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H.E.A.T. - Address The Nation (2 CD Tour Edition)


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Got this info from Melodicrock.com


The first single from the new H.E.A.T. album is "A Shot At Redemption". Out in February!


I'm excited!

Hmm... interesting title.

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Got this info from Melodicrock.com


The first single from the new H.E.A.T. album is "A Shot At Redemption". Out in February!


I'm excited!

Me too - I sooooo want this album to be awesome

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I just spent the last hour listening to the 4 studio diaries on You Tube and it pretty much blew my mind.........I mean there's some crazy shit going on there.


If this doesnt end up being album of 2014 I will be amazed.

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H.E.A.T's new album probably already booked a slot in my top 5, but even though I love the three albums, I won't raise my expectation bar too high for this one, let's hear when it's out first :)

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more news from Andrew over at Melodicrock.com:


H.E.A.T. are releasing their new album Tearing Down The Walls in March 2014, with producer Tobias Lindell once again working his magic with the band. The lead single due soon is titled A Shot At Redemption.

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I'll wait about 18 months for the final version of the album to come out.

Heh. Yep!



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more news from Andrew over at Melodicrock.com:


H.E.A.T. are releasing their new album Tearing Down The Walls in March 2014, with producer Tobias Lindell once again working his magic with the band. The lead single due soon is titled A Shot At Redemption.

I need a sample!!!!

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Listen to the studio diaries plenty of teasing samples in those.


Listen to the studio diaries plenty of teasing samples in those.

I guess

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  • My Little Pony



I'll wait about 18 months for the final version of the album to come out.

Heh. Yep!





I'm waiting 'til the end of the year before I pick up the new Reckless Love, and I just recently got Anberlin's "Devotion" which is "Vital" re-released with seven extra tracks. I rarely buy any new release on day one. Some bands you know won't do this--usually the old boys--so I just pick and choose which ones are day-one purchases, and which ones I'll wait on. This one is a perfect example; I'm so glad I didn't buy "Address the Nation" a year ago.

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  • My Little Pony

So how are u going to hear it?


Download it. If I like it, I track it down. If I don't like it, it's gone. Canadian laws still permit the downloading of music.

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March probably around the time of the new Steel Panther too? Will that be a killer music month or what.


Can't believe 2 years have passed since the release of ATN, but now that we are in January 2014 with 2 months to go I can slowly feel the H.E.A.T abstinence creeping up on me again, and I suspect things will only get worse after the release of the new single.

We...need...samples...now...... :blink:

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  • My Little Pony

March probably around the time of the new Steel Panther too? Will that be a killer music month or what.


Can't believe 2 years have passed since the release of ATN, but now that we are in January 2014 with 2 months to go I can slowly feel the H.E.A.T abstinence creeping up on me again, and I suspect things will only get worse after the release of the new single.


We...need...samples...now...... :blink:

Yep. I'm ready for some samples. That track title--and album title, for that matter--has got me very interested.

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So how are u going to hear it?


Download it. If I like it, I track it down. If I don't like it, it's gone. Canadian laws still permit the downloading of music.



Very easy to get our hands on MP3 nowadays, legally or not, and even if we don't, there's youtube or spotify,

but usually most of the new releases were sent to me digitally for reviewing purposes anyway, and i even got no time to listen to half of em :D

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So how are u going to hear it?

Download it. If I like it, I track it down. If I don't like it, it's gone. Canadian laws still permit the downloading of music.

Very easy to get our hands on MP3 nowadays, legally or not, and even if we don't, there's youtube or spotify,

but usually most of the new releases were sent to me digitally for reviewing purposes anyway, and i even got no time to listen to half of em :D

Really?? Email them to me and I'll review them for you ;-))

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Haha no prob, just let me know what albums you like and drop me PM, I'll see what can do, but there are really plenty like 300-400 albums last year and almost every year, from every countries, and I guess half of them might not worth your time, especially if you hate accented vocals or something like that :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

See I dont agree with that. I dont give a rats arse for production. I mean, I sit on here sometimes hearing people moan about production on this album being poor, or that album being poor, and I just go "WTF? It all sounds good to me".

