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On 7/5/2022 at 11:25 AM, Geoff said:

That was January, man. That embarrassing blemish on this embarrassment of a country was at the height of the idiocy, which, for the most part, has passed since then. 

When someone uses the term ages I consider that to be longer than 1 year.

But I don't want to get off topic here:rofl2:

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14 hours ago, Geoff said:

It is. But why come in here and say how irrelevant and pointless it is to your situation, yet you still feel the need to comment in it? Do you do that for every thread on the forum? Should I be checking out threads about prog bands to offer my two cents?

that's the beauty of a free forum. you can if you want 

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On 7/5/2022 at 9:47 PM, Geoff said:

Front page of the paper seemed to say in big bold writing today that the fourth booster is being pushed because of all the big bad covid cases (WHAT?! People still have covid? Didn't we all think it'd just disappear?), so your dreams (as well as the dreams of relevant pharmaceutical companies) have come true. 

Love that there's still people out there thinking that the vaccine and all their countless booster shots is the reason why they've not had covid yet. How cute. Any commentary about the literal millions of vaccinated people worldwide that still get covid every single day? 

I don't get the story about your wife. So she got the flu because she didn't get vaccinated? And you didn't get it because you're vaccinated? One reason? Only unvaccinated people get the flu, in your world? Very different world to the one I see. Never had a flu vaccine and had the flu once that I recall, maybe another time? So what's the moral of that story? 

My brother, wife and two children all had covid and three of them were unvaccinated and all were absolutely fine after 2-3 rough days (as expected with any respiratory illness). So can I use that as my feel good story about why I have absolutely zero intention of ever getting another covid or flu shot, and I've not ever had one bar the forced covid vaccines? 

You do understand that for your feel good vaccination story there's just as many feel good unvaccinated stories? 

Yes, it happened (and is still happening, with the masks and how covid cases are treated) but if you lost a loved one and had been unable to see them one last time due to the ridiculous restrictions, you think you'd just wah wah and move on? If you lost your livelihood because of the fuckery you'd just wah wah and move on? These things didn't happen to me either, but I despise this rubbish pretending it never happened and just moving on. It's not that one needs to dwell on it constantly, but when it comes up, to just dismiss it as a wah wah moment, is pure cuntishness, in my humble opinion. 

So many maggots everywhere, just concerned about how it went for them and they didn't get too badly affected so that's cool, never happened. Wah wah, get on with it. Same maggots that wah wah over a blocked nose and cough for a week once every decade so they need every yearly and booster vaccine under the sun to not prevent it, but afford them the possibility that if and when they do get it they only need to blow their nose for two days instead of three. 

Anyway, rant ended. Jeez some people just rub me the wrong way. 


wah wah wah.

Funniest thing there was that you used the word 'humble' to describe your opinion.













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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

No shit!

I'm just glad for all of us that you obviously do. 

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19 minutes ago, Geoff said:

I'm just glad for all of us that you obviously do. 

I'm just glad that everyone on this forum lands in the average idiot category or I would feel uncomfortable...:lol:

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6 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

I'm just glad that everyone on this forum lands in the average idiot category or I would uncomfortable...:lol:

Fuck you! I'll have you know that I am an EXCEPTIONAL idiot! :crazy:

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I'm just glad that everyone on this forum lands in the average idiot category or I would feel uncomfortable...:lol:

I've always thought of myself as above average.  ;)

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6 hours ago, CureTheSane said:



Fuck yeah, man, cheers to not having to think for yourself when your masters will do it for you. 

I have absolutely no doubt that if there were a spike in magpie swoopings and we were ordered to do so, you'd be the first to strap a dildo to your head once it was mandated as the only way to protect oneself. 

I know you don't question your orders and wah wah at anyone who doesn't shut up and follow commands, so this should be pretty easy to answer for you. 

Why, in 2022, do I need to wear a mask on a train? And I don't mean because it's mandated. Maybe I should ask, why is wearing a mask on a train still mandated in 2022? I think we've all established the fact that we're all dumb fucks, but you seem that little bit special in the pack, so I hope it's clear enough for you to answer. If you can give me a valid answer, it's on my face first thing Monday morning so I can be a good servant like you. 

