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  • 2023 Gold Donors
2 hours ago, Doggy said:

No, I haven't seen it. Might try get it features one of favorite actors Robert Redford.

You've gotta check it out mate.

It turns into a wild west "Die Hard".

I think it's based on a true story. 

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18 hours ago, AlphaMale said:


Haha, so it's serious? I didn't know if I was meant to be lol'ing at the obvious joke, or if it's legit. 

Like I said above, we are communicated with as though we are all braindead. Luckily for them, they're spot on most the time. :(

This was a great one from Russell Brand yesterday too. Even if you only watch the montage near the beginning-



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I can't honestly believe you watch that montage and believe that it hasn't just been copied and snipped from various sources to achieve desired effect? I love the way its sped up so no one can see the source or context in which each piece was written ;) Brand always was a comedy act and not a very good one at that.

Shakes head.

from day one every knew (or at least we did in UK) that all vaccines were not 100% effective. No vaccine is . And that they all waned to below 50% over 6 months. Pfizer was the worst Astra held up better, but that was scaremongerd cos of a few cases of blood clots ;)

Move on from all this bullshit mate. it's not worth wasting your time and energy on. 


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18 minutes ago, Glen said:

I can't honestly believe you watch that montage and believe that it hasn't just been copied and snipped from various sources to achieve desired effect? I love the way its sped up so no one can see the source or context in which each piece was written

lol, what do you mean? What else could or would it be? Of course it's constructed to prove a point, but do we even need it for the point not to already be blatantly obvious? 

Simply put, we were all forced to get vaccinated to save ourselves and everyone around us. But ourselves and everyone around us have all had covid now. We were forced to take a vaccine based on lies... it's not just a minor little thing. 

I don't waste time and energy on this... I just watch the stuff that pops up in my youtube subscriptions as you watch whatever you watch every day. 

Whether I move on or not is inconsequential, and how is it even defined? You don't want me to listen to anyone badmouth the reaction to covid anymore? Just accept it was all cool and numb my brain so I fit in with the collective next time? If I lived to be another 50 years older, I am sure I will still be wondering, on that day 50 years into the future... what the fuck actually was that? And how? 

But, I guess the answer is to just move on so we can do it all again the next time. 

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Funny how you have to come and defend your masters Glenn every time someone questions the bullshit that was rammed down our throats for years. 

And your oft repeated lie that the vaccines were not sold as a 100% necessary cure-all. They bloody were, and thousands were ostracised because of dead-eyed disciples who do whatever politicians tell them.

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

lol, what do you mean? What else could or would it be? Of course it's constructed to prove a point, but do we even need it for the point not to already be blatantly obvious?

all taken out of context 

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2 hours ago, auslander said:

Funny how you have to come and defend your masters Glenn every time someone questions the bullshit that was rammed down our throats for years. 

And your oft repeated lie that the vaccines were not sold as a 100% necessary cure-all. They bloody were, and thousands were ostracised because of dead-eyed disciples who do whatever politicians tell them.

if you're government hadn't ditched a perfectly safe vaccine, you'd have opened up when we did and all this would be history 😉 

Fact is your government had the worst vaccine rollout performance of virtually any country in the world and you're all still whining and bitching about it. 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

I think the underlying point to this isn't about how effective certain vaccines were.

10%, 60% or even 100% effective.

It's irrelevant.

Making them mandatory was the big issue for me.


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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

I think the underlying point to this isn't about how effective certain vaccines were.

10%, 60% or even 100% effective.

It's irrelevant.

Making them mandatory was the big issue for me.


what most Australians moan about is how their liberties were stripped of them by lockdowns and restrictions.

This was almost entirely due to a disastrous vaccine rollout. Probably the worst of any country in the world.

By July 21 nearly 90% in uk had received a dose, Australia had barely started.

Mandatory or not. this is the reason why Aus has been suffering nearly a year longer than the UK in terms of restrictions 

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12 minutes ago, Glen said:

what most Australians moan about is how their liberties were stripped of them by lockdowns and restrictions.

This was almost entirely due to a disastrous vaccine rollout. Probably the worst of any country in the world.

By July 21 nearly 90% in uk had received a dose, Australia had barely started.

Mandatory or not. this is the reason why Aus has been suffering nearly a year longer than the UK in terms of restrictions 

That, and more importantly the fact that many of the people in charge in the various Australian states revealed themselves to be the most Orwellian authoritarianist nazis on the planet. Yeah, that "minor" component.

They took Mein Kampf as an instruction manual.

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8 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

That, and more importantly the fact that many of the people in charge in the various Australian states revealed themselves to be the most Orwellian authoritarianist nazis on the planet. Yeah, that "minor" component.

They took Mein Kampf as an instruction manual.

didn't help 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
4 hours ago, Glen said:

if you're government hadn't ditched a perfectly safe vaccine, you'd have opened up when we did and all this would be history 😉 

Fact is your government had the worst vaccine rollout performance of virtually any country in the world and you're all still whining and bitching about it. 

