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20 hours ago, Geoff said:

Probably all of those things, but at the end of the day, having a job to pay the bills (especially as my wife was unemployed at the time) was far more important to me than not getting vaccinated, combined with the fact that at the time it seemed unvaccinated people would no longer be a part of society (stamp of approval from you, I see?), and to a degree, in people minds - such as yours, obviously - they are not. 

Holsy shit, you really are unable to understand most thinsg aren't you?
Let me spell it out. I never approved of mandatory vaccination. I never thought unvaccinated people should be omitted from any part of society. Right now I have zero interest in knowing if someone is vaccinated or not.
I really don't give a shit. If they wanna run the risk of serious covid issues then go for it.
I protect myself they way I see fit and then I move on.

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20 hours ago, Geoff said:

How did my getting vaccinated protect my friends and family? I'm pretty sure I haven't had covid yet (I don't think the recent thing was covid, just a flu. Mainly because I had no throat issues, but who knows?). My wife, both my children, Mum and Dad have all had covid. So how did me getting vaccinated protect my friends and family? Do you not see why I draw conclusions about your inability to think for yourself, when you say stupid things like that? 

You porbably had it if your family did. maybe a lucky one with no symptoms. Doesn;t mean you didn't potentially protect your friends by getting vaxxed.

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20 hours ago, Geoff said:

1. How did I misquote you? I'll re-misquote your exact words again, I guess, and re-emphasise that I do not believe for one single second of the day that an unvaccinated person would be cautious so they don't catch covid. How can you not understand that they are not frightened of covid in any way? And what are you going to do about your new employee, as you obviously feel such a level of disdain towards the unvaccinated? 

2. I find it amazing you say what you say and can't understand why I say certain things about you. Why are unvaccinated people silly, in your opinion? Turn off the news for a second, if you can and thrill me with your explanation. 

3. Far out you can be dense some times. So in your list of why people don't want to get vaxxed, you don't think because they know they don't need to might be a good reason? That is the only, and very simple reason why I never wanted it. And it's the reason I have never had, or will ever have a flu vaccine, or any of these endless covid booster shots. That said, maybe I'll get one on my 90th birthday, when it might actually be relevant to me.

Like I've always said, I have no issue with certain people getting the covid vaccine if it seems a good idea for them, personally, but the gigantic majority of people didn't need it and would have been much better served with natural

1. You are wrong. Unvaxxed poeople are generally more cautious.
What the hell, I'lll say it again and you won't listen. I don't GAF is people get jabbed or not. Their lives.

2. People are fucking stupid. Fear of the most tried and tested vaccine ever to exist. Just get the jab and move on.

3. You're a fool. I got a flu shot, my whole family got sick with the flu and I didn't. They were fools. They learnt. You don't. I think there is a simple answer. Yes, I have discovered it and will mention it to you every time we converse for a while, just for fun. You are afraid of needles. wah wah. "My name's geoff, don't being that covid or flu jab near me. Oh shit, I cut my hand on a rusty nail, fuck it, I'll deal with the tetnus" You must hate the dentist. Fillings without needles!

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20 hours ago, Geoff said:

Are you familiar with a contradiction? If so, read your answers to questions 1 and 2 for an example of it. 

3. No, you definitely do not. That could be your motto, in fact.  

Not agreeing with some of what our government doesn, and constantly slamming the country as a whole as being a shithole and a terrible place to live are two very different things.
Doubt you have the ability to inderstand this with your worry about needles and all.

You're statement was illegible and meant nothing.

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19 hours ago, nyoilers said:

The only time I hear about Covid these days is on this site !

Keep up the good work everyone !

Kate Upton is a Cow Girl - BANNED Video in Some countries

Happily, it's my fun relaxing time.
Annoying Mr. fearofneedles is my happiness. Also when he's not wah wahing, he himself thinks I'm magnificent, see above posts, I think this may be some misdirected hero worship :)

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4 hours ago, Glen said:

This is the point you continually miss.

