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    Power Windows

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  1. H.E.A.T - 1000 Miles Vega - Hands In The Air The Defiants - Stay Issa - River of Love I'm at work right now so that's all I know off the top of my head but I'll look through my library for more when I get a chance.
  2. His songs always remind me of something I'd hear on the radio in the early '90s. Love it! He also recently did a cover of this classic:
  3. Not sure how many post-rock/shoegaze fans we have here but one of the genre's biggest bands just dropped a new album and it's excellent.
  4. That's good to know because that one was pretty lousy. A couple of good songs, the rest are skips for me.
  5. It reminded me a lot of WeMoveForward until 2 minutes in when the beat dropped. I don't dislike it, but it might take some time to grow on me. They recently hinted on Twitter that the next album will be in the vein of Lonely City, which is one of my least favorite songs of theirs, so I'm not optimistic...
  6. Agreed with this. It's definitely not bad but the novelty of this project has definitely worn off. As hard as I try to judge albums in a vacuum it's hard not to hear the material from the previous 2, 3, 4, etc. albums. I feel like studio projects like Find Me are more susceptible to this because if it's an actual band, you have several people with creative input which can lead to conscious (or unconscious!) changes in direction. Not so much when it's one person at the helm and the same producer over and over and over again.
  7. So they just...never announced they had a new singer? Hope people listen to the new single before pre-ordering...
  8. James Christian revealed that he's been battling cancer for over a year and is currently unable to perform live...hoping for a full and speedy recovery... https://www.facebook.com/james.christian.9406/posts/pfbid022rmkf6kCDsQtvKrWWYZJJaepHbh7d62ixJRsm5Vqd1o77uNb3QnuGKZh1zd9W56Hl?__cft__[0]=AZVaX50CadA7REtBraghCCoL-rQEHNFYLbUH0FUsRSpZz6mDqjnpVjxLQQZmEFQ9sJ_mLWZR_JV2vSyueovc9k295PBDIYflfzFCINdxBmKEzPHxKlvOKSB5XTOfueCGGog&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
  9. It's OK. It actually has a decent chorus and something resembling a riff. I'm kind of surprised Frontiers is still pushing this project because of how negatively the last album was received and I certainly won't be highly anticipating this one either.
  10. Rush - Power Windows (favorite album by my favorite band) Survivor - Vital Signs (IMO the greatest AOR album ever) Hammock - Chasing After Shadows...Living With The Ghosts (ambient post-rock, absolutely massive and very emotional) Yellowcard - When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes (pop punk will always have a place in my heart) Anathema - Distant Satellites (atmospheric, proggy, also very emotional) Steve Roach - Structures From Silence (what ambient music should be, I've fallen asleep to it hundreds of times) Sigur Ros - Valtari (overwhelmingly beautiful slush) Oceansize - Effloresce (life-changing atmospheric prog) Mercenary - Architect of Lies (I'm not much of a metalhead anymore but I'll always come back to this one) Tycho - Dive (got me into the whole downtempo electronic genre)
  11. It's not bad. Good choice for a single, actually. It sounds like it could have been on Big Money or Precious Metal with that driving tempo and metallic production, and it has me moderately interested for whatever's next, even after a series of pretty uninspiring recent works... Christian's voice has been in rough shape for a while now but Jimi Bell can still cook. Hoping for more of that.
  12. After a few more listens...I actually think this cover is over-sung. The last chorus is completely over the top. Robbie is a tremendous singer but he got too theatrical on this one IMO.
  13. Eric3

    MLB 2024

    I'm a White Sox fan. Accepting any and all words of sympathy for the rest of the summer.
  14. I like that one. Any idea what it's about? The lyrics sound like it's for a loved one who has passed away.
  15. Of their recent string of singles I think this one is my favorite. Nobody does "retro 80s movie soundtrack" quite like these guys.
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