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2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

You are now banned from lifting your mask when outside to drink alcohol. Punishable (supposedly) with fines :lol:

This actually *IS* a joke, right?... please tell me this is a joke.

If it isn't, y'all are giving credibility to the old notion that everything is upside down in Australia.

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2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Oh, and we be under curfew again. 9pm to 5am
Have a feeling this will last a while.
Kids playgrounds closed and roped off
Police out in force
And here's one for a laugh. Our state leader imposed a new rule.
You are now banned from lifting your mask when outside to drink alcohol. Punishable (supposedly) with fines :lol:

It's OK to (not) get drunk at a billionaire's home and (not) fall down the stairs though.

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

This actually *IS* a joke, right?... please tell me this is a joke.

If it isn't, y'all are giving credibility to the old notion that everything is upside down in Australia.

it is not :( 



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On 8/16/2021 at 3:54 AM, AlphaMale said:


I watched this today. I like this dude. Speaks a lot of sense. 

On 8/16/2021 at 11:19 AM, CureTheSane said:

Woke up today to talk of a potential curfew being reinstated, because we are getting 20 odd cases a day.
What this means is that we are definitely getting a curfew and it has been leaked to soften the blow.
makes me wanna go live near Geoff with his 500 cases a day but relative freedom compared to us.

Relative freedom? I no do of the understand. Where do you think I moved to? Sadly, still trapped in the same prison I was last week. Mate, there are no winners in Australia at the moment. Anyone with a speck of freedom only has it until the next case pops up and then they're as fucked as the rest of us. A true hellhole at the moment and foreseeable future. 

On 8/16/2021 at 1:38 PM, martinsane said:

Out on the west coast, Washington State, we are in full chin deep pandemic/situation critical mode again. Masks mandates are back in full effect, cases are through the roof as are deaths AND the target is on the anti-"vaxers" backs. Even though THERE IS NO VACCINE!!! The COVID shots have NO COVID IN THEM! PLEASE stop calling the shot a vaccination it just brings down the bell curve  (This statement is general in nature and not focused at you CTS or anyone else in particular, just a global comment).

Hey mate, just curious about the "through the roof" death numbers. How many, approximately, is that a day/week? 

On 8/16/2021 at 5:29 PM, Darkstone said:

Yeah, I fear I may be included in that category. 

I've noticed that in the US, it's either get vaccinated or submit to regular testing.

I don't know if this policy will happen down here, but I'd be happy to be tested twice a day, no worries. 


Wow mate, really? You'd really be cool with two tests per day for who knows how long? Don't you reckon you'd get sick of that pretty quick?

As much as I hate either forced "choice," I'd have to go with the vaccine hoping it's a once-off. 

8 hours ago, martinsane said:

That is the path, get the shot or some form of "regular" testing. 

I already get the stink eye from coworkers cuz I never stopped wearing my mask and elbow bumping even when things "opened back up" for a hot minute and that is without anyone knowing my status (I don't advertise it as its nobodies beeswax either way) yet the "assumption" was not. I wonder how those who chose not to get poked will be biased against as they get tested regularly...

You have some different thoughts here, mate, and I find myself interested in them. Totally respect you not wanting to get vaccinated, but why are you wearing masks and bumping elbows? 

For me, in an ocean of fucking idiocy throughout the last 18 months, these fucking face masks are the worst things to come out of it all. As much as I hate Australia and most my fellow Australians at the moment, I do often myself wondering how many people wear masks because they would choose to, and how many are wearing them for fear of a fine. As much as I hate everyone at the moment, I have a feeling that if the threat of a fine disappeared tomorrow, most masks would disappear. Not all by any means - so many still petrified out there. But I think a lot would disappear if they weren't forced upon us. 

7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Fucking elbow bumping is lame.
I would be hating on you too.
I would offer a fist bump, which is cool, but if you didn't accept I would think less of you ;)

Elbow bumping is the absolute pits. I managed 18 months without ever getting into a situation where it occurred and then, just yesterday, someone did it to me and I wanted to slice my throat because I felt compelled to participate. Couldn't leave the dude hanging. But I hate the elbow bumps, customised face masks and Zoom calls because to me it's just people admitting defeat. And yeah, I'm a stubborn fuckwit.  

8 hours ago, auslander said:

Tough calls and lots of people will be making these choices going forward. I pray that no one tries to take the choice away. Ultimately a person should be free to make a choice and know what the choice means. There are certain things/jobs I won't do because of my own personal ethics. That is a choice. But I don't try to force those employers hire me either.

