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66 mustang

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    Mountains of SW Virginia

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66 mustang's Achievements

87 Platinum Records and a Drug Addiction to Match

87 Platinum Records and a Drug Addiction to Match (7/11)



  1. BTW, thank you very much for giving this album a proper release. it is a fantastic album
  2. glad to see this thread still going. Last movie I watched was Keeping Up With The Joneses https://youtu.be/3WDT3qSVrW8
  3. so have you all heard the .38 Special version of I Fall Back? I like it more that what is on this album but then again I'm a huge 38 fan and it was the first version I ever heard. It was the B-side to the single The Squeeze, the first things they did when Don came back to the band.
  4. We found a home. Been there the full year and will move up to 12u in spring time.
  5. its all about softball for us here. travel softball Jan-Oct and league squeezed in there too. Plus I don't get on the computer much anymore and my phone is small and not that great of resolution
  6. come on. NFL season is kicking off soon. anyone want to join?
  7. After the Virginia Shockers folded we were lucky enough to find the Lady Bandits to take us on as a family / player. They have been around for a few years. We know a couple families from our time last fall playing with Chaos so my daughter at least knew a couple girls going into the team. We joined Friday, had bake sale / car wash Saturday and have practice Monday. hope to find a place to stay for more than a season. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1449401431997457&set=a.1385908918346709.1073741827.100007828422541&type=1
  8. well, this lasted spring season and is now closing up shop. moving on
  9. let me know if anyone has interest in playing. I have spots available!!!!
  10. I'm happy with the steelers pick. LB that runs a 4.3 40 time. Let's bring the blitz!!!!
  11. Mike vick lite. Will stay hurt but exciting when on the field.
  12. and as for women, the more you around someone the more they CAN become attractive. someone you first started working with you didn't find very attractive but as you work with them more and more you start to find that they become more attractive
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