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Covid Cases in Canada.....798000 with 20609 dead...(pop 37.5 million)

Covid cases in the UK.......3.9 million with over 111000 dead...(pop 66.6 million)

Covid cases in the US.......26.9 million with over 459000 dead...(pop 328 million)

Covid cases in Australia....28849 with 909 dead....(pop 25 million)

Just looking at the numbers it would appear that Australia has limited deaths compared to the rest...lockdowns, face masks and loss of freedom are a PITA but they seem to work.....

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1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

Covid Cases in Canada.....798000 with 20609 dead...(pop 37.5 million)

Covid cases in the UK.......3.9 million with over 111000 dead...(pop 66.6 million)

Covid cases in the US.......26.9 million with over 459000 dead...(pop 328 million)

Covid cases in Australia....28849 with 909 dead....(pop 25 million)

Just looking at the numbers it would appear that Australia has limited deaths compared to the rest...lockdowns, face masks and loss of freedom are a PITA but they seem to work.....

this was exactly my point to Geoff. Accept the rules and be grateful. 909 deaths. UK is losing that on a daily basis and then some :(


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Are the number of deaths over reported or under reported...you can find 'news' articles supporting either position online...I suspect it will be years before the doctors, scientists and statisticians come to an accurate number....one of the issues I have with the internet is that if you look hard enough you can find an article or opinion somewhere from someone that supports whatever position or opinion that you already hold, does that automatically make you right?....hardly....

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The bullshit of those numbers are that is you got in a car accident and died, when autopsy done it finds you had covid, so you're now a covid death. The numbers are so misleading.

No matter what you really died of, if they find you were covid positive, it's a covid death. Such bullshit.

My ex works at a trauma hospital and they are told to test the dead for covid because it's get the hospital more money.

Not to say this is true but interesting none-the-less.


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The CDC’s 6% Covid-19 deaths statistic, explained by a cognitive scientist - Vox

Candace Owens



May 10, 2020

Serious question. What do you guys think the REAL #coronavirus death toll is? Under 10k? Please make this video viral: "It means technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death."

Edited by AlphaMale
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44 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

No matter what you really died of, if they find you were covid positive, it's a covid death. Such bullshit.

Yep. The Director of the Illinois Department of Health said as much... on video.

Make no mistake, there is money to be made in certain sectors from high numbers of reported COVID cases and/or deaths.

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it makes no sense though.

look in the UK about 1500 people die on average each day.

That means in the peaks of the virus they are allocating EVERY death to COVID

it just doesn't stack up.

I found this

 ONS figures registered by Dec. 5, 2020 show that there were 43,987 more deaths than the five-year average between 2015 and 2019 for January to November in England


So with about 1500 death a day through Jan the UK numbers look fairly accurate.

 think the numbers might be a tad high - say 10-15% but that still means the death toll in the UK has been pretty shocking.

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I can't speak for the UK, but here in the U.S., the reporting standards and criteria are different from state to state. Some states are reporting deaths legitimately, whereas others like my shithole of a state are classifying every possible fatality they can as COVID, regardless of causality.

That's one of the biggest problems about this whole mess: you can't trust the fucking numbers, hence the claims (regardless of direction) are all suspect IMO.

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8 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

I can't speak for the UK, but here in the U.S., the reporting standards and criteria are different from state to state. Some states are reporting deaths legitimately, whereas others like my shithole of a state are classifying every possible fatality they can as COVID, regardless of causality.

That's one of the biggest problems about this whole mess: you can't trust the fucking numbers, hence the claims (regardless of direction) are all suspect IMO.

yes that is really poor if that is going on. If you don't trust the numbers tho you could sense check like I did for the UK. 500K is a big number so easy to see if viable or not against previous averages 

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On 2/6/2021 at 9:38 PM, Glen said:

it figures that you are in Australia. if you lived in the UK you'd think a lot differently. 

So condescending and belittling. You are telling me that my opinion is worth less because I am in a country doing well with covid...
I read through the comments below, here's how they read...
"shut up, we have worse covid than you, how dare you try to complain about how you are being governed, just be quiet and hope that you don't have to go through what we are going through"

Geoff was making a point about how we are being controlled here in Australia.
Sure covid is the reason, but that doesn't make it acceptable to be unreasonable in the way you are treating your citizens.

You really should go live in the States, the US seems your passion.
You must have been so happy when the UK got covid bad, because you got to be one of the big boys with big covid problems.

Worldwide Glen knows everything and has a definitive, absolutely correct opinion on all world matters.
covid in all countries, the rule of all governments around the world, and lest not forget US politics.

If I was you, I would seriously take a step back and take a look at how you come off here.
Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially when they clearly don't.


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Most of that statement is crazy and you know it.

To suggest I want my country to have COVID ? Really. I've been defending our countries action to get rid of it.

Also bringing up US politics as well again is just laughable. Go read that thread. Nothing in that thread do I regret saying.

The only reason I replied  on your comment was because you were supporting the idea of conspiracy theories about governments wanting to control people which just riles my brain. It's a load of bollocks and you know it. Most governments want to get this under control to open up the economy again. not control people. 

Ye gods. 

it's music for me from now on. 

Edited by Glen
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So today my state is under stricter restrictions as we had a second new case coming from the quarantine of the Australia Open Tennis players.
So because our leader likes tennis, and can't get quarantine together, we are all suffering.
He cancelled the F1 Grand Prix, he mustn't like that.

But I am not allowed to complain about that because Glen has it worse in the UK.

I'd like some people from Brazil, India, US, Mexico or wherever to come on here and tell you to shut up and be thankful that you don't have it as bad as them.

Everything is the same, just on a different scale.
The comment I replied to was not made by someone in the UK.
Not everything has to come back to the UK and your personal take on it.