That has to be the stupidest thing I've read all year.
Imagine thinking that you can imply that there is only one point that Mr. NeedleFear always misses.
there are SO MANY points he eitehr is aunable to comprehend or just ignores for his own country hating agenda.
wah wah...

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Haha, delta certainly wasn't nothing to you when we were discussing back in the day. ;)

No need to retread grounds we covered with tiresome detail. 

I just find that when I hear your take on the pandemic, I don't actually know how you made it out alive. I'd expect England to be vacant land with no humans left when I hear your words. 

All I know is what I experienced first hand in Australia, and I find it strange to hear people with similar thoughts to me, from the US and UK. 

So maybe there's a middle ground being skipped over? No one's ever denied that covid wasn't great for a very clearly defined group of people, nor is anyone denying that certain measures to protect these people would have been accepted. It's the one-size-fits-all approach that is the issue.  

by the time delta hit we had almost started to open back up cos our vaccine rollout was actually fast & effective ;)

Typical comment jesting over how deadly it was. Yes millions did recover of course, mainly in the under 40 bracket, but that does not mean you can trivialise the impact of the virus or that lockdowns were essential to protect the more vulnerable parts of society. 

You can't just look past 2000 deaths a day and say that was nothing. Cos it wasn't, it was pretty bad. The mortality rate in the over 70s was 14% at the beginning - that is a pretty alarming stat. 

The graphs timelines for the deaths clearly shows how effective the lockdowns were in preventing the spread and reducing the death rate.

All I'm trying to do here is to explain why the action taken was essential and in a way the actions in Aus actually prevented you guys getting hit in the worst part of the pandemic.

I completely agree that your govs continued actions are stupid and that all restrictions should now be removed. 

Not sure what else to say really, but this is all just common sense to me.


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24 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Holsy shit, you really are unable to understand most thinsg aren't you?
Let me spell it out. I never approved of mandatory vaccination. I never thought unvaccinated people should be omitted from any part of society. Right now I have zero interest in knowing if someone is vaccinated or not.
I really don't give a shit. If they wanna run the risk of serious covid issues then go for it.
I protect myself they way I see fit and then I move on.

lol, somebody get this man a tissue! 

sad cry GIF

25 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

You porbably had it if your family did. maybe a lucky one with no symptoms. Doesn;t mean you didn't potentially protect your friends by getting vaxxed.

What about me makes you think I have friends? I guess I do have one or two good mates, but they fear covid every bit as much as I do. What are you even talking about, protecting my mates from covid? You really need to stop projecting your completely unreasonable fear of covid onto others. People I choose to associate with also have the uncanny ability to think for themselves and have assessed covid for what it is. 

45 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

1. You are wrong. Unvaxxed poeople are generally more cautious.
What the hell, I'lll say it again and you won't listen. I don't GAF is people get jabbed or not. Their lives.

2. People are fucking stupid. Fear of the most tried and tested vaccine ever to exist. Just get the jab and move on.

3. You're a fool. I got a flu shot, my whole family got sick with the flu and I didn't. They were fools. They learnt. You don't. I think there is a simple answer. Yes, I have discovered it and will mention it to you every time we converse for a while, just for fun. You are afraid of needles. wah wah. "My name's geoff, don't being that covid or flu jab near me. Oh shit, I cut my hand on a rusty nail, fuck it, I'll deal with the tetnus" You must hate the dentist. Fillings without needles!

100% completely disagree with your point 1. Couldn't disagree more, in fact. In complete honesty, if you think unvaccinated people are cautious and scared of covid, why don't they get vaccinated? By your reasoning, are people who don't get a flu shot more cautious so they don't get the flu? What makes you think people live their lives in fear of runny noses and a sore throat for a few days? And enlighten me... what cautious measures to they partake in? 

