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7,772 deaths from kids 0-9 out of 3.7 million deaths! Are they crazy???

For those counting, that's 0.21%. Less than a quarter of 1 percent. Is this government overreach or what??

Edited by AlphaMale
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I would think long and hard before vaccinating a kid under 5....for the most part they are better off getting viruses and gaining immunity that way....adults should seriously consider it as we don't deal with viruses as well as kids....of course if you're a parent and you refuse vaccination and your child dies from covid, you'll have to live with the possibility that you could have saved them but that is what the drug companies are counting on....

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17 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

7,772 deaths from kids 0-9 out of 3.7 million deaths! Are they crazy???

For those counting, that's 0.21%. Less than a quarter of 1 percent. Is this government overreach or what??

And you'd have to factor in that probably 100% of those children, sadly, had a pre-existing condition that was sadly the actual cause of their deaths. 

It has been said all along by anyone actually trustworthy, that the flu is far more dangerous for children than covid. And I'm sure most can attest to that from first hand experience by now, too. My children both had covid, both mild cases. Then both had the flu and spent one and two days away from school because it actually knocked them about a bit. And I hear that from every walk of life at the moment. Covid comes and goes in most cases very timidly, but people are get smacked about by the flu going around (influenza-A, for what it's worth and whoever that means something to). 

I feel a strong hatred for parents who walk their kids around in masks and I don't understand how and why anyone would think a covid vaccine is good for a child either. 110% agree with DP about gaining natural immunity. Again, any valid source worth taking notice of will tell you that that has been the best way to tackle covid once omicron arrived (and very much arguably, well before omicron). 

I remember reading that the efficacy for the covid vaccine in kids is about 6 months. So for about 6 months your child has a 0.00000001 chance from being badly affected by a virus that they had a 0.000001 chance of being affected badly by before they took the stupid fucking vaccine. 

Again, like I've said, I completely understand why people and companies profiting from covid want to keep it going. I get it. What I cannot tolerate is all the fucking mindless gumps allowing it to happen. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
On 6/21/2022 at 6:47 AM, Geoff said:

And you'd have to factor in that probably 100% of those children, sadly, had a pre-existing condition that was sadly the actual cause of their deaths. 

It has been said all along by anyone actually trustworthy, that the flu is far more dangerous for children than covid. And I'm sure most can attest to that from first hand experience by now, too. My children both had covid, both mild cases. Then both had the flu and spent one and two days away from school because it actually knocked them about a bit. And I hear that from every walk of life at the moment. Covid comes and goes in most cases very timidly, but people are get smacked about by the flu going around (influenza-A, for what it's worth and whoever that means something to). 

I feel a strong hatred for parents who walk their kids around in masks and I don't understand how and why anyone would think a covid vaccine is good for a child either. 110% agree with DP about gaining natural immunity. Again, any valid source worth taking notice of will tell you that that has been the best way to tackle covid once omicron arrived (and very much arguably, well before omicron). 

I remember reading that the efficacy for the covid vaccine in kids is about 6 months. So for about 6 months your child has a 0.00000001 chance from being badly affected by a virus that they had a 0.000001 chance of being affected badly by before they took the stupid fucking vaccine. 

Again, like I've said, I completely understand why people and companies profiting from covid want to keep it going. I get it. What I cannot tolerate is all the fucking mindless gumps allowing it to happen. 

In the USA for children to attend public school they need to have the chickenpox vaccine.I'm sure that the ratio of children dying from chickenpox is less than dying from covid.

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16 hours ago, nyoilers said:

In the USA for children to attend public school they need to have the chickenpox vaccine.I'm sure that the ratio of children dying from chickenpox is less than dying from covid.

So that means that all children should have a covid vaccine too? Is that the logic? I have no desire to dive into the history of chickenpox and why that is so in the US, or if it's that way elsewhere so I'll leave you to inform me. That fact doesn't make covid any more lethal to children, though. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
6 hours ago, Geoff said:

So that means that all children should have a covid vaccine too? Is that the logic? I have no desire to dive into the history of chickenpox and why that is so in the US, or if it's that way elsewhere so I'll leave you to inform me. That fact doesn't make covid any more lethal to children, though. 

