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6 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

It has nothing to do with fish. It comes from bats. 

It comes from a laboratory in Beijing, you know this, they just test it on bats, or night birds as i heard them called.

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Well, we have the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in my town. The governor of Illinois is closing all dine-in restaurants through the end of the month. Drive-through and delivery only. I'll be going into the office tomorrow to prep laptops for staff needing to work remotely, then packing up my things and preparing to work remotely for the forseeable future.

When I was at Wal-Mart yesterday, the shelves were bare in many areas (toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water, canned goods, medicine, hand soap and sanitizer, most dry goods, deli meats (??).

Stay safe everyone.



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34 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

Well, we have the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in my town. The governor of Illinois is closing all dine-in restaurants through the end of the month. Drive-through and delivery only. I'll be going into the office tomorrow to prep laptops for staff needing to work remotely, then packing up my things and preparing to work remotely for the forseeable future.

When I was at Wal-Mart yesterday, the shelves were bare in many areas (toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water, canned goods, medicine, hand soap and sanitizer, most dry goods, deli meats (??).

Stay safe everyone.



Same here Dan. Walmart was a disaster area. Like a huge blizzard was coming. People fist fighting in the aisles over that last pack of toilet paper. Out of almost everything. Mad craziness.

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Working from home is a good thing...I enjoyed it when I was working full time as I could avoid a 45 min commute!...There are no shortages or panic buying so far in my home town and hopefully that will continue....of course there are only 3 cases in Nova Scotia at this time so panic could be on the way...I had hoped this thing would be done and dusted by May but the news isn't good as they are talking about a year long situation and economically they are using words like recession and depression...:eek:

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So here in the South of Germany it's pretty intense. Lots of people went to Italy skiing as it's only two hours away and now the infection numbers climbing here. 

Schools closed for 5 weeks. All public events basically stopped. Today they will announce bars and restaurants to stay closed. 

They've also closed the borders. Probably should have done that earlier. 

My girlfriend's dad is in his 70s and had lung cancer last year so we absolutely have to keep him safe. 

I will admit, it's pretty scary. 

That said the biergardens were full yesterday. Seems the message isn't getting through to everybody about social distancing. 

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I don't know if any of u are a fan of Dr.Drew or not, but you should go on YouTube and watch what he has to say about this, same basic things ive said, everyone remember HVN 1? Anybody remember people acting this way? It was a far deadlier virus, he blames the media for what's going on and he calls them despicable, he says listen to the CDC, check their website, do not listen to the media, he goes as far as to say certain media should be criminally charged for causing this mess, equals it to yelling fire in a movie theatre, when I get off work I'll post the vid on here, he's about the most down to earth person out there, I trust him, plus he did catch HVN 1, which he also talks about, if your a healthy normal person with no heart or respitory problems, u really have nothing to worry about 

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And all those not healthy and elderly who die were just in the way anyway.  Get them out of the health systems and stealing pension money. Cheaper housing as well. Wins everywhere. 

Perhaps wise for everybody to phone their wrinklies and check the will is in place. Wouldn't want to miss out. 


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So I just read that the yearly death rate from the flu worldwide is around 646000 which is a huge number...the problem with Corona is that it is 10 times more deadly so if it spreads like the normal flu then we could expect over 6 million dead so I can see why there is a great concern......People who think this is not a big deal are delusional...

I just came back from the grocery store and you could not find a single roll of asswipe anywhere...lol I can't decide if people only keep a weeks worth of it around normally or if they are stockpilling a years worth of the stuff....stupid shit either way...Personally I pick some up whenever I see it on sale which means I have enough for a few months ....

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Because when the world's coming to an end, it's important you wipe your ass!

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5 hours ago, PeterS said:

And all those not healthy and elderly who die were just in the way anyway.  Get them out of the health systems and stealing pension money. Cheaper housing as well. Wins everywhere. 

Perhaps wise for everybody to phone their wrinklies and check the will is in place. Wouldn't want to miss out. 


Glad you agree

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Really, it's a pretty bad flu.
That's about it, and there should be concern, grave concern, for the elderly and the ill.


That's not the problem. The way people have acted in human nature, and sure I and many others think it's been over the top, stupid, or shitty, in the end it's how people have reacted.
It is compounded by the decisions our governments are making, which are probably correct, but nonetheless only inspire more of the same craziness.
So it is what it is, and now we all have no option to conform to the panic buying, not because we need huge quantities, but because suoopid people out there think they do and will continue to overpurchase,
So we need to get our fair share.
I only have a few garbage bags left, and we need some hand soap and probably some tissues, but our normal purchase amount will allow us to get through months, and by then it should have all changed a bit.