2. You really struggle to get your point across, don't you? Above, you are telling me you don't think mandatory vaccines are good and people are allegedly free to make their own choices on the vaccine, but now you want them to shut up, get a jab and move on? You display an incredible lack of understanding about anything outside what the media has fed you, suggesting that people who don't want to get vaccinated are scared of the vaccine. Why do you think they fear the vaccine? You honestly think that's why they don't get vaccinated? Due to a fear of the vaccine? But I agree, people are fucking stupid. I think we might be talking about different groups of people, though. ;)

3. I've been called a fool. lol. So you didn't get the flu and your family did. Yowser. You sure showed them. What about two or three days later when their symptoms passed and life was all back to normal? Were you still bathing in your fully vaccinated sweet victory?

Haha, you know what, I do hate needles. Am I afraid of them? Most certainly not. But yeah, hate the fuckers. So I guess this is another tick for you? You sure showed me. If I'd have known I was messing with someone who likes needles I wouldn't have started this. Squash me with your thumb, tough man. Can you send me a photo of your biceps? 

I am not fond of the dentist, this is true. But I've never had a filling - still got all my teeth, touch wood. What do they do, put a needle in your gums? I'll be honest, I'd rather belt my head against a brick wall than experience that, but if it's necessary I'm sure I'll cope. 

So now we've got that out the way, is this where I ask why you're so petrified of a cold? You afraid of tissues and a Strepsil for a couple of days? Can't bare the thought of taking a few cold and flu tablets over two days? Scared you'll choke on them? Man up and cop a cold or flu like the rest of us, you whimpering sac of vaginal discharge.

Is that how we play? I haven't been 13 for a few decades, so just trying to remember how we rolled back then. But seriously, you walk around with this ridiculous fear of blowing your nose and you're taking pot shots at others? Irony is dead with you.  

1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Not agreeing with some of what our government doesn, and constantly slamming the country as a whole as being a shithole and a terrible place to live are two very different things.
Doubt you have the ability to inderstand this with your worry about needles and all.

You're statement was illegible and meant nothing.

Now now, you Needle Loving Man Of Steel. I didn't think we liked to misquote people. I've repeatedly said that Australia is a land of magnificent natural beauty, but yes, every decision made around covid has been a disproportionate, idiotic over-reaction. And the population is made up of a vast majority that have lapped it up hungrily, with the assistance of the media, often begging for more. Government, media and majority of citizens - that's not just something tiny to brush over, unless you're part of the problem...  

And why are you coming at me about not liking needles again? You're very nasty. 

1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

Happily, it's my fun relaxing time.
Annoying Mr. fearofneedles is my happiness. Also when he's not wah wahing, he himself thinks I'm magnificent, see above posts, I think this may be some misdirected hero worship :)

You are definitely my hero. The way you roll that sleeve up and beg for that next booster. "I'm willing to pay for it this time, if that's okay?" you say, winking at the ladies as that needle slides into your skin... mmm, mmm, mmmmmmm. You're my kind of hero. Then after you sit in a chair for 15 minutes to make sure you don't slip into cardiac arrest, you stand on the top of that building with the breeze in your hair and a needle in each arm. I look for your cape, but there's no cape. Instead, a needle protrudes from your back because you love needles. Mmm, mmm, mmmmmmm.  

I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping that one day I am strong like you. Please send me a photo of your other bicep too. 

1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

That has to be the stupidest thing I've read all year.
Imagine thinking that you can imply that there is only one point that Mr. NeedleFear always misses.
there are SO MANY points he eitehr is aunable to comprehend or just ignores for his own country hating agenda.
wah wah...

Again, a jab at my dislike of needles. You're a nasty, ruthless bully. 

But please, post more like this. Tell us all how switched on you are. Nothing gets past you, Zipper. 

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38 minutes ago, Glen said:

by the time delta hit we had almost started to open back up cos our vaccine rollout was actually fast & effective ;)

Typical comment jesting over how deadly it was. Yes millions did recover of course, mainly in the under 40 bracket, but that does not mean you can trivialise the impact of the virus or that lockdowns were essential to protect the more vulnerable parts of society. 

You can't just look past 2000 deaths a day and say that was nothing. Cos it wasn't, it was pretty bad. The mortality rate in the over 70s was 14% at the beginning - that is a pretty alarming stat. 

The graphs timelines for the deaths clearly shows how effective the lockdowns were in preventing the spread and reducing the death rate.