Right now the covid vaccine for children is a parental decision, not mandatory. But chickenpox, which is less lethal than covid, has a vaccine that is mandatory for children entering public schools. I just happen to find this ironic .

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20 minutes ago, nyoilers said:

Right now the covid vaccine for children is a parental decision, not mandatory. But chickenpox, which is less lethal than covid, has a vaccine that is mandatory for children entering public schools. I just happen to find this ironic .

It's not an apples-to-apples comparison. The chicken pox vaccine efficacy is well over 90% in preventing you from contracting chicken pox and transmitting it on to others and for most people provides lifelong immunity.

The COVID vaccines do neither; all they do is minimize the impact of symptoms *IF* you happen to get COVID. A COVID vaccine does not prevent you from contracting the disease. Fun fact: the vast majority of my coworkers who have been fully vaccinated and boostered have contracted COVID after being vaccinated; their symptoms have varied from nonexistent to knocking them on their ass for almost a week.

Given that symptoms of COVID tend to be minimal in the young, if the vaccine does not provide actual immunity, then what's the point, given that there is still uncertainty as to long-term effects.

That's the issue at argument.

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fun fact: the vast majority of people I know who are fully vaccinated have still not had it ;)

everyone I know who didn't get vaccinated - and there are quite a few - have all had it. And some were quite ill. 

Anyway, why are we still discussing this?? Aren't we past all this now?? According to Cody it never existed at all ;)


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5 hours ago, Glen said:

fun fact: the vast majority of people I know who are fully vaccinated have still not had it ;)

everyone I know who didn't get vaccinated - and there are quite a few - have all had it. And some were quite ill. 

Anyway, why are we still discussing this?? Aren't we past all this now?? According to Cody it never existed at all ;)


Opposite for me. I know heaps of vaccinated people who have got it, inclusive of my wife and daughter. Thankfully I haven't yet. I am hoping, that just like with the flu vaccination i get every year, this will mean if I keep getting my boosters I will never get it. 

With that in mind, I am not pro vaccination of kids. But, hey, if giving them the vaxx will stop the mad Left from giving kids hormone blockers and trying to change their sex to satisfy woke parents, then I'm all for it!

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3 hours ago, Glen said:

fun fact : Russ is the easiest person to wind up on the forum 😉

I'm not wound up. What are you talking about? I think you need to get off drugs dude.

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17 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

It's not an apples-to-apples comparison. The chicken pox vaccine efficacy is well over 90% in preventing you from contracting chicken pox and transmitting it on to others and for most people provides lifelong immunity.

The COVID vaccines do neither; all they do is minimize the impact of symptoms *IF* you happen to get COVID. A COVID vaccine does not prevent you from contracting the disease. Fun fact: the vast majority of my coworkers who have been fully vaccinated and boostered have contracted COVID after being vaccinated; their symptoms have varied from nonexistent to knocking them on their ass for almost a week.

Given that symptoms of COVID tend to be minimal in the young, if the vaccine does not provide actual immunity, then what's the point, given that there is still uncertainty as to long-term effects.

That's the issue at argument.

Thank you for making a point I couldn't lend enough attention towards to make myself. You are, of course, correct in everything you say and like I said in my point above, there is effectively no point at all in a covid vaccine for kids because it realistically provides them with next to no short term "protection" and absolutely zero long term protection. It's like giving your child a vaccine so that next time they graze their knee it bleeds a little less. 

The caveat to this, as it has been from me from the start, though, is that if you have a child with conditions that could make them more susceptible to harm from covid, then of course, go for your life with the vaccine, if you're that way inclined. But for 99.9999999999999% of children, covid will be nothing more than a mild cold, which I do not personally believe is something that needs to be vaccinated against. I believe the natural immunity gained is far more beneficial, personally. 

13 hours ago, Glen said:

fun fact: the vast majority of people I know who are fully vaccinated have still not had it ;)

everyone I know who didn't get vaccinated - and there are quite a few - have all had it. And some were quite ill. 

Anyway, why are we still discussing this?? Aren't we past all this now?? According to Cody it never existed at all ;)


I'll be honest and say I don't actually believe this. Maybe your friends are sensible and didn't get tested when they had covid, but I don't believe for one second that your vaccinated friends all missed covid and your unvaccinated friends got covid. That just sounds stupid. Everyone I know who's had covid got vaccinated because we were all forced to. My brother and my children are the only unvaccinated people I know who got covid and they were absolutely fine. 

