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66 mustang

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I didn't watch this but read a snippit about it at the dentist office today. looks like the whole thing is on youtube




The year is 1987. Motorcycle ninjas tighten their grip on Florida's narcotics trade, viciously annihilating anyone who dares move in on their turf. Multi-national martial arts rock band Dragon Sound have had enough, and embark on a roundhouse wreck-wave of crime-crushing justice. When not chasing beach bunnies or performing their hit song "Against the Ninja," Mark (kung-fu master/inspirational speaker Y.K. Kim) and the boys are kicking and chopping at the drug world's smelliest underbelly. It'll take every ounce of their blood and courage, but Dragon Sound can't stop until they've completely destroyed the dealers, the drunk bikers, the kill-crazy ninjas, the middle-aged thugs, the "stupid cocaine"...and the entire MIAMI CONNECTION!!!




I read a write-up about this movie in "Entertainment Weekly" a month or two ago, it sounds like a pisser. The owner of Alamo Drafthouse Films (a Texas theatre chain that specializes in reviving artsy/weird/forgotten/indie "B" movies) bought a print of this movie on eBay for fifty bucks and he loved it so much that he tracked down actor/producer Y.K. Kim (who's now a successful motivational speaker and who has spent the last twenty five years trying to forget he ever made this movie), and convinced Kim to sell Alamo the rights to re-release it. Kim spent a million bucks of his own money to make this movie in 1987 (despite a total lack of knowledge about the film business) and it never got played anywhere except one theatre in his hometown of Miami. Now it looks like he's got a cult hit on his hands after all these years.


This trailer is the first look I've had at it, and it looks completely batsh*t insane. That guitar playin' dude looks like John Oates ( :rofl:) and that "Against the Ninja" song is irresistible. Must. See. This. Now.


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"Superman: Doomsday" (2007)



Animated flick loosely based on 1994's "Death of Superman" story sees the "Big Red S" apparently killed by an alien assassin known as "Doomsday." Naturally, Earth mourns the loss of their greatest hero.... until he suddenly reappears. However, Lois Lane suspects that this "resurrection" isn't quite what it seems to be.


This was the debut feature of the "DC Animated Universe" line of videos and it's fun, action packed stuff. The intense level of violence makes it unsafe viewing for the smaller young'uns, however.

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I didn't watch this but read a snippit about it at the dentist office today. looks like the whole thing is on youtube




The year is 1987. Motorcycle ninjas tighten their grip on Florida's narcotics trade, viciously annihilating anyone who dares move in on their turf. Multi-national martial arts rock band Dragon Sound have had enough, and embark on a roundhouse wreck-wave of crime-crushing justice. When not chasing beach bunnies or performing their hit song "Against the Ninja," Mark (kung-fu master/inspirational speaker Y.K. Kim) and the boys are kicking and chopping at the drug world's smelliest underbelly. It'll take every ounce of their blood and courage, but Dragon Sound can't stop until they've completely destroyed the dealers, the drunk bikers, the kill-crazy ninjas, the middle-aged thugs, the "stupid cocaine"...and the entire MIAMI CONNECTION!!!




I read a write-up about this movie in "Entertainment Weekly" a month or two ago, it sounds like a pisser. The owner of Alamo Drafthouse Films (a Texas theatre chain that specializes in reviving artsy/weird/forgotten/indie "B" movies) bought a print of this movie on eBay for fifty bucks and he loved it so much that he tracked down actor/producer Y.K. Kim (who's now a successful motivational speaker and who has spent the last twenty five years trying to forget he ever made this movie), and convinced Kim to sell Alamo the rights to re-release it. Kim spent a million bucks of his own money to make this movie in 1987 (despite a total lack of knowledge about the film business) and it never got played anywhere except one theatre in his hometown of Miami. Now it looks like he's got a cult hit on his hands after all these years.


