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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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Filled mine out....I see Mr. Con-Artist is on here right now. I thought you were out of here?


He's gone now. Didn't take him long to see that his latest tale did not work.

Amazing....Bullshit travels fast doesn't it?

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I received the following bit of advice:


Since this involves interstate crime, it's a matter for the FBI. Anything that crosses state lines is a matter for the feds. I'd start with Internet Crime Complaint Center which is partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. You should also contact the attorney general's office in the state where you or another victim resides. The state office should coordinate with the feds and other state AGs.




If enough people who have been defrauded report this, the federal authorities might take action.



He's probably packing right now. I hear Mexico is a great place to live. The waters great! :P

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Stormspell, you can't say a damn thing because you have no clue, but like you do always you want to chime in. Same with Jarred...


I can say whatever I want to, and I have all the right to do so, coz despite of you I do run a small indy label and in a long run you probably screwed me as bad as everyone involved! You obviously cannot take responsibility for what you have done and even simply apologize, so make everyone a favor and just begone! and dont spend all the money at one place! :2up:


Oh yeah, fuck you too!

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From Paypal:


"We have completed our investigation of this case. We attempted to process a refund from the seller's account to your account. Unfortunately, the seller's account does not contain the funds necessary to cover this refund. We were able to recover $0.00 USD. We have taken action against the seller and are working to recover the remainder of your refund. We will contact you when we have more information. No further action is required of you at this time."


I am still waiting for Lonnie´s proofs...


Does anybody trust I will receive the cds or any money? Any advice?


Dude--- I have been staying quiet through all of this but I had just sent $103 a few days before the alleged accident!! I-too just recieved the beloved email from paypal about the bullshit of me not getting my money back!! I am a firm believer in "What Goes Around,Comes Around"!!! I dont see how a guy that was so respected around here can Fuck everyone that considered him a friend!! It takes a long time to develop a friendship and seconds to destroy it!! I know i dont speak much on here but i have read a lot of threads and i have a lot of respect for alot of people on here!! Just remember something Lonnie--- When you wake up in the morning and look your self in the mirror--- Your the one that has to live with what you have done!! There is no amount of money that is worth losing friends over and it appears you have lost a FUCKLOAD of them!! What a DUMBASS!! Later Rich

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I got the same dreaded email from paypal.

I have also yet to receive my poison cds supposedly sent back in december.


Lon, if you say you have sent some moe people refunds are any of them HH members?

If they are could you please let us know who they are. I'm sure they wouldn't mind being named, even if only to back up your story, and give some of the rest of us hope.




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Dan & Mike:


Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I need to agree with you, all clues show me that I will be rip off, as well all members that dealed with this liar, some day called "friend". I would like to believe I am wrong, but it´s almost impossible...I gave him a few days to send me some papers but he didn´t send nothing. He should have the receipt of the package, and also the papers of the insurance that he said he made. It was a week ago...Probably because there is no package. I can´t believe in someone that doesn´t accomplish what he promised. And he didn´t lie only once...


I will provide Lonnie a serious complaint wherever I can from here, I can´t go to the US now (I wish I could), so please keep me informed about all the options I have. I will ask to a brasilian lawyer (post graduated in Washington) to help me, I have many difficulties especially with the thecnical law therms (as a lawyer, I know only the brasilian legislation), my english is not the best, I am not able to make those things right.


Otherwise, do you think if I persist contacting Paypal I will get any kind of refund based on buyers protection program?


all the best



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Here are the ones who have been refunded so far:


Brian 1 of 2



Ray Seifert

Jarred- 1 of 2



Chris Berger


As i said i am doing them as i can, i am in the process of checking on the whole loan thing this morning to take care of all the rest. It is all i can do, but i am trying here.


Dude Im not gonna shit talk you because 2 wrongs dont make a right.


If you are TRYING you are trying. But I offer some friendly advice. Just come clean, and let the people know what REALLY happened. These people DESERVE that. As Dan said your anger would be towards the "Ramirez Bros" not the people who have a legitmate complaint. You were selling the CDs here not the Bros. Think about that.


Put yourself in there shoes. You'd be furious and irate as well.


So earn some just a tad of pride and dignity back, and tell us the whole deal. Stop with the BS. No ones buying it, and theres good reason for that.


Like I said if you're doing the best you can....thats a start. Everyone in life makes mistakes.


And I mean cmon how can you be working with Ramirez Bros" when you have zero info you can post on them. Theres a reason why your story makes no sense.


Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your guilt lies in your bitterness towards the innocent victims here. Please be a man.


Im not here to insult you, or put you down, just trying to wake you up a little bit.