As for why it's still discussed, not everywhere is the UK. Australia is still absolutely mad for covid and maybe the day I don't hear the daily announcement over the loudspeaker telling us all we're going to get fined for not wearing a mask on a train, or when my boss doesn't tell me to wear a cunt wrap on my face at work, or when I walk down the street or anywhere and see more than 50% of people not wearing a mask, maybe then I can let it go. 

8 hours ago, auslander said:

Opposite for me. I know heaps of vaccinated people who have got it, inclusive of my wife and daughter. 

Yeah, I don't like calling people liars for saying their piece, but I find Glen impossible to believe on this one. I'm the same. The ratio of vaccinated people I know who have had covid compared to those that have not would easily be well over 100:1. Basically because it's very hard to find people in Australia lucky enough to have avoided the forced vaccinations. 

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I didnt say all, I said most. 

plenty of people I know have had it like team members but they are mostly young unvaccinated people 

Most of my friend circle - mainly 50s haven't had it. Neither of mine or my wife's parents have had it.

my brothers had it - he was vaccinated, caught off his wife who is a school teacher. 

my wife's sister and her family all caught it before the vaccines.

So there you go, believe what you want.

As for still discussing this, COVID is only really still a thing in australasia- the rest of the world has moved on. 

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59 minutes ago, Glen said:

I didnt say all, I said most. 

plenty of people I know have had it like team members but they are mostly young unvaccinated people 

Most of my friend circle - mainly 50s haven't had it. Neither of mine or my wife's parents have had it.

my brothers had it - he was vaccinated, caught off his wife who is a school teacher. 

my wife's sister and her family all caught it before the vaccines.

So there you go, believe what you want.

As for still discussing this, COVID is only really still a thing in australasia- the rest of the world has moved on. 

"Lucky" I live in Australia, then, so I am qualified to still speak of it. ;)

Interesting you have team members at work that are unvaccinated. I assume people think I'm taking the piss when I say it, but as far as I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong, my fellow Australians) we were basically all forced to get vaccinated in order to keep working. I think that basically covers almost every single occupation I can think of. Not only work, but for a long while, it was the only way we were actually allowed to be Australian citizens that participate in society. But everyone I work with is vaccinated, simply for the fact that if they weren't vaccinated, they wouldn't be my co-workers as they wouldn't be there. So proud to be Australian. :(

I wanted to mention this the other day too, but in Australia we celebrate the Queen's Birthday with a public holiday and this day is used to issue a bunch of Order of Australia medals. "The Order of Australia is the highest recognition for outstanding achievement and service. The Medal of the Order of Australia is awarded for service worthy of particular recognition."

I heard the other day on a news break I didn't fast forward in time, and literally rewound it several times to make sure I wasn't hearing things... but this year's Queen's Birthday was used to give these medals to all the cunts in this country who stripped us of every ounce of dignity and freedom we've ever known for the past three years. So whilst the rest of the world looks at Australia with disdain and disbelief over how over the top, extreme and ridiculous all the restrictions, lockdowns, banning of citizens coming back into the country etc. were... Whilst we're viewed as one of the most extreme and fucked up countries of all when it came to the covid reaction... in Australia, the dumbest country on earth, we are handing out the highest honours we have to give to the very people that locked us all down for years on end (the Health Cunt Officers etc.), forced us to get vaccinated, wouldn't allow us back into our own country, or down the street, or to another suburb, state or anywhere to see dying relatives, robbed us of our livelihoods, jobs, homes, life's work etc. etc. I think it was well covered just how fucked up things were here. But instead of acknowledging this and taking steps to execute those responsible and make sure it never happens again, we're saying thank you. Truly is a cunthole, this place. 

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hard to take after everything and I completely agree that the continued madness now everyone is vaccinated is completely over the top.

on the flip side your country's reaction in the early days was far better than ours and is one of the reasons only a handful of people have died in Australia but over 1 million deaths in the UK.

Those people are gone forever and their families permanently scarred by COVID.

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