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This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things


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I lent this to a friend of mine three, or was it four, years ago, and I finally got it back, today. The reasons being, I would forget about it, then, when I remembered, it was difficult to meet up due to our schedules. Anyway, finally, he remembered, and he asked when I was available and where we could meet. And even after all that, after four years with it, he never even watched it. The bastard! I have not lent out anything since, and I will continue not lending out my shit. This damn DVD/CD wasn't cheap.

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  • My Little Pony

NOTHING leaves the vault. Ever. Friend or not, you can look (maybe), but you can't touch!


That's pretty much my newly adopted policy.

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Thaankfully none of my friends/family have any interest whatsoever in the music I listen to, so borrowing is never an issue.

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yeah, Great White's Once Bitten Twice Shy cassette single (the one with Waysted Rock Ranger) was loaned out to a co-worker during a summer factory job I had, summer of 1990 (or maybe '89) and even though I asked many a time in the weeks leading up to me heading back to school....never saw it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lend the occasional CD out to my business partner, and my wife (although she practices the art of putting CD's back in whatever case happens to be available as opposed to the right case for the right CD).

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Nobody wants to borrow my stuff ... I can't think why ;)

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  • My Little Pony

I just remembered I also lent my copy of Dream Theater's "Octavarium" to a friend years ago. He said he lost the disc, but gave me back the case. How the hell does that even happen? Maybe I'm just out my damn mind, but the disc and the case are travelling buddies. If the disc goes in the player, the case waits patiently outside. And then why do I want the damn case if there's no disc? He said he would buy me a new one, and I believe he would've, but he was in the process of moving. So he's gone, and I still have an empty case. Every time I reorganize my CD rack I'm reminded that I need to replace it, and I never do. Such a good album. My favourite from Dream Theater.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

^^^^ Don't know if this applies to what you said but last year I bought a car(used2010) and on the drive home from getting it I tried the CD player and it didn't seem to work.The Cd wouldn't go in.Finally I decided to hit the eject button and out comes a CD-Adele 21.So whoever had the car before me or one of the dealership employees left the CD in so now they're stuck with an empty case !

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