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1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:

When your DNA is being altered, serious consequences could result.

stop reading fringey conspiracy crap. Neither vaccines touch your DNA.

Astra definitely doesn't,  Pfizer is slightly different in that it mimics the protein -

Taken from the Oz department of health (since no one seems to trust the UK)



The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine uses a fragment of messenger RNA (mRNA) to instruct your body to make an immune response against COVID-19. 

There is a crucial difference between mRNA and DNA. 

DNA, which makes up our genetic code, is larger, double stranded and very long. The mRNA is a single stranded copy of a small part of the DNA, which is often released to send instructions to other parts of the cell. 

DNA is stored in the protected centre of our cells – the nucleus. The mRNA is broken down quickly by the body. It never enters the nucleus, and cannot affect or combine with our DNA in any way to change our genetic code. 

Instead, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines teach the cell how to make a protein that triggers an immune response specific to COVID-19. The vaccines work with the body’s natural defences to develop immunity to disease.

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8 minutes ago, Glen said:

stop reading fringey conspiracy crap. Neither vaccines touch your DNA.

Astra definitely doesn't,  Pfizer is slightly different in that it mimics the protein -

Taken from the Oz department of health (since no one seems to trust the UK)



The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine uses a fragment of messenger RNA (mRNA) to instruct your body to make an immune response against COVID-19. 

There is a crucial difference between mRNA and DNA. 

DNA, which makes up our genetic code, is larger, double stranded and very long. The mRNA is a single stranded copy of a small part of the DNA, which is often released to send instructions to other parts of the cell. 

DNA is stored in the protected centre of our cells – the nucleus. The mRNA is broken down quickly by the body. It never enters the nucleus, and cannot affect or combine with our DNA in any way to change our genetic code. 

Instead, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines teach the cell how to make a protein that triggers an immune response specific to COVID-19. The vaccines work with the body’s natural defences to develop immunity to disease.

You're the expert. :rolleyes:

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Stat: Unvaccinated people are 29x more likely to be hospitalized for Covid-19 than those who are fully vaccinated, according to a new CDC report. The unvaccinated are also 5x more likely to contract Covid-19 in the first place, the report says. Nearly 40% of the US population have not received at least one shot of a vaccine.

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13 hours ago, nyoilers said:

A lot of people like me don't like Tucker.Common sense isn't something I equate him with.

Not across all your thoughts on stuff, cob, but I think we may have kind of opposite ways of thinking. Like I say, I don't know the guy but what he's saying resonates with me so I think we may just be on very different pages. 

13 hours ago, Glen said:

here you go Geoff. I assume this will force their hand. If opening up is what you want. Cant see anything changing though before you hit those numbers... Still a long way off (30% double jabbed)


Treasurer Josh Frydenberg warned state leaders on Wednesday that current emergency economic supports may be withdrawn when the country hits a 70%-80% COVID-19 vaccination rate, even if states and territories decide to retain border controls.

"There should be no expectation on behalf of premiers and chief ministers that our emergency economic support will continue at the scale that it is currently," Frydenberg told broadcaster Seven News.

Yeah, this guy's saying a lot of the right things, but I don't think anyone in the Australian public is believing anything our politicians say to us anymore. Don't get me wrong, I like what this guy is saying and hope he has his way (though like you say, it's all still months away anyway), but I'm still not convinced. 

To put in down in black and white, the plan is to basically go from a country that has aimed for 0 covid for 18 months, to a country that has tens of thousands of cases, even if by that time, the plan is to be 80% vaccinated. 

On the ground here, it just seems impossible to believe, but one can only hope. 


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On 8/26/2021 at 2:59 AM, Geoff said:

Not across all your thoughts on stuff, cob, but I think we may have kind of opposite ways of thinking. Like I say, I don't know the guy but what he's saying resonates with me so I think we may just be on very different pages. 

The guy goes on TV saying masks don't work.But he makes sure that everybody in the same room as him wears a mask.

So he's saying one thing and doing the opposite.Everybody needs to wear a mask when they're around Tucker because he's the star and we can't afford to have him get sick.

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6 hours ago, nyoilers said:

The guy goes on TV saying masks don't work.But he makes sure that everybody in the same room as him wears a mask.