Bigger problems, as I've been saying is the enconomy as a whole.
Great time to have cash.|
Look at stocks and pick a time to get into a low market.
Follow the housing market, there will be a lot of bargains in a few months.

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I think the biggest issue with this whole thing is definitely so many people panicking. The virus is dangerous to the elderly and those with pre-existing health-related conditions, and they're the ones that should be receiving the care.

Every young, fit person with a runny nose taking all our toilet paper and taking hospital beds they probably don't need is the issue (not as much as issue here, yet, as it is in Europe). Experts have been saying that this virus is little more than a mild cold for 80% of us. So if everyone stopped panicking and concentrated on looking out for and caring for those most vulnerable, things wouldn't have got so stupid. 

I personally think that shutting the country down will have far, far worse effects than the virus would... if humans weren't a bunch of selfish, illogical gronks. 

Apologies if this offends, but this thing has brought out the absolute worst in humans, and just as we'd all still have plenty of toilet paper if every selfish fucker hadn't gone out and bought them all, this virus probably wouldn't have gone so ridiculous if care for those who actually need it had been prioritised instead of the hordes of people that don't need it. But that would require some common decency, which appears not to exist. 

And the way this has been handled by the media is an absolute disgrace. No excuse for people to act like fucking morons in their panic, but the media are the fuckers inciting this panic. And I acknowledge to my balls that the government have a mammoth task on their hands, but on one hand telling everyone to stay calm and live life normally, and on the other hand shutting the entire country down - there's a stark contradiction there. And again, it just gives the idiots more to panic about. 

Anyway, my summary is that if those amongst us that will only be mildly affected by this virus just acted with common sense (do your little self-quarantine thing for a fortnight if you get it) , and left the required care for the elderly available it'd be so much simpler. But that's not how humans work. They take all the toilet paper from families that actually need it, and they'll take all the healthcare they can for their stupid little runny fucking noses, while an elderly couple die alongside their hospital bed. 

Man this thing has shown humans for the despicable bunch of cunts they are, and it's embarrassing for the logical to have to share this planet alongside them. 

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  • My Little Pony

As Ron White would say in his stand-up sets, "You can't fix stoopid." 

Unfortunately, and I know I'm terrible for saying this, the people who will die from this aren't the ones who should die from this. 

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2 hours ago, Geoff said:

I think the biggest issue with this whole thing is definitely so many people panicking. The virus is dangerous to the elderly and those with pre-existing health-related conditions, and they're the ones that should be receiving the care.

Every young, fit person with a runny nose taking all our toilet paper and taking hospital beds they probably don't need is the issue (not as much as issue here, yet, as it is in Europe). Experts have been saying that this virus is little more than a mild cold for 80% of us. So if everyone stopped panicking and concentrated on looking out for and caring for those most vulnerable, things wouldn't have got so stupid. 

I personally think that shutting the country down will have far, far worse effects than the virus would... if humans weren't a bunch of selfish, illogical gronks. 

Apologies if this offends, but this thing has brought out the absolute worst in humans, and just as we'd all still have plenty of toilet paper if every selfish fucker hadn't gone out and bought them all, this virus probably wouldn't have gone so ridiculous if care for those who actually need it had been prioritised instead of the hordes of people that don't need it. But that would require some common decency, which appears not to exist. 

And the way this has been handled by the media is an absolute disgrace. No excuse for people to act like fucking morons in their panic, but the media are the fuckers inciting this panic. And I acknowledge to my balls that the government have a mammoth task on their hands, but on one hand telling everyone to stay calm and live life normally, and on the other hand shutting the entire country down - there's a stark contradiction there. And again, it just gives the idiots more to panic about. 

Anyway, my summary is that if those amongst us that will only be mildly affected by this virus just acted with common sense (do your little self-quarantine thing for a fortnight if you get it) , and left the required care for the elderly available it'd be so much simpler. But that's not how humans work. They take all the toilet paper from families that actually need it, and they'll take all the healthcare they can for their stupid little runny fucking noses, while an elderly couple die alongside their hospital bed. 

Man this thing has shown humans for the despicable bunch of cunts they are, and it's embarrassing for the logical to have to share this planet alongside them. 

Exactly my thoughts.

I've been wondering a lot if the whole social/financial impact is worse than the actual virus itself.  I mean, I think I'd rather just have the virus for a few days and be back to normal life than sit isolation for 2-3 months and watch life dwindle down to nothing, taking years to probably recover.  On the flip side though, I guess we might get the same result if everybody got sick....Life would still crash down as stuff would still need to close if everybody were sick.  So I guess we're damned either way.