The reason they're still bitching about it is because they're smart enough to know it doesn't end with 'Covid'.All the regulations,restrictions and overreach will now be used on various other NON-RELATED issues down in Australia in the future.


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  • 2023 Gold Donors
1 hour ago, Glen said:

what most Australians moan about is how their liberties were stripped of them by lockdowns and restrictions. 

and rightfully so...


like i've said many times over once you lose your freedoms it's almost impossible to ever get them back again outside of a whole lot of blood on the floor.

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1 hour ago, Metal T said:

and rightfully so...


like i've said many times over once you lose your freedoms it's almost impossible to ever get them back again outside of a whole lot of blood on the floor.

Well we lost our freedoms, but we've got them all back.

Best way to live life is to have a little faith mate 👍

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9 minutes ago, Glen said:

Well we lost our freedoms, but we've got them all back.

Tell that to all the people who lost jobs and businesses for refusing to get vaccinated. Tell that to the people who were deplatformed and debanked for saying or writing things deemed "misinformation" at the time, but now turning out to be accurate after the fact. Tell that to the people who were arrested or fined due to this draconian nonsense.

It set precedent for what sheeple will tolerate when COVID-24 is the next pandemic.

Much more was lost than was ever "given back".

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2 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Tell that to all the people who lost jobs and businesses for refusing to get vaccinated. Tell that to the people who were deplatformed and debanked for saying or writing things deemed "misinformation" at the time, but now turning out to be accurate after the fact. Tell that to the people who were arrested or fined due to this draconian nonsense.

It set precedent for what sheeple will tolerate when COVID-24 is the next pandemic.

Much more was lost than was ever "given back".

sorry mate, but not a lot of that happened in the UK.

I'm sorry you live in obviously such a shit country 😔 

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4 hours ago, Glen said:

what most Australians moan about is how their liberties were stripped of them by lockdowns and restrictions.

This was almost entirely due to a disastrous vaccine rollout. Probably the worst of any country in the world.

By July 21 nearly 90% in uk had received a dose, Australia had barely started.

Mandatory or not. this is the reason why Aus has been suffering nearly a year longer than the UK in terms of restrictions 

Yep UK elites loved their lockdowns so much I hear they are already discussing mandatory lockdowns for environmental reasons. Stay at home to save the planet. But you will no doubt accept that as it is determined to be necessary by your social betters mate.

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13 minutes ago, auslander said:

Yep UK elites loved their lockdowns so much I hear they are already discussing mandatory lockdowns for environmental reasons. Stay at home to save the planet. But you will no doubt accept that as it is determined to be necessary by your social betters mate.

Ehh? Link please. That sounds fucking insane... or was that sarcasm? No emoji.

In normal times past, it would be obvious sarcasm, but with everything that has happened in the last 3 years, ANYTHING, no matter how ludicrous, is plausible.

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5 hours ago, Glen said:

what most Australians moan about is how their liberties were stripped of them by lockdowns and restrictions.

This was almost entirely due to a disastrous vaccine rollout. Probably the worst of any country in the world.

By July 21 nearly 90% in uk had received a dose, Australia had barely started.

Mandatory or not. this is the reason why Aus has been suffering nearly a year longer than the UK in terms of restrictions 

Lol, yep, you get it. The problem is that we weren’t forced to get vaccinated early enough! That would have fixed everything. If we were forced to take vaccines earlier, we could have been mandated to take two extra boosters before the lockdowns ended and everything would have been flawless. Excellent analysis, mate. ;) 

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1 hour ago, auslander said:

Yep UK elites loved their lockdowns so much I hear they are already discussing mandatory lockdowns for environmental reasons. Stay at home to save the planet. But you will no doubt accept that as it is determined to be necessary by your social betters mate.


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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Lol, yep, you get it. The problem is that we weren’t forced to get vaccinated early enough! That would have fixed everything. If we were forced to take vaccines earlier, we could have been mandated to take two extra boosters before the lockdowns ended and everything would have been flawless. Excellent analysis, mate. ;) 

Well every other country in the world opened up once they reached a certain level of vaccine rollout. 

Problem was yr country was about 9 months behind everyone else.


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I'd be very interested to know if ANY other country apart from Australia has mandated boosters?

Pretty much I don't know anyone now in UK getting the booster except my parents who are in their 80s. its just a bad cold now.

its over, done.


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7 minutes ago, Glen said:

I'd be very interested to know if ANY other country apart from Australia has mandated boosters?

Pretty much I don't know anyone now in UK getting the booster except my parents who are in their 80s. its just a bad cold now.

its over, done.


Certain employers are still mandating boosters here as conditions of employment. Some universities are requiring boosters as conditions of enrollment. Biden is also still trying to enforce it on members of the military. So mandates are still out there in various forms.

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6 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Certain employers are still mandating boosters here as conditions of employment. Some universities are requiring boosters as conditions of enrollment. Biden is also still trying to enforce it on members of the military. So mandates are still out there in various forms.


Even the mandate for health workers was abandoned here back in Feb 22.

Completely optional now 

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