So he's saying one thing and doing the opposite.Everybody needs to wear a mask when they're around Tucker because he's the star and we can't afford to have him get sick.

If that's true then yeah, that's extremely hypocritical. He's definitely enforcing the masks, rather than his employer enforcing them? Like I said, I don't know the dude or the situation, but if he speaks out against something stupid but supports the stupid something, then that makes him a bit of a fuckwit. 

All ifs, though. I don't know and not too interested to find out either. ;)

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Lots of talk about Israel.

78% vaccinated and spiking again.

As they were one of the first vaccinated seems the vaccine is wearing off.

Reports that Pfizer goes down to 75% efficacy after 3 months, and Astra to 68% after the same time.

Looks like 3 month boosters at this point to try and keep covid at bay.

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What is actually wrong with the world? Has the logic just been stripped right out of the fucking joint?

I've heard a lot of people talking about the situation in Israel. But all I've heard is people talking about high case numbers so I thought, well, if no one else is going to speak about what is actually important, I'll find out for myself. So I just googled the top three Israel stories and all are in a panic about the amount of new cases, but I couldn't see a single mention of death rate in any of them. Are a mass of people dying, or are we still, for the fuck of christ's sake, still mindlessly obsessed with new case numbers? When the fuck is this moronic obsession going to end? 

I heard the other day that someone is diagnosed with cancer every five minutes in Australia. That is staggering. How many people get the flu each day? What the actual fuck is going on? No one anywhere, ever has said that getting vaccinated against covid stops it spreading. No one has said it, so why the fuck are people surprised it's still spreading? No one for the cunt of fuck said it wouldn't. Fuck me, are we ever going to move on from this fucking thing, as a human race? How long are we going to keep these moronic tallies of daily covid cases, and why is the daily tally of every other method of death not as important? 

Now, if masses of people are dying that are fully vaccinated in Israel, then tell us that (at this point in time I hope you now I'm not talking to you, CTS - purely just my general thoughts on what's going on in the world at the moment).

On average, 460 people die in Australia every single day of the year. The absolute only thing the entire country talks about is the 1-2 people that are dying from covid per day. Spoiler alert- at least that number; probably a lot more, will die from covid for a very, very long time, even if we are 70-80% vaccinated. When does the day come back where the 458 other people that die every day matter again?

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13 minutes ago, Geoff said:

What is actually wrong with the world? Has the logic just been stripped right out of the fucking joint?

I've heard a lot of people talking about the situation in Israel. But all I've heard is people talking about high case numbers so I thought, well, if no one else is going to speak about what is actually important, I'll find out for myself. So I just googled the top three Israel stories and all are in a panic about the amount of new cases, but I couldn't see a single mention of death rate in any of them. Are a mass of people dying, or are we still, for the fuck of christ's sake, still mindlessly obsessed with new case numbers? When the fuck is this moronic obsession going to end? 

I heard the other day that someone is diagnosed with cancer every five minutes in Australia. That is staggering. How many people get the flu each day? What the actual fuck is going on? No one anywhere, ever has said that getting vaccinated against covid stops it spreading. No one has said it, so why the fuck are people surprised it's still spreading? No one for the cunt of fuck said it wouldn't. Fuck me, are we ever going to move on from this fucking thing, as a human race? How long are we going to keep these moronic tallies of daily covid cases, and why is the daily tally of every other method of death not as important? 

Now, if masses of people are dying that are fully vaccinated in Israel, then tell us that (at this point in time I hope you now I'm not talking to you, CTS - purely just my general thoughts on what's going on in the world at the moment).

On average, 460 people die in Australia every single day of the year. The absolute only thing the entire country talks about is the 1-2 people that are dying from covid per day. Spoiler alert- at least that number; probably a lot more, will die from covid for a very, very long time, even if we are 70-80% vaccinated. When does the day come back where the 458 other people that die every day matter again?

Logic doesn't work anymore. I wish you were our PM, or, even better, the Heath "expert" in one of the States whom seem to call the shots. If it weren't for my news blockade I'd be looking to see what's happening in Sweden cause they went the herd immunity path, not letting it ruin their economy when it first kicked off and I thought that was the right way to go, but they were copping so much shit from world media. I wonder if they caved in or if they stayed that path?

