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Frontiers - too many releases?

Guest theczar

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Guest theczar

I've just been listening to promos for the forthcoming Frontiers releases by Kryptonite and The Nights and to be honest they've left me underwhelmed, much like most of the label's collaborative releases.

I feel like the label's turning out too much material, and while the seeds of some great music are clearly evident I can't shake the feeling that the conversation, "OK, we've got these three great songs, but we need seven more for the album and two weeks to write them", is a reoccurring theme...

Roth Brock Project had one knockout song, Sweet & Lynch two, Revolution Saints maybe three, otherwise these releases scream filler... and I'll not go into the flaccid All 41...


Even the most recent FM and Jorn albums which have come out on Frontiers have been light on standout numbers.

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Do other labels have 100% track record?! No they do not! Keep bringing it Frontiers.

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I love Frontiers.. I think that outside of Frontiers, Escape, and AOR Heaven, I barely buy anything else these days.


That said, their releases end to have little staying power - usually after a week or so, they go off of rotation and never come back..



I then get really excited for the next releases - wash, rinse, repeat


I wish Frontiers would have a subscription program where you could buy all of their releases for the year (mp3 would be fine for me) - I'd be happy to pay up in advance..

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Frontiers are helping keep the fire burning and good for them,long may it continue.


For me the Roth Brock Project & Revolution Saints were excellent release,just my opinion :)

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Guest theczar

"Be thankful"


"Don't bite the hand that feeds you"


I like to think that my criticism is constructive: a check of my posts will reveal that I never resort to lazy assertions that "this is sh*t" etc.


I do consider my comments.


As a music writer, when I give praise it's sincere and often stratospheric; when I don't particularly enjoy something I'm reviewing I try not to be unduly unkind but will state my personal opinion.

One recent criticism I read on here recently of reviews is that they often veer towards the, "this is amazing, 10/10!", which is ultimately doing a disservice to the listener/customer.


I'm fortunate that I do get to listen to a lot of promos, but I also buy a lot of music too.


I'm glad Frontiers exist. They have released some great albums. When they bring together artists from their roster for projects - as has been increasingly commonplace - I personally feel that the finished product often lacks longevity and consistency across all of the tracks.


That's not, in my book, trash talking a company and it's products.


Things don't have to be black or white...

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I respect and appreciate everything Frontiers has done and continues to do for the melodic rock genre. Like others have said, most of the new releases I purchase are on that label. But, I get where you are coming from and feel the criticism has merit with regards to all the recent collaborative projects. Some of them were really enjoyable for me. But an equal number ended up being rather disappointing. I personally would rather buy a smaller label release of an up and coming act or a well done re-issue of a long lost gem then spend the same money on one of the unnecessary or overhyped collaboration projects. And over time I'm sure that is what will dictate how long these projects continue. Forums like this help get the word out about the releases, from any label, that sound rushed or are lacking in quality. If the bad releases outweigh the good for a long enough period of time then the sales will drop and we'll start to see fewer of them.

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My preference is for the indie release. I would rather buy directly from the band. I think a lot of good bands are getting swallowed up in the Frontiers vortex never to be heard from again. I also don't see a lot of push for any of the Frontier releases..? Unless of course it is a name artist or has a named member.


As for reviews, I get slagged regularly for being optimistic and positive with my words (one of the reasons I won't review for another site anymore), but I actively search out bands and music "I like" hence a positive review. I see no point in bagging on a band 1) just to do it and 2) if it isn't anything you would like in the first place (which again lends itself to another site that has lost my following and deserves nothing but bad juju).

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No complaints about Frontiers except maybe bringing in these one off CD bands and leaving us wanting more from them.


The Defiants

Phantom 5

Tokyo Motor Fist

Maybe we will get more ;) we can only hope dude,it'd be nice wouldn't it :)

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Frontiers - too many releases?.......... Not enough releases IMO.

yeah,they do release quite a lot of no interest to me,but it is of interest to others so fair play,the stuff of interest to me is generally pretty good.


I know what the theczar is pointing at but then again as stated I only listen to of what is of interest to me from the label and the pre release songs are usually an indication of whether I will be a fan of the disc or not :)

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Nobody sez you have to buy everything they put out.


Off the top of my head I think I own a grand total of five Frontiers releases, six tops - three of which are Stryper related (four if you count Sweet & Lynch).


I honestly could give a f*ck less about 90% of their roster, especially all these manufactured "supergroups" consisting of five Scandinavian no-names from five different bands that they seem to put out on a weekly basis, but if those kinds of releases help 'em keep the lights on, God bless'em. Keep crankin 'em out like McDonalds cheeseburgers. You can't make me care about'em tho.


As long as Frontiers continues to give guys like Stryper, Dokken, Warrant, Night Ranger, Whitesnake, etc. a home they can do whatever they want.

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Nobody sez you have to buy everything they put out.


Off the top of my head I think I own a grand total of five Frontiers releases, six tops - three of which are Stryper related (four if you count Sweet & Lynch).


I honestly could give a f*ck less about 90% of their roster, especially all these manufactured "supergroups" consisting of five Scandinavian no-names from five different bands that they seem to put out on a weekly basis, but if those kinds of releases help 'em keep the lights on, God bless'em. Keep crankin 'em out like McDonalds cheeseburgers, but you can't make me care about'em.


As long as Frontiers continues to give guys like Stryper, Dokken, Warrant, Night Ranger, Whitesnake, etc. a home they can do whatever they want.