Yeah a good production is good, but for me it doesnt matter if the production is poor as long as the songs are great. Some of my favourite songs and albums have tinny thin production, and it matters not a jot to me.

At the end of the day you can stick a great production on an album and unless the songs are strong ... well, you cant polish a turd is the old saying.

Not saying those first two albums are turds, but my lack of interest in them has absolutely 0% to do with production. In fact I dont think the production is that bad. Yeah its not as polished as ATN I will grant you, but its hardly a shit box production either.


Sorry for the belated response to this, and I do take your point, mate, that a good song is a good song. And I totally agree that you cannot polish a dog turd.


That said, if you have two albums or similar / same quality, and one is averagely produced and the other is superbly produced, 99.9% of the time I am sure anyone would favour the well produced one.


I admit that production does make a huge difference for me and there are demos of killer songs that are completely ruined for me (Strike Twice, Vaudville, Garrison to name a few) due to almost inaudible production.


I like your sentiment, but at the end of the day I do believe production does make a HUGE difference.


Anyway, that said. I agree that the production on the first 2 HEAT discs is fine, even quite good. But jeez 'ATN' sounds like a million dollars. I've started making these sexy end of year 'Best of' MP3 discs and have done 2012 and 2013 so far, with all the songs I rated 9 or more on 2 mp3 discs. It has a habit of really exposing weaker production jobs with songs from a variety of different artists played back to back, but the HEAT stuff stands up with any of the most well produced modern rock tunes I have in there.

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  • 3 months later...

Just found this thread while killing some time on lunch break...Had to chime in as much is always discussed about the first two albums versus the last two albums...And with Erik vs Kenny...


I honestly had never heard of H.e.a.t up until Address the Nation came out....Saw a review of that album, listened to a couple tunes....And I was almost instantly hooked. The music just reminded me a lot of the well-produced 80's sound that I liked so much from bands like Leppard, Bon Jovi, etc...It all just hit a sweet spot for me.


And it's been more of the same with Tearing Down the Walls...Love the slightly heavier direction...Still a great melodic vibe with great production and great vocals....there isn't a single song I don't like...I even find myself really enjoying All The Nights in stripped down form...I think Erik just kills it.


Anyways...in between ATN and TDTW....I went back and gave much of the earlier stuff a listen on You Tube....And just haven't been able to get into it. Kenny just doesn't do it for me....He's a good signer but his voice is just a little too mellow or something...can't really describe it....But I can honestly say that if Kenny were signing all those ATN songs and not Erik, I don't think I would've ever fell for the band like I did. And I surely couldn't see Kenny singing some of the TDTW songs...Inferno, Enemy In Me...No way....don't think those songs would ever even have been recorded. Same for songs like Breaking The Silence and It's All About Tonight on ATN...doesn't seem like anything I would picture Kenny doing... IMO.


Sure...the production of the last two albums has been great and exceeds the first two albums. But for me, Erik definitely brings something that Kenny didn't...And I think these last two albums are a reflection of what Erik brings to the table.


Obviously no right or wrong answer and it's all just personal preference. I'm sure there are many people that liked the band quite a bit with Kenny and can't stand it with Erik...And there are probably some that like what each of the guys brought to the table and like all 4 albums....


I guess I just don't think it's a coincidence that the band started taking a slightly different direction after Kenny left...And I like the road they're on :)




See I dont agree with that. I dont give a rats arse for production. I mean, I sit on here sometimes hearing people moan about production on this album being poor, or that album being poor, and I just go "WTF? It all sounds good to me".

Yeah a good production is good, but for me it doesnt matter if the production is poor as long as the songs are great. Some of my favourite songs and albums have tinny thin production, and it matters not a jot to me.
At the end of the day you can stick a great production on an album and unless the songs are strong ... well, you cant polish a turd is the old saying.

Not saying those first two albums are turds, but my lack of interest in them has absolutely 0% to do with production. In fact I dont think the production is that bad. Yeah its not as polished as ATN I will grant you, but its hardly a shit box production either.


Still agree with Howdy on most, though I am a HUGE PRODUCTION BUFFOON! but dont believe it has anything to do with what we are talking about, Erik is the link here, no Erik, not the same album.


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