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

Now, if masses of people are dying that are fully vaccinated in Israel, then tell us that (at this point in time I hope you now I'm not talking to you, CTS - purely just my general thoughts on what's going on in the world at the moment).

Ha, all good.
I lean very much towards your standpoint.
as of now, I expect to be in full lockdown for at least another 30 days.

My comments are basically addressing what is happening around the world, which like it or not, and rightly or wrongly, define how we move forward.
My main concern is that Australia won't, even at 80% or in the unlikely event we even get close to 90% vaccinations, won't have the balls to 'release us'

The big revelation out of all of this applies to most of the general public who know little about the roles of federal and state governments.
I HATE how much control the state governments have over our lives and how effectively little the federal govt is able to oversee.
People sook about state borders closing, and how we are one country, etc etc, but it has become very clear that this is the way the country is set up. We live in mini countries rules by our state governments.
What happens if the federal govt says "open up", and everyone does, except WA, who say "no"?
Basically WA form a new mini country.

Based on what I've seen during this covid shitshow, it would appear that it would be hard to reel them back in and act in the national interest...

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22 hours ago, auslander said:

Logic doesn't work anymore. I wish you were our PM, or, even better, the Heath "expert" in one of the States whom seem to call the shots. If it weren't for my news blockade I'd be looking to see what's happening in Sweden cause they went the herd immunity path, not letting it ruin their economy when it first kicked off and I thought that was the right way to go, but they were copping so much shit from world media. I wonder if they caved in or if they stayed that path?

Haha, thanks mate. I won't pretend to think that the premiers have an easy job, but there's no doubt whatsoever that logic and common sense do not exist in Australia in 2021. 


21 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Ha, all good.
I lean very much towards your standpoint.
as of now, I expect to be in full lockdown for at least another 30 days.

My comments are basically addressing what is happening around the world, which like it or not, and rightly or wrongly, define how we move forward.
My main concern is that Australia won't, even at 80% or in the unlikely event we even get close to 90% vaccinations, won't have the balls to 'release us'

The big revelation out of all of this applies to most of the general public who know little about the roles of federal and state governments.
I HATE how much control the state governments have over our lives and how effectively little the federal govt is able to oversee.
People sook about state borders closing, and how we are one country, etc etc, but it has become very clear that this is the way the country is set up. We live in mini countries rules by our state governments.
What happens if the federal govt says "open up", and everyone does, except WA, who say "no"?
Basically WA form a new mini country.

Based on what I've seen during this covid shitshow, it would appear that it would be hard to reel them back in and act in the national interest...

Full lockdown for at least another 30 days? I'm not even sure anymore, but I'm pretty sure we can see your 30 days in NSW, and raise you another 30 days. I think the fuckers are talking about at least two more months here? But we all know you'll be more than 30 days, just as we'll most likely be more than 60 more. The place is a wreck.

Agree with you completely that at 80-90% we won't be released in a way we desire. Idiocy is well and truly embedded in how Australia rolls at the moment. I've mentioned it before in a few posts, but the restrictions are so stupidly heavy at the moment and I honestly believe part of the reason that is so, is so that when we get our "freedoms" back, those freedoms still involve mandatory face masks and who knows what the fuck else, and the hope is that people will happily accept it because it's "better" than what it is now. But these fuckers have no desire to let us go back to any real semblance of normalcy.    

And yeah, the state separation thing is very interesting. I don't think WA will be the only ones not to open their borders either. I have to admit, I never understood how little authority the prime minister has in this country until this whole shitshow, as you eloquently put it. 

10 hours ago, Doggy said:

Geoff, I hope you and family are safe.

It has been announce today ( 29/8) that 1,200 cases.

Thanks mate. 

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So announcements today.

My state, Victoria, is now officially in lockdown until population has 70% double vaccinations. Looking at lockdown until at least sometime in November.

BUT some easing of restrictions. Still under curfew 9pm to 5am, but at least under 12 year old kids can visit playgrounds,  so long as they are there with only one adult and they are not allowed to eat or drink at yhe playground. lol

No school this term.