The choice has already been taken away, if you ever want any chance of living again. Even still, that seems a lifetime away... but there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that if and when things ever change, unvaccinated people will not have the same freedoms that vaccinated people will.

7 hours ago, martinsane said:

Agreed and if I was a single guy with no impact on anyone but myself I'd be out licking shopping cart handles and making out with the street campers. But I don't want my son or daughter being at any form of risk, just cuz I didn't mask up or shook someone's hand after they just barfed a COVID variant into it and then I brought that home.

With work, the mandatory shot will come. You can smell it in the air. Out west there are numerous establishments that won't admit unshot people, hell even sporting events, so no Seahawks or Mariners, Sounders (or Timbers) or even the new Kraken pro hockey team for those that made their choice, a choice which is still the individuals choice.

Ah, so this one came after the ones above and I don't know how to un-qoute so I'll just leave it there. 

My absolute only concern about this virus is also somehow bringing it home to my kids and wife, but cob, that's going to be a pretty gruelling way to live life, worrying about that all the time. Don't the "experts" also say that common influenza has more effect on kids than covid anyway, generally speaking?

And mate, if you believe any of the rubbish around face masks, even the biggest die-hard face masker will tell you they're only there to stop you spreading covid... not to stop you receiving it. So you're only protecting all the already vaccinated people by wearing it... not yourself. If you believe they have any use at all in the first place anyway. 

About 25 million people walking around in face masks today in Australia, to prevent 500 or so from spreading the stupid fucking thing. Paradise.    

And yeah, anyone thinking they're going to avoid a mandatory shot is an incredibly optimistic soul, or resigned to never doing anything ever again... which is currently the future we're all looking at in Australia anyway. 

3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Oh, and we be under curfew again. 9pm to 5am
Have a feeling this will last a while.
Kids playgrounds closed and roped off
Police out in force
And here's one for a laugh. Our state leader imposed a new rule.
You are now banned from lifting your mask when outside to drink alcohol. Punishable (supposedly) with fines :lol:

What even is the curfew if you're all locked down anyway? Does it mean essential workers can't work after 9pm too? What the fuck does it actually mean if you're not meant to be out? I don't understand. 

Kids playground shut here too - just to ensure the last piece of joy a kid could still experience is taken away too. No school, no friends, no sport, no childhood, no playing. 

Have you got the army in your state yet? We do. Such good times.

I saw that fucking idiot talking about the masks with alcohol and again, I don't understand. Aren't you all meant to be locked down, so who's outside drinking alcohol through a mask anyway? 

I have to admit it. I absolutely despise Gladys. She has proven to be a cold hearted hater of children and freedom, but if you're running a poll, I actually hate her least out of all state premiers. Dan Andrews would probably be #1 as the biggest absolute fuckwit. But the WA guy basically saying they're going to become like NZ and keep the rest of Australia locked out as he only ever wants 0 covid probably makes him #1. That guy is fucking dangerous. To have someone so dumb and out of touch in charge of an entire state is just scary. Absolutely no sense of reality or desire to move on from covid. 

The SA and NT guys seem equally as fucked too, but don't get as much airtime. Anastacia is horrendous but possibly down with Gladys at the bottom of the list, and I don't even know what the Tassie guy/gal is doing so not much comment there. But what a pack of winners we have to choose from. Dan Andrews, the WA and SA premiers are horror shows. NT guy, Anastacia and Gladys not far off, though... 

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

This actually *IS* a joke, right?... please tell me this is a joke.

If it isn't, y'all are giving credibility to the old notion that everything is upside down in Australia.

Mate, we could rattle off a daily list of 10 things genuinely happening here in Australia - daily - that you could not fathom in your wildest dreams. Not even kidding. 

If this thing is ever over, the word "disproportionate" will officially only ever be known henceforth simply as 'The response in Australia to covid-19.'

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10 minutes ago, Glen said:

Genuinely ashamed to be living in this part of the globe at the moment. 

My main hope is that people know that this is not how we all think. I said it a few posts back, but the biggest problem we have in Australia (and looking at that, probably NZ too) is that no one "in charge" opposes any of this, and that's why it's so hard to see a way out. Every premier, prime minister, health official... anyone aligned with running the show - they are all on board with the completely disproportionate measures taken on a daily basis. I just don't know how things change when no one with a voice ever opposes it. 

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

Genuinely ashamed to be living in this part of the globe at the moment. 

