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Ahoy Mateys! It be Pirate Nick's Birthday


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Stop what ye be doin', raise a flagon of grog and wish ol' Pirate Nick a joyous day of looting, pillaging and merry making, ye yellow bellied, lily-livered landlubbers! Arrrr :beerbang:

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Yarrrr! Have a good'un matey!!

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Happy birthday Nick'lus! Fight someone innocent and break a headlight on a stranger's car. Party!

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Cheers folks, discarded the pirate gear for a few hours and got the pith helmet out and the huge khaki shorts and wandered around the garden pretending it was the dying days of the British Raj. The elephants scarpered when they saw the gun....but they'll be back!

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Happy belated birthaday, my friend ! I hope you celebrated hard ?!?!



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Happy birthday and have yourself a real good wank! :guitbannana:

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Whoaaaaaaa... It's your birthday and I see KIX..? Hardly fair now.. is it..?


Hope you had a great one... :drink:

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