At 70% single jabs, we MAY be allowed up to 3 hours exercise.

Sooooo fucked. At least two more months of fucking nothing.

Sorry,but I start to feel like Geoff.

Our country is cutrently fucked.


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6 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

So announcements today.

My state, Victoria, is now officially in lockdown until population has 70% double vaccinations. Looking at lockdown until at least sometime in November.

BUT some easing of restrictions. Still under curfew 9pm to 5am, but at least under 12 year old kids can visit playgrounds,  so long as they are there with only one adult and they are not allowed to eat or drink at yhe playground. lol

No school this term.

At 70% single jabs, we MAY be allowed up to 3 hours exercise.

Sooooo fucked. At least two more months of fucking nothing.

Sorry,but I start to feel like Geoff.

Our country is cutrently fucked.


Yeah mate, same here. At least two more months of lockdown too, with the faint possibility that regional areas might be let out earlier... Still on full restrictions, though, of course. But do you even believe that? I don't. 

Good to see Andrews finally concede that we will need to learn to live with covid. You really have to question these peoples' intelligence, coming to this conclusion 18 months after anyone with even just partial brain particles had figured that out. Truly inconceivable that these morons are running this country. I assume you saw the press conference last week where he was condescendingly spurting to the media that there is no way to live with delta, just no way at all. Stupid to suggest so. Amazing what a week does in the mind of a shit-for-brains. 

Anyway, I don't even believe their 70-80% freedom targets for a second. At least not any type of freedom we've ever known. Like you say, we might be able to do 3 hours of outdoor exercise on news years eve, but that'll be about it. 

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3 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

So announcements today.

My state, Victoria, is now officially in lockdown until population has 70% double vaccinations. Looking at lockdown until at least sometime in November.

BUT some easing of restrictions. Still under curfew 9pm to 5am, but at least under 12 year old kids can visit playgrounds,  so long as they are there with only one adult and they are not allowed to eat or drink at yhe playground. lol

No school this term.

At 70% single jabs, we MAY be allowed up to 3 hours exercise.

Sooooo fucked. At least two more months of fucking nothing.

Sorry,but I start to feel like Geoff.

Our country is cutrently fucked.


I live in Vic also. The tossbag Andrews keeps moving the goalposts. He knows he is on an election winner with this fake tough guy act. I'm just glad I'm not a small business owner. Poor bastards.

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4 hours ago, Geoff said:

Yeah mate, same here. At least two more months of lockdown too, with the faint possibility that regional areas might be let out earlier... Still on full restrictions, though, of course. But do you even believe that? I don't. 

Good to see Andrews finally concede that we will need to learn to live with covid. You really have to question these peoples' intelligence, coming to this conclusion 18 months after anyone with even just partial brain particles had figured that out. Truly inconceivable that these morons are running this country. I assume you saw the press conference last week where he was condescendingly spurting to the media that there is no way to live with delta, just no way at all. Stupid to suggest so. Amazing what a week does in the mind of a shit-for-brains. 

Anyway, I don't even believe their 70-80% freedom targets for a second. At least not any type of freedom we've ever known. Like you say, we might be able to do 3 hours of outdoor exercise on news years eve, but that'll be about it. 

so when you say 'live with COVID' do you mean like the US?

With 100K cases a day and 1300 deaths a day again?

You mean like that?

sounds like fun 

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5 minutes ago, Glen said:

so when you say 'live with COVID' do you mean like the US?

With 100K cases a day and 1300 deaths a day again?

You mean like that?

sounds like fun 

Just tried to google those daily deaths to see if that's true but couldn't find anything that mentions anything like that, so I'm just going to have to trust you on that. Seems unlikely to me, but you're across this more than me so I'll take your word for it. 

But okay, let's say that's happening. What do you want to do about it? What's your fix? Lock down the country and hide from covid for the rest of you life? That's how you fix it up?

Far as I understand it, anyone in the US who wants a vaccine has been vaccinated and therefore is it now not down to people's personal responsibility as to what happens next? 

But don't let my question get lost. In a country where everyone has been vaccinated that wants to be vaccinated, a virus is still killing 0.00003% of their population on a daily basis (actual percentage)... what do you want to do? What is your solution?