This trailer is the first look I've had at it, and it looks completely batsh*t insane. That guitar playin' dude looks like John Oates ( :rofl:) and that "Against the Ninja" song is irresistible. Must. See. This. Now.



I just vomited in my mouth. The combination of the actual filmclip and the 'Against the ninja' song is arguably likely to cause a more painful death than excruciatingly slow genital removal. Pure awfulness.

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I didn't watch this but read a snippit about it at the dentist office today. looks like the whole thing is on youtube




The year is 1987. Motorcycle ninjas tighten their grip on Florida's narcotics trade, viciously annihilating anyone who dares move in on their turf. Multi-national martial arts rock band Dragon Sound have had enough, and embark on a roundhouse wreck-wave of crime-crushing justice. When not chasing beach bunnies or performing their hit song "Against the Ninja," Mark (kung-fu master/inspirational speaker Y.K. Kim) and the boys are kicking and chopping at the drug world's smelliest underbelly. It'll take every ounce of their blood and courage, but Dragon Sound can't stop until they've completely destroyed the dealers, the drunk bikers, the kill-crazy ninjas, the middle-aged thugs, the "stupid cocaine"...and the entire MIAMI CONNECTION!!!




I read a write-up about this movie in "Entertainment Weekly" a month or two ago, it sounds like a pisser. The owner of Alamo Drafthouse Films (a Texas theatre chain that specializes in reviving artsy/weird/forgotten/indie "B" movies) bought a print of this movie on eBay for fifty bucks and he loved it so much that he tracked down actor/producer Y.K. Kim (who's now a successful motivational speaker and who has spent the last twenty five years trying to forget he ever made this movie), and convinced Kim to sell Alamo the rights to re-release it. Kim spent a million bucks of his own money to make this movie in 1987 (despite a total lack of knowledge about the film business) and it never got played anywhere except one theatre in his hometown of Miami. Now it looks like he's got a cult hit on his hands after all these years.


This trailer is the first look I've had at it, and it looks completely batsh*t insane. That guitar playin' dude looks like John Oates ( :rofl:) and that "Against the Ninja" song is irresistible. Must. See. This. Now.


Agreed, fhis does look fucking AWESOME....even if for all the wrong reasons.

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'Rise of the planet of the apes' ; not too bad. Not great at all either, but it was a decent film to watch.


'Arbitrage' ; the best film I've seen in an age. A real engrossing film starring Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon. Really well done film, with the only disappointment being a real abrupt ending, leaving the viewer to make all their own opinions on how the story ends. I'd have liked something more conclusive, and even thought there was an error on the DVD... but otherwise it was a great film.

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The Twisted Christmas marathon continues with...

"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" (1964)



This kitschy '60s kiddie-matinee sci-fi schlock has become a holiday perennial around my house. A troop of Martians kidnap Santa Claus so he can bring Christmas joy to the depressed children of the Red Planet. Yes, really. Between the wooden acting, cardboard sets and the utterly absurd premise (even by kid-movie standards), this film is like a car wreck that you can't look away from. If ever there was a movie that was screaming to be re-made by Tim Burton (or maybe Rob Zombie), this is it. :D


The movie may be terrible, but it has the coolest go-go theme song ever: "Hooray For Santy (sic) Claus!" Revel in its total awesomeness!!


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  • My Little Pony

The Twisted Christmas marathon continues with...

"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" (1964)



This kitschy '60s kiddie-matinee sci-fi schlock has become a holiday perennial around my house. A troop of Martians kidnap Santa Claus so he can bring Christmas joy to the depressed children of the Red Planet. Yes, really. Between the wooden acting, cardboard sets and the utterly absurd premise (even by kid-movie standards), this film is like a car wreck that you can't look away from. If ever there was a movie that was screaming to be re-made by Tim Burton (or maybe Rob Zombie), this is it. :D]


You posted this last year, and I watched it last year. Bloody brilliant. I have to download it, again.