My main hope is that people know that this is not how we all think. I said it a few posts back, but the biggest problem we have in Australia (and looking at that, probably NZ too) is that no one "in charge" opposes any of this, and that's why it's so hard to see a way out. Every premier, prime minister, health official... anyone aligned with running the show - they are all on board with the completely disproportionate measures taken on a daily basis. I just don't know how things change when no one with a voice ever opposes it. 

As long as the majority of Australians support this sort of thing , it will continue.....the politicians are running scared of the possible negative outcome (for their careers) if they do not prevent deaths....

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11 minutes ago, Darkstone said:


The more things change, the more they stay the same.



The thing is though, what is the motivation behind these media and government panics? Without a motive it doesn't make sense.

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9 minutes ago, auslander said:

The thing is though, what is the motivation behind these media and government panics? Without a motive it doesn't make sense.

Yeah, I know.

Maybe it's just an exercise in fear and control.

I think there is an agenda, but I don't know what it is. None of this shit makes sense. 

This isn't the "bubonic plague" as we all were led to believe. People aren't dropping like flies in the streets.

Many have died from a terrible disease and that's not good, but welcome to life. 

We live in a technological time now where this sort of fear can truly be taken advantage of when it comes to tracking and so forth.   

Is it really all about control? I don't know.


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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

Yeah, I know.

Maybe it's just an exercise in fear and control.

I think there is an agenda, but I don't know what it is. None of this shit makes sense. 

This isn't the "bubonic plague" as we all were led to believe. People aren't dropping like flies in the streets.

Many have died from a terrible disease and that's not good, but welcome to life. 

We live in a technological time now where this sort of fear can truly be taken advantage of when it comes to tracking and so forth.   

Is it really all about control? I don't know.


100% dudes, 100%. It's been my question from the start. Never wanted to sound conspiratorial, but it's obviously not about the virus, so what is it actually all about? That's been the thing I haven't been able to even guess at from the start. 

I find it kind of ironic at the moment. You almost get the impression every now and then, in the tiniest of moments, that Gladys and even Morisson may contemplate the fact that we've gone too far. I mention these two as they have both mentioned the fact that we will have to live with covid at some point (though in their minds they're probably thinking in 2032 as opposed to anywhere near 2022). Far as I know they've backtracked on such thoughts or it's been buried beneath the ongoing panic, but they're the only two people I've seen acknowledging this in a prolific position. But the irony is that the panic that they've helped whip up, and even driven, will no longer allow anything but what's happening. With the help of the media, they have ensured that most of Australia is petrified of this stupid thing and rather than people openly and publicly calling for some ounce of reason, the media and public are so scared that all they're asking for is even tighter restrictions, with no contemplation at all, it seems, that with each of these requests, they're diminishing our quality of life - permanently? - for most likely, the duration of many of our lives. 

Just a horrendous, terrible mess with nothing at all to look forward to. 

And for anyone thinking there's a light at the end of the tunnel down here-


Good to see Australia getting the ridicule it deserves too-



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Of course all governments have gone too far, and they know it.
The did the same with Astra, and they ended up having to backtrack.

here's the thing though, here is why they get away with it.
Everything they do, they can claim they re doing to save lives.

And yes, they've got it wrong, and it's going to fuck our country.
Ironically, I feel that the way it's happened will end up resulting in a very high percentage of people vaccinated, which will be a good thing, but  good thing we will need to offset the shitshow that our economy will have become, and decline in mental health.

And here's the kicker.
My father passed away in March, he was a lawyer.
He was so pissed off with Daniel Andrews and his lies, but they weren't unexpected.
Before the 'inquiry' into our governments actions he filled me in on what was up.
The Andrews government brought in workplace laws that now allow responsibility to be attributed to employer negligence in the case of injury or death in the workplace.
And hiring unfit security for quarantine, and all the other fuckups they made, would have been strong grounds for him to be held personally responsible for over 800 deaths.
This is why they initiated their own kangaroo court inquiry, and why they all 'couldn't remember' who made what decision.
They gut is a crook.

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As mentioned before, I've been shocked at how happy Australian citizens have been to accept the limits on freedom for so long.
Seems that there is a swell of people who have had enough now, and protests back on in Melbourne and Sydney.
Fines from Melbourne's came in at 1.8 Million.


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7 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

As mentioned before, I've been shocked at how happy Australian citizens have been to accept the limits on freedom for so long.
Seems that there is a swell of people who have had enough now, and protests back on in Melbourne and Sydney.
Fines from Melbourne's came in at 1.8 Million.