On average, just under 8000 people die in the US every single day. Your number of 1300 seems to be the average covid-19 related deaths since day one of the pandemic - is that what you mean? 

I don't know, mate, just interested to hear what you want life to look like in the US. 

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8 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Just tried to google those daily deaths to see if that's true but couldn't find anything that mentions anything like that, so I'm just going to have to trust you on that. Seems unlikely to me, but you're across this more than me so I'll take your word for it. 

But okay, let's say that's happening. What do you want to do about it? What's your fix? Lock down the country and hide from covid for the rest of you life? That's how you fix it up?

Far as I understand it, anyone in the US who wants a vaccine has been vaccinated and therefore is it now not down to people's personal responsibility as to what happens next? 

But don't let my question get lost. In a country where everyone has been vaccinated that wants to be vaccinated, a virus is still killing 0.00003% of their population on a daily basis (actual percentage)... what do you want to do? What is your solution?

On average, just under 8000 people die in the US every single day. Your number of 1300 seems to be the average covid-19 related deaths since day one of the pandemic - is that what you mean? 

I don't know, mate, just interested to hear what you want life to look like in the US. 

its all open. but its far from ideal.

doesn't help that the US has a high ppn of anti vaxxers,  and conspiracy theorist. 

think their rate is still only around 50% (might be wrong) so you might never open up if Oz is as reluctant 😉🤣🤣🤣

UK is now 75% and whilst our cases are still high the death rate is not climbing. Think its about 100 odd a day .

so there is hope

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As of August 20, it was just over 1000 "COVID Deaths"* per day in the U.S., up from a low of approximately 242 per day on June 30, and down from an alltime high of 3,368 deaths per day in January of 2021. So it is trending upwards again.

Number of cases is meaningless IMO, as it doesn't weed out repeat tests.

Regardless, raw numbers have to be taken as a percentage of the population both as a whole, and then analyzing comorbidities/vulnerabilities. The vast, VAST majority of deaths are those with complicating conditions and/or at the high end of the age scale. It doesn't impact the same demographics at the same rates.

Current numbers also don't differentiate between the variants. All of the aggregation sites treat all COVID the same.

* In most states here in the U.S., if someone is found to have tested positive for COVID at the time of death, they are classified as a covid death, REGARDLESS of whether COVID-19 played a part in their death. For example, if someone is splatted by a bus, and is found to have had COVID-19, they are classified as a COVID death for the sake of reporting. Remember, there's money to be made when it comes to COVID. The more COVID cases and deaths you have, the more money you get from the government. It's in everyone's best interests here in the U.S. to inflate the numbers.

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3 minutes ago, Glen said:

its all open. but its far from ideal.

doesn't help that the US has a high ppn of anti vaxxers,  and conspiracy theorist. 

think their rate is still only around 50% (might be wrong) so you might never open up if Oz is as reluctant 😉🤣🤣🤣

UK is now 75% and whilst our cases are still high the death rate is not climbing. Think its about 100 odd a day .

so there is hope

Once again, it's easy to point fingers and say "anti-vaxers! conspiracy theorists!" when comparing U.S. vaccination rates with European countries, but that ignores some realities.

It's the same as whenever I hear someone talking about banning cars and "just do everything by train like we do over here."

1. Our population is much larger than any European country.

2. We are more geographically spread out. It's more difficult to distribute to extremely remote areas.

3. There is a lot of uncertainty still regarding long-term complications of the vaccines. That cannot be done via trials or simulated in a lab.

4. People are reverting to "questioning the science" again, now that the talking points are changing again. At first it was "get your 2 shots and you'll be safe!" and now that's changing to "but you may need to get a third booster" and most recently "you may need to get a booster shot every year like the flu vaccine". People don't know who to believe.

P.S. It could be worse. We could be India, where only 10.5% of the population is fully vaccinated...

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the UK reports deaths in exactly the same way the US does and our deaths haven't gone through the roof like yours.

Simple explanation is our vaccination rates are miles higher. 

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Just now, Glen said:

the UK reports deaths in exactly the same way the US does and our deaths haven't gone through the roof like yours.

Simple explanation is our vaccination rates are miles higher. 

no this is 

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