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Steel Panther


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I hope they have lost the behind-the-bike-sheds humour (I can't think of the British equivalent to 'Forth Grade').

Funny for 5 minutes. Music is good. Stick to playing rock!


I saw them at The Viper Room when they were Metal Shop and they slayed when they played covers!

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Could this be my album of the year........... hoping so :)


Jesus, if this ends up being better than Night Ranger, Farcry, Edens Curse, Work of Art etc etc then I'll be the first to admit how wrong I was. But it won't be. In fact, I expect the band are busy working with groups of 14 year-old schoolboys helping them to come up with some new chorus-lines just as I write this...


I think that Steel Panthers newie will be good, whether it will be better than the debut remains to be seen. But I agree with you that it will have to be pretty awesome to top some of the releases so far this year. Whats more I strongly believe that most of my potential top 10 for 2011 is still to come - high hopes on WOA, HEAT, Hitchcock, Strangeways, Reckless Love, Mecca, HOL....and I must admit that 'The Magnificent' sounded pretty awesome too.

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What comic 'Genius' are we gonna get this time I wonder? Something to do with Tits, Ass and Wet pussy would be my guess :whistle:


I just checked out the song 'Critter' (Have a good hard (pfff) guess what they rhymed that one with boys?...yeah correct, didn't see that one cuming (pfff) did we) and to be honest, it was crap. I do hope the actual songs will be as strong, if not better than on the first album, because it will fall flat on it's arse if it aren't

If being predictable is now a crime in the music we love, time to throw out all your AOR CDs that rhyme a poor widdle broken heart with something being torn apart then? Or the other 18 million lines and cliches every single AOR band use. If anything, Steel Panther are going against the grain of predictability with the lyrics they put upon the people.


Definitely looking forward to this. This band has some excellent songs if you ignore the lyrics.

Even better if you lap up each lyric like a pug inhaling his dinner. ;)


Like anyone proper, I also can't wait for this CD and see no reason it won't compete for album of the year. At the moment, if it was even 3/4 as good as the debut it would snare the current top spot for me. :)

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If being predictable is now a crime in the music we love, time to throw out all your AOR CDs that rhyme a poor widdle broken heart with something being torn apart then? Or the other 18 million lines and cliches every single AOR band use. If anything, Steel Panther are going against the grain of predictability with the lyrics they put upon the people.



Couldnt agree more. Pretty much every rock and metal band are guilty of cliched unoriginal lyrics, especially when it comes to ballads.

To me, there is nothing predictable about Panther, as they are pretty damn unique to me.


I mean, is it any more predictable than an Iron Maiden chorus that is just the same line repeated 50 times or more?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the link, the song is OK. Funny that they are releasing a power ballad first up that is quite tame lyrically compared to the first album (unless it's a clean version?). Smells like sell-out to me ;)


I'll be grabbing the CD when it comes out!

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I get a big red cross above. :(


I guess Steel Panther don't really, really, really, really, really love you :)


That or God is pissed at you and is sending a burning red cross your way.


Either way it sucks to be you right now.

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I get a big red cross above. :(


I guess Steel Panther don't really, really, really, really, really love you :)


That or God is pissed at you and is sending a burning red cross your way. Either way it sucks to be you right now.

Yeah, got a new PC at work and it doesn't have anything... at all. Not even excel and word and stuff. Whorey thing.

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So pissed off today. Was at work this morning when the presale started for the Nov 8th show in London, and by the time I got home both the Livenation and O2 presales had sold out.

General sale starts tomorrow, but as I wont be home til around 3pm I will probably miss out completely.

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wow didn't know Steel Panther is that big in UK, sorry to hear that bud,

hopefully you get your ticket so you can go there and post pictures of how Panther turns those girls wild on the show :D

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The Electric Ballroom isnt a massive venue, but even so, they do have a pretty big following here as all of there shows over here so far have sold out (two of them even ended up having a venue change due to the ticket demand being so high).

Hell, the fact that they have even been played on Radio 1 shows they are a reasonably big deal these days.


I'm just hoping I can book it on my phones internet.

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wow didn't know Steel Panther is that big in UK, sorry to hear that bud,

hopefully you get your ticket so you can go there and post pictures of how Panther turns those girls wild on the show :D

They let me take five mins at work to use the internet on my phone to book the ticket, and I managed to snag one.

Apparently though they sold out within ten mins.

Of course shit loads are already on eBay for double the money .. bunch cunts!

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Thes guys need to do some sort of movie. They are flippin' funny nd of course they rock!


I could totally see them doing a comedic Phantom Of The Park meets SPinal Tap styled movie.

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