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Sorting your CDs


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Okay, so I'm guessing the majority of us here are lame enough (but seriously, there's no other way) to have all our CDs sorted in alphabetical order. So, I'm not speaking to amateurs when I say that adding a new CD/s to the collection is a pain in the f*cking ass. I'm currently doing it at the moment (about 2-3 years since last time I did it) and so far it's taken me about 5 hours yesterday and I am at the letter K. I predict another 50 hours before I'm done putting in all the new CDs and organizing them properly.


So how often do you guys sort your CDs out? Do you f*cking hate it?

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Everytime I get a few and have listened to them a few times I put them in alpha order.

How long does it take you? Do you have them on shelves, or in racks? I'm trying to get all mine on shelves or drawers, but no matter how I try there isn't space and there are still hundreds I need to put in CD racks. That's the part that kills me.

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Okay, so I'm guessing the majority of us here are lame enough (but seriously, there's no other way) to have all our CDs sorted in alphabetical order. So, I'm not speaking to amateurs when I say that adding a new CD/s to the collection is a pain in the f*cking ass. I'm currently doing it at the moment (about 2-3 years since last time I did it) and so far it's taken me about 5 hours yesterday and I am at the letter K. I predict another 50 hours before I'm done putting in all the new CDs and organizing them properly.


So how often do you guys sort your CDs out? Do you f*cking hate it?


:lol: I have exactly the same problem. Mine are all alphabetical (obviously, or I wouldn't be able to find any). At the moment all my main collection is upstairs in the spare room, and I have virtually a whole years worth of stuff un catalogued, piled up and waiting to be put with the others downstairs. I keep putting it off, for exactly the same reason, it takes too damned long to do it.


We have some new shelving being done soon, so everything is coming back downstairs, so it will all get done then, until the next time!!

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DOn't bother with rack. Shelves are the way to go! Simply slide em over, rather than pulling them all over and re-inserting.


Back in the day , when I did have a rack, at the end of each row or column, I'd leave 3-4 spare spots for the next few that come in that happin to fit it approximately that position. That way i'd only need to re-arrange 15-20, as apposed to 1500-2000.


Now with shelves I just wait until I've given them a listen and then I file.

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Yeah, we got these awesome new open steel cupboard/drawer sort of things on the weekend with 4 shelves that can hold approx. 120 CDs each. So I get about 480 CDs in these things and it's so convenient and nicely filed. I intend to buy two more to put even futher CDs in to decrease CD rack usage. The only killer is they're $70 each and I already bought two this weekend... so I'm going to wait a while before I buy a few more. Love them, though.

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I've got 3 racks in my room and my bootlegs don't even remotely have room on there now. So, I've got to figure something for them.


But, yeah, everything else is on shelves, in alphabetical order. So, other than maybe throwing a few on top of the shelves, they usually get filed/refiled as soon as I'm done listening to them.


(Though I did have some work that I did Saturday night while I was home sick. I spent about 1.5 hours and probably have another 2-3 to go.)

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I'm super anal about keeping my CDs in order so whenever I get new stuff, I try to take a few minutes and make space for it on my shelf within the first day or two.

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I never sort them. All in boxes cos ive nowhere to put them.


Seriously if you asked me to find a cd it would take about an hour...maybe more.


I have the most recent 6 in the car changer and everything else on my ipod which just connects straight through my speakers.

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I've got all mine on shelves now, did away with my 1200 count spinner (it's out in the garage waiting to be sold). All are in alphabetical order and sorted by release date. I usually let the new ones pile up into 2 or 3 big stacks before I go through and add them to the shelf. That usually takes me around 45 minutes because I sort all of those into order as well before I start filing them to avoid getting to the "Z"s and finding I have a "C" and "F" artist leftover, although that still usually happens for one reason or another.

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sort em by band name,don't bother with alphabetical order though...


Yep... that's what I do too. First by band... I also include others CDs with band members after them.


Example - First would come KISS...then solo stuff from KISS members (Ace, Eric Carr, Vinnie Vincent, Union, and so on).


I finally have my room done and my shelves up. I'm just starting to organize my CDs now. I've never done alphabetical because that's to much work. I tend to group all my "glam" together, all my "classic Rock" together, all my "power metal" together and so on. This way if I'm in the mood to hear a certain type of music I know right where it is. Strange as it may seem, I can find any CD in a matter of seconds. It will be great now that I have finnished my room... I'll now be able to find what I want.

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DOn't bother with rack. Shelves are the way to go! Simply slide em over, rather than pulling them all over and re-inserting.


Back in the day , when I did have a rack, at the end of each row or column, I'd leave 3-4 spare spots for the next few that come in that happin to fit it approximately that position. That way i'd only need to re-arrange 15-20, as apposed to 1500-2000.


Now with shelves I just wait until I've given them a listen and then I file.


I've got all mine on shelves now, did away with my 1200 count spinner (it's out in the garage waiting to be sold). All are in alphabetical order and sorted by release date. I usually let the new ones pile up into 2 or 3 big stacks before I go through and add them to the shelf. That usually takes me around 45 minutes because I sort all of those into order as well before I start filing them to avoid getting to the "Z"s and finding I have a "C" and "F" artist leftover, although that still usually happens for one reason or another.



That's basically the way I do it, but I have a combination of racks and shelves. And shelves fill up as well. So it's a mess whatever way you look at it. :(


Even with leaving gaps I guess I have to rearrange them every 6 - 9 months, which is a pain in the .....

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Trivia...how did John Cusack have his records organized in the movie High Fidelity?


Didn't he RE-arrange them several times throughout the movie, depending on his mood at the time?

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Trivia...how did John Cusack have his records organized in the movie High Fidelity?


Didn't he RE-arrange them several times throughout the movie, depending on his mood at the time?

Ding ding ding! :tumbsup:


Love that movie btw!

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Shit - sort them - when did this happen? This explains why 'im indoors is always frowning at my CDs.


You have CD's as well ?!?! Is this really necessary ?? :tumbsup:

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Trivia...how did John Cusack have his records organized in the movie High Fidelity?


Didn't he RE-arrange them several times throughout the movie, depending on his mood at the time?

Ding ding ding! :tumbsup:


Love that movie btw!


I haven't seen it in awhile, but I could SO relate to that guy. My brother recommended that flick to me years back, he sez "You GOTTA see this movie, the main character is US." :lol:

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Yeah, we got these awesome new open steel cupboard/drawer sort of things on the weekend with 4 shelves that can hold approx. 120 CDs each. So I get about 480 CDs in these things and it's so convenient and nicely filed. I intend to buy two more to put even futher CDs in to decrease CD rack usage. The only killer is they're $70 each and I already bought two this weekend... so I'm going to wait a while before I buy a few more. Love them, though.



What do these racks/shelves look like??? Trying to find an affordable option for my cd's right now...


I have 3 home built racks now that house about 4000 cd's... the remaining 1000 are in precarious piles on the floor.


My collection is usually alphabetized, but since the racks are full, why bother. :) That being said I am lost on what I have in the piles.

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Sometimes I get lazy and just put them anywhere in the rack but mainly I keep them neat and tidy in alphabetical order :tumbsup:

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