With crowd they protesting only 200 plus arrested.

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On 8/22/2021 at 1:54 AM, CureTheSane said:

As mentioned before, I've been shocked at how happy Australian citizens have been to accept the limits on freedom for so long.
Seems that there is a swell of people who have had enough now, and protests back on in Melbourne and Sydney.
Fines from Melbourne's came in at 1.8 Million.


Some really interesting language in PM's address to the nation today. A step towards that turnaround in mindset (a word he himself used today) I have been hoping for. 

I wonder what finally got this out of him. The fact that the premiers have more control over this country than he does? Perhaps ridicule from overseas? As above, rising amounts of people voicing their anger about what this country has become? I'd be really curious to know what tipped him over the edge. 

As I alluded to before, they have essentially... I believe the saying is, "made a rod for their own back." After 18 months of pedalling fear and panic, he wants to try and wind it back around now? Good luck with that, captain. There are obviously still plenty out there wondering what the fuck is going on, but for the most part, him and his premiers, via the media, have created a nation of petrified idiots. Something tells me it's not going to be easy to try and undo what they've been drilling into everyone for so long. Maybe they'll learn for next time it wasn't the way to go? Unlikely, but this was the first promising sign I have seen for 18 months. I just wish I had any faith at all that he had any control whatsoever over what the states want to do. I still see no end to lockdowns and restrictions, but let's see how it plays out, as we all suffer in misery for months before it even begins to come to fruition anyway... 


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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Some really interesting language in PM's address to the nation today. A step towards that turnaround in mindset (a word he himself used today) I have been hoping for. 

I wonder what finally got this out of him. The fact that the premiers have more control over this country than he does? Perhaps ridicule from overseas? As above, rising amounts of people voicing their anger about what this country has become? I'd be really curious to know what tipped him over the edge. 

As I alluded to before, they have essentially... I believe the saying is, "made a rod for their own back." After 18 months of pedalling fear and panic, he wants to try and wind it back around now? Good luck with that, captain. There are obviously still plenty out there wondering what the fuck is going on, but for the most part, him and his premiers, via the media, have created a nation of petrified idiots. Something tells me it's not going to be easy to try and undo what they've been drilling into everyone for so long. Maybe they'll learn for next time it wasn't the way to go? Unlikely, but this was the first promising sign I have seen for 18 months. I just wish I had any faith at all that he had any control whatsoever over what the states want to do. I still see no end to lockdowns and restrictions, but let's see how it plays out, as we all suffer in misery for months before it even begins to come to fruition anyway... 


The joke used to be you get handed a safety vest when you enter Australia due to our health and safety regulations. Really  we have been in a war, and lost, to the insane work health and safety and human resources fuckers in Australia for decades. This epidemic response has shown just how beaten Australians are by regulatory authorities. Now, here, nothing matters more than the appearance of safety. Not freedom, not jobs, not the economy, not family. Nothing.

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

Some really interesting language in PM's address to the nation today. A step towards that turnaround in mindset (a word he himself used today) I have been hoping for. 

I wonder what finally got this out of him. The fact that the premiers have more control over this country than he does? Perhaps ridicule from overseas? As above, rising amounts of people voicing their anger about what this country has become? I'd be really curious to know what tipped him over the edge. 

As I alluded to before, they have essentially... I believe the saying is, "made a rod for their own back." After 18 months of pedalling fear and panic, he wants to try and wind it back around now? Good luck with that, captain. There are obviously still plenty out there wondering what the fuck is going on, but for the most part, him and his premiers, via the media, have created a nation of petrified idiots. Something tells me it's not going to be easy to try and undo what they've been drilling into everyone for so long. Maybe they'll learn for next time it wasn't the way to go? Unlikely, but this was the first promising sign I have seen for 18 months. I just wish I had any faith at all that he had any control whatsoever over what the states want to do. I still see no end to lockdowns and restrictions, but let's see how it plays out, as we all suffer in misery for months before it even begins to come to fruition anyway... 


Yeah, was discussing with my wife tonight, Andrews in particular.
This guys will never back down. Doesn't matter what anyone thinks.
So we're on full lockdown and curfew until the 2nd September.
60 or 70 cases today, 50 out in the community.
No way in hell that will change much in 8 days, so now he is faced with a bit of a dilemma.
Keep us all under curfew well into September and really build the anger, of reneg on what he's doing and be more like NSW.
I know you guys hate your leader up there, but from our point of view, in comparison, she hasn't been as harsh.
She has always said need to learn to live with covid, but down here they seem hell bent on zero cases again.
Persoannly, I suspect we will be in lockdown until at least 70% vaccinations.
Sadly, Pfizer will only be available to 18 to 39 year olds for the first time in 6 days...

