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Trump. Yes or No.


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For me it's a GAF (give a fuck)
this is none of my business :)  I'm not American, so probably shouldn't have a say eitehr way anyway.
Anyway, I'm happy to comment generally on my observations as they are presented to me by my media, but refrain from going into the politics per se'

All that said, what America does, and (wrongly) how Trump acts impacts me.
Actions affect the AUD/USD rate, and our economy in general.
We are allies with USA so we stand beside America rote.
We are also caught in the middle between China and America trade wars, with USA being our main ally and China being our main trading partner.

So my following on what Trump does, and how it's reported is widely based on how it affects me and my country.
I wish all you Americans here the best of luck in your moving forward, leaders and health and safety.

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YES!! Easily the best US President in a long long time. He actually gets things done and always puts US first. 

Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years (before Corona)

The Wall to keep out illegals

The Trade Deals we were getting fleeced on for decades

He may put his foot in his mouth sometimes but he's definitely way better than any democrat

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14 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

YES!! Easily the best US President in a long long time. He actually gets things done and always puts US first. 

Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years (before Corona)

The Wall to keep out illegals

The Trade Deals we were getting fleeced on for decades

He may put his foot in his mouth sometimes but he's definitely way better than any democrat

wow. no comment

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Agree with Alpha, at least he's doing something, so sick of hearing all the talk then they get in and don't do shit

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There is one area where I think Trump has done a good job and that is when dealing with China...the trade balance between China and the US was $419 billion in 2018 which is a ridiculous amount and Trump was right to try to do something about it...I'm not sure he has actually made much headway but at least he is trying....

Also Trump is trying to get American companies to return their manufacturing back to America and this is something all countries in the West should be doing....this pandemic has highlighted the reasoning for this as we are in a terrible position when it comes to PPE and pharmaceuticals...China makes over 80% of the worlds PPE and China and India make over 80% of the worlds pharmaceuticals and that has to change as they now control how we fight illness and pandemics since they can stop exports of this necessary equipment whenever they want...not that I can blame them for this as all countries are going to look out for their own people first and the rest of us a distant second...so lets see if we learn a lesson from this mess...personally I doubt it as the billion dollar companies are all about profits and don't give a damn about anything else...

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The problem is that manufacturing is in a large part going to automation. And China is no longer the low cost centre it was. It's too late. Big companies looking to the next low cost centres. I can tell you salary inflation in Shenzhen runs at 8 or 10 percent , maybe more. I know people who have to move every year or so further and further away from the centre as rents are increasing at stupid rate as well. 

If you think Manufacturing is going to come back to the US in huge amounts because of what he's going you're very wrong. Not going to happen. What might happen is more sub assembly finishing as many markets moving to more tailored finishing with standard components allowing for speedy delivery to market.

I was shocked when I went. China's supposed to be communist? Well it's not. It's a single party capitalistic bear-pit. Great Dim Sum though. 

The problem with China is/was intellectual property. They're shocking and that does need standing up against. 

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  • 1 month later...

I just saw the most awkward thing ever...Trump holding up a bible. What a fucking douchebag! He’s such a joke but damn he’s entertaining and cracks me up. So happy he’s not my leader. 

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  • My Little Pony
4 hours ago, zacharyamelie said:

I just saw the most awkward thing ever...Trump holding up a bible. What a fucking douchebag! He’s such a joke but damn he’s entertaining and cracks me up. So happy he’s not my leader. 

If his actions and words weren't so harmful I would have no problem with him. Such a great source of entertainment. But an absolute fucktard. I don't like our leader, either, but at least Canada's not gonna burn any time soon. 

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obviously disagree with looting & property damage but dispersing peaceful protesters with armed police / military using tear gas and rubber bullets is beyond belief.

Lost the plot imo. 

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No one should be surprised that Trump is not acting presidential again...at a time when he should be trying to calm people he is instead doing everything he can to divide and fan the flames...I hope for America's sake that he does not get another 4 years because if he does, the mayhem we see today may be looked upon fondly in the future...

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The bloke is an embarassment,  a laughing stock and certainly not fit to run a bath, never mind a country....although I must admit his comedic value is brilliant....and I thought the UK was bad.

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7 minutes ago, Jez said:

The bloke is an embarassment,  a laughing stock and certainly not fit to run a bath, never mind a country....although I must admit his comedic value is brilliant....and I thought the UK was bad.


It is. 

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2 hours ago, Metal T said:

The UK & CANADA are 2 of the biggest useless sh!thole countries in the western world....glad I live in neither.

I’m glad you don’t live in my country. Now go fuck your cousin and shoot your guns at everyone. 

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Love hearing all the opinions, for those of you who don't live hear, it's not Trumps responsibility really to be doing anything at this point, our states have individual responsibilities, not everything is federal, it's the Governor and especially the Mayor of each city to be coordinating the actions taken in his or her city, which is why its not ironic that these riots and violence is happening in mostly Blue states, I live in a huge Red state, this shit happened on Saturday night, and the state government put an immediate stop to the shit, hasn't happened since, Trump has told them, if you don't do something about this he will, and tonight has enacted the US military to go into Washington DC and take care of it, so yeah, burn their own city's to the ground, don't know how it's going to progress anything ahead, I guess it's pretty easy to sit in far superior country's and talk shit, sooner or later something will come to your country, unless your Switzerland,

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BTW, how is some dirtbag cop killing a black Trumps fault? he put a hit out on the guy we dont know about?

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My perception of the media, here, but particuarly over there, is that they will find any anglle the blame Trump for anything and everything.

People won't think of Trump for a second when they look back at all the riots etc in 10 years.

Corona may get him though. He made a lot of comments he had to backflip on.
no problems with that generally, but as the President, he should have been more cautious and said less, until he knew more about it all.
His advisors may have let him off the leash, or maybe he ignored them.
But things can change quickly.
if America develops a vaccine, he may undo a lot of the damage done.


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3 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Love hearing all the opinions, for those of you who don't live hear, it's not Trumps responsibility really to be doing anything at this point, our states have individual responsibilities, not everything is federal, it's the Governor and especially the Mayor of each city to be coordinating the actions taken in his or her city, which is why its not ironic that these riots and violence is happening in mostly Blue states, I live in a huge Red state, this shit happened on Saturday night, and the state government put an immediate stop to the shit, hasn't happened since, Trump has told them, if you don't do something about this he will, and tonight has enacted the US military to go into Washington DC and take care of it, so yeah, burn their own city's to the ground, don't know how it's going to progress anything ahead, I guess it's pretty easy to sit in far superior country's and talk shit, sooner or later something will come to your country, unless your Switzerland,

the problem is mate that his rantings for the last 4 years has led to this. His approach is to fuel the fire rather than speak calming words to the nation. Never have I seen so much bullshit spewed on Twitter in my life. No one agrees with looting but if he honestly believes that peaceful protesting hasn't been demolished by tear gas and rubber bullets then he's a madman. I watched it live on TV outside the Whitehouse. And there are literally 100s of videos all over the internet. According to him every news item against him is fake news. This is bullshit but he sits on Twitter spewing this shit to 80m followers. 

pretty unreal. 

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