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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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Earlier, all of them went to "page under contruction".

Hey guys!! Have you noticed that the "cds-in-stock" potion of Lon's page is now back up?!?!?!?! Trying to get some last minute cash for the get-away?!?!?!





I don't think that page was ever down, it was his other pages that were down.




Nope, that one has always worked...




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jim, i don't care if you believe anything or not. Adriano's cd's were shipped to him. Everyone wanted the whole story, now they have it. All i can do is try to make things right and straighten them out the best i can. I did not explain everything that has happened for your approval. And what you think does not matter, i have to live with myself for being stupid and taken advantage of, what you think matters not.....


With that i am done, i am not going to argue about this. I know what happened was wrong, but i was not behind it, that is all i can say.

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OK, there are about 100 questions I could ask. What I don't understand is why wouldn't you look in the box to check out how the CDs turned out, all that work and the final product is right there in a box and you don't even want to open it up to see how they turned out? What about the Lawrence Archer CD that didn't get there either on the last ebay auction? This whole thing is just too much of a comedy of errors to even fathom believing all or any of it, especially after flat out lying instead of coming clean right up front. <_<

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Jumped up jesus palamino!! My head is absolutely swimming after reading all this. One thing I do take from this "thread" is something Jared posted, I don't know 90 pages go, the true HH community will band/bond together and refocus our energies on collecting and talking smack about our favorite bands. (Not an exact quote, but...)


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jim, i don't care if you believe anything or not. Adriano's cd's were shipped to him. Everyone wanted the whole story, now they have it. All i can do is try to make things right and straighten them out the best i can. I did not explain everything that has happened for your approval. And what you think does not matter, i have to live with myself for being stupid and taken advantage of, what you think matters not.....


With that i am done, i am not going to argue about this. I know what happened was wrong, but i was not behind it, that is all i can say.


Guess what bud............this isn't for MY approval. Remember.....I didn't lose ONE RED CENT. It's the others you owe the explanations to. Don't be so arrogant....you're not in any positon to be.....that's for sure.


So, answer the questions for them....after all, you're being %100 honest right now.

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Sorry, I still disbelieve.


1. Who in their right mind would ever give access to their PayPal account to unknown third parties? That makes no sense whatsoever. NONE. If they have expenses, then you just PayPal them the amount they need.


2. You never bothered to open the boxes to verify that they contained CDs???


You're not THAT stupid. Disingenuous, yes, but you didn't turn your brain off a week ago.


Just man up, admit that you thought you could get away with a scam, and be done with it. This story just makes you look worse. Stop trying to pass the buck. We're not buying it.




I'm glad you're going to refund everyone, and I hope that includes Georg and Adriano. Just realize that you have lost any and all credibility you may have built up in the music community. What a waste... :(



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I really want to believe you Lonnie...but I can't. As others have said, still too many other things not addressed & that don't make sense. I'm sorry and I wish I could, but I can't forgive on this or look the other way.



I would like to say though, & feel I need to say because I called Lon's work place earlier today to confirm that he wasn't in the hospital...that I didn't make any threatening phone calls. I'm not sure who he is refering to but I never called his house or called anything other than the one time.




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With that i am done, i am not going to argue about this. I know what happened was wrong, but i was not behind it, that is all i can say.


Ok, so you say you weren't behind it...then exactly what the hell are you doing as far as pursuing these

"Ramiriez Brothers" ?


Plus, if you have any proof whatsoever to support your claims from above, why would you be refunding a damn thing? You should be living and breathing at the Blytheville Police Dept. filing reports on what has happened to you, and trying to re-coup your and everyone else's money...

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Sorry, I still disbelieve.


1. Who in their right mind would ever give access to their PayPal account to unknown third parties? That makes no sense whatsoever. NONE. If they have expenses, then you just PayPal them the amount they need.




My thoughts exactly.

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One thing, If these guys had access to YOUR PayPal account to withdraw money for expenses, how are you going to refund peoples money? Didn't they take it all? Makes no sense to me

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No arrogance or anything else.....I have explained things how they honestly went, if you chose to believe it fine, if not fine. I am not here looking for forgiveness. But as it has been said many times, everyone wanted to know the whole story. And now you have it. Dan i am notgoing to "man up" and admit to something that is not true. I am not the one who was behind it. Jarred-like i said i am not asking for your forgivness or for you to look the other way. and jim-my reponse was not meant to be arrogant, but it was honest.....so like i said this it done, i am taking care of everyone getting their money back, then i am gone from here. this is my last post on this, i have explained all i can, now i am going to make it right.



