 percent with 38 percent disapproving, according to a Politico poll among registered voters. To note, other public polls around this time generally showed the president's approval in the mid-50's range.

What explains Biden's precipitous decline?

On the key issues facing the country - the economy, immigration, the pandemic and Afghanistan - Biden and Democrats receive negative ratings. And speaking as professional pollsters, when an incumbent party trails so significantly on the key challenges facing the country close to one year before an election, it is a potential harbinger of ill for that party.

With regard to the economy, just 39 percent of registered voters approve of Biden's handling of the economy, while 53 percent disapprove, according to the USA Today/Suffolk County survey.

Likely 2022 voters also trust Republicans over Democrats by 12 points in terms of which party is best able to manage the economy, according to a July 2021 poll conducted by Third Way, a Democratic centrist group.

Further, nearly two thirds of likely 2022 voters (63 percent) are convinced by the argument that Democrats are being irresponsible and recklessly spending, which has led to higher prices of consumer goods, according to recent polling conducted by our firm, Schoen-Cooperman Research.

Democrats also trail Republicans on immigration, as migrant encounters at the southern border soared to record highs in July. Indeed, our poll finds that voters trust Republicans (46 percent) more than Democrats (37 percent) to address immigration.

Furthermore, Biden's approval rating on the COVID-19 pandemic - once his strongest area - has dramatically declined since this Spring.

In late April, 69 percent of Americans approved of Biden's handling of the pandemic, according to an NBC News/WSJ Journal poll. Yet last week, that number had dropped by 16 points to just 53 percent, according to the same pollster.

All that said, Biden's greatest failure as of late is, arguably, his handling of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Our poll finds that voters largely disapprove (56 percent to 35 percent) of the way the withdrawal is occurring. And of those who disapprove, a majority (58 percent) blame Biden, rather than President Trump (12 percent) or both administrations equally (22 percent).

Further, given the tragic terrorist attack that occurred outside of the Kabul airport on Thursday, which killed 13 U.S. troops, 170 Afghans and wounded hundreds more, we can expect that Biden's ratings on Afghanistan - and his overall ratings - will continue to decline.

And now, Biden is saying that the U.S. is negotiating with one group of terrorists to try to protect Americans lives threatened by an even more virulent group of terrorists. The optics alone are incredibly damaging to Biden's presidency - and possibly even to perceptions of the United States in the international community.

As President Biden's ratings on key issues continue to decline, congressional Democrats have real reason to worry about their 2022 prospects.

In our poll, we analyzed the 2022 generic congressional horse race and found that Republicans come out ahead by 2 points (48 percent to 46 percent) when respondents who are initially "not sure" are allocated based on which way they lean - as the poll found undecideds to be strongly negative to the administration, rating Biden unfavorably by 50 to 33 percent, while voters overall rate Biden positively by 50 to 46 percent.

Moreover, with congressional Democrats having approved a budget blueprint their $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill - which will bring massive across the board tax increases and will likely increase the debt, deficit and inflation - we can expect that an even more substantial electoral backlash is coming, along the lines of what we saw in 1994 and 2010.

In the 1994 midterms under President Clinton, Democrats suffered a blowout defeat following the passage of the then-largest tax increase in history, which the then-Democratic Congress passed that year without Republican support.

And in 2010, during President Obama's first midterm election, Democrats lost control of the House - and Republicans won back more than 60 seats - due in large measure to voters' perception of governmental overreach on healthcare and the economy by the administration and Democrats in power.

That said, it is noteworthy that the mere circumstances of the 2022 midterms also present challenges for Democrats. Republicans need to pick up just five House seats and redistricting alone could cost Democrats close to or even more than that amount.

Further, since World War II, only twice has the president's party gained seats in the midterm elections - in 1998 during the Clinton administration and then in 2002 during the Bush administration. To note, both presidents had approval ratings over 60 percent, and even so, only saw meager House seat gains.

According to a 2018 Gallup analysis of midterm seat gains and losses, in midterm elections since 1946, the average loss for the president's party is 25 U.S. House seats - presidents with an approval below 50 percent see their party lose an average of 37 House seats.

