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is it hot or what?

66 mustang

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Fuck fucking fuckers fuckity fuck fucking HEAT fucker fucking fucker fuck.


This shit is for the birds... and even they won't go out in the shit. Upper 90s for the last week and a half, and with the humidity the heat index has been between 103 and 110. It's 7pm in the evening right now and the temp outside is 96 with a heat index of 103. It topped out at a temp of 100 today... supposed to be 103 tomorrow and 104 on Saturday.


Only saving grace is that it drops down to reasonable at night. I got up at 4:45 this morning so I could actually get some exercise outside. Did a nice 2.5-mile walk. It was 69 degrees... felt GLORIOUS.



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I was in San Francisco last week and it was in the 50's and 60's all day long and while at a Giants game they actually sale HOT CHOCOLATE in June! Then I went one hour north to Sonoma and it was in the 80's and 90's. I flew back into Denver yesterday and up to north Wyoming after that and it was in the high 90's. However I can't compain with what some of you are dealing with back in the midwest. I don't miss living in Illinois at all.

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But Do You Work In The Heat. Does your job call for you to be outside all day in the heat?


Mine doesnt. BUT... I work in a factory. And all we have are fans blowing hot air around, so its almost the same temp as outdoors. :(


I worked in a little caravan-type weighbridge office all through last summer and whilst it did have a fan type of air conditioning, it was a pretty hot summer in there. Didn't phase me a snatch hair, though. I just love being warm. Winter in that same little cabin, however, was pure hell. It was like being in a fridge until about 1-2pm in the afternoon.


F*ck I hate winter...

Mate, we really need to sort out some kind of job swap/share scheme so I can spend winter here and then go to Aus when it's our summer. I would be so happy with 2 winters a year and you'd get 2 summers. :tumbsup:


I say this to everyone with an ear and probably have said it here plenty too, but if I could do it I would. Not necessarily England (sorry mate, thanks for the offer anyway!) but I would love to move somewhere north for 6 months of every year so I never experience winter again. Ideally an island in the South Pacific where it is summer all year anyway. I'd love to have a home on one of those islands that I could disappear to every May-September / October.

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Fuck fucking fuckers fuckity fuck fucking HEAT fucker fucking fucker fuck.


This shit is for the birds... and even they won't go out in the shit. Upper 90s for the last week and a half, and with the humidity the heat index has been between 103 and 110. It's 7pm in the evening right now and the temp outside is 96 with a heat index of 103. It topped out at a temp of 100 today... supposed to be 103 tomorrow and 104 on Saturday.


Only saving grace is that it drops down to reasonable at night. I got up at 4:45 this morning so I could actually get some exercise outside. Did a nice 2.5-mile walk. It was 69 degrees... felt GLORIOUS.




Im only 4 hrs from Chicago so we are getting the same as you. At least 104 tomorrow they say. Winter sucks but this heat sucks more. I like summer better just not when its this hot. Its just too hot to enjoy doing anything but staying indoors. My brother does heating and air. Poor guys is out in it almost all day. He says he may eat a little for breakfast and then wont eat again until just before bed. I couldnt do it. We all nag the hell out of him and make sure he is keeping plenty of fluids in him though.

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Yesterday I got up at 4:30 am to do a three mile run before it got to warm. It was already 78 degrees. Not much fun. I just let the dog out this morning and it's nice and cool out there. I think we have a bit of a cold front moving through which will be a welcome change. I'd rather have a few days of rain more than anything else.

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So I have questions for these summer hating freaks. :lol:;)


Me personally - every great memory I have from when I was a kid, and even throughout my whole life up until today... all the really great times I remember are call taken from warm months. When I think of quality of life and the good times and all my favourite memories, they are always linked with summer.


We get those 900 degree days here every now and then as well and they're pretty hardcore, I agree, but that's not to say there has ever been a summer where any of us live where you get 3 straight months of days that hot. You get a great mix in summer - great storms and cool changes... it's all part of the fun.


Whereas winter is just always f*cking cold. No variation - just f*cking cold from start to end. And I haven't got any great memories in my memory bank from winter at all. Because it's so miserable. Ironically, without a shadow of a doubt we get the best surf all year round in winter - you can 100% count on it. That said, though, you have to wear a steamer and it's so cold in the water and the joy you get from great surf is still hindered by the shitty month and dreadful coldness everywhere. There's just nothing wholly good about winter I can think.


So I guess my question is, did you freaks always hate summer and like winter? As a kid, did you not live for summer and await it with glee? Don't you have great memories of summers past? Sorry doods, I've just honestly never met anyone in real life who actually likes winter... let alone prefers it to summer. You guys are the first I've ever known who feel this way and it puzzles me to no end. Creeps. ;)

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1. I cannot recall as long of an extended 90+ streak in my adult memory as what we've been going through.


2. When you were a kid you could play and frolic and life was a lark. Now there's shit like a JOB and SHOPPING and CHORES and other shit that has to get done, and this heat just gets in the fucking way.


3. It's not that winter is inherently better, but the extreme to which the heat THIS summer has gone is complete bullshit.