It still boggles my mind just how little we've generally heard about the "regular" flu over the years.  I mean, I honestly had no idea how deadly the flu itself has been until this thing started and I went looking for some data.  I mean, when I look at the numbers, this Corona is nothing but a pimple on the flu's behind.  So why don't we quarantine like this every year to stave off the flu?  And these numbers are just in the USA!  The Corona cases in the world to date wouldn't even make a dent in any of these annual figures.   I know it's the whole fear of the unknown thing but if you ask me, we have a much bigger problem out there than Coronoa...  


At the end of the day, IMO the right answers are to still function but try functioning smartly.  But like you said, there are a lot of people that have trouble with being smart.  

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That's what I e been saying, SARS was way worse, unless there's more to it that we aren't being told, sorry I keep going there, but when common sense says something ain't right, I usually listen, btw Costco's got bulk ass wipe, and shit loads of it, no pun

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I know people like to compare corona to sars but the difference is that sars was contained, it did not reach pandemic proportions...corona is not contained and is a pandemic...the regular flu is really a pandemic every year but it is not as deadly as corona....at the moment corona is not as widespread as the regular flu and lets hope it does not get to that point which is why countries are closing borders etc...

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  • My Little Pony
8 hours ago, tts42572 said:

I've been wondering a lot if the whole social/financial impact is worse than the actual virus itself.  I mean, I think I'd rather just have the virus for a few days and be back to normal life than sit isolation for 2-3 months and watch life dwindle down to nothing, taking years to probably recover.  On the flip side though, I guess we might get the same result if everybody got sick....Life would still crash down as stuff would still need to close if everybody were sick.  So I guess we're damned either way.

It still boggles my mind just how little we've generally heard about the "regular" flu over the years.  I mean, I honestly had no idea how deadly the flu itself has been until this thing started and I went looking for some data.  I mean, when I look at the numbers, this Corona is nothing but a pimple on the flu's behind.  So why don't we quarantine like this every year to stave off the flu?  And these numbers are just in the USA!  The Corona cases in the world to date wouldn't even make a dent in any of these annual figures.   I know it's the whole fear of the unknown thing but if you ask me, we have a much bigger problem out there than Coronoa...  


At the end of the day, IMO the right answers are to still function but try functioning smartly.  But like you said, there are a lot of people that have trouble with being smart.  

Very interesting observation. 

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A short clip of Dr. Drew on Fox Nation



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8 hours ago, PeterS said:


This site worth following. Not only is this thing not contained I've had to look up where some of the countries it's reached are. It's basically everywhere. Which makes you realise quite how small the world is these days. 


How the hell is india down so low on that list?
I've been there, and it's a perfect transmission country.

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1 hour ago, CureTheSane said:

How the hell is india down so low on that list?
I've been there, and it's a perfect transmission country.

I've got a friend over there and she's saying once it does hir then it'll be a massive disaster. There's no isolation there as everybody lives on top of each other and you can't wash your hands 10 times a day. She's very very scared.

I found this video oompeling.  



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17 hours ago, PeterS said:


This site worth following. Not only is this thing not contained I've had to look up where some of the countries it's reached are. It's basically everywhere. Which makes you realise quite how small the world is these days. 


Very interesting.  

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    • I've got a solid top 3 at this point.  At least for me, these 3 are heads and shoulders above everything else: 1.  Kissin' Dynamite 2.  Eclipse 3.  Maverick After that, it's really a hodgepodge of stuff.  New Roses, Daughtry (Only an EP but digging it), Collateral, Sebastian Bach, Judas Priest, Nestor, End Machine.  I'd probably put them in about that order at the moment.  
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    • I was a pretty big fan. Nature Of The Beast is a killer song. Saw them with Dave Gleeson from the Screaming Jets singing and he did an amazing job, but pretty sure they have a new singer now  I recently went through the two most recent albums before this one and there were a couple of ok tracks, but mostly mid. Fun fact: I saw the Angels a couple of years before Doc died at the Middle hotel in Ferntree Gully and they seemed to hate each other. Pretty sure Doc said nothing to the crowd all night. Fun fact 2: when they were building the transit bar in Melbourne, a mate and I found a service elevator that went to the roof, which was under construction. After peeing off the roof, which is always fun, we realised that we could clearly hear the music 5 or 6 floors below from a DJ I think. He was playing Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again. We started yelling down the No Way Get Fucked, Fuck Off bit thinking we were hilarious. Then soon we noticed people looking up, and for some reason they seemed to be clearly hearing us. Another mate then called us to tell us security were on the way up the stairs so we took the service elevator down and managed to laugh it off. Stoopid drunk story I guess, but fun days.
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