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About Delbert

  • Birthday 08/09/1944

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    Godfrey, Illinois USA
  • Interests
    music collecting & Listening, CDs, Corvettes, swimming, bein on the go.............

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Headlining Act (5/11)



  1. glad to see you posting here again Russ......
  2. NY Fury, the long island, New York melodic hard rock band are currently working on a brand new album for a fall 2024 release. Gene and Gary appeared on the KISS ROOM at Montcoradio (online radio) this past Friday and were discussing the new album. You can hear the broadcast repeated here The Kiss Room radio broadcast . The first single off the new album was given it's first airplay and the title is "REACH FOR THE STARS". They anticipate a 12 track album which is a followup to their "I WANT IT ALL" 2022 release on Eonian Records. I for one am excited after hearing this first track and the anticipation is building. Here is 'REACH FOR THE STARS".......
  3. This one struck me as a "keeper". I'm getting so particular about what I buy these days, but I did pickup the Japanese Pressing of this one with one bonus track. Just got it and ready to give 'er a spin.
  4. I just heard a couple of tracks posted on YouTube of the Spanish band S.N.A.K.E.. Their CD was just released November 27 on Lion's Pride label and I picked up a copy from Pride & Glory. They sound is heavy keyboard laden melodic rock with lots of anthemic in their sound. It actually pulled my chain and thought maybe there may be interest by others.
  5. Thanks for the list. I actually love checking out channels with obscure stuff as opposed to all the new material.
  6. I remember many years ago when a friend of mine in Rhode Island sent me a box of CDs he picked up on a CD hunting trip to Boston. We traded quite often and when I opened that box I discovered the Whiskey Gypsy CD, Surrender (the Jamaica, NY band) and Electrichka CD all in that box. Several years ago, going through of box of demo tapes I had, I discovered the Whiskey Gypsy demo tape which I never knew existed.
  7. Russ (alpha male) would definitely be the go to guy for something like this. He is on top of all the Baltimore bands.
  8. Can't recall where I picked this one up, but I do remember searching the internet for information about them. Couldn't find anything online, so it has to be something that is very obscure. I agree Dustin, it has a fantastic production and love the vocals on this one.
  9. Since you mentioned the possibility of hearing these guys with a better production, FOXY FOXY have tracks posted on ITUNES of their new material and also some re-recorded tracks. They also have some tracks available for download on other digital media platforms such as Spotify. The band was still active as of 2020 although I haven't heard of anything lately.
  10. I do not have a copy of the complete CD. I obtained one of the band’s demo tapes from a DJ in Chicago who promotes late 80’s bands on his podcast. Another collector in North Carolina loaned me his demo tape to transfer and finally, Dave Martin reached out to me with info on the band. Currently, I have 11 of the 14 tracks that were featured on the promotional album. I am still hunting down the remaining 3 tracks. The photos of the original promo CD pictured in my post were sent to me by another collector.
  11. I’m truly humbled by all the kind words of both you and all the other members of the forum. As I said previously, many of those on the forum have known me for many years going back to my days of selling CDs & cassettes on EBay. I’ve collected for close to 70 years now and have been transferring cassettes & vinyl to CD-R for close to 25 years. Yes, much of the artwork you see on the YouTube videos are my custom artwork for my collection. I appreciate the fact that so many enthusiasts are enjoying hearing so many of the great bands that were active in that classic time of the late 80’s and early 90’s. So many bands had a terrific sound that should have cornered a label contract, but we all know there were more bands than contracts!!!! Hopefully, if the good lord let’s me stick around awhile, I’ll get another 1000 bands posted!!!!😎👍🏼
  12. Due out on October 20.........can be preordered at https://www.recordshopx.com/artist/lazy_bonez/eye_of_the_sky/#873586
  13. Wow....just discovered this thread. This is my Youtube channel and I currently have over 2100 videos posted of obscure bands and demos. I first started posting about 7 years ago and the channel was private for a number of years and earlier this year, I decided to make it a public channel to share samples of some great bands that might have fell through the cracks or passed over the radar. As many of you who know me are aware, I'm an old geezer (79) and have been collecting since I was 11 years old. I sold tons of killer stuff (CDs and cassettes) on E Bay for quite a few years and now I'm just taking things a day at a time and enjoying listening to the great music in my collection. To all who have been checking out the bands, thank you! I hope what I post gives you a idea of the sound of many of these obscure bands. I'll continue putting more up, I don't see an end any time soon...LOL!!
  14. STEELHEART Records joins Danish music manager/journalist Ken Anthony and guitarist/producer Martin Slott (Push, Martie Peters Group) to create an amazing album called MEMORY LANE, that really embraces the ‘80s as these golden times were here right now! We will take you on a trip down Memory Lane, a road littered with eighties traits, a homage to bands like Cinderella, Blackeyed Susan, Britny Fox and Faster Pussycat! This album is like a virtual tour of the Sunset Strip in the decade of decadence, a loving riposte to every band that ever walked those streets in search of fame, fortune and girls, and not necessarily in that order… Featuring unreleased tracks from the ‘80s and ‘90s played by singers/musicians from bands like Asphalt Ballet, Skagarack, Kickin Valentina, Jetboy, Push, Sateria, Justice, Notorious and Iron Fire, this is music from a bygone era full of rock & roll romance! To add fuel to the fire, the album has been mixed and mastered by no less than worldwide famous producer Flemming Rasmussen at its “Sweet Silence Studios” in Copenhagen, Denmark !!! So get ready to re-live your youth and to party like it’s 1989! Stay tuned for a release-date in 2023 and for the first two singles (out very soon)! USA collectors, I'm told that EONIAN RECORDS will stock the album. In the meantime enjoy some excerpts from the album! The clip contains: - “Paid My Dues” / singer: Gary Jeffreis (ASPHALT BALLET) - “Detention Hotel” / written by Rene Shades (SATERIA, PRETTY MAIDS) / singer: Martie Peters (SATERIA, PUSH, MPG) - “Pleasure House” / written by Rene Shades (SATERIA, PRETTY MAIDS) / singer: Joe Edwards - “New Kid In Town” / written by HELTER SKELTER / singer: Chris Houdini (NOTORIOUS) Play it LOUD!!!
  15. We all wonder how some terrific bands just sailed under the radar and were never signed or much less exposed to melodic rock lovers worldwide. Here is such a band from Philadelphia, PA that recorded a number of demos in 1989-90, yet, never were signed. This is the band SPOILED BRAT.....................
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