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2 minutes ago, AlphaMale said:

Touchy touchy..... I knew you couldn't stay away. Way too predictable.

Off you go...

only predictable person on this board is you. Off you go....

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21 hours ago, auslander said:

Someone earlier mentioned the flu Vax. The flu Vax changes every year to target the new strains. I know and get it yearly. Same will probably happen with the covid vax  with yearly vax to target newer strains of the virus. 

By the way, studies have shown that Modena and Pfizer are far ahead of Astra Zeneca. Pfizer is at about 90% efficacy, Modena at the same if not better, but Astra is at about 74%. So there is a difference and to me that is pretty big. If you have a choice go with Pfizer of Modena.

I'd rather have a vaccine that is 9/10 times effective than one that is 3/4 times effective. Just sayin'.

I mean I waited for Pfizer
Happy to have to have boosters.
Like you said, always expected to need an annual vaccination for new strains, like the flu.

Your stats were the reason why I waited for Pfizer, not the stoopid blood clot worries.

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25 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

I mean I waited for Pfizer
Happy to have to have boosters.
Like you said, always expected to need an annual vaccination for new strains, like the flu.

Your stats were the reason why I waited for Pfizer, not the stoopid blood clot worries.

The only reason they are pushing AZ so hard is that they have so many unused doses. It really isn't in the same class. I almost wish I waited for Modena, from what I have read, it has the fewest side effects and greatest efficacy. 

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19 hours ago, Glen said:

Sorry to hear of the ongoing drama in Oz. didn't I read Morriston saying lockdowns would end at 70% vaccination? might be wrong?

UK almost back to normal. Not much mention now on news and don't even have to wear a mask. 

This is what you'd be thinking about-


Opening line is "Vaccinated Australians will get special rules to avoid some lockdown restrictions once 70 per cent of the eligible adult population have had two vaccine doses"

So you don't have to be a genius to understand that lockdowns aren't going anywhere. Even further down the article it says at 80-90% there will still be lockdowns. So, while we're all locked down, if we're vaccinated, we might be allowed to hug our children or something outlandish like that. Maybe we might even get to not wear a mask to bed if we're lucky? Who knows what super things we can look forward to? 

I know a lot of you internationalers aren't really grasping the situation here. But let me assure you one thing. I would bet that the panic in Australia for 200-300 daily cases and 1-2 deaths a day is far greater than the panic that the US and UK would have witnessed with tens of thousands of daily cases and thousands of daily deaths. I can all but guarantee you this. 

So we can read these (quite frankly, unrealistic) targets and the dreamers can think things will change if and when we ever hit 70%, but any straight thinker can't possibly look at the situation now and think things will actually change. 

Simply put, all premiers in Australia, and no doubt a lot of citizens, can't accept covid being out there and truly, honestly believe that a covid-free future is a possibility. You can slice it whatever what you want, but the country is fucking stupid. No other way to put it. 

I've said it dozens of times in this thread, but just to re-iterate. The vaccinations so far in Australia - however much less they may be than other places in the world - have made zero difference. Nothing. 0. In fact, if anything has happened, and I'm sure this is evident overseas too, we have taken hundreds of steps backwards. 

They could blast the airwaves tomorrow with news that we just need to read a goal of 30% vaccinations and we're back to normal and not one single person in the land would believe it. 30%, 70%, 80%, 90% - none of it makes any difference. Even 100% I absolutely guarantee you they'd still be locking people down when cases popped up. 

You guys may live in countries where part of your government doesn't agree with lockdowns and oppression and destroying a nation unreasonably. But we don't have that here. Every premier of every state and every member of the big political parties (as far as we can see at face value) is absolutely all on board with this lockdown future. There is no high ranking opposition to it anywhere. Not a whisper. They say they want to end lockdowns and for us to be free again, but not a single thing in their actions makes me believe that. The fucking idiots here are in it for the long haul. 

You say UK almost back to normal - that is not even on the most distant horizon here in Australia. Like I've said before, I can't actually see it at all. 

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

This is what you'd be thinking about-


Opening line is "Vaccinated Australians will get special rules to avoid some lockdown restrictions once 70 per cent of the eligible adult population have had two vaccine doses"

So you don't have to be a genius to understand that lockdowns aren't going anywhere. Even further down the article it says at 80-90% there will still be lockdowns. So, while we're all locked down, if we're vaccinated, we might be allowed to hug our children or something outlandish like that. Maybe we might even get to not wear a mask to bed if we're lucky? Who knows what super things we can look forward to? 

I know a lot of you internationalers aren't really grasping the situation here. But let me assure you one thing. I would bet that the panic in Australia for 200-300 daily cases and 1-2 deaths a day is far greater than the panic that the US and UK would have witnessed with tens of thousands of daily cases and thousands of daily deaths. I can all but guarantee you this. 