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Here are the ones who have been refunded so far:


Brian 1 of 2



Ray Seifert

Jarred- 1 of 2



Chris Berger


As i said i am doing them as i can, i am in the process of checking on the whole loan thing this morning to take care of all the rest. It is all i can do, but i am trying here.



I do have a refund pending. :)

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Here are the ones who have been refunded so far:


Brian 1 of 2



Ray Seifert

Jarred- 1 of 2



Chris Berger


As i said i am doing them as i can, i am in the process of checking on the whole loan thing this morning to take care of all the rest. It is all i can do, but i am trying here.


That's an excellent start. I do want to ask though, what is your timeframe and/or plan regarding those who are out large sums, specifically Adriano, Georg, and Music-Buy-Mail?





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Here are the ones who have been refunded so far:


Brian 1 of 2



Ray Seifert

Jarred- 1 of 2



Chris Berger


As i said i am doing them as i can, i am in the process of checking on the whole loan thing this morning to take care of all the rest. It is all i can do, but i am trying here.


That's an excellent start. I do want to ask though, what is your timeframe and/or plan regarding those who are out large sums, specifically Adriano, Georg, and Music-Buy-Mail?







That is my question too as I said in the PM to you Lonnie. As much as I would love my refunds, I am willing to wait until you take care of those who spent a large amount of coin with you. It's not fair to them to have to wait until the end...




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Well i have only received a partial refund of $23. I am still waiting for the other $140, but only time will tell if and when i will see it. I know there are others that have it alot worse, and i hope that everyone involved can salvage something out of this whole mess. I know i have learned my lesson, but i do feel like a dumbass for falling for this scam in the first place.



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Here are the ones who have been refunded so far:


Brian 1 of 2



Ray Seifert

Jarred- 1 of 2



Chris Berger


As i said i am doing them as i can, i am in the process of checking on the whole loan thing this morning to take care of all the rest. It is all i can do, but i am trying here.



I do have a refund pending. :)


and that is the magic word. This process normally takes 3-5 days for it to go through but could be another deploy factor in quieting/relieving the ones who are trying to receive a refund. Maybe i'm wrong? Won't know until the deadline comes around.



Well i have only received a partial refund of $23. I am still waiting for the other $140, but only time will tell if and when i will see it. I know there are others that have it alot worse, and i hope that everyone involved can salvage something out of this whole mess. I know i have learned my lesson, but i do feel like a dumbass for falling for this scam in the first place.




But that is only a 14% refund

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Here are the ones who have been refunded so far:


Brian 1 of 2



Ray Seifert

Jarred- 1 of 2



Chris Berger


As i said i am doing them as i can, i am in the process of checking on the whole loan thing this morning to take care of all the rest. It is all i can do, but i am trying here.


That's an excellent start. I do want to ask though, what is your timeframe and/or plan regarding those who are out large sums, specifically Adriano, Georg, and Music-Buy-Mail?









To answer your question, I just returned from the bank where I am in the process of securing a loan to Take care of Sebastian and Georg. As far as Adriano is concerned and i am not gettig into an argument or any kind of shouting match with him. His cd's were mailed to him. But i am going to refund his money and he can return the cd's to me. As i have said i am doing all i can, and once i get everything taken care of at the bank, everyone will be refunded. I will continue to keep doing things the way i have been as i can till i get the loan situated.


As i have said before i sincerely apologize to everyone who was hurt, i did not set out to intentionally scam or hurt anyone. Once everything is all done i will explain everything from start to finish and then maybe everyone will understand and see exactly what went on. I made some bad mistakes and i take full responibility for them, and am not looking for everyone to embrace me here as once it is all done i probably will not be back, but that is my decision. I just want everyone who was hurt taken care of and it all to be over and done.

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I will keep you informed about the refund, I hope very soon. I will resend the cds IF I receive the package (EMS), or maybe re-refund Lonnie the money. You are testimonies...I don´t want to have more problems with him or anyone else.


all the best


Adriano - adboimel@uol.com.br

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"Once everything is all done i will explain everything from start to finish and then maybe everyone will understand and see exactly what went on."



My first post in this thread. Here's the problem. Lonnie has the chance to explain everything, but keeps putting it off. Why? Is he hiding something? You bet your ass he is. Why wouldn't someone defend themselves if they had the opportunity to do so? Sorry Lonnie, just like everyone else here, I'm not buying your b.s. either.



Be a man, stand up, and clear the air. Tell the whole community had badly you f**ked up. Keeping what happened a secret is NOT helping you one bit.

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A good reason for not saying anything in regards to the situation would be due to legal issues. If Lon is talking to a lawyer (as he says he is) then you can guarantee that the lawyer would be telling him to keep quiet. That's always the case.


Bingo. That was exactly what I was thinking as I typed my last post. Not wise to admit fraud that could cost you felony charges.

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