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The funny this is that for a place known for it's hot summers, out most recent summer just passed was absolutely shithouse. :lol: It really was. We had about 5 of those really scorching days in Sydney all season, about 8 billions millimetres of rain and the average highs were probably more like Spring. Any summer is a good summer, but that one just gone was one of the worst I recall. I'm jealous of all y'all's heat. ;)

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I'll describe my take on winter v summer like this...


If I'm going out in the winter, and it's colder than I expected, I can always throw on another layer of clothing, a scarf, etc... to stay warm.


In the summer, you could strip naked, and you'd still be scorching hot.


Also, some of my best childhood memories are from winter: snowball fights, snow angels, building snowmen and then clotheslining their heads off, building anatomically correct snow people, hot chocolate in front of the fire after going back in from a long day of play, and oh yeah, CHRISTMAS (winter in this hemisphere anyway ;) )

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I'll describe my take on winter v summer like this...


If I'm going out in the winter, and it's colder than I expected, I can always throw on another layer of clothing, a scarf, etc... to stay warm.


In the summer, you could strip naked, and you'd still be scorching hot.


Also, some of my best childhood memories are from winter: snowball fights, snow angels, building snowmen and then clotheslining their heads off, building anatomically correct snow people, hot chocolate in front of the fire after going back in from a long day of play, and oh yeah, CHRISTMAS (winter in this hemisphere anyway ;) )


I couldn't put it much better than that....I will add that as much as I enjoy winter I also enjoy summer as long as the temps remain within 20-25 celsius during the day and drop to a reasonable 12-15 at night...

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And the ladiez. Seeing these ladiez - wife included - walking around in thick, heavy and warm clothes for 6 months. About as appealing as eating charcoal. Whereas in summer the cans are out, there's flesh everywhere. It's nude and how it's meant to be. I hate winter attire on anyone... especially the ladiez. It just looks miserable.

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With the heat, yeah it may be hot for several days or even a few weeks in a row, but then you get a cool spell. There was one winter (winter of '00/'01) when we got a batch of freezing rain in November, and it was so damn cold that the layer of ice was there until March. That was the spring my wife and I moved to Lake Havasu City, one of the hottest fucking places in the country.

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To be fair, my personal situation probably colors my dislike of the spring/summer months greatly. I'm allergic to so many trees, grasses, and molds here in North Carolina, that it would be quicker to list what I'm NOT allergic to! Been getting two allergy shots a week (one in each arm) for the last 9 years now. I just feel SOOOO much better during the winter; those with allergies will understand... and to those who are blessed not to have them, you are VERY lucky! :P

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Like I said, I love Fall. has the best of all seasons and for the cherry on top, it's Football Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Autumn and Spring are both generally pretty cool too. The warmer half of each, that is. ;) Winter is just Satan's season.

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And the ladiez. Seeing these ladiez - wife included - walking around in thick, heavy and warm clothes for 6 months. About as appealing as eating charcoal. Whereas in summer the cans are out, there's flesh everywhere. It's nude and how it's meant to be. I hate winter attire on anyone... especially the ladiez. It just looks miserable.

This is the only consolation with summer for me. The scenery in London can sometimes be outrageously good.My biggest problem with summer is the sweating ... a doctor once told me that the type of skin I have means I sweat more. F***! I used to travel around London with a colleague, who had an enormous pot belly - he was about a foot shorter than me and must have weighed at least 3 stone more - and we'd be standing on the tube, me sweating, him dry as a bone. Real pisser. F*** my luck.

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I was getting up hours before work for a surf or to take photos when it was warm (and admittedly the days were longer to allow for such activity) but I can't even get out of bed 20-30 minutes earlier than I need to for a bout of exercise more than 2 or 3 days of the week at the moment, because it's just too f*cking cold to get out from under the covers. Have I mentioned I f*cking hate winter?

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I was getting up hours before work for a surf or to take photos when it was warm (and admittedly the days were longer to allow for such activity) but I can't even get out of bed 20-30 minutes earlier than I need to for a bout of exercise more than 2 or 3 days of the week at the moment, because it's just too f*cking cold to get out from under the covers. Have I mentioned I f*cking hate winter?


Have you tried putting the heating on?

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I was getting up hours before work for a surf or to take photos when it was warm (and admittedly the days were longer to allow for such activity) but I can't even get out of bed 20-30 minutes earlier than I need to for a bout of exercise more than 2 or 3 days of the week at the moment, because it's just too f*cking cold to get out from under the covers. Have I mentioned I f*cking hate winter?


Have you tried putting the heating on?


What do you think we are, millionaires? :lol: We have electric blankets and a tiny 20cm square foot heater downstairs. That's it in the entire house. None of that is going to help me get out of bed in the morning. ;)


I should add in all this, I'm actually not that bad with the cold at all. I HATE the c*nt out of it, but I can tolerate it better than most. The main point is I just don't want to, and I hate every second of it. I am completely happy in warmth and just hate wasting time feeling cold. I know full well that our winters here aren't near as cold as all y'all's, but they're still annoying. ;)

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