Taken together with the potential for increased electoral backlash against Democrats - and possibly even a wave election - the Senate could also well be in play as well, notwithstanding the number of seats that Republicans would have to flip.

In short, by catering to the left wing of the party, the Biden administration risks enhancing the likelihood of an outcome in the midterms similar to 1994 and 2010, when similar big government initiatives cost the Democrats control of Congress.


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Oh fuck. It really is mind-blowing how stupid (or ignorant) one can be. She should go back being a bartender, a stripper or something else. I can't think of anyone more annoying and incompetent 'politician' out there. 

Well I can but you get my drift ;)

For fuck sake woman! Shut up and suck!




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3 hours ago, AlphaMale said:


In short, by catering to the left wing of the party, the Biden administration risks enhancing the likelihood of an outcome in the midterms similar to 1994 and 2010, when similar big government initiatives cost the Democrats control of Congress.


This is the main point. Biden was selected by the Democrats as he appeared to be a Centrist. The left wing get all the media coverage because the media love the left, but the people do not. They will vote to the centre. 

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1 minute ago, auslander said:

This is the main point. Biden was selected by the Democrats as he appeared to be a Centrist. The left wing get all the media coverage because the media love the left, but the people do not. They will vote to the centre. 

Yup. Just a puppet on a string.


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8 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I've been reading up on the Libertarian policies and they are quite good although the foreign policy of isolationism doesn't work for me, the rest is better than anything from the Dems or Reps....too bad they are not considered as a real option by Americans as I believe at the very least their political positions would force the other parties into a more moderate line if they were considered a threat...

I have been a registered Libertarian since I was 18, I thought this last election they would get more play as so many people didnt want trump, but didnt like Biden, I thought for sure Jorgenson would see a huge flux in the polls, but most mainstream Americans are fucking idiots, the MSM says jump and they say how high, their basic premise is people should be able to live however they want, as long as it doesnt infringe on someone elses right to do the same, It has been the sudden tilt to the far left that has sent me to the far right, because I understand what they are doing, if you'd have ever told me that one day I'd side with Republicans on anything other then fiscal issues i'd have laughed in your face and called you a fucking idiot, but if it's a race to the extremes of policy theres no way I want to see the US become a socialistic or communistic country, I love my freedom, I respect it and I dont take it for granted, in other countrys just us saying this shit would get us incarcerated, or worse killed.

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3 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Her father should have "pre-evacuated".

LOL, oh you mean pulled out? I still pound it

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10 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

True, no ones opinion gets changed here as most people are set in their opinions....I could have mentioned a ton of shit that I think Trump screwed up but it would all be defended as great by his supporters so not worth the time....

Maybe not, but mine has been changed by policys, I am always willing to look at a subject and think about it, always, but as someone who wasnt a supporter of Donald Trump(I always found him entertaining)when people start bashing away on him I tune out, because it's something I participated in, at great lengths, he's not a conservative, and through all the shit I talked on him it really came back to bite me in the ass when i started to discover he wasnt the monster I'd made him out to be, it was a huge lesson for me, but to be fair I dont think anyone knew what he would be like as for policys, he ended up doing a lot of shit that made sense to me, something I cant even say George Bush did, Barack Obama did a lot of shit I thought was good, primarily in the criminal justice area, his one felony bill, and his work at getting criminals who have a chance help before they are lost in the system, all made alot of sense and are not conservative in any way, so I may find myself aligned with Republicans on many issues these days but it's because they have came to what ive felt is the center, not because I went that much to the right.

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Watch AOC get torched by Tom Homan former director of ICE


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5 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Maybe not, but mine has been changed by policys, I am always willing to look at a subject and think about it, always, but as someone who wasnt a supporter of Donald Trump(I always found him entertaining)when people start bashing away on him I tune out, because it's something I participated in, at great lengths, he's not a conservative, and through all the shit I talked on him it really came back to bite me in the ass when i started to discover he wasnt the monster I'd made him out to be, it was a huge lesson for me, but to be fair I dont think anyone knew what he would be like as for policys, he ended up doing a lot of shit that made sense to me, something I cant even say George Bush did, Barack Obama did a lot of shit I thought was good, primarily in the criminal justice area, his one felony bill, and his work at getting criminals who have a chance help before they are lost in the system, all made alot of sense and are not conservative in any way, so I may find myself aligned with Republicans on many issues these days but it's because they have came to what ive felt is the center, not because I went that much to the right.

keep preaching brother but most people have zoned out now. The UK is basically out of afghan now. Not much else to say. 

