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We've lost one of our fellow collectors and board members. Kelly Robert Schacher known here on the board as "frogstomp" and on E Bay as "razorrozar" passed away recently.


I received a phone call yesterday morning from James (staryder) Gebbia with the news. James said he usually talked with Kelly (Robert) on the phone 2 or 3 times a week and hadn't heard from him in about 3 weeks, so he decided to call him. His brother answered the phone and told James that Kelly (Robert) had passed away as the result of a heart murmur that he has had since birth. He apparently got very sick and they were taking him to the hospital, but, he died enroute.


James wasn't sure how to confirm any of this and I contacted several of the members here on the board who are also fellow CD collectors. No one seemed to have any knowledge that Kelly (Robert) was MIA. I finally contacted Mike (whiplash1972) who did some checking and determined that Kelly (Robert) hadn't signed on the board since February 7 and that he hadn't made any E Bay feedback posts since January 10 which seemed unusual. Finally, Mike was able to locate an obituary notice on line (Mike is the internet detective in my opinion). Here is the link for anyone interested in viewing and/or posting to it:


Obituary Notice


I always knew Kelly as Robert, but, I always knew him for his posts here on the board, his avid CD collecting, E Bay auctions and finally.......as one of the best CD trackers I've known. He was a hound dog when it came to tracking bands to contact and turning up their rare CDs. We'll all miss his contributions to our hobby.

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Kelly and I never really hit it off but did manage to pull off a few big trades in the past. It is very sad that he passed away at such a young age.

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I think over the course of the last year or so, all of us have probably been affected by the passing of one of our musical "heroes"; be it Ronnie James Dio, Phil Kennemore, Gary Moore, or one of the countless others who have left this world way too soon... but this... this is a little different. This is one of "us"; one of our own if you will. This is a guy who bought, sold, collected & traded CDs just like we all do. This is a guy who signed in here on HH and talked about the music that he loved along with the rest of us. And most of all, Kelly was a husband and a father, just like many of us here. It really makes you think about your own mortality.. you know?




Rock in Peace Kelly :beerbang:

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Hard to believe Kelly's gone...we did a few trades over the years & he recently hooked me up with one I'd been after for a long time. He also liked to call me out of the blue just to see what was going on. I think he got a kick out of my Southern accent, just as I got a kick out of his Canadian one ("What's going on there, eh"?). He will be sorely missed. RIP, buddy.

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Agree with the condolences already posted.


When I spoke with James recently and he told me the news I was set back on my heals. Kelly and I had a very good round of cd swapping, mp3 sharing and all around bitch fests about certain sellers and collectors. I am a horrible friend and don't reach out to anyone too regularly, but I think Kelly and I last spoke about a month ago, I sent him the Wallace and Voodoo Rooster mp3's...


I really enjoyed how frank and to the point he was, weird to use the past tense venecular...



RIP my friend. :crying: You will surely be missed.

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Sad to hear... He was a likable guy here on the boards

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That's a shame. I never did any trading with the guy but I chit chatted with him here on the forum from time to time. R.I.P.

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Wow!! I'm shocked. I've exchange some info on Canadian bands with him for time to time, seemed like good guy with some good knowledge of Canadian indies.


Rest in Peace my friend.

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James had told me of Kelly's (Roberts) passing a couple days ago. I never did any trading with Kelly... but did exchange some helpful CD/band info. He would randomly PM every now and then when he had a CD he thought I might be interested in.


I believe my first response to James when he informed me of this new was .. "Did he have any kids". It is heartbreaking to think that there is now a young child who will grow up without the love and support of a father. No young child should have to deal with something like this at such a young age.


My thoughts go out to his wife and child. Can't imagine what it must be like to experience such a tragedy. I hope they have alot of love and support to help understand and deal with what has happened.


R.I.P. Kelly. :drink:



I guess if there is something to be learned from this it would be for us not to take things for granted. For the most part, we are all within the same age group... you just never know.

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I believe my first response to James when he informed me of this new was .. "Did he have any kids". It is heartbreaking to think that there is now a young child who will grow up without the love and support of a father. No young child should have to deal with something like this at such a young age.


My thoughts go out to his wife and child. Can't imagine what it must be like to experience such a tragedy. I hope they have alot of love and support to help understand and deal with what has happened.


R.I.P. Kelly. :drink:



I guess if there is something to be learned from this it would be for us not to take things for granted. For the most part, we are all within the same age group... you just never know.




Really sad news, so young. Very well put, LV KIX.

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