All I'm trying to do here is to explain why the action taken was essential and in a way the actions in Aus actually prevented you guys getting hit in the worst part of the pandemic.

I completely agree that your govs continued actions are stupid and that all restrictions should now be removed. 

Not sure what else to say really, but this is all just common sense to me.


I don't jest over how deadly it was... just trying to remain reasonable. You know I read earlier tonight that over 90% of covid deaths in Australia (which is relative to the rest of the world) were in people with an average of 2.7 other chronic illnesses. From the Australian Bureau of Stats, no less. But, apparently, covid is the only reason these people sadly passed. Not going to go into number crunching again... just a gentle reminder of the distinction between with covid and from covid. 

And there are other graphs that will tell you that lockdowns did not reduce the death rate. I just had a quick look at that world-o-meter site and Sweden is down the list of deaths per million, with countries like the US and UK well above it. So what does that say about lockdowns?  

Sweden was heavily criticized for not locking down, but you'd be a madman to not acknowledge that when all is said and done, they will definitely not be worse off than a lot of countries, and in the long run, will probably be better off than the vast majority of them. Including Australia, I'd dare say. 

Like I've said, I'd have been able to understand some targeted action directed towards the vulnerable (the actual vulnerable - not everyone who was scared into submission by a relentless media), but I will never be able to support the shutting down of the world for something that was not harmful to the unquestionably overwhelming majority of people. 

And if we're talking timelines, say what you want about the start of the pandemic, but the part of it that really, really got to me was when the elderly and vulnerable had all been vaccinated. I don't know when it was in your country or mine, but as soon as that had happened, every single restriction should have been lifted. I did a quick google and it sounds like maybe Feb 2021 in Australia? I don't know, but the moment everyone who wanted to be vaccinated was vaccinated, there should never have been any grounds, anywhere, to keep restrictions in place. That, surely, must be an unarguable point? Yet the restrictions and lockdowns went on, long past these milestones. 

As Auslander said above, we had almost entirely vaccinated states locked down for one positive case (not death, just a case). And now we're up to 14,457 deaths and counting (until they start separating with and from) and the lockdowns aren't necessary? Health orders and science are tops. ;)

Like you say, common sense to me too. 

But we've covered all this, my good man. Endless pages to look back over to see rehashes of these discussions. :) :(


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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

What about me makes you think I have friends? I guess I do have one or two good mates

Why does that not surprise me :rolleyes:
There's also the whole "doing the right thing bny society and protecting the ill and vulnerable, but we move on....

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

100% completely disagree with your point 1. Couldn't disagree more, in fact. In complete honesty, if you think unvaccinated people are cautious and scared of covid, why don't they get vaccinated? By your reasoning, are people who don't get a flu shot more cautious so they don't get the flu? What makes you think people live their lives in fear of runny noses and a sore throat for a few days? And enlighten me... what cautious measures to they partake in? 

2. You really struggle to get your point across, don't you? Above, you are telling me you don't think mandatory vaccines are good and people are allegedly free to make their own choices on the vaccine, but now you want them to shut up, get a jab and move on? You display an incredible lack of understanding about anything outside what the media has fed you, suggesting that people who don't want to get vaccinated are scared of the vaccine. Why do you think they fear the vaccine? You honestly think that's why they don't get vaccinated? Due to a fear of the vaccine? But I agree, people are fucking stupid. I think we might be talking about different groups of people, though. ;)

3. I've been called a fool. lol. So you didn't get the flu and your family did. Yowser. You sure showed them. What about two or three days later when their symptoms passed and life was all back to normal? Were you still bathing in your fully vaccinated sweet victory?

Haha, you know what, I do hate needles. Am I afraid of them? Most certainly not. But yeah, hate the fuckers. So I guess this is another tick for you? You sure showed me. If I'd have known I was messing with someone who likes needles I wouldn't have started this. Squash me with your thumb, tough man. Can you send me a photo of your biceps? 

