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the end of MYSPACE...


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i know facebook is the preferred of the 2 these days, but in terms of keeping upto date and in touch with bands myspace kills facebook by an absolute mile.


late last year they introduced the new myspace layout, and it is diabolical.


does anyone elese still frequent mysppace?


i have given it a try over the last few months, but it is slow, cluttered and compeltely unusable in my opinion. it freezes every 5 seconds (no matter what computer i am on), and to navigate around it is horribly confusing.


what do others think?


imo, the new changes will absolutely spell the end for myspace, which is a shame as i have always prefered it over fb.

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They tried to incorporate too many gadgets and other bullshit into their page without also adding the power to push them all. MySpace is a clusterfuck these days

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Agreed, I never used it as a 'social networking' site, but did use it for checking out bands. In fact, it's the best site for that purpose on the internet imo, although it has become a nightmare to navigate and play songs, etc now. Wish they had concentrated on the music side and made it more user friendly, that could have been a niche market.

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I always thought it was a lot of crap and a waste of time.

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i thouhgt maybe it was just here that it was slow, but seems like it's everywhere.


i just cannot even use it cos of the speed. i'm sure i could learn to navigate around it, but the slow speed of everything and the constant freezing is just plain unbearable.


maybe they think we all run super computers like they do in silicone valley. there's probably some programmer sitting there running it perfectly and thinking it's pretty good, but maybe they should get out and see how it's runs on a computer in the suburbs.


i also hate the new layout with bulletins, updates and friends lists, ect all side by side in a big mess. I agree with the 'clusterfuck' description used above.


the old layout was perfect....


and to think that they paid millions to develop that.

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Myspace has become a complete joke. The new 3.0 layout will be the biggest mistake they ever made. The site is absolute shit now.


I had a myspace page since 2005. Over the years I worked hard to customize it, and make it look like a really professional page. This wasn't a personal page but a page for my radio show. I had close to 50,000 friends, and it was great for networking. In late November 2010 when myspace forced me to upgrade my profile to their new shit lame profiles that all look the same I had enough. I deleted my entire myspace page and took my networking to facebook.


Myspace is run by a buncha morons now. The site loads slow as a motherfucker...there is ads all over the place, and it just looks like a buncha random shit thrown all over. I know tons of people who deleted pages, and more will follow. Now with facebooks band applications where you can add songs, and music....myspace will go to the shitter and it rightfully deserves it.


I refuse to even visit bands myspace profiles anymore just on principle.


Oh and who is the fucking genius who came up with "my[______]"? Thats as moronic as it gets. Glad to see they are asking 3 year olds to make business decisions.

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I think MS has the same prob ebay got; once they had people working in paid positions, they had to create new "ideas" just to justify their jobs. All the recent changes are a real "new Coke" thing, I hope they get it together sometime soon. I still prefer it to facebook though, I'll stay with it til it goes dark.


I use the mobile version http://www.m.myspace.com most often, I don't see the pop ups and ads and really didn't notice most of the changes until I went to the regular site.


btw, I'm at http://www.myspace.com/herbrocks mention HH in your FR for a quick ad :)

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Finally someone who mentions this and I agree! I used to spend hours looking and listening through upcoming bands on Myspace, nowadays there seem to be viruses all over the place from what I've heard and the layout just sucks big time. Too bad!

For "socializing" I always preferred FB over MS, but I will miss the music-part...

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I always thought it was a lot of crap and a waste of time.



to keep track of bands, new releases, to listen to new stuff, to contact bands to buy their cds, to track down members of bands of days past... it was the best tool around.


This is possible, but I never used it in such a way. I never found anything on those sites as I got distracted by the ads everywhere and "friends" messages. I always wondered "where the fuck do I find the link to buy the bloody CD ?"


