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66 mustang

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(fairly pointless really, but watchable. Rourke has a silly hat which means he isnt that menacing as the baddie)


Double post :-(


I guess there were just some silly bits which spoilt it - like when he found the bow - one tap and half a ton of rock fell away to reveal it.


Also would have been much better if the 'titans' (wimps I'd call them lol) could have actually got out and battled the gods on the open land??


Just some thoughts.

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October may be over, but it's still Schlock-Tober at Casa Del Freddy. Yesterday's Double Feature:


"Raw Meat" (aka "Deathline," 1973)

In this '70s Brit horror flick, a police detective investigating a missing person case in the London Underground eventually discovers a family of cannibals that have been living in a long-abandoned subway tunnel for generations, snacking on unlucky passengers. Not nearly as much fun as its premise makes it sound, Donald Pleasance is funny as hell as the tightly wound cop and there are some good gore bits here 'n' there but otherwise it was fairly pedestrian stuff.


"2 Headed Shark AttacK" (2012)

Ahhh, the Asylum, delivering the schlock once again with an irrestistible trailer that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the movie. A group of sea-faring college students (including Brooke Hogan, daughter of Hulk) and their chaperones (including Carmen Electra) end up stranded on an island when their boat is damaged, and soon learn that the waters surrounding them are patrolled by a giant 2-headed mutant shark. Yep, that's the whole plot. Mayhem, of course, ensues as the shark chomps on a seemingly endless series of girls in bikinis.

In other words, this movie is exactly what I expected: silly, extremely gory nonsense with plenty of T&A.

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(fairly pointless really, but watchable. Rourke has a silly hat which means he isnt that menacing as the baddie)


I guess we really disagree on this one. I loved it. I'd take this over all the other similar films. Tarsem Singh, yet again, proved he's a force to be reckoned with. Visually stunning, if nothing else.


I liked it too!

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That's My Boy - Hilarious Sandler movie but at times it gets a little to over the top.



Wanna see that one,love adam sandler films,just plain funy/stupid dont take me seriously type of things :)


last file I watched was the new spiderman,not bad,enjoyed it quite a bit,also took the kids to see hotel transylvania,loved it(another sandler nod :) )

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That's My Boy - Hilarious Sandler movie but at times it gets a little to over the top.



Wanna see that one,love adam sandler films,just plain funy/stupid dont take me seriously type of things :)


last file I watched was the new spiderman,not bad,enjoyed it quite a bit,also took the kids to see hotel transylvania,loved it(another sandler nod :) )

I will be buying Transylvania when it comes out for sure!
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"Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance" (2012)


The absolutely crap-tacular sequel to 2007's mediocre "Ghost Rider" finds Johnny Blaze hiding out in Eastern Europe (?), where he's drafted to help protect a boy with mysterious powers from a group of Satanists who, of course, have nefarious plans for him. Many explosions and crashes ensue.


...the first "G.R." was no great shakes but good LORD, this one makes it look like 24 karat gold. The story appears to have been made up as they went along, and the pacing is so sluggish that I found myself checking my watch well before the halfway point. The only good thing I can say about this flick is that the special effects have improved since the first film so Ghost Rider looks more bad-ass than ever.

Ghost Rider is a cool character worthy of a decent film, unfortunately this ain't the one. Avoid!!

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"Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance" (2012)



The absolutely crap-tacular sequel to 2007's mediocre "Ghost Rider" finds Johnny Blaze hiding out in Eastern Europe (?), where he's drafted to help protect a boy with mysterious powers from a group of Satanists who, of course, have nefarious plans for him. Many explosions and crashes ensue.


...the first "G.R." was no great shakes but good LORD, this one makes it look like 24 karat gold. The story appears to have been made up as they went along, and the pacing is so sluggish that I found myself checking my watch well before the halfway point. The only good thing I can say about this flick is that the special effects have improved since the first film so Ghost Rider looks more bad-ass than ever.

Ghost Rider is a cool character worthy of a decent film, unfortunately this ain't the one. Avoid!!


So true and it makes me furious. Such a great character, but you or I could write a film with a better storyline than the 2 that have made it to the screen. They have probably killed the franchise by thinking they know better than comic writers with experience of the character well, who could have provided a story to match the awsome look of the character. Idiots. I could scream.



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The Tall Man ; I actually started "watching" this in quite a preoccupied state and wasn't too concerned, but weirdly so, it actually drew me in as it went along. Engrossing enough story about a small town where poor families living in shitty conditions were all losing their kids to "The Tall Man." What appeared to be a simple abduct and murder film actually turned out to be pretty interesting in the end. I actually found myself not minding the movie at all, even if Jessica Biel looked ugly as sin for this role, for whatever reason.


Meeting Evil ; another pretty cool one. Had a few familiar faces including Samuel L Jackson. Can't say too much without giving it away, but it's a cool film about a down-on-his luck dude meeting a dude (Jackson) who just kills everyone. :lol: Basically that's how it rolls, but it's a cool film. I liked it.


Prometheus ; as a rule I actually hate sci-fi films but took a punt on this and I'm glad I did. Typical dime a dozen film about an intergalactic mission to a planet light years from home. And surprise surprise, the planet ends up killing everyone, but it was actually a good ride and a more enjoyable movie than a billion of it's type. Yeah, I just liked it for whatever reason.