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

I have absolutely no doubt that if there were a spike in magpie swoopings and we were ordered to do so, you'd be the first to strap a dildo to your head once it was mandated as the only way to protect oneself. 

Is it bad that secretly I would love it if this happened, just for shits and giggles? We are a very compliant lot down here and I have no doubt most people would follow this mandate without question.

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18 minutes ago, auslander said:

Is it bad that secretly I would love it if this happened, just for shits and giggles? We are a very compliant lot down here and I have no doubt most people would follow this mandate without question.

Couldn't agree more, on all counts. I would love to see it and I wholeheartedly believe you'd see the overwhelming majority of the population walking around with dicks on their heads the moment it was on the news. 

The mask thing is funny because all through my life I've always said to myself how much I hate people, but who are these people? Most people I know personally are pretty decent, so do I really hate people that much, or is it just in my head? Face masks are an incredibly effective way of pointing out who exactly we've been referring to all these years when we make a generalised comment like "people are fucking idiots." 

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5 hours ago, Geoff said:


Fuck yeah, man, cheers to not having to think for yourself when your masters will do it for you. 

I have absolutely no doubt that if there were a spike in magpie swoopings and we were ordered to do so, you'd be the first to strap a dildo to your head once it was mandated as the only way to protect oneself. 

I know you don't question your orders and wah wah at anyone who doesn't shut up and follow commands, so this should be pretty easy to answer for you. 

Why, in 2022, do I need to wear a mask on a train? And I don't mean because it's mandated. Maybe I should ask, why is wearing a mask on a train still mandated in 2022? I think we've all established the fact that we're all dumb fucks, but you seem that little bit special in the pack, so I hope it's clear enough for you to answer. If you can give me a valid answer, it's on my face first thing Monday morning so I can be a good servant like you. 

a face mask will not stop you catching covid. For a start the virus can enter through your eyes 

The only viable purpose for wearing one is if you have covid and you want to restrict the spread of the virus to family members in the same household.

imo anyway.

I personally hated wearing a mask especially as I wear glasses, nothing more irritating than them fogging up all the time 

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31 minutes ago, Glen said:

a face mask will not stop you catching covid. For a start the virus can enter through your eyes 

The only viable purpose for wearing one is if you have covid and you want to restrict the spread of the virus to family members in the same household.

imo anyway.

I personally hated wearing a mask especially as I wear glasses, nothing more irritating than them fogging up all the time 

I see that all the time at work... dudes with fogged up glasses. 

And this is all I'm trying to say. You have mindless servants like CTS saying wah wah, just follow your orders. 

All I ask is why? What is the actual, scientific or medical reason that we still have to wear a mask?

And Auslander's post above paints a strong picture of why. Because we're a nation of CureTheSanes, where we just obediently follow the commands without ever questioning why, and then shoot down the tiny percentage that does ask why. 

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

I see that all the time at work... dudes with fogged up glasses. 

And this is all I'm trying to say. You have mindless servants like CTS saying wah wah, just follow your orders. 

All I ask is why? What is the actual, scientific or medical reason that we still have to wear a mask?

And Auslander's post above paints a strong picture of why. Because we're a nation of CureTheSanes, where we just obediently follow the commands without ever questioning why, and then shoot down the tiny percentage that does ask why. 

Firstly, wah wah

I have never worn a mask except when I've had to. In hospitals, getting in to bars and restaurants etc. I've said this before, but you only hear what you want.

As for the vaccine, as I've also said before, get vaccinated, don't, whatever, I really don't give a fuck.

You get sick, then maybe you wish you had the jab.

I chose to have it, big deal.

Just stop all the crying and country hating, it's pretty old now.

We get it, everyone are sheep, the vaccine is more deadly than the virus and you fucking hate the country you live in.

If you could turn your tears into gold you'd be be rich...

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Here is a list of other countries.

Pick any one.

See ya....