But maybe that was just me ........ :unsure:

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I agree with pretty much everything that has been said. I actually thought about making a thread saying the same thing. Just never got around to it. Three or four years ago when Myspace was the big thing I was reluctant to sign up. I thought it was rather pointless. Once I got into it I found it to be a useful networking tool. I could keep in contact with my friends, meet people with similar interests, and get information from bands I like. The site worked perfectly. It was easy to navigate and the bulletins worked perfectly. With each upgrade it made the site worse. Now it's near impossible to navigate. None of my friends ever say anything anymore and when I send a message to anyone I never get a reply.

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with the new version i cannot even scroll up and down without the screen freezing...



Yep, whatever they've done has totally screwed the pages over. I use Firefox with NoScript running, and the pages still take FOREVER to load, and when they do, the scrolling is either like trying to walk through mud, or as you said, freezes altogether. Shame they've f'd up a good site...

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I always thought it was a lot of crap and a waste of time.



to keep track of bands, new releases, to listen to new stuff, to contact bands to buy their cds, to track down members of bands of days past... it was the best tool around.


This is possible, but I never used it in such a way. I never found anything on those sites as I got distracted by the ads everywhere and "friends" messages. I always wondered "where the fuck do I find the link to buy the bloody CD ?"


But maybe that was just me ........ :unsure:


I always thought is was great for hearing new music, but the new layout is shite. Sometimes I cant even find the band's music! I still use it but nowhere near as much as I did.....now its either youtube or spotify for music.

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I freakin Hate it!! :taz: I took a lot of my time getting my page the way i wanted it over the years and they Fuckin go and completly screw it up with some generic looking crap!! :2up: MySpace!! I used to go there daily and it was mostly for the music. Now their lucky if i go once every couple of weeks. I dont use it anymore.



And its a real shame. A LOT of people feel the way we do. A LOT of bands are going to be hurt by so many people leaving!! :(

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Never used MySpace much anyway so I was unaware it had changed. Sounds like I'm not missing out on a lot.

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I always thought it was a lot of crap and a waste of time.



to keep track of bands, new releases, to listen to new stuff, to contact bands to buy their cds, to track down members of bands of days past... it was the best tool around.


This is possible, but I never used it in such a way. I never found anything on those sites as I got distracted by the ads everywhere and "friends" messages. I always wondered "where the fuck do I find the link to buy the bloody CD ?"


But maybe that was just me ........ :unsure:


I always thought is was great for hearing new music, but the new layout is shite. Sometimes I cant even find the band's music! I still use it but nowhere near as much as I did.....now its either youtube or spotify for music.


Spotify is a great site. :headbanger:

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I personally gave up on Myspace ages ago, not that they'll send me the cancelation email even though I've asked loads of times! I still maintain Pirate Radio's page although my templates & page codes were screwed by their new 'wonderful' profile.

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I agree with many comments here. I never signed up with myspace either, or wanted anything personal to do with it. BUT, it was a great place for checking out bands and their tunes. I only ever thought it was good for that and nothing else. But I agree, lately it seems pretty much unusable.

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I gave up on MySpace years ago.

It had nothing to do with layout etc, but had everything to do with bands.

Initially it was great to check out bands, as has been said here already, but too many bands really started pissing me off with over promoting their stuff or bands I have absolutely no interest in (and they could see that based on my profile) constantly asking for adds.

Got sick of my inbox and wall being spammed to fuck with constant promotion for the same old stuff over and over again.


I have nothing against bands promoting themselves, but some of these guys were just a joke.



I also got sick and tired of all the random porn sites trying to add me as a friend "Hi, my name is Karen and I saw your profile and think you are hot..." then when you go to the profile it has a single picture on it, and a message that says go to this website for more revealing pictures as MS wont let me post them here.



I get enough contact with bands on Facebook, and for the most part its more personal.

Plus, on FB, there are quite a few "rock stars" on my friends list who are actually more willing to talk to you or comment on your status, with stuff thats more down to earth and not just sell sell sell.

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Did anyone else read about the Myspace layoffs that were announced yesterday?


Still trying to shake off its past, MySpace lays off almost half of its staff

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