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Australia are a laughing stock around the world with our covid measures.

In the last couple of weeks, Biden has become a bit of a laughing stock here.
I posted earlier how we stopped seeing US politics on our news when Trump left because the shitshow was over.
Now it's back with a new star. Checking his watch when the dead US soldier were returned, falling asleep with the Israel leader, falling down, not taking questions, reading scripts, stuttering and not making sense, etc
People currently horrified at the arsenal he left the Taliban when the US started leaving...

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7 hours ago, Stefan said:

Look who's 'back'. I vaguely remember back in the day her being more or less slaughtered by the media (and Demonrats). 

You just crossed the line mister !

She's a quitter ,plain and simple !

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    • I was a pretty big fan. Nature Of The Beast is a killer song. Saw them with Dave Gleeson from the Screaming Jets singing and he did an amazing job, but pretty sure they have a new singer now  I recently went through the two most recent albums before this one and there were a couple of ok tracks, but mostly mid. Fun fact: I saw the Angels a couple of years before Doc died at the Middle hotel in Ferntree Gully and they seemed to hate each other. Pretty sure Doc said nothing to the crowd all night. Fun fact 2: when they were building the transit bar in Melbourne, a mate and I found a service elevator that went to the roof, which was under construction. After peeing off the roof, which is always fun, we realised that we could clearly hear the music 5 or 6 floors below from a DJ I think. He was playing Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again. We started yelling down the No Way Get Fucked, Fuck Off bit thinking we were hilarious. Then soon we noticed people looking up, and for some reason they seemed to be clearly hearing us. Another mate then called us to tell us security were on the way up the stairs so we took the service elevator down and managed to laugh it off. Stoopid drunk story I guess, but fun days.
    • Cheeky, getting your artwork in there. I wonder how you did that.  I like the vocal track on #1 and that'd be my pick. I personally don't dig the female versions of songs, because I'm not a female (yet?) and as these are songs written by ourselves I personally feel the best interpretation is an AI dude voice taking the place of your dude voice. 
    • Yeah, that's great but this is obviously an accomplished musician probably completely in control of this output... not done with Suno, I'd bet. There's definitely dudes out there who are perfectly capable of doing their own music, like this dude, but for whatever reason might not be able to put a project together, again, for whatever reason... but this definitely feels a lot more like AI feeling in the missing gaps for someone otherwise in complete control of what he wants.  Either way, it is very cool indeed.  As Darkstone says, I'm not sure paying is the way to get the best results. I'm also not saying it isn't, especially with other platforms that are not Suno. I think already knowing what you're doing, musically, is the best way to get best results, personally. Suno, for example, is just perfect for someone who might enjoy writing lyrics but is not in any way shape or form an accomplished (or even adequate, lol) musician.  But yeah, it's pretty cool for some fun. I'm not sure if you checked out my links above. Keeping them pretty quiet due to lyrical content, lol, but you might dig some of the stuff in my links. 'As the moment passes by' and 'I'll wait for you' are two of my personal faves. Along with 'Faith to fall.'
    • Yeah, musically it's what you want, but vocally... Maybe Alex should take some vocal lessons from Ken Tamplin. ;}
    • Your Eyes - Darkstone (2024) Two versions of my song number 6     https://suno.com/song/e8c1e85b-21ee-4d35-a64b-e786f00944d2   https://suno.com/song/9144c77a-bd7c-49c1-9508-f724d0832fdb
    • Yep, although I was never a massive fan.
    • Yes, celebrating their fifty years. There only two original members left in the band. Dusty might agree with me the Angels died when the original singer passed away.
    • It's just not the same without the Doc though...
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