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No arrogance or anything else.....I have explained things how they honestly went, if you chose to believe it fine, if not fine. I am not here looking for forgiveness. But as it has been said many times, everyone wanted to know the whole story. And now you have it. Dan i am notgoing to "man up" and admit to something that is not true. I am not the one who was behind it. Jarred-like i said i am not asking for your forgivness or for you to look the other way. and jim-my reponse was not meant to be arrogant, but it was honest.....so like i said this it done, i am taking care of everyone getting their money back, then i am gone from here. this is my last post on this, i have explained all i can, now i am going to make it right.





Please answer these questions directly..


1. Pertaining to Adriano's cd's - are you saying he is the liar?


2. $611 cd sold on Ebay that was never sent


3. Countless & countless posts from people claiming not receiving items promised other than Hurricane


4. Were you in the damn hospital or not?


5. Are we suppose to believe that you just assumed your luck was so good as a first time label to sign such acts as Hurricane, Billy Squier, Valentine & more without thinking "Hey, maybe this is too good to be true" and I won't check on it?



Let's start here and I'm sure there is much more...





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No arrogance or anything else.....I have explained things how they honestly went, if you chose to believe it fine, if not fine. I am not here looking for forgiveness. But as it has been said many times, everyone wanted to know the whole story. And now you have it. Dan i am notgoing to "man up" and admit to something that is not true. I am not the one who was behind it. Jarred-like i said i am not asking for your forgivness or for you to look the other way. and jim-my reponse was not meant to be arrogant, but it was honest.....so like i said this it done, i am taking care of everyone getting their money back, then i am gone from here. this is my last post on this, i have explained all i can, now i am going to make it right.





Please answer these questions directly..


1. Pertaining to Adriano's cd's - are you saying he is the liar?


2. $611 cd sold on Ebay that was never sent


3. Countless & countless posts from people claiming not receiving items promised other than Hurricane


4. Were you in the damn hospital or not?


5. Are we suppose to believe that you just assumed your luck was so good as a first time label to sign such acts as Hurricane, Billy Squier, Valentine & more without thinking "Hey, maybe this is too good to be true" and I won't check on it?



Let's start here and I'm sure there is much more...







He's only digging himself into a deeper hole by saying anything. I suspect this will be the last we see a post from him. His attempt at gaining some sympathy to possibly alleviate or delay any of victim's pursuit of justice failed....


Now it's up to those that were screwed to pursue this to seek justice. We'll just have to see what happens....

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No arrogance or anything else.....I have explained things how they honestly went, if you chose to believe it fine, if not fine. I am not here looking for forgiveness. But as it has been said many times, everyone wanted to know the whole story. And now you have it. Dan i am notgoing to "man up" and admit to something that is not true. I am not the one who was behind it. Jarred-like i said i am not asking for your forgivness or for you to look the other way. and jim-my reponse was not meant to be arrogant, but it was honest.....so like i said this it done, i am taking care of everyone getting their money back, then i am gone from here. this is my last post on this, i have explained all i can, now i am going to make it right.





Please answer these questions directly..


1. Pertaining to Adriano's cd's - are you saying he is the liar?


2. $611 cd sold on Ebay that was never sent


3. Countless & countless posts from people claiming not receiving items promised other than Hurricane


4. Were you in the damn hospital or not?


5. Are we suppose to believe that you just assumed your luck was so good as a first time label to sign such acts as Hurricane, Billy Squier, Valentine & more without thinking "Hey, maybe this is too good to be true" and I won't check on it?



Let's start here and I'm sure there is much more...







He's only digging himself into a deeper hole by saying anything. I suspect this will be the last we see a post from him. His attempt at gaining some sympathy to possibly alleviate any of the pursute of jusitce failed....


Now it's up to those that were screwed to pursue this to seek justice. We'll just have to see what happens....




I agree but just want to give him the chance to answer these questions directly. One by one...can you give an honest answer Lonnie?




Lonnie, you are sitting there reading this right now.....I have to just get this off my chest.


You have no Goddamn clue how much I wanted to help you with this "label". I didn't want any money...nothing, just to help out. I had to send out e-mails to several different websites this morning taking back all the great things I said about you......praising what you were trying to do & what you were accomplishing so early. I had to fucking apologize to these people because I didn't want them to think I was involved with your bullshit. Did you ask for my help? No, you didn't...but I wanted to help because you were my FRIEND. My passion for this music...our music runs so deep. All I want to do is help & spread the word. I wanted to help you Lonnie....



I can't fucking handle this anymore...........

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Still doesn't explain these lies sprouted on the "Never Say Die Records" thread:




Next on the Reissue Calendar for Never Say Die Records is a classic, or should we say classics.......Alot of hard work went into this project, and we are proud to announce the upcoming reissues of HURRICANE!!!!!!