I am not fond of the dentist, this is true. But I've never had a filling - still got all my teeth, touch wood. What do they do, put a needle in your gums? I'll be honest, I'd rather belt my head against a brick wall than experience that, but if it's necessary I'm sure I'll cope. 

So now we've got that out the way, is this where I ask why you're so petrified of a cold? You afraid of tissues and a Strepsil for a couple of days? Can't bare the thought of taking a few cold and flu tablets over two days? Scared you'll choke on them? Man up and cop a cold or flu like the rest of us, you whimpering sac of vaginal discharge.

Is that how we play? I haven't been 13 for a few decades, so just trying to remember how we rolled back then. But seriously, you walk around with this ridiculous fear of blowing your nose and you're taking pot shots at others? Irony is dead with you.  

1. Don't care. Why do you? Just my opinion, maybe it's wrong, what does it matter?

2. Yes, nobody should be forced or coerced via threat of losing their job etc to get vaccinated. And yet I think people who FEAR this vaccine are foolish. And I think that those who don't see the benefit of it are misguided and delusional.
Don't GAR if you get jabbed or not, or what your reasons are, read two lines above as to why.

3. I took no joy in seeing my family sick. The flu was bad, and they were all unable to function properly or work for 5 to 7 or more days. 3 got it bad, one was unjabbed and didn't and I didn't.

WOW the rest of your rants in this post and the subsequents ones are kinda manic and unhinged. I feel like I've triggered you to a not very nice spot for you.
I guess I was trying to provoke that, but I now don't feel any joy from it, I actually kind of feel bad that I managed to get you there.

I mean your stances annoy me, especially the "I hate my country" shit
At times I want to present an argument against what you are saying, other times I just like to jab you for shits and giggles, but now I feel like I've gone a bit far and should probably wind it down.
I was happy to make lots of needle jokes, and continue with the wah wah stuff, just to be a cunt and bring the cunt out in you.
You probably care how you are perceived here much more than I, so it was fun to drag us both to the lows of ridiculousness with stupid ongoing arguments.

I shall try to move on from this and avoid readying your hate speech and sooking.

Damn, see how indoctrinated the jabs are. I'll really try to wind them back :unsure:

Edited by CureTheSane
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3 hours ago, Geoff said:

I don't jest over how deadly it was... just trying to remain reasonable. You know I read earlier tonight that over 90% of covid deaths in Australia (which is relative to the rest of the world) were in people with an average of 2.7 other chronic illnesses. From the Australian Bureau of Stats, no less. But, apparently, covid is the only reason these people sadly passed. Not going to go into number crunching again... just a gentle reminder of the distinction between with covid and from covid. 

And there are other graphs that will tell you that lockdowns did not reduce the death rate. I just had a quick look at that world-o-meter site and Sweden is down the list of deaths per million, with countries like the US and UK well above it. So what does that say about lockdowns?  

Sweden was heavily criticized for not locking down, but you'd be a madman to not acknowledge that when all is said and done, they will definitely not be worse off than a lot of countries, and in the long run, will probably be better off than the vast majority of them. Including Australia, I'd dare say. 

Like I've said, I'd have been able to understand some targeted action directed towards the vulnerable (the actual vulnerable - not everyone who was scared into submission by a relentless media), but I will never be able to support the shutting down of the world for something that was not harmful to the unquestionably overwhelming majority of people. 

And if we're talking timelines, say what you want about the start of the pandemic, but the part of it that really, really got to me was when the elderly and vulnerable had all been vaccinated. I don't know when it was in your country or mine, but as soon as that had happened, every single restriction should have been lifted. I did a quick google and it sounds like maybe Feb 2021 in Australia? I don't know, but the moment everyone who wanted to be vaccinated was vaccinated, there should never have been any grounds, anywhere, to keep restrictions in place. That, surely, must be an unarguable point? Yet the restrictions and lockdowns went on, long past these milestones. 

As Auslander said above, we had almost entirely vaccinated states locked down for one positive case (not death, just a case). And now we're up to 14,457 deaths and counting (until they start separating with and from) and the lockdowns aren't necessary? Health orders and science are tops. ;)

Like you say, common sense to me too. 