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57 minutes ago, auslander said:

The joke used to be you get handed a safety vest when you enter Australia due to our health and safety regulations. Really  we have been in a war, and lost, to the insane work health and safety and human resources fuckers in Australia for decades. This epidemic response has shown just how beaten Australians are by regulatory authorities. Now, here, nothing matters more than the appearance of safety. Not freedom, not jobs, not the economy, not family. Nothing.

Appearance being the operative word. I actually looked it up the other day, and on average, 460 people die in Australia every single day. 460 people, daily, on average, and we've folded the entire nation into itself for the covid numbers. This appearance of safety is designed by morons for morons. 

10 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Yeah, was discussing with my wife tonight, Andrews in particular.
This guys will never back down. Doesn't matter what anyone thinks.
So we're on full lockdown and curfew until the 2nd September.
60 or 70 cases today, 50 out in the community.
No way in hell that will change much in 8 days, so now he is faced with a bit of a dilemma.
Keep us all under curfew well into September and really build the anger, of reneg on what he's doing and be more like NSW.
I know you guys hate your leader up there, but from our point of view, in comparison, she hasn't been as harsh.
She has always said need to learn to live with covid, but down here they seem hell bent on zero cases again.
Persoannly, I suspect we will be in lockdown until at least 70% vaccinations.
Sadly, Pfizer will only be available to 18 to 39 year olds for the first time in 6 days...

I can't remember if I posted it above for not, but 100% agree with you on Gladys. I despise what she is doing to the children of NSW particularly, but compared to the other fuckwits running all the other states, she is a far way ahead in every regard. 

But just to be clear, you know NSW is exactly like VIC at the moment, don't you? Right down to curfews and masks outdoors. Don't kid yourself that it's any better up here. These daily press conferences are killing us, because every time she fronts the media each day it seems she has to enforce one further stupid rule to keep them happy. She's now just making rules for the sake of making rules. So we now have to wear a mask as soon as we leave the house now? Strolling the beach with the dogs, and fucking mask on your face? Going for a bushwalk, with a stupid fucking mask on your face? This is what's stopping covid, is it? Fucking brilliance. And I still don't understand a curfew. What could people do at 9pm before the curfew, that they can't do now? Aren't we all locked in our houses whether it's midday or 9pm? What changes? 

But yes, I do agree. She is the only premier in any state of Australia who has acknowledged that we will need to live with covid. And for that, she is light years ahead of the other five idiots. Because everything else aside, you do have to question the intelligence of these 0 case premiers. And how does a person with that lack of intelligence get to a position that they are in? I find it mind blowing.  

Anyway, we'll see what happens. I saw an interview with Gladys tonight that hinted at the fact that she will probably be cancelling school for the rest of 2021 by the end of this week. And I think this will be a major factor in her political downfall; how lowly she has prioritised children and their educations and rights to live a childhood free from political garbage. 

Here's hoping people start to join Morrison & Gladys' chorus, though, because it's still looking a long way away. 

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We are in around day 205 of lockdown. This is our 6th. In the past Gladys has managed to control it, but this delta got away from her.
She seems to resist being harsh.
Until recently Bunnings was open, and only certain areas in lockdown.
We went full lockdown when we had 10 cases or so, and it hasn't worked.
Will see if we continue to grow of if it actually controls covid.
I hate Andrews, the guys is a smug motherfucker control freak who seems to have everyone around him scared to hell of him.
But when we did this latest full lockdown, I thought that maybe he'd learnt from past mistakes and started to follow WA and NZ approaches.
Problem is the guy won't bend or admit when it isn't working and we all suffer in the meantime.

I honestly hope Gladys devises a plan to ease things up for you and allow some movement and maybe visits from family etc.
I haven't seen most of my kids for over a month.
I can't even walk out side with my wife and my adult kid who lives with us in the same household. Max two people walking together at one time.