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The Twisted Christmas marathon continues with...

"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" (1964)



This kitschy '60s kiddie-matinee sci-fi schlock has become a holiday perennial around my house. A troop of Martians kidnap Santa Claus so he can bring Christmas joy to the depressed children of the Red Planet. Yes, really. Between the wooden acting, cardboard sets and the utterly absurd premise (even by kid-movie standards), this film is like a car wreck that you can't look away from. If ever there was a movie that was screaming to be re-made by Tim Burton (or maybe Rob Zombie), this is it. :D]


You posted this last year, and I watched it last year. Bloody brilliant. I have to download it, again.


Yep, it's become an annual holiday tradition of torture for me. I can't NOT watch it! :D


Don't bother downloading it; you can watch the whole damn movie on YouTube!!



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I just bought "Iron Sky", it will have to wait to be watched until after the Holidays.

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  • My Little Pony

The Twisted Christmas marathon continues with...

"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" (1964)



This kitschy '60s kiddie-matinee sci-fi schlock has become a holiday perennial around my house. A troop of Martians kidnap Santa Claus so he can bring Christmas joy to the depressed children of the Red Planet. Yes, really. Between the wooden acting, cardboard sets and the utterly absurd premise (even by kid-movie standards), this film is like a car wreck that you can't look away from. If ever there was a movie that was screaming to be re-made by Tim Burton (or maybe Rob Zombie), this is it. :D]


You posted this last year, and I watched it last year. Bloody brilliant. I have to download it, again.


Yep, it's become an annual holiday tradition of torture for me. I can't NOT watch it! :D


Don't bother downloading it; you can watch the whole damn movie on YouTube!!


Too late. I got two versions. The original, and a "Cinema Titanic" version (think MST3K). In fact, one of the voices sounds like Mike from Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I think there may actually be an MST3K episode starring this film. I downloaded them, 'cause I want to show them to the fam.

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  • My Little Pony

The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.

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The Bourne Legacy

Wow. I don't understand the mixed reviews this one got. This was great. Jeremy Renner is such a great actor. So many good moments in this one. Some really great chase scenes. I wonder if Geoff has seen this. If what he said about fast forwarding chase scenes was true, this would be a short film for him.


Don' think I've seen this one. I've seen the first 3 and they're all identical and whilst not painfully bad, just really dull and boring. I like Matt Damon so I tolerate them, and it's decent for action films... but yeah, it is what it is.


Total Recall 2012 - I really wished I could recall the original as I watched this, just out o curiosity to see how similar the stories are. I didn't like or hate this. As above, it is what it is. Decent futuristic action film. Even though they were in ugly futuristic attire the presence of Jessica Beil and whoever the heck his wife was, they were great additions. The wife was a very good looker.

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Too late. I got two versions. The original, and a "Cinema Titanic" version (think MST3K). In fact, one of the voices sounds like Mike from Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I think there may actually be an MST3K episode starring this film. I downloaded them, 'cause I want to show them to the fam.


Awesome. :rofl2:


...and yeah, I believe Mike from MST3K is indeed involved in "Cinematic Titanic" ... it's something he started as a series of live screening events @ theatres after MST3K went off the air. I assume he had to come up with a new name because someone else must own the MST3K copyright, but otherwise it looks like business as usual, i.e. riffing on bad films.


I've seen my share of MST3K shows but I only know of Cinematic Titanic from bits and pieces I've read about it on the Net.

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"Batman: Gotham Knight" (2008)



Dark, gritty anthology flick from the "DC Animated Universe" line features six short Batman stories, each directed by a different animator. The transitions between "styles" from one story from the next are occasionally somewhat jarring (some segments are a bit "artier" or more "anime" styled than I would like) and though some of the stories are better than others, it hits its stride in the chapters featuring The Scarecrow, Killer Croc, and "Deadshot." More neat eye candy for Bat-Geeks.

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