• Afghanistan

• Albania

• Algeria

• Andorra

• Angola

• Antigua and Barbuda

• Argentina

• Armenia

• Austria

• Azerbaijan

• The Bahamas

• Bahrain

• Bangladesh

• Barbados

• Belarus

• Belgium

• Belize

• Benin

• Bhutan

• Bolivia

• Bosnia and Herzegovina

• Botswana

• Brazil

• Brunei

• Bulgaria

• Burkina Faso

• Burundi

• Cabo Verde

• Cambodia

• Cameroon

• Canada

• Central African Republic

• Chad

• Chile

• China

• Colombia

• Comoros

• Congo, Democratic Republic of the

• Congo, Republic of the

• Costa Rica

• Côte d’Ivoire

• Croatia

• Cuba

• Cyprus

• Czech Republic

• Denmark

• Djibouti

• Dominica

• Dominican Republic

• East Timor (Timor-Leste)

• Ecuador

• Egypt

• El Salvador

• Equatorial Guinea

• Eritrea

• Estonia

• Eswatini

• Ethiopia

• Fiji

• Finland

• France

• Gabon

• The Gambia

• Georgia

• Germany

• Ghana

• Greece

• Grenada

• Guatemala

• Guinea

• Guinea-Bissau

• Guyana

• Haiti

• Honduras

• Hungary

• Iceland

• India

• Indonesia

• Iran

• Iraq

• Ireland

• Israel

• Italy

• Jamaica

• Japan

• Jordan

• Kazakhstan

• Kenya

• Kiribati

• Korea, North

• Korea, South

• Kosovo

• Kuwait

• Kyrgyzstan

• Laos

• Latvia

• Lebanon

• Lesotho

• Liberia

• Libya

• Liechtenstein

• Lithuania

• Luxembourg

• Madagascar

• Malawi

• Malaysia

• Maldives

• Mali

• Malta

• Marshall Islands

• Mauritania

• Mauritius

• Mexico

• Micronesia, Federated States of

• Moldova

• Monaco

• Mongolia

• Montenegro

• Morocco

• Mozambique

• Myanmar (Burma)

• Namibia

• Nauru

• Nepal

• Netherlands

• New Zealand

• Nicaragua

• Niger

• Nigeria

• North Macedonia

• Norway

• Oman

• Pakistan

• Palau

• Panama

• Papua New Guinea

• Paraguay

• Peru

• Philippines

• Poland

• Portugal

• Qatar

• Romania

• Russia

• Rwanda

• Saint Kitts and Nevis

• Saint Lucia

• Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

• Samoa

• San Marino

• Sao Tome and Principe

• Saudi Arabia

• Senegal

• Serbia

• Seychelles

• Sierra Leone

• Singapore

• Slovakia

• Slovenia

• Solomon Islands

• Somalia

• South Africa

• Spain

• Sri Lanka

• Sudan

• Sudan, South

• Suriname

• Sweden

• Switzerland

• Syria

• Taiwan

• Tajikistan

• Tanzania

• Thailand

• Togo

• Tonga

• Trinidad and Tobago

• Tunisia

• Turkey

• Turkmenistan

• Tuvalu

• Uganda

• Ukraine

• United Arab Emirates

• United Kingdom

• United States

• Uruguay

• Uzbekistan

• Vanuatu

• Vatican City

• Venezuela

• Vietnam

• Yemen

• Zambia

• Zimbabwe


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8 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Firstly, wah wah

I have never worn a mask except when I've had to. In hospitals, getting in to bars and restaurants etc. I've said this before, but you only hear what you want.

As for the vaccine, as I've also said before, get vaccinated, don't, whatever, I really don't give a fuck.

You get sick, then maybe you wish you had the jab.

I chose to have it, big deal.

Just stop all the crying and country hating, it's pretty old now.

We get it, everyone are sheep, the vaccine is more deadly than the virus and you fucking hate the country you live in.

If you could turn your tears into gold you'd be be rich...

So you don't wear masks because I assume you think it's pointless to wear one, but you consider someone pointing out the stupidity of wearing a mask a reason to shed tears? Why? 