So we can read these (quite frankly, unrealistic) targets and the dreamers can think things will change if and when we ever hit 70%, but any straight thinker can't possibly look at the situation now and think things will actually change. 

Simply put, all premiers in Australia, and no doubt a lot of citizens, can't accept covid being out there and truly, honestly believe that a covid-free future is a possibility. You can slice it whatever what you want, but the country is fucking stupid. No other way to put it. 

I've said it dozens of times in this thread, but just to re-iterate. The vaccinations so far in Australia - however much less they may be than other places in the world - have made zero difference. Nothing. 0. In fact, if anything has happened, and I'm sure this is evident overseas too, we have taken hundreds of steps backwards. 

They could blast the airwaves tomorrow with news that we just need to read a goal of 30% vaccinations and we're back to normal and not one single person in the land would believe it. 30%, 70%, 80%, 90% - none of it makes any difference. Even 100% I absolutely guarantee you they'd still be locking people down when cases popped up. 

You guys may live in countries where part of your government doesn't agree with lockdowns and oppression and destroying a nation unreasonably. But we don't have that here. Every premier of every state and every member of the big political parties (as far as we can see at face value) is absolutely all on board with this lockdown future. There is no high ranking opposition to it anywhere. Not a whisper. They say they want to end lockdowns and for us to be free again, but not a single thing in their actions makes me believe that. The fucking idiots here are in it for the long haul. 

You say UK almost back to normal - that is not even on the most distant horizon here in Australia. Like I've said before, I can't actually see it at all. 

no restrictions in UK now. Don't even have to isolate from Monday after test & trace.

I 'think' there might still be quarantine for foreign travellers but thats it 

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I'm going to change my POV on the vaccines.
I waited for Pfizer due to its effectiveness.
But upon further research, it appears that the stats (as always) are interpreted any way you like.

Pfizer and Moderna were gauged in the US when infections were in a relative lull.
Johnson & Johnson, and some of the others were tested when there was a fair outbreak.
This in itself skews results.
Then we have all the other variables, such as ages of those tested etc.

I guess the short conclusion is that any of the vaccines do what they were actually designed to do.
Not to prevent infection, but to prevent death, hospitalisation and severe illness.
In these areas it seems all vaccines are doing their jobs.

I am kinda shocked that with such massive sample sizes, there is still suck limited information available (publicly at least)

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13 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

I am kinda shocked that with such massive sample sizes, there is still suck limited information available (publicly at least)

Oh there's PLENTY of information out there... it's just that depending on what entity is reporting it and their underlying political agenda (on both sides), you don't what you can trust as being factual vs. spin/twist.

"Trust the science" they say... uhhh... more like "Trust my selective portrayal of the science". Fact is no longer fact. Everything is agenda-driven now.

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:

Oh there's PLENTY of information out there... it's just that depending on what entity is reporting it and their underlying political agenda (on both sides), you don't what you can trust as being factual vs. spin/twist.

Yeah this is a sad commentary on where we are at with ALL forms of media today....so how do we fix it?....censorship is not a path I would be happy with and I don't see a better option....actually common sense would work but we are sadly lacking in that area....this is the future we face and we are truly fucked as it will become increasingly difficult to separate fact from bullshit....

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Woke up today to talk of a potential curfew being reinstated, because we are getting 20 odd cases a day.
What this means is that we are definitely getting a curfew and it has been leaked to soften the blow.
makes me wanna go live near Geoff with his 500 cases a day but relative freedom compared to us.

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2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

Woke up today to talk of a potential curfew being reinstated, because we are getting 20 odd cases a day.
What this means is that we are definitely getting a curfew and it has been leaked to soften the blow.
makes me wanna go live near Geoff with his 500 cases a day but relative freedom compared to us.

Out on the west coast, Washington State, we are in full chin deep pandemic/situation critical mode again. Masks mandates are back in full effect, cases are through the roof as are deaths AND the target is on the anti-"vaxers" backs. Even though THERE IS NO VACCINE!!! The COVID shots have NO COVID IN THEM! PLEASE stop calling the shot a vaccination it just brings down the bell curve  (This statement is general in nature and not focused at you CTS or anyone else in particular, just a global comment).

Aside, there is now serious talks of issuing vaccination mandates for not only government workers (state and federal), and health care professionals, but everyone across the board. This will be insane as mandating a trial drug, yep not even fully vetted that NO ONE knows of any short or long term effects, but that takes the f out of freedom if you don't have a choice or the choice is forced upon you.


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56 minutes ago, martinsane said:

Out on the west coast, Washington State, we are in full chin deep pandemic/situation critical mode again. Masks mandates are back in full effect, cases are through the roof as are deaths AND the target is on the anti-"vaxers" backs. Even though THERE IS NO VACCINE!!! The COVID shots have NO COVID IN THEM! PLEASE stop calling the shot a vaccination it just brings down the bell curve  (This statement is general in nature and not focused at you CTS or anyone else in particular, just a global comment).