But we've covered all this, my good man. Endless pages to look back over to see rehashes of these discussions. :) :(


mate you can't compare Sweden to UK. It has less than the population of London lol. With London you had 15 million people packed together spreading the bloody thing like wildfire.

Just saying.

And the graphs are fairly plain to see for UK - 2 massive death peaks and immediate drop off following lockdown - I would share them but no idea how to lol.

Completely agree on restrictions and soon after vaccines the UK moved quickly to ease all restrictions.

Aus is just dumb in this regard.

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6 hours ago, Glen said:

Completely agree on restrictions and soon after vaccines the UK moved quickly to ease all restrictions.

Aus is just dumb in this regard.

No disagreement here. WA, the dumbest state of all, allegedly, is currently the only state in Australia where you will not die without a face mask on public transport. Even NZ has beat us to the punch on that one. But in NSW and as far as I know, every other state in Australia, we're all going to die if we're not wearing masks on public transport. lol. 

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8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Why does that not surprise me :rolleyes:
There's also the whole "doing the right thing bny society and protecting the ill and vulnerable, but we move on....

Are you actually trying to quote what the news told you word for word? Don't want to vary it up with a couple of your own words, or you don't have any of those? The "right thing by society?" Wow. 

8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

1. Don't care. Why do you? Just my opinion, maybe it's wrong, what does it matter?

2. Yes, nobody should be forced or coerced via threat of losing their job etc to get vaccinated. And yet I think people who FEAR this vaccine are foolish. And I think that those who don't see the benefit of it are misguided and delusional.
Don't GAR if you get jabbed or not, or what your reasons are, read two lines above as to why.

3. I took no joy in seeing my family sick. The flu was bad, and they were all unable to function properly or work for 5 to 7 or more days. 3 got it bad, one was unjabbed and didn't and I didn't.

WOW the rest of your rants in this post and the subsequents ones are kinda manic and unhinged. I feel like I've triggered you to a not very nice spot for you.
I guess I was trying to provoke that, but I now don't feel any joy from it, I actually kind of feel bad that I managed to get you there.

I mean your stances annoy me, especially the "I hate my country" shit
At times I want to present an argument against what you are saying, other times I just like to jab you for shits and giggles, but now I feel like I've gone a bit far and should probably wind it down.
I was happy to make lots of needle jokes, and continue with the wah wah stuff, just to be a cunt and bring the cunt out in you.
You probably care how you are perceived here much more than I, so it was fun to drag us both to the lows of ridiculousness with stupid ongoing arguments.

I shall try to move on from this and avoid readying your hate speech and sooking.

Damn, see how indoctrinated the jabs are. I'll really try to wind them back :unsure:

1. Not sure why you brought it up then, if you don't care?

2. I don't know what a GAR is. 

3. But you called your family fools. Before you accuse me of misquoting you, it's a couple of posts above for your reference. Sounds to me you look at them with the same disdain you look at unvaccinated people? Maybe I'm wrong?  

You should definitely feel bad. Last night I couldn't sleep, thinking about how you'd triggered me and the pain you caused me. Around 5am, I tried to commit suicide because of what you said but I failed. Just like I fail at everything since you hurt me so much. You're one nasty man. 

You seriously have the awareness and perception of a brick.

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15 hours ago, Geoff said:

But you called your family fools. Before you accuse me of misquoting you, it's a couple of posts above for your reference. Sounds to me you look at them with the same disdain you look at unvaccinated people? Maybe I'm wrong?  

You should definitely feel bad. Last night I couldn't sleep, thinking about how you'd triggered me and the pain you caused me. Around 5am, I tried to commit suicide because of what you said but I failed. Just like I fail at everything since you hurt me so much. You're one nasty man. 

Yes, they were foolish not to get a flu shot IMO. Their choice, and they wished they had. Maybe they will learn, maybe not.