This is why you and I don't get along, because I call a spade a spade. Yes, I'm an annoying fuck, but it is what it is. You call a spade something we should all just deal with and if you question it, the tears erupt. 

Were we talking about vaccines, again? I certainly wasn't. 

When I get sick with things I am not vaccinated for I don't wish I had jab for said ailment, or I'd have got the jab for said ailment. It's extremely simple. People are very well capable of deciding if the can cope with a few days of inconvenience with a jab, or a few days of possibly increased inconvenience without a jab. 

Scholar, the only tears I see being shed here are your buckets over words on a page. 

Australia is absolutely perfect. Flawless. Criticise it and the blatant stupidity going on here, and the only solution is deportation. Obviously. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
23 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Here is a list of other countries.

You should have posted each country individually .

Best way to increase post total !:lol:

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Here's part of an obit about someone who lived in the same county as I do.The first comment is from her mother.



“She was kind of a young fresh face to the Niskayuna hair scene that incorporated a lot of different things for people that maybe didn’t see that in other salons,” Nigriny added. 

But on October 27, 2021, after a seven-day fight in the hospital with COVID-19 pneumonia, Nigriny passed away at the age of 29. She left behind her two young children Leo and Isabella, a fiancé she was supposed to marry this past spring, and her Niskayuna salon. At the time, she was one of the youngest people to die of COVID-19 in Schenectady County.

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5 hours ago, nyoilers said:

Here's part of an obit about someone who lived in the same county as I do.The first comment is from her mother.



“She was kind of a young fresh face to the Niskayuna hair scene that incorporated a lot of different things for people that maybe didn’t see that in other salons,” Nigriny added. 

But on October 27, 2021, after a seven-day fight in the hospital with COVID-19 pneumonia, Nigriny passed away at the age of 29. She left behind her two young children Leo and Isabella, a fiancé she was supposed to marry this past spring, and her Niskayuna salon. At the time, she was one of the youngest people to die of COVID-19 in Schenectady County.

Yes mate, it's all too easy to forget the millions who have lost their lives and also the millions of families who will never forget covid.

We currently have 12,000 people in hospital with covid and 500 deaths in the last week.


died of a virus we have basically washed out hands of in the UK.

But as Geoff says we'll just have a few days of inconvenience if we get it. 

Fingers crossed eh ;)



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Fuck you guys are irritating, lol. It is genuinely like talking to a brick wall, in the most literal sense. You seem to have the comprehension skills of cement. 

The story doesn't suggest as much, but a 34 year old man died in a sky diving accident and there is every possibility he had young children and perhaps even a fiance. Either way, it's extremely sad, like the 29 year old that died from covid, but what is your point?


Are people who die from covid the only sad fatalities in the world every day? Does no one else's death count as something sad and impactful on all their loved ones?

You guys have just never, ever got the point. It's painful to still be trying to make this point 15,000 pages into this thread. 

The story about the 29 year old lady is extremely sad, but it's sadly what happens in the world every single day. It's a terrible part of life (and death) on earth, but it is not new.

500 people died with covid in the UK last week. Again, extremely sad - every single one of them. But 1,765 people die in the UK every single day. That is 12,355 in the UK every week. Are they not all extremely sad too? And of the 500 who died with covid, why is it so important to mention that they had covid, but not to mention any other contributing factor to their death?  

A 29 year old died with covid, and it is extremely sad. But do you want to take a guess at how many 29 year olds didn't die from covid? Try and put a figure to that, please. For every one 29 year old, not that it's any less sad, I would guess that there are several millions that do not die.  

You guys are just absolutely fucking ridiculous. 

Swallow the continuous fear mongering all you like, still, three years later. But stop trying to pretend covid is the end of the human race. Nice switch too, Glen. A few posts ago you couldn't believe we were still typing about it because apparently covid's not a thing anymore in the UK and it's such old news. But now it's the basis for me being a cunt for pointing out the bleeding obvious, even if you guys are still repeating what has been drilled into you for the past three years. :(

Edited by Geoff
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