I really shouldn't complain.
Business is picking up again and we are able to go to work. Pretty sure we need work permits - better look in to that.
Some businesses are really stuffed.
Support is crap. Need to show that you are only doing 30% of trade over a recent 2 week period compared to the same period 2 years ago. I should just close for a couple of weeks and pick up the 14K lol

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15 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

We are in around day 205 of lockdown. This is our 6th. In the past Gladys has managed to control it, but this delta got away from her.
She seems to resist being harsh.
Until recently Bunnings was open, and only certain areas in lockdown.
We went full lockdown when we had 10 cases or so, and it hasn't worked.
Will see if we continue to grow of if it actually controls covid.
I hate Andrews, the guys is a smug motherfucker control freak who seems to have everyone around him scared to hell of him.
But when we did this latest full lockdown, I thought that maybe he'd learnt from past mistakes and started to follow WA and NZ approaches.
Problem is the guy won't bend or admit when it isn't working and we all suffer in the meantime.

I honestly hope Gladys devises a plan to ease things up for you and allow some movement and maybe visits from family etc.
I haven't seen most of my kids for over a month.
I can't even walk out side with my wife and my adult kid who lives with us in the same household. Max two people walking together at one time.

I really shouldn't complain.
Business is picking up again and we are able to go to work. Pretty sure we need work permits - better look in to that.
Some businesses are really stuffed.
Support is crap. Need to show that you are only doing 30% of trade over a recent 2 week period compared to the same period 2 years ago. I should just close for a couple of weeks and pick up the 14K lol

Yeah, the Gladys thing is interesting in that people hate her for being too harsh, and equal amounts of people criticise her for not being harsh enough. Crazy to think that the fuckwits in the other states have made the latter a possibility. 

Out of curiosity, what are the WA and NZ approaches you wanted Andrews to adapt? I thought they were all as fucked up as each other? 

The problem with going so ridiculous with these stupid restrictions, is that Gladys might ease things up for some. But because we have got so ridiculous, she will ease things back to something we thought was ridiculous three weeks ago, but now isn't as harsh as it is now, three weeks later. Eg. I'm hearing a hair dresser or salon may allowed to be opened soon. As I understand it, we're headed towards a state where people can get a haircut, but kids still can't be educated. 

Yeah, part of me has wished I could be sitting at home earning close to what I already earn anyway for doing nothing, but I guess I should be grateful to still be working when you see how many other people's livelihoods have been destroyed. 

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9 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Out of curiosity, what are the WA and NZ approaches you wanted Andrews to adapt? I thought they were all as fucked up as each other? 

Well, at first I sooked that Vic was screwed and lockdowns were harsh.
There was the quarantine security and a lot of other things that made me hate Andrews,
Then last couple of lockdowns he acted fast, like WA and NZ and the threat was eliminated.
So credit where it's due, he seemed to be learning and I was happy to be wrong on that fast lockdown issue.
So just when I give the fucker a bit of credit, he is now feeding off being able to get to zero a few times and does what he did before.
I didn't complain about the lockdown, Wasn't happy with many parts of it, but overall just dealt with it again.
Problem is that he is not going to bend of give in now, so we are on a path with no light at the end of the tunnel until 70% jabs,
So we're digging in for at least a month more down here.
And I have taken away any credit I gave him and spend my time searching internet memes about him and watching Sky news to make myself happier lol


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Back on the American side because I saw Geoff post a video of Tucker Carlson.

While Tucker is on air promoting the masks don't work,blah blah blah-behind the scenes everyone in the control room with him( camera man ,etc...) is mandated by Fox to wear a mask !

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

Some really interesting language in PM's address to the nation today. A step towards that turnaround in mindset (a word he himself used today) I have been hoping for. 

I wonder what finally got this out of him. The fact that the premiers have more control over this country than he does? Perhaps ridicule from overseas? As above, rising amounts of people voicing their anger about what this country has become? I'd be really curious to know what tipped him over the edge. 

As I alluded to before, they have essentially... I believe the saying is, "made a rod for their own back." After 18 months of pedalling fear and panic, he wants to try and wind it back around now? Good luck with that, captain. There are obviously still plenty out there wondering what the fuck is going on, but for the most part, him and his premiers, via the media, have created a nation of petrified idiots. Something tells me it's not going to be easy to try and undo what they've been drilling into everyone for so long. Maybe they'll learn for next time it wasn't the way to go? Unlikely, but this was the first promising sign I have seen for 18 months. I just wish I had any faith at all that he had any control whatsoever over what the states want to do. I still see no end to lockdowns and restrictions, but let's see how it plays out, as we all suffer in misery for months before it even begins to come to fruition anyway... 


I told you about this ages ago? This isn't new, this has been in the public domain for some time. 

I said as soon as you reach 70% you'd open up just like UK. 

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