And yes, they way you word you comments, at times smacks of someone who rejoices being able to be a part of the conversation because you're up there with the covid prime movers.

Anyone you don't approve making a comment on covid, should remain silent.
Compare that to the US election crap where you could have been told to keep your opinion to yourself 100 times.

But you won't see this comment, because it's only music threads for you from now on.
Unless it's like the 10 billion times you said "I'm out" on the election thread.
Yes, I think you'll be back
You seem to think of yourself as the board intellectual who has the definitive answers to everything. You can't let a prime chance for a reply slip by...

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On 2/6/2021 at 3:28 PM, heavyharmonies said:

Yep. The Director of the Illinois Department of Health said as much... on video.

Make no mistake, there is money to be made in certain sectors from high numbers of reported COVID cases and/or deaths.

It is also in the political interest of some state governments to keep the official numbers as low as possible.....

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I'm not sure why people are crapping on Glen...his comments are no more silly or irritating than anyone elses comments(including mine)...although the whole "it's music for me from now on" comments are getting a bit tiresome as that ship sailed a long time ago....

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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I'm not sure why people are crapping on Glen...his comments are no more silly or irritating than anyone elses comments(including mine)...although the whole "it's music for me from now on" comments are getting a bit tiresome as that ship sailed a long time ago....

You just crapped on him too!! 

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6 hours ago, nyoilers said:

What ship has sailed ?? And where did it go ???

HMS Glen
And it sailed for the Isles Of Music, never to be seen in these treacherous waters again...

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2 hours ago, Metal T said:

One thing that cannot be disputed is the fact that China gave this little 'gift' to the world and need to be held responsible and be made to effing pay for it!  

I agree but the problem is that most countries are scared shitless of China, not so much their military power as their economic power so the odds of them paying a price is slim.....

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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I have never understood the hatred this guy gets for doing his job and doing it well IMO.....just because he is telling people things they do not want to hear does not justify it....

All the man does is lie.he's a fear mongering lunatic...he said millions would be dead by now...said you don't need a mask,then said you do and now he says you need two....:wacko:  It's like the blind leading the blind with these idiots...most people myself included were willing to mask up and play the game for a period of time but they keep moving the goalpost.




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    • If you go to the "edit song details" menu, you can edit the displayed lyrics ( handy to get rid of ugly brackets and prompts ), change the song title and change the thumbnail image.  You'd be able to do that to your tracks as well I think. Create a playlist for each of your albums and use your album covers as the images for your playlists.  They present pretty well on suno. The below link is for my playlist.    As for the vocals, I don't mind having female vocals on some of my tracks. As you mentioned earlier, I have absolutely no musical expertise whatsoever when it comes to instruments and I cannot sing for shit. I sort of think that it's like someone writing a song and then giving it to an Artist, Male or female, to interpret it musically. Think Desmond Child writing for Bon Jovi and also Joan Jett, or great songs by Jeff Paris being recorded by Vixen. Am I comparing myself to Desmond Child and Jeff Paris when it comes to songwriting talent? Hmmm... yes,  I think so.       https://suno.com/playlist/1581a017-9d55-4b0f-8ea8-555aa5b11d00
    • Good safe and well with the footage I've seen on news here in Australia it must be scary.
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    • Glad you and yours are ok Mike. There's been a lot of buzz on social media about the LACK of response from FEMA and the current admin. Have you seen or heard anything on the ground one way or the other?
    • Not sure if anyone has noticed my absence over the last 10 days, but I've only been able to sign in a few times from work over the course of that period. As some of you may know, on Friday, September 27th, Hurricane Helene slammed into western North Carolina and absolutely devastated this area, leveling entire towns in its path. In my 52 years on this planet, I've never seen destruction like this with my own eyes.  While my home and property were spared any major problems, our road looked like a damn warzone with all the trees and powerlines down. We were literally trapped like rats in a maze for several days, as even though some good samaritans were able to cut their way through the downed trees so we could leave the neighborhood, all roads leading out of this area were closed off, either due to trees and lines down, or due to flooding.   I was out of work for six days, as my employer had no power. We had no power here at the house for 9 days, with it being restored late yesterday evening. We lost several hundred dollars worth of food that thawed out from our fridge and freezers. No hot water after day one, no cell signal for several days, no stores or restaurants open for several days... If it sounds like I'm complaining, I assure you, I am not. I am grateful. My family and friends are blessed, as we're all pretty much back up and running now. While there was some severe flooding here in Morganton just around two miles from my house, overall, it was MILD around here. Once you drive a mere 20 miles up the road to a little town called Old Fort in McDowell County, and everything west from there, it is exponentially worse. Huge chunks of Asheville under water, Chimney Rock literally wiped off the map, Spruce Pine damn near wiped away, small towns with no communication to the outside world with people struggling. It is BAD here in Western NC, and it's going to take a LONG time for things to get back to some semblance of normal for ALOT of people.  I just felt the need to post and let anyone who might have noticed I was MIA that I am fine, but that alot of good people are not. Please keep western North Carolina in your thoughts and prayers, and if that's not your thing, drink one for all of us tonight. Here are a few links that I've shared over the last week on FB that show the devastation around here... https://fb.watch/v331QebVRJ/ https://www.facebook.com/100067755911039/videos/1069274148086583/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ER9b6tv8oj84QuWb/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9MpnKZUAx4m5oy3y/ All these aerial shots are from around 1-2 miles from my house: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/vux5WpAqeMDcNMhS/ https://fb.watch/v33x13dnTf/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/V6RPz7HiiMhrBsfn/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/vvEuMCm7We6fitZ9/ https://www.facebook.com/share/v/jE1utxkfNLeKEM9S/ Park Rangers in Chimney Rock managed to get the flag raised up again...  
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