Aside, there is now serious talks of issuing vaccination mandates for not only government workers (state and federal), and health care professionals, but everyone across the board. This will be insane as mandating a trial drug, yep not even fully vetted that NO ONE knows of any short or long term effects, but that takes the f out of freedom if you don't have a choice or the choice is forced upon you.


Never should be forced on anyone. I may support vaccination but by hell I am against taking away a person's right to not be vaccinated if they are against it for whatever reason. 

Of course it is also on the conscientious objector that there may just be things they can't do then, such as visit sick people in hospital or work in health care. That's just being pragmatic.

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2 hours ago, auslander said:

Never should be forced on anyone. I may support vaccination but by hell I am against taking away a person's right to not be vaccinated if they are against it for whatever reason. 

Of course it is also on the conscientious objector that there may just be things they can't do then, such as visit sick people in hospital or work in health care. That's just being pragmatic.

Good comment. Agree.

Some people, unfortunately, will be forced to get the jabs if they want to continue in their jobs.

Life sucks for them, but not the worst thing in the world.

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4 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Good comment. Agree.

Some people, unfortunately, will be forced to get the jabs if they want to continue in their jobs.

Life sucks for them, but not the worst thing in the world.

Yeah, I fear I may be included in that category. 

I've noticed that in the US, it's either get vaccinated or submit to regular testing.

I don't know if this policy will happen down here, but I'd be happy to be tested twice a day, no worries. 


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20 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Yeah, I fear I may be included in that category. 

I've noticed that in the US, it's either get vaccinated or submit to regular testing.

I don't know if this policy will happen down here, but I'd be happy to be tested twice a day, no worries. 


That is the path, get the shot or some form of "regular" testing. 

I already get the stink eye from coworkers cuz I never stopped wearing my mask and elbow bumping even when things "opened back up" for a hot minute and that is without anyone knowing my status (I don't advertise it as its nobodies beeswax either way) yet the "assumption" was not. I wonder how those who chose not to get poked will be biased against as they get tested regularly...


And Auslander, I have a co-worker that did just that, got his whole family shot up as they are his folks caregivers. I hope it works out.


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Fucking elbow bumping is lame.
I would be hating on you too.
I would offer a fist bump, which is cool, but if you didn't accept I would think less of you ;)

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12 minutes ago, martinsane said:

That is the path, get the shot or some form of "regular" testing. 

I already get the stink eye from coworkers cuz I never stopped wearing my mask and elbow bumping even when things "opened back up" for a hot minute and that is without anyone knowing my status (I don't advertise it as its nobodies beeswax either way) yet the "assumption" was not. I wonder how those who chose not to get poked will be biased against as they get tested regularly...


And Auslander, I have a co-worker that did just that, got his whole family shot up as they are his folks caregivers. I hope it works out.


Tough calls and lots of people will be making these choices going forward. I pray that no one tries to take the choice away. Ultimately a person should be free to make a choice and know what the choice means. There are certain things/jobs I won't do because of my own personal ethics. That is a choice. But I don't try to force those employers hire me either.

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20 minutes ago, CureTheSane said:

Fucking elbow bumping is lame.
I would be hating on you too.
I would offer a fist bump, which is cool, but if you didn't accept I would think less of you ;)

Elbow bumping is the new reach around, shhh don't tell anyone.

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19 minutes ago, auslander said:

Tough calls and lots of people will be making these choices going forward. I pray that no one tries to take the choice away. Ultimately a person should be free to make a choice and know what the choice means. There are certain things/jobs I won't do because of my own personal ethics. That is a choice. But I don't try to force those employers hire me either.

Agreed and if I was a single guy with no impact on anyone but myself I'd be out licking shopping cart handles and making out with the street campers. But I don't want my son or daughter being at any form of risk, just cuz I didn't mask up or shook someone's hand after they just barfed a COVID variant into it and then I brought that home.

With work, the mandatory shot will come. You can smell it in the air. Out west there are numerous establishments that won't admit unshot people, hell even sporting events, so no Seahawks or Mariners, Sounders (or Timbers) or even the new Kraken pro hockey team for those that made their choice, a choice which is still the individuals choice.

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3 hours ago, martinsane said:

Elbow bumping is the new reach around, shhh don't tell anyone.

I guess if you miss, it's an elbow-tit
On the other hand, if I miss with a fist bump ;) 

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Oh, and we be under curfew again. 9pm to 5am
Have a feeling this will last a while.
Kids playgrounds closed and roped off
Police out in force
And here's one for a laugh. Our state leader imposed a new rule.
You are now banned from lifting your mask when outside to drink alcohol. Punishable (supposedly) with fines :lol:

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