+1 I 100% agree.

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They are keeping the genre alive and I am grateful for that. I'm not interested in everything they put out but nobody aside from Frontiers is really releasing anything I'm super pumped about. I get where the o.p. is coming from but I think there would be the same criticism if all they groups were dispersed amongst a half dozen other labels. Some will appeal to the listener, others won't.

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I agree that the label is doing a lot for this genre of music and they have released some fantastic albums over the years, but, their quality control radar needs to be used a little more often imo. I'd say 25/30% of their releases they put out are below par and Keith's McDonalds cheeseburger reference comes into play quite nicely . Just because you can release it, doesn't mean you have too, just because it's got a couple of name players connected to it

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I see where Czar is coming from, but I'd also suggest that this doesn't really have anything to do with Frontiers specifically. Perhaps it's just music in general, this far down the track. Sure, there are still a lot of wholly good albums released these days, but one has to ask, how many times can you re-do the same thing and still make it spectacular? When does the point come when every song's been sung? ;)


I definitely agree that many releases do only seem to have a handful of great songs, and the rest are passengers. But as I noted first up, that is in no way at all limited to Frontiers only releases. It's just the state of music as I see it.


The question is, if Frontiers aren't doing it "right," who the heck is? What is the other benchmark label? There is none, you say? I'd agree. ;)


Anyway, fact is, it is as simple as Keef and others have mentioned. Back in the day, I'm sure many of us liked a lot of bands on say, for example, Atlantic Records. But it doesn't mean we just went out and bought every album Atlantic ever released. Some bands/albums you liked, others you didn't. These days it's so easy to decide whether or not you like something before you have to throw coin at it, so just stick to those releases - regardless of the label - and forget the rest, regardless of the label.

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No complaints about Frontiers except maybe bringing in these one off CD bands and leaving us wanting more from them.


The Defiants

Phantom 5

Tokyo Motor Fist

Maybe we will get more ;) we can only hope dude,it'd be nice wouldn't it :)


Agree and Agree!

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Fat Freddy, on 03 Jun 2017 - 8:30 PM, said:snapback.png

Nobody sez you have to buy everything they put out.

Agree. June is a no buy month for me, I know that many will buy the June releases but I'll wait for the next batch.

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I see where Czar is coming from, but I'd also suggest that this doesn't really have anything to do with Frontiers specifically. Perhaps it's just music in general, this far down the track. Sure, there are still a lot of wholly good albums released these days, but one has to ask, how many times can you re-do the same thing and still make it spectacular? When does the point come when every song's been sung? ;)


I definitely agree that many releases do only seem to have a handful of great songs, and the rest are passengers. But as I noted first up, that is in no way at all limited to Frontiers only releases. It's just the state of music as I see it.


The question is, if Frontiers aren't doing it "right," who the heck is? What is the other benchmark label? There is none, you say? I'd agree. ;)


Anyway, fact is, it is as simple as Keef and others have mentioned. Back in the day, I'm sure many of us liked a lot of bands on say, for example, Atlantic Records. But it doesn't mean we just went out and bought every album Atlantic ever released. Some bands/albums you liked, others you didn't. These days it's so easy to decide whether or not you like something before you have to throw coin at it, so just stick to those releases - regardless of the label - and forget the rest, regardless of the label.

The question is, if Frontiers aren't doing it "right," who the heck is? What is the other benchmark label? There is none, you say? I'd agree. ;)

That's what I said Geoff!


Posted Yesterday, 09:55 AM

Do other labels have 100% track record?! No they do not! Keep bringing it Frontiers.

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I never knew that people bought albums based on their label, has it always been that way with collectors? I have no idea which labels released any of the albums that I own.


It's coincidental reading this thread as it was only yesterday I was asking my husband how he discovers bands & decides to buy their music. I'm not sure how I discover those that I like either. Thinking about it, it's probably from hearing them on the radio, sampler CDs or recommendations from others. Certainly I've bought some recently after listening to tracks or bands who get thumbs up from members on this site

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I never knew that people bought albums based on their label, has it always been that way with collectors?


Music collectors are a varied bunch, and their collecting preferences depend on their tastes, their wallets, and their level of O.C.D. :D


Some guys will buy any thing a particular musician plays/sings on, or anything recorded at a certain studio, during a particular year, or everything a certain label puts out.


And then there are the vinyl collectors/audiophiles, who are on a whole 'nother level. Visit any forum dedicated to vinyl collecting and you'll see dudes who have purchased 20 different pressings of the same record, looking for the best "sounding" version. ("Which is the best copy of the self titled Catz Ass debut? Is it the Guatemalan vinyl with the green label or the Ecuadorian second press with the white label?")


... we're all insane! :D

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I never knew that people bought albums based on their label, has it always been that way with collectors?


Music collectors are a varied bunch, and their collecting preferences depend on their tastes, their wallets, and their level of O.C.D. :D


Some guys will buy any thing a particular musician plays/sings on, or anything recorded at a certain studio, during a particular year, or everything a certain label puts out.


And then there are the vinyl collectors/audiophiles, who are on a whole 'nother level. Visit any forum dedicated to vinyl collecting and you'll see dudes who have purchased 20 different pressings of the same record, looking for the best "sounding" version. ("Which is the best copy of the self titled Catz Ass debut? Is it the Guatemalan vinyl with the green label or the Ecuadorian second press with the white label?")


... we're all insane! :D



Hahah, I love insanity! :taz:

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