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  • My Little Pony

The Town

Decent I guess. I almost turned it off at the 50 minute mark, 'cause I realized it wasn't even half way through and I wanted something more lighthearted for my Sunday evening. I'm glad I stuck with it, but add this to the countless other films I'll never watch again.

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"Galaxina" (1980)



Low budget, campy-on-purpose sci-fi comedy about the wacky misadventures of a Space Police crew and their gorgeous android pilot, named "Galaxina." As the ship makes its way to a distant planet on a mission to find the legendary "Blue Star" ("aaaah-AAAAAAHHH!"...you'll get that reference if you've seen the movie), Galaxina and one of the crew members dare to taste the forbidden love between man and machine amidst lots of cheap special effects, weird alien makeup and tons of bad jokes.


This flick feels more like a series of comedy sketches strung together to feature length than an actual movie. If it weren't for the fact that former Playboy Playmate Dorothy Stratten, who plays the title character, was murdered by her jealous husband shortly after the film's release, I doubt this movie would have the cult following that it does today.

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"Horrible Bosses"

Three workin' stiffs who hate their jobs hatch a plan to help each other out by murdering each other's bosses... with predictable (yet hilarious) results. Wild slapstick comedy features great performances by Jason Bateman, Kevin Spacey (as a psycho corporate shark) and especially Jennifer Aniston, who's totally hot as a perverted dentist who can't stop sexually harassing her employee (or patients). A total hoot.


"Batman: Mask of the Phantasm"


In this feature-length spin off from "Batman: The Animated Series," someone is killing off the heads of Gotham City's underworld, and Batman is the number one suspect. While trying to clear his name, he learns that the killer may be connected to someone he loved years ago, at the beginning his war on crime. Oh, and the Joker (voiced by the totally awesome Mark Hamill) gets thrown into the mix too. This action packed 'toon is better written and has more depth than many of the "Batman" live action films.

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"Horrible Bosses"


Three workin' stiffs who hate their jobs hatch a plan to help each other out by murdering each other's bosses... with predictable (yet hilarious) results. Wild slapstick comedy features great performances by Jason Bateman, Kevin Spacey (as a psycho corporate shark) and especially Jennifer Aniston, who's totally hot as a perverted dentist who can't stop sexually harassing her employee (or patients). A total hoot

"Batman: Mask of the Phantasm"


In this feature-length spin off from "Batman: The Animated Series," someone is killing off the heads of Gotham City's underworld, and Batman is the number one suspect. While trying to clear his name, he learns that the killer may be connected to someone he loved years ago, at the beginning his war on crime. Oh, and the Joker (voiced by the totally awesome Mark Hamill) gets thrown into the mix too. This action packed 'toon is better written and has more depth than many of the "Batman" live action films.

I really liked Horrible Boss'
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"Con Air" (1997)

Nicolas Cage is a parolee who's just hitchin' a flight home on a prison transfer plane that happens to be loaded to the brim with some of the nation's most notorious criminals. They, of course, stage a takeover of the plane in mid-flight and Cage has to play hero so he can get home to see his wife and daughter. Silly as hell, but it's got a great cast (including John Cusack, John Malkovich, Steve Buscemi, Dave Chapelle and Danny Trejo) and an extensive amount of mayhem. Tons o' shoot'em up, blow'em up fun!

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"Con Air" (1997)


Nicolas Cage is a parolee who's just hitchin' a flight home on a prison transfer plane that happens to be loaded to the brim with some of the nation's most notorious criminals. They, of course, stage a takeover of the plane in mid-flight and Cage has to play hero so he can get home to see his wife and daughter. Silly as hell, but it's got a great cast (including John Cusack, John Malkovich, Steve Buscemi, Dave Chapelle and Danny Trejo) and an extensive amount of mayhem. Tons o' shoot'em up, blow'em up fun!

I like it!
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With the kids earlier this evening...


"Baby's Day Out" (1994)


In this "Home Alone" variant from John Hughes, a trio of inept crooks kidnap the baby of a wealthy Chicago family, planning to hold him for ransom. Unfortunately the baby slips out of their grasp and goes on an adventure through the streets of Chicago. When the bad guys attempt to recapture him, cartoonish mayhem follws their every move and they end up falling from tall objects, getting hit in the head, whacked in the crotch, and otherwise abused a whole lot.

My kids thought this movie was a absolute scream, esp. when "Baby Bink" sets Joe Mantegna's most tender area on fire with a lighter and one of his fellow crooks puts it out by stomping on it repeatedly. OUCH!!

Harmless fun for kids, painless for their parents.

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"The Bounty Hunter" (2010)

In this light romantic action comedy, Gerard Butler is a down on his luck bounty hunter who thinks he's finally going to get some long-overdue revenge when he's assigned to bring in his ex-wife (Jennifer Aniston), who's skipped bail. Unfortunately she's a reporter who's investigating a story involving crooked cops and mobsters, which makes them both targets. Bullets fly, cars crash, and do I have to tell you whether or not the mismatched pair will fall back in love during their adventure?

A fun flick that gets a little too cutesy-poo around the halfway mark but is mostly entertaining. Oh, and Aniston looks smokin' hot in a little black dress for nearly the entire movie. :D

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