That's right, Kelly Hansen and Co...........This was our first real test, if we could get this done, we knew there was not a Artist in the world we could not get. We did alotof chasing and spent alot of money to make this project a reality. Over the first few months of 2007, fans will see the reissues of "Take What You Want +plus bonus tracks"......."Over the Edge + Bonus Tracks"......."Slave to the Thrill w/the original banned cover + Bonus Tracks" and the 1st official Live Album "Slave to the World + Bonus Tracks"..........Not only will these be Remastered, but the liner notes are being updated now by all the original members with their take on cd's then and now........As stated before alot of work went into these, and alot of hurdles had to be crossed, especially with "Take What You Want".....We wanted to do something a bit different with the artwork and yet keep it original, so we decided to pursue getting the rights to use the "Japanese Pressings" artwork......We more or less had to jump thru hoops, and believe me when I say, the Japanese do not get in any kind of hurry, but in the end we signed a deal for 1st 3000 cd's pressed to be with the Japanese Artwork.......Any Pressing after that will have the US Artwork.........All 4 Hurricane cd's will be initially pressed in quanities of 3000, with the 1st 500 of each release being autographed by the entire band. Here is the release schedule for all the Hurricane cd's:









We will be accepting Pre-Orders for all the Hurricane cd's in December.....If all works the way we have it planned, we will be offering them to members of the Heavy Harmonies Community a week before the official release date.


Hey BT, let me see if i can explain this, the initial pressing of 3000 is going to be w/japanese artwork, we have had alot of emails about the release w/Us Artwork, so As of this morning after speaking with Kelly, we are gonna do a small 500 pressing run with the US artwork to start out to coincide with the Japanese Artwork release...........We are only able to do 3000 of the Japanese artwork without having to fork over more money for the rights(or as David calls it a rental fee).......If the demand is still there after the 3000 are gone, all pressings of Take What You Want after that will be with the US artwork..........Ok I hope i didn't confuse anyone anymore than they may already have been.....


Take care


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This was the dumbest scam I have ever heard of, but it was still as scam, punishable by law.....basically he is argueing as to what degree he was involved..... :angry: everything lonnie said was total crap, he had numerous posts saying he talked with jay and kelly, and had lined up all those other reissues....and now he blames it on the evil Ramirez brothers.....give me a friggin break! I didn't lose one penny either, but I just can't sit here and listen to him spout bullshit, and expect us to buy it....no way!!!

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So there I was, driving home from work, when a cop pulled me over and said, "I clocked you doing 48 in a 30 mile per hour zone. Care to explain yourself?"


Thinking quickly, I replied, "The Ramirez brothers made me do it."


I then sat there for 10 minutes while the officer wrote me a ticket. Oh well, it was worth a try...

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So there I was, driving home from work, when a cop pulled me over and said, "I clocked you doing 48 in a 30 mile per hour zone. Care to explain yourself?"


Thinking quickly, I replied, "The Ramirez brothers made me do it."


I then sat there for 10 minutes while the officer wrote me a ticket. Oh well, it was worth a try...





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So there I was, driving home from work, when a cop pulled me over and said, "I clocked you doing 48 in a 30 mile per hour zone. Care to explain yourself?"


Thinking quickly, I replied, "The Ramirez brothers made me do it."


I then sat there for 10 minutes while the officer wrote me a ticket. Oh well, it was worth a try...


That's coz you dont pay attention! If you have said RamiErez you would have walk untouched :lol:

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So there I was, driving home from work, when a cop pulled me over and said, "I clocked you doing 48 in a 30 mile per hour zone. Care to explain yourself?"


Thinking quickly, I replied, "The Ramirez brothers made me do it."


I then sat there for 10 minutes while the officer wrote me a ticket. Oh well, it was worth a try...


Nice! :rofl2:

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Is it over...? Can I open my eyes yet...? :wacko:

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Thinking quickly, I replied, "The Ramirez brothers made me do it."



Like when Frank Pantangeli claimed that the Rosato Brothers made him try to kill Michael Corleone?? Makes for a great movie, doesn't it!


Hmmm... maybe someone's watched The Godfather a few too many times! Besides me, I mean... :screwy:

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No Keep your eyes closed :P


Lon you were doing much better not saying anything then telling that story. I mean your a grown adult and I can only guess that you are scared shitless by now. Maybe cops at the door? Dude read what you wrote and ask yourself would you believe that story. No one handles a deal like that. Red flags flying everywhere right from the beggining and yet you let if go on. To be honest if everyone wasnt in such shock that someone like you Highly respected in the HH community pulled something like this on them they wouldnt be so nice as they have. These posts so far have been nice. Im not sure returning all the money is gonna get you out of this one and as much of a friend as you were and if you actually were taken advantage of. Man you need Help!

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