As for the rest of your comments, I mean I can continue just being a 12 year old with you, and bringing you down to my level.
Just let me know if you want me to continue or drop it.
I'll stay away from this thread to some degree, because whilst it was fun annoying you, there certainly was no real purpose to presenting an opinion to you.
But, if you're really cool with me jabbing away, I'll take it to other threads here.
Every time I don't agree with you I'll let you know, in my 'subtle as a brick' way.

It can be the CTS/Geoff show.
Just giving you an out, but if you want to go forward with it, cool B)

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
On 9/13/2022 at 7:01 AM, CureTheSane said:

Happily, it's my fun relaxing time.
Annoying Mr. fearofneedles is my happiness. Also when he's not wah wahing, he himself thinks I'm magnificent, see above posts, I think this may be some misdirected hero worship :)

I wish summer wasn't ending here in the states then I'd be happy like you. 

My other problem is that I'm spending too much time reading these posts when I should be posting to get my total up !

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  • My Little Pony
43 minutes ago, nyoilers said:

I wish summer wasn't ending here in the states then I'd be happy like you. 

My other problem is that I'm spending too much time reading these posts when I should be posting to get my total up !

You've been slacking.

You should create a thread, daily, highlighting your favourites characteristics of Russ. 




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  • 2024 Gold Donors

I'm not interested in participating in a shit fight over the internet, particularly on this subject. Nobody is going to change anybody's mind.

However, not only do I disagree with you CTS, I'm finding the "wah wah" comments and personal attacks distasteful. Feel free to have a go but I'm not gonna bite. It's beneath me.

I'll just say that on this subject, I'm on team Geoff and leave it at that.

Edited by Darkstone
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  • 2024 Gold Donors
2 hours ago, nyoilers said:

I wish summer wasn't ending here in the states then I'd be happy like you. 

My other problem is that I'm spending too much time reading these posts when I should be posting to get my total up !

Hey, If it stops you from posting in the Song/Album game, then please, read away.  ;)

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Hey, If it stops you from posting in the Song/Album game, then please, read away.  ;)

You can only beat a dead horse for soo long that these covid posts are becoming very repetitive.

The the song/album game always has new material

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12 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Yes, they were foolish not to get a flu shot IMO. Their choice, and they wished they had. Maybe they will learn, maybe not.

As for the rest of your comments, I mean I can continue just being a 12 year old with you, and bringing you down to my level.
Just let me know if you want me to continue or drop it.
I'll stay away from this thread to some degree, because whilst it was fun annoying you, there certainly was no real purpose to presenting an opinion to you.
But, if you're really cool with me jabbing away, I'll take it to other threads here.
Every time I don't agree with you I'll let you know, in my 'subtle as a brick' way.

It can be the CTS/Geoff show.
Just giving you an out, but if you want to go forward with it, cool B)

Haha, no, definitely do not stop being a cunt (your words, not mine) on my behalf. 

On 9/14/2022 at 12:50 AM, CureTheSane said:

I was happy to make lots of needle jokes, and continue with the wah wah stuff, just to be a cunt and bring the cunt out in you.

I'll lay it out pretty simply for you. I don't like you, as I find you to be pathetic and petty. I have had disagreements with many people over many years, on this forum, and I have respect for those people before, during and after a disagreement. Sadly this is not so for you. By your own admission, you gain pleasure from being a cunt in a desperate attempt to make someone else look like a cunt. Really? That's your thing? Awesome for you, but to me that is a level of pathetic I find extremely sad. 

So, please, continue. Contrary to what your simple mind comprehends, it doesn't bother me and if you enjoy being a cunt, who am I to stop this? Not that it is probably stoppable anyway, I'd dare say?

It's also funny that you are only acting like a 12 year old once I point it out to you. Before that it seemed to flow pretty naturally. I assume you resort to pettiness and being an embarrassing gronk as you can't find another way to argue what is obviously an invalid point anyway? 

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On 3/11/2020 at 7:59 PM, Geoff said:

There are kids on the forum these days. I'm just looking out for everyone. Fuck is well normalised, but c#nt (seriously, what is wrong with the U button on this laptop!) is still a bit harsh for the kids. 

You've changed, man.
Why don't you care about the kids any more?

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